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How to Love Your Dragon

Page 6

by J. R Fox

  Secondly, he was in the home of an alpha, who, aside from making the symptoms worse from proximity, would be able to tell. Aidan wasn’t sure he was ready to deal with the embarrassment of his best friend being hyper-aware of his bodily functions, especially going into heat.

  He should have thought to time his trip so it wouldn’t coincide with a heat, but he’d never been good at keeping track of them. His heats, as far as he knew, were regular, but since they happened so seldom they were usually only a minor inconvenience, easily handled. This time, with the symptoms magnified by Eric’s presence, he wasn’t sure how he’d cope.

  Aidan knew that he wouldn’t cope without help, and that help was going to have to come from Eric. The idea of taking their relationship in that direction was frightening, but he didn’t feel as though he had a lot of choice in the matter.

  Eric was his friend, though, and if he was going to go to anyone for help with a heat, he seemed like a good choice. Aidan already knew that he’d be kind and gentle—although gentle wasn’t exactly what his body wanted right now—and he’d thought about having sex with Eric before. Not under these circumstances, but if it was a choice between that and suffering for a few days because he hadn’t, it was an easy choice to make.

  Obviously, that relied on Eric wanting to do this for him. Aidan got the feeling he wouldn’t object, though. Not because he was an alpha ruled by his cock, nor because he was Aidan’s friend and he wouldn’t want to see him suffer, but because Aidan could tell when someone was attracted to him, and he knew Eric was.

  All the same, Aidan held off for as long as he could, waiting until he and Eric were ensconced on the couch. He snuggled closer to him, and couldn't stop himself from making a soft, needy sound.

  “You okay?” Eric asked, concern obvious in his tone.

  This was Aidan's chance, and ready or not, he was going to have to take it. “This is so embarrassing.” Aidan sighed. “I'm going into heat.”

  “Oh. Umm. Should I make myself scarce for a few hours? Because I don't mind.”

  “Actually…” Aidan shifted. “I'm not just saying this because I'm in heat, okay? But I was hoping you might, uh, help me.”

  “Help you as in…”

  Aidan blushed. He’d been hoping he wouldn’t have to explain to Eric, but Eric had no reason to know how heats worked if he wasn’t mated to an omega, really. Alphas only had to deal with other people’s heats; they never had to go through one themselves. “Have you ever been around an omega in heat?”

  “No, but I understand the basics. Are you asking me to, umm…?”

  “Have sex with me? Yes,” Aidan said in a surge of boldness. “But only if you want to. I don't need it; I'll survive without it. I'd just like it.”

  Eric looked him over carefully, blushing to the tips of his ears. “Be honest with me here: would you have wanted me if you weren't in heat?”

  “Yes,” Aidan said without hesitation. “I want you, regardless of this. It's just a more urgent feeling than usual right now.”

  That much was true. Ever since he’d first seen Eric in the airport, he’d known he wanted him. Part of him had known before that, but seeing him in person, and probably something about his scent, made Aidan want to leap on him. He might not have acted on it if he hadn’t been in heat, but he still would have wanted to.

  “Then okay. Just tell me what I need to do to help you,” Eric said, open and earnest.

  Aidan shifted closer to Eric, leaning in to peck him on the lips, then leaning back again to look at him. “You could start by getting undressed.”


  Aidan was everything Eric had imagined he’d be, if he could admit that he’d imagined anything about Aidan. He was thin and lithe, the perfect omega build, and to Eric’s delight, he wasn’t shy about being naked.

  Eric, on the other hand, was—but Aidan had encouraged him to undress and had made approving noises the whole time, so he was feeling much more confident than usual by the time Aidan was lying on his back, naked, on Eric’s bed.

  He’d never seen anyone as beautiful as Aidan before. Even flushed and squirming on the bed, his eyes going to Eric’s cock as often as it did his face, Aidan had grace and beauty about him that Eric had never expected to find. Certainly not willing and ready, moments away from begging for him.

  He almost wanted to make Aidan beg, but he couldn't bring himself to be that cruel. More than anything, this was a moment of great trust between them. Eric didn't want to jeopardize that.

  Aidan held his arms out, reaching forward for him. “Come on. I promise I won't bite.”

  Eric snorted, but moved forward to kneel on the bed, shuffling between Aidan's spread thighs. “I bet you say that to all the unwitting alphas.”

  “I’ve never been with an alpha before,” Aidan said softly. “I’ve never trusted one enough. Not until I met you.”

  “Oh.” Eric suddenly felt shy again, but Aidan was waiting for him, and he couldn't back out now. Not that he really wanted to. It was just nerves talking.

  In a gracefully athletic maneuver, Aidan rolled over onto his belly, lifting his hips in invitation. The heady scent of arousal hit Eric again, stronger than ever before. From this angle, he could see just how wet Aidan was. Wet for him, waiting for him to ease his discomfort and bring him pleasure.

  Eric had never felt more like an alpha than he did in that moment. Aidan needed him, and he wanted to give Aidan everything he had.

  He moved behind Aidan as quickly as he could, gripping his hips in both hands. Aidan seemed so small, so fragile in his grasp, but he knew the other man was stronger and tougher than he looked. More importantly, he was making soft, needy noises and spreading his legs farther apart.

  “It's all right,” Eric soothed. “I'm here.”

  He lined himself up with Aidan's entrance, and then pushed forward, slowly but surely until he was fully sheathed inside him. Eric had to take a moment to steady himself, reeling from the intensity of the warmth of Aidan's body, and the long, low moan Aidan had voiced as he seated himself inside him.

  Aidan tightened around him rhythmically, his body adjusting to the intrusion. It was as though they’d been made for each other.

  Eric shifted, adjusting his position, and that was enough to make Aidan moan again. He knew omegas in heat were sensitive, but he’d never imagined they’d be this sensitive.

  “I'm already ruined for anyone but an alpha,” Aidan said between full-body shudders, need taking him over once more. Eric rocked his hips, wanting to take the edge off for him. “I've never felt so full. This is so good.”

  Eric blushed at the compliment and moved his hand between Aidan's legs, stroking him in time with his shallow thrusts. He knew that once Aidan had gotten off, his body would calm down, and they’d be able to draw this out.

  Aidan pushed back against him, meeting every thrust eagerly and whimpering as he did, speeding up when Eric brushed against a particularly sensitive spot.

  After a few moments of riding Eric's cock eagerly, Aidan cried out, tightened around him, and went boneless for a handful of seconds, relying on Eric to hold him up. With his knot already swelling in anticipation, he had no trouble with the task.

  Aidan panted to catch his breath, and Eric moved his hand away from his most sensitive areas to rub circles on his belly, soothing him. He wanted very badly to kiss Aidan.

  “Pull out so I can turn around,” Aidan said, as though he’d read Eric's mind. “I want to look at you. I need the reminder that it's you.”

  Eric did as he was told, and let Aidan get comfortable on his back before lifting one of his legs and sliding in again. This time he had to push a little harder to get his knot inside, but Aidan's hitched breath and cut-off moan as he managed it was worth the worry that he might hurt him.

  Aidan grinned broadly up at him, arching his back. “This is better, right?”

  “Yes,” Eric murmured, reaching out to stroke Aidan’s cheek. “This is perfect.”

  They fell
silent after that, unable to take their eyes off one another for long as Eric thrust deep inside him, rocking his hips back and forth slowly and deliberately, making sure Aidan felt every stroke. He could feel his own orgasm building, and he was glad Aidan had already come once, so he wouldn’t feel guilty when he did as well.

  After a while, Aidan reached up and gripped the back of Eric’s neck, pulling him down to kiss him eager and open-mouthed. The change of angle drove Eric deeper still, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.

  “I need you to knot in me,” Aidan said, his voice soft and raspy. “Think you can manage that?”

  The teasing twinkle in Aidan's eyes made Eric want to hold out on him a little longer, but he wasn't sure he’d be able to. Instead, he captured Aidan's mouth again and drove deep inside him. Aidan tightened around him, spurring him on, and it was enough to tip Eric over the edge.

  He found himself growling into Aidan's mouth, his knot swelling inside him. It felt tight, as though Aidan was suddenly too small for him, but then his body gave and hugged him, keeping him firmly in place.

  Eric panted as he rolled to the side, pulling Aidan with him so as not to hurt him.

  Once he caught his breath, he couldn't stop himself from smiling at Aidan. He’d been worried that he’d feel regret at pushing their relationship in this direction, but all he felt was peace. This had been a good idea.

  “So… how many times are you going to need that to get through your heat?”

  Aidan laughed softly. “At least four or five more.” He leaned in to kiss Eric. “Once is normally enough. But if you're up for it, I get the feeling this heat is going to be stubborn. Could take a few days to shift.”

  “I didn't bring you here for this, you know,” Eric said. He knew Aidan had made the first move, and he was glad of that, but he didn't want him to think this had been his plan.

  “I know. But this was good.”

  “I'm glad you think so. I've never been with an omega before, either. Never with another dragon. Humans suddenly pale in comparison.”

  Aidan grinned. “Glad I’ve ruined you for anything but omegas, too.”

  Eric laughed, throwing an arm around Aidan to pull him closer. “I'm exhausted.”

  “Sleep. You're gonna need your strength.” Aidan darted forward to kiss him.

  Eric closed his eyes and smiled to himself as Aidan buried his face against his neck. He could get used to this.

  Chapter Five

  Once Aidan's heat was over, he was surprised to find that he enjoyed sex with Eric even more without the desperation. Eric was, as he’d expected, gentle and generous, eager to be shown what Aidan liked and always happy to oblige.

  Aidan encouraged him to oblige often and in assorted positions, because once he had Eric to himself, he didn't feel like letting go of him.

  Eric told him on Sunday that he’d had a list of things that they could do together, and Aidan almost felt guilty for saying he’d prefer to stay in. Almost. He knew, though, that Eric would be uncomfortable with constant public displays of affection, and Aidan wasn't sure he’d be able to stop himself from making them.

  They went out for lunch on Monday, fully intending to go and see some of the sights, but returned to Eric’s apartment immediately afterward. Not because Aidan didn't want to spend time with him, but because he’d always kept Eric to himself, and he didn't like having to share now. Especially not with total strangers.

  By Tuesday morning, Aidan was sore and exhausted, but glowing with happiness. It seemed a shame to leave so soon, but he had a plan for that, too.

  “Hey, umm,” Aidan spoke up when Eric came back into the room. “I've been thinking.”

  “Dangerous hobby. Can't recommend it.” Eric put a plate of pancakes down beside Aidan on the bed and sat down on the other side of them.

  “Not, like, having second thoughts. Don't look so worried.” Aidan smiled at Eric. “I’ve had an awesome time here. I was just thinking… we should make this a regular thing. I have about three heats a year, right?”

  “I'll believe anything you tell me about omega biology,” Eric said.

  “Now there's a dangerous hobby.” Aidan laughed. “I could tell you anything. But yeah, three heats a year, roughly every four months. I was thinking we could do this every heat. I mean, that sounds like I just want you for your knot, but I hope you know that's not true. It’d just be a really good excuse to see you regularly.”

  “I… wow.” Eric blinked at him. “I'm kinda surprised you’d want me again.”

  “Are you joking? Have I not spent every minute of the past few days making happy noises?” He reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Eric's ear.

  “For lack of a better choice.”

  “Lack of a better…” Aidan stared at Eric. “You are the best possible choice, okay? That's why I'm asking you for this.”

  “No one's ever really wanted me before. Not as an alpha, anyway.”

  “So you're saying you’d prefer it if I just wanted your knot?” Aidan teased. “Because I'm imagining a few days of sex and movies and general hanging out every four months. So I don't have to miss you indefinitely.”

  He wasn't exactly ready to ask Eric to be his mate—that seemed like a step too far, even if he was sure that Eric was everything he wanted—but the idea of never doing this again, or even not knowing when they’d be doing this again was too much to bear.

  “I’d like that. I was just surprised.” Eric smiled a tiny, hopeful smile. “But yeah, that's totally a date. If that's what you want.”

  Aidan felt his whole face light up. “That's exactly what I want. I think we'd be perfect for each other.”

  “I'm still gonna miss you, though. Everything about these last few days has been great,” Eric said.

  “Hence my wanting to recreate them on a regular basis. I know you've got a life, and so do I, but that doesn't mean we can't take some time to ourselves every now and again.” Aidan shrugged. “I'm glad you agreed. I was scared you’d say no.”

  “And miss out hanging out with you and you eating all my food? No way.” Eric nudged the pancakes toward Aidan, and he finally took one.

  Eric's cooking had proved to be pretty great, which was a nice surprise. Aidan was looking forward to getting to experience more of it. Even if Eric did insist on teasing him about how much he was eating, he’d clearly been prepared for it.

  He’d genuinely been worried that Eric might not want to do this again, that he might have felt used or realized that he just wasn't into Aidan the way Aidan was into him, but none of that had happened. They were taking it one step at a time, and that was exactly the way Aidan wanted it, because he had no idea what else he wanted.

  Eric's company was a good start, though. He was already looking forward to their next heat together.


  Leaving Aidan at the airport was a painful experience for Eric, though the fact that Aidan kept kissing him soothed some of the hurt. It had been a good, peaceful few days, and Eric wasn’t sure he was ready to give it up.

  Even with the arrangement that they’d see each other again in place, he still hated to say goodbye to Aidan. They’d waited so long to meet in person, and it had gone so well. It seemed cruel for them to be separated this soon.

  “I want a full report in your flight the second you step off that plane, okay?” Eric said, glancing at the overhead sign that indicated Aidan's flight was starting to board.

  “Possessive,” Aidan accused. He did it with a smile, but Eric still felt guilty. He had no claim on Aidan. Not really. But something about him today—or maybe over the last few days—was making the possessive side of him come out.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, but I won’t do it again,” he promised.

  Aidan kissed him softly again. “It’s okay. I think you know I’m not even a little afraid to tell you to back off if I need to. Otherwise… it’s kinda hot. But don’t tell anyone I said so, okay?”

safe with me.” Eric grinned. “But I do want to know that you get to the other side safely, all right?”

  “Who else could I complain about the flight to?” Aidan smiled wryly. “I appreciate that you care. I’ve had such a great time with you, and I can’t wait to repeat it, but real life calls. I think I have just enough memories to keep me warm until you come see me.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Eric agreed. “Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna miss you, though.”

  “I'll miss you too,” Aidan said. “But I have to go now.”

  He backed off, and Eric instantly missed his warmth. “See you soon,” he called out as Aidan walked away, smiling at the little wave he gave as he headed for the boarding gate.

  Eric waited around until he was sure the flight had departed—in case it was delayed and Aidan was stuck at the airport all by himself—and then went home to his suddenly too-big apartment. He’d always thought of it as just right for one person, but now, without Aidan’s presence, it seemed empty.

  He settled in to get some work done, watching the minutes tick by and mentally calculating where Aidan would be by now. It was late, but he knew he wasn’t going to sleep until he had confirmation that Aidan had gotten home alive.

  When Aidan had first come into his life a few years ago, he’d instantly felt a connection to him. Now that he knew that connection wasn’t one-sided, and wasn’t just something he was imagining, he also knew he wouldn’t be satisfied with things going back to the way they were. He needed more. He could cope with moving slowly, but he needed to move, all the same.

  It was easy to imagine Aidan as his mate one day, and he wanted to make that happen, which would require work. Work, Eric was surprised to find, that he wasn’t afraid to put in. Not now that he knew he wasn’t completely alone in his feelings.

  Aidan's text finally came in at one a.m., waking Eric from a light doze on the couch.

  Home safe, it read. The guy next to me on the flight snored and drooled on my shoulder. My cab driver was super cool though, so that made up for it. I’ll send you an email tomorrow with all the boring details. Goodnight, Eric.


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