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The Earl's Runaway Bride

Page 25

by Sarah Mallory

  Felicity lay in the darkness, worn out by the force of her passion. She sighed, trembling, and Nathan wrapped himself around her. Then, in the safe cocoon of Nathan’s arms, she slept.

  Nathan’s first action the next morning, even before opening his eyes, was to reach for Felicity. She was not there. Quickly he looked around the room, his initial alarm fading when he saw her standing at the window.

  It was quite dark, but the moonlight shining in through the window filtered through her thin nightgown, outlining every curve of her body. Desire stirred again. As if aware of his eyes she turned towards him.

  ‘Fee? Is anything wrong?’ She came across to stand beside the bed. He sat up. ‘What is it, my love?’

  She ignored his outstretched hand. ‘We said no secrets, Nathan.’

  Immediately he was on his guard. It was an effort to keep his voice neutral. ‘Is there something you need to tell me?’

  She nodded. ‘I am going to have a baby.’

  At first he thought he had misheard. Then in a bound he was out of bed and standing before her. ‘Truly?’ He took her hands. Even in the darkness he could tell she was smiling.

  ‘Truly,’ she said unsteadily. ‘I suspected it some time ago; but now, I am sure.’

  Nathan could not restrain himself. He gave a whoop of joy and caught her up in his arms, swinging her around even as he kissed her. Just as suddenly he put her down again.

  ‘I should not have done that. You will need to lie down, to rest—’

  ‘No, no.’ Laughing, she put her hands against his chest. ‘I am very well, I promise you.’

  ‘But after the last time,’ he said decisively, ‘you must see a doctor.’

  ‘And so I shall, as soon as we return to Rosthorne Hall.’ Her voice softened as she realised the depth of his concern. ‘Perhaps, since we are in Bath, I will take the waters. They are said to be most efficacious.’

  ‘Perhaps.’ He kissed her, wrapping his arms about her and holding her close. ‘Listen.’

  He lifted his head. Outside the window the church bells began to chime. ‘It is the first day of the new year, my love.’

  Felicity laid her head against his heart. ‘The first day of our new life, Nathan.’


  Notices: Morning Post and St James’s Chronicle: 25th July 1815:


  On Monday last, the Countess of Rosthorne, of a son and heir, at the Earl’s seat in Hampshire. Lord Rosthorne, a hero of Waterloo, is reported to have returned to England two weeks before the birth. Mother and son are in a fair way.

  A Supper and Fireworks held for workers and tenants of the Rosthorne Estate was hailed a great success.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-5536-8


  Copyright © 2010 by Sarah Mallory

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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