Unexpected Angel

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Unexpected Angel Page 11

by Evernight Publishing

  “You could do that here.” Inspired, Amos rushed on. “Kal does all our contract negotiating. He’s the most diplomatic of us, which isn’t saying much. You could travel and work with us. With me.”

  She tilted her head to one side, her expression thoughtful. He could tell she was seriously considering the idea.

  “Do you really think it would work?”

  His heart skipped a beat. “Hell, yes.” Then he added. “What have you got to lose? You said yourself you don’t have a home to go back to. No family. Let this be your home. Let us be your family.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. Oh crap, he’d blown it.

  Then she threw herself into his arms and hugged him so tight it almost hurt. He yanked her closer still, wanting to meld her to him. He kissed her temple and her cheek. “Everything will work itself out,” he promised.

  “I’m scared.” Her whispered confession almost broke his heart. He eased her away until he could see her face.

  “What are you afraid of? I won’t let your uncle hurt you,” he promised. She’d been so brave, it hurt him to see her so afraid.

  She shook her head. “Not of him. Of you.”

  That left Amos stunned and not a little hurt. “I would never do anything to harm you.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” She lifted his damaged hand and placed it on her chest. He could feel the thud of her heart against his palm. “I think I love you.” She gave him a watery smile. “You could break my heart.”

  “Never,” he promised. It was time to man up. He lifted her hand and placed it over his chest. His heart was racing. “The way I feel for you…” He trailed off and tried again. “I’m not good with words, but what I feel for you is something I’ve never experienced before. Is it love? I don’t know.” She was watching him now with those big violet-blue eyes.

  “I want you with me all the time. I want to see you smile. I hate to see you cry.” He wiped at a tear that trickled from the corner of her eye. “I’ll never cheat on you, and I’ll protect you with my dying breath. You complete me in a way I never thought possible. Hell, I didn’t even know I was missing something so vital until you came into my life.”

  He took a deep breath and put everything on the line once again. “Stay with me.”

  Angelina stared at him for the longest time. He began to think of the different arguments he could use to convince her to stay. He cursed himself. He should have at least allowed the woman out of bed to get cleaned up, got her some fresh clothes and something to eat. No, he had to go all caveman on her ass and demand answers now.

  “You might think you don’t know what love is, but you do. It’s what you just described.” Then she cupped his face in her soft hands and smiled. “I love you, too.” Then she kissed him. Her soft lips pressed against his. “I really do. It doesn’t make a lick of sense, but I don’t care.”

  He almost couldn’t believe what she was saying. “You’ll stay?”

  She nodded. “Yes.” Then she bit her bottom lip. “If you’re sure it’s okay with Flynn and the rest of them.”

  “They’ll be fine with it.” And if they weren’t, they could kiss his ass. Angelina was staying. Kal and Garth would be okay with it. And even Flynn would give in grudgingly because he knew it was what Amos wanted.

  “Then, yes, I’ll stay.”

  Amos had her on her back and was balls deep before she had a chance to take her next breath. She cried out and dug her fingernails into his shoulders.

  “Shit, I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He pressed kisses all over her beautiful face. “I know I can be overbearing at times. I had to have you.”

  “You? Overbearing?”

  He relaxed when she teased him.

  “I know when you want me, you simply want me. Not what I can give you.”

  He began to flex his hips, pulling out slightly before driving in again. Angelina wrapped her legs around his flanks. “I have enough for both of us,” he assured her. “I’ll take care of you.” He knew she wanted to be independent, but the possessive part of him wanted to take care of her.

  “It’s not the money. I have enough of that.” She clung tighter and moaned as he continued to fuck her.

  “Later,” he muttered. He wanted to reclaim her, to mark her as his. Primitive as all hell but that didn’t stop him from wanting it. He forgot everything but the soft woman beneath him as she welcomed him into her body. Her fingers clutched and stroked as her hips met his in a pounding rhythm.

  They both came quickly, neither able to hold out. It was as if the emotional exchange between them had heightened their reactions. He collapsed on top of her, and she held him close. Amos knew he’d never get enough of her.

  He pushed up on his forearms and stared at her. Her face was flushed, her lips soft and swollen, her eyes luminous. “How did I get lucky enough to find an angel?” Because that’s what she was to him, his unexpected angel.

  “I’m the lucky one,” she told him. He knew she was wrong but let it go. She was a treasure and one he’d protect.

  Her stomach growled, and he laughed. “Let’s get cleaned up and get some food. Then we’ll tell the others.”

  She smiled. “Sounds like a plan.”

  He rolled out of bed, reached back, and gathered her into his arms. She laughed as he carried her into the bathroom. “We’ve got a lot of plans to make.”

  Chapter Eleven

  A week later, they were all in the control room when Kal received a signal from an incoming communication request. He swiveled around and glanced at Angelina before turning his attention to Flynn.

  “Vaden wants to talk.”

  Flynn nodded. “Put him up.”

  Kal pressed a button, and Vaden’s face popped up on the viewing screen.

  Angelina was grateful when Amos stood behind her chair with his hands on her shoulders in a silent show of support. She reached up and placed her hand over his, and he immediately twined their fingers together. A unit. That’s what they were becoming.

  Kal and Rory had been very welcoming to her. Angelina was happy there was another woman onboard the Abigail. And while they hadn’t spent a lot of time together yet—both their men were keeping them busy in the off-hours—Angelina liked Rory very much. The red-haired woman had a fiery and forthright manner that appealed to her.

  Garth was pleasant enough but kept his distance. She wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t like her or because he sensed Amos’s possessiveness.

  Then there was Flynn, who had grudgingly allowed her to stay.


  Angelina winced at Flynn’s greeting to Vaden. The man took abrupt to a whole new level.

  “Is that any way to greet a friend?” Vaden asked. He looked calm and composed, but she thought she saw humor lurking in his eyes.

  “What the fuck do you want?” Flynn countered.

  Vaden chuckled and shook his head. “You’ll never change. Such a hothead.”

  “You can’t have her.” Flynn’s statement froze Angelina in place. Amos squeezed her hand tighter, but she barely felt it. “She belongs to us now.”

  Angelina was at a loss. Flynn was defending her. Yes, he’d done it before, but this was different. There was no warship off his bow. His brothers weren’t in danger.

  When Vaden’s gaze fell on her, Amos pulled her out of her chair and into his arms. The warrior cocked one eyebrow, and his jaw tightened. “I can see that.”

  “Not that I don’t love to chat with you or see your pretty face, Vaden,” Flynn continued, “but is there a reason for your call?”

  Vaden’s features lost all expression. She shivered at the harshness of his face. “I wish to inform Angelina Astoferus that her uncle has been tried and found guilty under Gravasian law.”

  Her stomach dropped. As much as she disliked the man, as much as she knew he’d made his own problems, she’d never wished this on him. “What will happen to him?”

  Amos tucked her closer to his chest, as if he knew what was comin

  Vaden’s expression never changed. “It is done. Demarco Astoferus has been executed for plotting against Gravas and her people.”

  She would have fallen if Amos hadn’t been holding her upright. Vaden’s dark eyes seemed to bore into her very soul. “I am sorry for your loss.” And she knew he meant it. Family was sacred on Gravas.

  “Thank you,” she managed to get out.

  “It is well you disassociated yourself to him. You do not deserve to die for his actions.” Vaden’s expression seemed to harden when he turned his attention to Amos. “You are treating her well.”

  It wasn’t a question. More of an order really.

  Amos showed no outward emotion, but she felt the tensing of his muscles. “She is mine,” he responded.

  Angelina wanted to bristle under all the male posturing and testosterone but understood Amos was responding in the only way that Vaden would accept.

  The Gravasian warrior nodded and gave his attention to Flynn once again. “We will meet again.” The transmission ended, and the screen went blank.

  “Was that a threat or a friendly promise?” Rory asked. “Because I sure as heck can’t tell.”

  “Both,” Kal told her. “Vaden may have more outward control than our Flynn, but they’re much alike.”

  “Fuck you,” Flynn shot back but without much heat. Angelina had been around long enough to know that this was simply the way they showed affection. The male mind was hard to comprehend at times. But she also knew that at the first sign of outside trouble they’d band together in an unshakeable bond. And she was part of it now.

  Amos kissed the top of her head. “You okay? I know you weren’t close to your uncle, but that doesn’t make this situation any easier.”

  “I feel sad, for him and myself. We could have been a family. He had more than enough money to live on for the rest of his life and more power than any man needed.” Then she asked the question that had haunted her most of her life. “Why wasn’t it enough? Why wasn’t I enough?”

  She knew they had an avid audience but couldn’t find it in herself to care. There were no secrets on board the Abigail. The ship was too small, the crew too close.

  “That was his failing, not yours,” he informed her. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” His words were fierce and so was his kiss. He captured her lips and made her forget all her sad thoughts.

  “Ah, if you two lovebirds are finished, we have another incoming call.” Kal was hunched over his console. “This one is from Astoferus Incorporated.”

  The news startled Angelina. Amos scowled. “What do they want?”

  “Let’s find out.” Kal put them up on screen. A somber looking man with silvering hair looked back at them.

  “I must speak with Miss Astoferus.”

  Angelina stepped forward. “What is it, Baxter?”

  “Who is this guy?” Amos demanded.

  “My uncle’s top legal advisor,” she murmured.

  “I must speak with you in private.” Baxter glanced at the brothers and Rory.

  Angelina shook her head. “Whatever you have to say to me you can do it in front of them.” No way was she leaving Amos or the others out of this conversation.

  He nodded but didn’t look happy with her decision. “Very well.” He consulted some papers. “I assume you’ve heard the news.”

  “I just had a communication from Gravas.” She left it at that.

  “Sad news. Very sad.” Baxter squared his shoulders. “As your uncle’s only living relative and heir, you are now the sole owner of Astoferus Incorporated.”

  Angelina knew her mouth was hanging open, but she couldn’t help it. She was shocked to her very core. “You’ve got to be kidding.” She’d always assumed her uncle would eventually marry and have children of his own to leave it to. If that didn’t happen, she figured he’d leave instructions to have the company sold off and the money distributed as he desired. Never in a million years had she assumed he’d leave it to her.

  Baxter’s frown deepened. “I assure you, I would never kid about something like this. There are papers to be signed,” he continued.

  “Send everything here to me on the Abigail, and I’ll review all the documents.” Her mind was whirling with the implications. Beside her, Amos had gone very still.

  “As you wish.” Baxter wasn’t happy about her request but would do as she asked. She glanced at Kal, and he ended the transmission. The screen went blank. The room was deathly silent.

  “So you’re a rich chick now.” Garth’s joke fell flat.

  She wasn’t concerned with him. She wanted to know what Amos thought about this new development. “Amos?” He was stiff and withdrawn in a way he’d never been with her.

  “When will you leave?”

  Now she was totally confused. “Leave?”

  “Yeah, to go run your empire.”

  He expected her to leave him. She didn’t know whether to smack him for thinking she’d do such a thing or laugh at the ridiculousness of it.

  “Amos,” she began. She’d like privacy, but they all needed to hear this. “I’m not going anywhere. Didn’t you hear Flynn? I belong here now.”

  The harsh lines of Amos’s face softened slightly. “I heard him, but I’d much rather you belong to me.”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  Amos swooped her off her feet and headed toward the door. Kal began to laugh, Rory hid her smile behind her hand, Garth waved, and Flynn muttered under his breath. She waved to them behind Amos’s back as he carried her from the room.

  He didn’t pause until they were inside their room. Instead of taking her straight to bed, he set her on her feet just inside the door. “You’re really rich.”

  She didn’t know why this bothered him so much. “Amos, I was really rich before this. I told you that I had the money my parents left me. That I’d managed to wrestle it from my uncle’s control.”

  His eyes widened and then narrowed. “How much did they leave you?”

  “Fifty million in Alliance credits.”

  His jaw firmed. “And you didn’t think to tell me.”

  “Why?” she countered. “Would it have made such a difference? Would you love me more? Less?”

  He dragged his fingers through his hair. “Damn it, Angel. You know I love you no matter what.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t know.” He began to pace the small space. “No, that’s not true. I want to support you and take care of you, but you don’t need me.”

  She immediately understood the heart of the problem. “I need you more than all the money my parents and uncle left me combined.” She went to him and put her hands on his chest, drawn to his strength and the promise of his love. “I need you.”

  She didn’t know how else to put it. “I love you. You’re what I’ve been missing my entire life.”

  He kissed her. Hard. It was as though he had to put his stamp of possession on her. She understood because she wanted to do the same to him. He yanked at her clothes, his hands rougher than normal.

  “I have to have you.” He nipped her earlobe and then licked the tender whorls.

  She shivered and then moaned when he nibbled on her neck. “I need you, too.” She tugged at his flightsuit. He pulled away and tore at the opening. The familiar pulse of longing filled her when his broad chest came into view as he peeled his battlesuit away.

  Her strong warrior needed to be reassured of her love, of her commitment to him. And she was more than willing to provide him with it. In fact, she demanded it as well.

  “You have too much clothes on,” he muttered. He yanked her top over her head. She got lost in a tangle of fabric and hair. She was laughing by the time he freed her. He, on the other hand, was muttering curses.

  He kissed her again and lifted her into his arms. She expected him to take her to bed. It was a shock when her back hit the wall. He pressed her against the hard panel. She sucked in a breath and arched forward, pressing her br
easts against his broad chest.

  Her nipples immediately puckered. Her body was completely in tune with his. They might not have been together for very long, but she couldn’t seem to remember the time before him. Didn’t want to.

  The rest of her clothing seemed to disappear. Then the head of his cock nudged against her opening.

  “Here?” she gasped. There was a bed within reach, but she couldn’t deny this was exciting.

  “Here.” He pushed inward, burying himself to the hilt. “Now.” He began to fuck her hard and fast.

  She locked her ankles at the small of his back and hung on as he pounded into her. Her sensitive nipples rubbed against his pectorals and the sprinkling of hair on his chest. She buried her fingers in his hair and held his head steady. Then she kissed him, pouring all her love into the embrace.

  His grip tightened, and he took her hard and fast. Maybe it was his mood or the franticness of the moment. Whatever the reason, Angelina came almost immediately. Her orgasm slammed into her, and she clutched at his shoulders.

  He called her name, his cock swelling inside her, stretching the walls of her pussy before flooding it with his essence. Amos buried his face in the curve of her neck. She knew she’d have bruises because he held her so close.

  She slumped forward, content to rest her head on his shoulder. It felt as though they’d been hurled into space by boosters without being strapped in first.

  Amos raised his head slowly and stared into her eyes. “You’re staying.”

  She placed her hands on his rugged face. “Yes, I’m staying.” She no longer doubted that he wanted her, too. She trusted in him and his love.

  His smile lit up the entire room. “Okay then.” Then he looked at the bed. “That’s a long way away.”

  She laughed and then groaned when he slid out of her. He yanked his clothes back up to his waist and then all but dragged her to the bed where they both collapsed.

  “What will you do with the business?”

  She’d been expecting that question. “I’m not sure yet. Maybe sell it, maybe run it.” She hurried on to reassure him. “I could do most of it remotely from the Abigail.”


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