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Surviving Ivy

Page 10

by Rayne Rachels

  Hank raised an eyebrow. “It definitely wasn’t boring around here a few days ago.”

  “Did anyone find out why the lift failed?” asked Ivy, even though she knew exactly why it had failed. Black magic had been involved.

  “The manufacturer sent out one of their inspectors. He’s chalking it up to mechanical failure. They’re going to replace it and our insurance is paying for the car. Luckily, it wasn’t one of the classics we’re restoring.” Hank’s eyes never left Ivy’s face. It was as if she was trying to look into her soul.

  Ben felt the tension as he looked from Hank to Ivy. He wanted to pull her behind his back and growl at the man. “At least no one was killed and everything’s been covered,” he said as he stepped closer to Ivy.

  Hank looked at Ben. “But they have absolutely no clue as to why the lift failed. Even with the car off of it, the lift won’t stay up. They’re planning to take it back to one of the test facilities to see if they can find a reason. Any ideas why it would have suddenly failed like that?” He turned back to Ivy and lifted an eyebrow.

  “Not a clue.” Ivy stared back at Hank. A nervous knot was forming in her stomach.

  “Okay, as interesting as this is, we still have a lot of work to do and deadlines to meet.” Forrest glanced around the group. “Ben, why don’t you come with me. I’ve got to ask Wes about the parts on this invoice and he wants you to help him with the modifications on the Davenport truck. If we can get it finished by tomorrow, it will open up some room in our schedule to get a couple of other projects wrapped up.”

  Ben nodded. He turned to Ivy and caressed her cheek. “If you need anything…”

  “I will call you.” Ivy bit her bottom lip to keep herself from telling him she loved him, even though she wanted to shout it aloud for the world to hear.

  Ben nodded. Reluctantly, he followed Forrest into the garage.

  Ivy watched Ben walk away. When the garage door closed, she looked back at Hank, who was still staring at her. “Thank you for what you did the other day.”

  Hank’s eyes narrowed. “Am I going to regret it?”

  Ivy crossed her arms over her chest. “And exactly why would you regret saving my life?” She had a feeling this talk could get really ugly, really quick if she wasn’t careful.

  “I know exactly what you are. The question is why are you here and what does Ben have to do with it?” Hank took a step closer to her, using his size to intimidate her enough to tell him what he wanted to hear.

  Ivy sighed and let her arms drop to her sides. “I told you before that you don’t scare me because I’ve dealt with real monsters that are bigger and a whole lot meaner than you will ever be. So quit trying to be the monster that you aren’t.”

  “You don’t know anything about me. Besides, you haven’t answered my question.”

  Horse feathers! He is not going to stop. “Ben is my mate and I’m here to do whatever has to be done to protect him.” Ivy bit her bottom lip hoping she hadn’t said something she would later regret.

  Hank watched her body language, looking for any signs of deception. “Shifters and witches cannot be mates.”

  “Says who?” Ivy fought the urge to roll her eyes.

  “It’s just a fact.”

  “Who’s fact?”

  “It’s just a fact that everyone knows.” Hank sounded agitated.

  “I think you’ve been getting your facts from the wrong people.” Ivy raised an eyebrow. “My grandmother told me a lot of stories as I grew up. Several of the stories were about a time when witches and shifters lived together and mated. You must have a witch somewhere in your family tree because your healing abilities are almost identical to those of witches who are healers. The only difference is that your abilities are probably a little limited compared to what they can do.”

  “But what grandmother told you were stories,” said Hank.

  “Stories based in facts. In other words, an oral history from a time when our kinds lived together in harmony.” Ivy took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know who or why, but the goddess has decreed that Ben is my mate, and it doesn’t matter to me if he is a shifter or not. I will protect him, even if it is with my dying breath, because I have loved him since I first dreamed about him.”

  Hank studied her as if he were trying to look into her soul. His nose twitched as he sniffed. “I don’t smell any lies.”

  “Why would I lie about Ben being my mate?” asked Ivy. “He himself has called me his mate.”

  Hank tilted his head. “You don’t have to tell a lie in order to lie.”

  Ivy knew exactly what he was talking about. She was lying to Ben by not telling him the truth about what she was. She was going to have to tell Ben soon, especially since Hank knew the truth about her.

  Hank turned and walked toward the door to the garage area. He stopped and turned around. “Why are your powers bound?”

  Ivy frowned. She had no idea what he was talking about. “I don’t have any powers…at least nothing that works. That’s why I don’t use very much magic.” She snorted. “I’m a pretty lousy witch. That’s why my parents didn’t want me.”

  He arched his eyebrows. “Someone bound them, but the binds are cracking. Be careful how you use your magic and who you use it on.” He turned and disappeared into the garage, leaving Ivy standing alone in the front reception area.

  “Well, Great Googley Moogley!” Ivy shook her head. I can really clear a room, and I didn’t need any kind of magic to do it. She walked over to her desk. Ivy stared at it for several seconds. She closed her eyes and groaned. “What the double fudge sticks did y’all do to my desk?” She opened her eyes and looked at the huge mess covering her desk.

  The door to the shop area opened.

  Ivy didn’t bother to turn around and look. She just stared at the mess. Papers were dumped everywhere.

  “Hey Ivy.” Forrest walked over to stand beside her desk. “Are you okay?” he put his arm around her shoulders and hugged her. “I missed having you around here. Don’t get yourself hurt like that again.” He released her and stepped back.

  “I’m okay, but my desk is definitely not doing okay. It looks like a trashcan threw up all over it.” She put her hands on her hips and glared at Forrest. “What did you do to my desk?”

  “It’s not really that bad.” Forrest didn’t even have the decency to be embarrassed.

  “Not that bad? This is worse than when I cleared it off the first time. What did you do to my desk?” she asked again as she shook her head in disbelief.

  “It was not all my fault. Hank put several receipts on the desk. Wes was looking for a couple of phone messages because he misplaced the message forms you gave him.” Forrest grinned at her. “Think of it as we are really glad you decided to come back to work, because we really missed you.” He put his hand over his heart. “Scout’s honor.”

  Ivy shook her head. “You are no scout, and it doesn’t look like you missed me,” she said sarcastically as she picked up a handful of papers from one of the piles on her desk and shuffled through them. “It’s going to take me all morning to sort through this mess and file everything.” She glared at Forrest. “I was only gone a couple of days. I’m going to deserve a huge pay raise by the time I’m finished with this.”

  Forrest winked at her. “I’m really, really glad you’re back. I’m going to go to my office and take care of some paperwork so that I don’t bother you while you’re working on this.”

  Ivy snorted and shook her head. “Just stay away from my desk. I don’t need you making it worse than it already is.”

  Forrest laughed as he turned and left her alone in the reception area.

  Ivy stared at the papers. She growled and mentally wacked herself on the back of the head.

  Fiddle sticks!

  She sat down and sorted the papers in her hand into neat stacks. When she put the last paper on one of the stacks, she picked up another bunch of papers and started sorting them.

  She sighed.<
br />
  It was going to be a really long morning. She just hoped there was enough coffee in the breakroom, because she was going to need it and then some.


  “How did your morning go?” asked Ben. He picked up his burger and took a large bite.

  Ivy wiped her mouth with a paper napkin. “I thought I would have my desk cleared and everything filed away by lunch, but no such luck. How did they managed to cover my desk with so many papers in just the couple of days I was out?”

  “In the short time you’ve been there, they’ve gotten used to you taking care of the paperwork and manning the telephone for them,” said Ben.

  “Great!” Ivy picked up a french fry and dunked it into the pool of ketchup beside the pile of fries. “I’ve created a bunch of helpless men.” She plopped the french fry into her mouth.

  “You’ve made it possible for them to focus on cars instead of on the paperwork. Because of what you are doing, even Forrest has been able to take care of the website and the accounting. He’s even been able to help in the garage.” Ben held out his hand.

  Ivy shrugged her shoulders. “I guess you’re right.” She slipped her hand into his. Liquid heat flowed from his hand, and straight through her body. She shifted in her seat as desire and need suddenly flared to life in her body.

  “Don’t forget about what you’ve done to make the front friendlier and more inviting for customers.” He rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. The spicy rose scent of her desire filled the small space of their booth, making his mouth water for a taste.

  Want to taste our mate’s honey, chuffed his bear.

  You and me both. Ben was glad he was sitting because his jeans had suddenly grown tighter. He cleared his throat. “You and I need to talk, but this place is too public. There are just too many ears listening.”

  Ivy felt butterflies fluttering around food she had just eaten. She pushed her plate away from her. “Is it going to be a bad kind of talk or a good kind of talk?”

  “The good kind,” he said. At least, I hope what I tell you doesn’t chase you away.

  “Are you going to have the same talk with her that you had with me?” A thin woman with short blonde hair suddenly appeared at their table. She sat down next to Ben, forcing him to scoot over. “Or have you finally come to your sense and realized what a huge mistake you made when you dumped me for her?”

  Ivy stared at the young woman. She was slender and wearing skinny jeans with a short blouse that showed off her belly, including the flashy diamond in her naval. The woman had a smile plastered on her face, but it didn’t reach her eyes. Ivy got the distinct impression that if looks could kill, she would have already been dead from the other female’s icy, cold glare.

  “Erica, what are you doing here?” Ben couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice. His ex-girlfriend was the last person he wanted to see. She had already caused him enough problems with just her telephone call, and now here she was in person.

  “I called your work and they said you had already left for lunch, so I thought I would surprise you and have lunch with you. I didn’t realize you were going to bring her.” Erica wrinkled her nose and frowned as she looked at Ivy.

  “You need to leave,” said Ben.

  “No.” Erica shook her head. “She needs to leave. I honestly don’t see what you could possibly see in her.” She sneered at Ivy. “She’s fat. You have a beautifully sculpted body. You need someone by your side who makes you look good. Besides, we’re good together, if you know what I mean,” she cooed at Ben. She leaned over and rubbed her hand up and down his arm.

  Ivy felt her emotions skyrocket. Her hands slowly balled into fists. She really wanted to punch Erica in the face, and it was all she could do to stop herself from doing it.

  “Erica, you need to leave now. It is over between us so quit acting as if there was more to our relationship than just casual dates,” said Ben.

  “If anyone is leaving, it’s that fat bitch. You are mine and I’m not letting you go.” Erica crossed her arms over her small chest and sneered at Ivy.

  “You need to leave before something happens that you won’t like.” Ivy’s voice was low and almost cold. Her energies were focused on the woman sitting across from her.

  “Like you could even make me. Men only want one thing from a female like you, and once they get it…well, they go back to their beautiful girlfriends.” Erica turned her attention to Ben. “Isn’t that right?”

  Ivy’s magic suddenly surged forth. Her half-eaten plate of food shot across the table and landed in Erica’s lap. Ketchup, French fries, and the half-eaten burger covered the woman’s clothes and skin.

  “You stupid bitch! You ruined my clothes!” Erica threw her hands up in the air and stared at the mess in her lap.

  Ivy stared at the girl. Slowly, she blinked her eyes.

  H. E. Double. Hockey. Sticks. What did I do?

  Ivy had never felt her magic explode from her with such force. It seemed Hank wasn’t joking about her having magic. She glanced around the room and realized the diner had gone quiet. Everyone was staring at them. Ivy’s face grew hot.

  Without a word to anyone, Ivy slid out of the booth and with her head held high, she walked out of the diner, even though she heard Ben calling her name. It was the only thing she could do. She could still feel the magic churning in her, seeking release. It dawned on her that it was her emotions fueling the magic. She had to calm down, and there was no way she was going to be able to do that in the diner with Ben’s ex-bimbo girlfriend.

  Once the diner’s door closed behind her, Ivy felt a little relief. She went down the steps and started walking in the general direction of Durant Customs. Hopefully, by the time she got there, the magic swirling inside her would be gone and she would have control of her emotions.


  It took Ben several minutes to calm down Erica enough to get her to go to the restroom to clean up the mess on her clothes. She complained and whined about being the victim. As soon as she was gone, Ben got up and threw some money on the table. He was well aware of the people staring at him, but he didn’t care as he rushed out of the diner. His only concern was finding Ivy.

  As soon as Ben was outside the diner, his bear pushed itself close to the surface. Our mate went that way.

  Ben sniffed the air. Ivy’s spicy rose smell lingered in the air. She’s walking back to the shop.

  Our mate should not be walking alone. Something could happen to her, growled his bear.

  Don’t think I haven’t thought about that. Ben got into his truck and took off after his runaway mate. It was hard to stay at the speed limit, but the last thing he needed was his Uncle Todd, the sheriff, or one of his deputies giving him a speeding ticket. He definitely didn’t want to explain the earthy smell of magic lingering in his truck.

  Ben’s bear growled and pushed against him. It wanted out so it could chase down their mate.

  You know I can’t let you out in the middle of town. That’s a sure way of getting shot or tranquilized, and either way we won’t get to our mate.

  Worried about mate. She is growing stronger, but not yet strong enough yet to defend herself.

  Ivy is strong. Ben frowned. Are you talking about her magic? She’s a witch, isn’t she?

  She is our mate and we protect, growled his bear.

  Ben smiled. You’re right. She is our mate. Nothing else matters except her safety and her happiness.

  A few blocks down, Ben finally spotted Ivy walking on the sidewalk. He pulled the truck over and parked several feet in front of her, and got out of the truck.

  Ivy stopped and watched Ben, wondering what he was going to do. As if in answer, he leaned against the driver’s side door and crossed his arms over his broad chest. The dark, desire filled look in his eyes told her he wasn’t angry with her. Combined with the bulge in his jeans, he was definitely not upset with her.

  She bit her bottom lip. Great goddess! He is good looking! She started walking slowly to
ward him, drinking her fill of the eye candy that was her mate. She hoped he felt the same way about her.

  “You shouldn’t have left like that.” Ben held out his hand to Ivy as she got closer to him.

  Ivy sighed and shook her head. “I couldn’t stay there and listen to her, and then there was the plate incident. Everyone was staring at us, and they heard…” Tears rolled down her cheeks before she could stop them. She quickly wiped her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be crying.”

  “Come here.” Ben’s words held the power of an alpha male. She couldn’t ignore the command. As soon as she was close enough, Ben grabbed her hand and pulled her tight against his body. “Don’t ever leave like that again. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you.”

  “But I thought…”

  Ben put a finger on her lips. “Listen to me carefully. I do not want Erica. I want you and only you in my life.”

  Ivy’s heart flip flopped in her chest. “Are you sure?”

  “Does this feel like I don’t want you?”

  Ivy felt his bulge pressing into her belly. Desire flooded through her. “I feel like I’m going crazy. Since I met you, I feel like I’m constantly on fire, and the thought of another woman in your arms hurts more than I want to admit,” she whispered. She buried her face in his chest and took a deep breath. The earthy tones of the woods and the sweet scent of peppermint filled her nose, sending her senses into overdrive. It scared her to admit it, but she wanted him so badly, he could strip her and take her right there and she wouldn’t care who saw.

  Ben kissed the top of her head. “The night I carried in the boxes, I knew you were the one special female meant for me. When I left you, I went and immediately broke up with Erica.”

  Ivy looked up into Ben’s face. “She doesn’t want it to be over with you.”

  Ben leaned down and captured her lips with his. The kiss started out soft and gently. Ivy opened her lips and kissed him back. A low growl rumbled from deep within Ben’s chest. The kiss quickly turned. It grew deeper and more passionate. The urge to mate and claim Ivy was overwhelming.


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