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Surviving Ivy

Page 15

by Rayne Rachels

  “Lies! All lies!” snarled the demon. Its face contorted into a horrible shape, and the rest of her brother faded away. Only a rotting shell was left. “You stole my powers. You stole the grimoire that was supposed to be mine.”

  Ivy slowly walked toward Ben and Hank. “The grimoire was never yours. Grandmother left it to me, because she knew I would keep it safe and never use the spells for personal gain.”

  “I am the oldest. It was supposed to go to me.”

  Ivy shook her head. “That’s not how it works. Magic is not something you inherit. Either you have it or you don’t. If anyone should be angry, it should be me. You tried to kill me, I grew up as an outcast because magic wouldn’t work for me.”

  “You got what you deserved. You should never have been born. Even as a baby you were more powerful than I ever was. I couldn’t let Mother and Father find out because they would have tossed me aside and trained you to take over the coven. It belonged to me, but you ruined everything.”

  Ivy realized she wasn’t really talking to her brother. The demon had consumed his soul and was focusing only on the anger and thirst for power that had driven her brother.

  The demon suddenly grinned at her. “You are only stalling. The grimoire and all of the secrets it holds will be mine, just like your powers will be mine. I will destroy your shifter mate and all the other shifters who defy me, and you will have to live with that knowledge, at least until I choke the life out of you. With your last breath, you will give me your powers. Everything will be mine or I will destroy it. My master will love having new souls to torture, especially the souls of shifters.”

  “You are not going to harm them or any shifter ever again.” Ivy stepped in front of Ben and Hank. “Hank, Ben, get the others to safety.”

  Ben put his hand on Ivy’s shoulder pouring his support and love into her. “You didn’t leave me. I’m not leaving you to fight the demon on your own. We fight together.”

  “We’re not leaving you to fight alone either,” said Hank.

  The demon pulled its lips back revealing the jagged row of pointed teeth. “How does your mate think he can protect you when he can’t even protect himself. None of them can protect you from me.” The demon made a horrible screech as it launched itself at Ivy.

  Answering with a menacing growl, Ben pulled Ivy behind him and shifted. He took the brunt of the demon’s attack. The bear roared and snapped its massive mouth shut, sinking its teeth deep into the demon’s arm. The angry grizzly locked its jaws and shook its huge head.

  The demon’s scream was filled with anger and pain. It tried breaking the bear’s grip, but the animal refused to let go of the demon’s arm.

  Ivy stared at the fight between her mate and the demon. Suddenly, the air around Ivy became electrified with the magic shifters used. In seconds, she found herself surrounded by three large black bears which she knew were Hank, Wes, and Forrest.

  Ivy turned her attention back to Ben’s bear just in time to see the demon take its free hand and rake its nasty looking claws across the grizzly bear’s snout. The bear roared in pain, loosening its hold on the demon’s arm.

  Ivy paled.

  The demon’s eyes glowed red. It hissed as it pulled its arm out of the bear’s teeth. Red strips of blood formed down the length of its arm.

  The larger of the three black bears let out a low growl and launched itself at the demon. The bear, which Ivy was sure was Hank, rammed its head and shoulders into the demon’s side. The demon staggered but it didn’t go down. It snarled and glared at the black bear. The demon twisted and swiped the side of the black bear’s face with its claws.

  Wes and Forrest, in their black bear forms, burst forward and joined the attack on the demon. One of the bears sank its teeth into the demon’s arm, while the other bit deep into the demon’s leg.

  The demon’s claws flashed in the morning sun as it swiped at one bear and then the other. The claws sank into the back of Forrest’s neck, forcing him to release the demon’s leg. In a fluid movement, the creature drew its leg back and kicked the black bear. The animal flew across the parking lot, and landed hard on the pavement. It skidded to a stop.

  Ivy stared in horror. She prayed for Forrest to get up, but the large black bear didn’t move. Ivy wasn’t even sure if he was just stunned, seriously hurt, or dead. The demon’s laughter filled the air and sent chills down Ivy’s spine. She turned her attention back to the fight.

  The demon grabbed one of the black bears by the back of its neck and threw it at the other bear. “Do you really think you can stop me with your pathetic attempts?” It threw its head back and laughed.

  Even though they were covered with blood, all the bears, including Forrest, got back up and attacked the demon again. Ivy watched the bears receive injury after injury. Their fur was shiny with blood. She shook her head, not knowing how many more injuries they were going to be able to receive. Covered with more blood than she thought possible, she watched Ben’s bear stand up on its hind legs and roar a challenge to the demon.

  The creature answered with a bone-chilling roar of its own.

  Before Ivy could blink, the two crashed into each other. Teeth and claws flashed. After a couple of intense minutes, the grizzly bear staggered backwards. Blood poured down its chest. The bear took a shaky step and slumped to the ground.

  “Ben!” Ivy screamed.

  The demon turned and stared at her with its now cold, eerie red eyes and laughed.

  “Leave them alone.” Ivy’s hands clinched into fists. She had to stop the demon before it killed Ben or one of the others.

  “If they can’t kill me, what do you think you can do little sister?” A huge grin slowly spread across the demon’s lips. Its long, snake-like tongue flicked in and out of its mouth.

  “I am not your sister. Robert ceased being my brother the day he first tried killing me. You are just a demon inhabiting a rotting, empty shell that used to be Robert.”

  “I will always be your brother,” said the demon.

  Ivy shook her head. “You are nothing but a blight that must be eradicated.” She thought about all the spells her grandmother made her learn. She bit her bottom lip as she realized she was going to need more than just words if she was going to stop the demon. She just hoped she would be able to use the energy surrounding her to stop the demon.

  “You’re too weak and pathetic to hurt me. I am strong and soon I will add your powers to mine which will make me invincible. I will kill that pathetic excuse for a shifter you call your mate. It’s absurd that you think bears and witches can mate.”

  Ivy ignored the demon’s taunts. She concentrated on pulling the earth magic to her. ivy frowned for a couple of seconds. There was a disturbance in the magic surrounding her. Ivy looked at the demon. Its hands were at its sides. She could see the small threads of power flowing into the demon.

  “I will destroy you…all of you,” sneered the creature as it struggled to call the earth energy to it—energy that resisted.

  Ivy shook her head. “I don’t think so.” She realized the demon was trying to use her brother to pull the earth energy into it, but there wasn’t enough of her brother left to do it. The demon had consumed almost everything, leaving only a shell.

  The demon screamed as the earth energy it was trying to absorb slipped away. “No!” It glared at Ivy. “This is all your fault.” With its arms stretched out in front of it, the demon ran toward her.

  Without thinking about it, Ivy raised her arm and flicked her hand. The demon flew several feet through the air and landed hard on its rear.

  It stared at her for several seconds. “I want my powers. Give them to me.”

  Ivy shook her head. “They will never belong to you or any of your kind.”

  The demon slammed its fists onto the pavement leaving huge holes where its fists landed. “I want the power that was promised to me. I will not leave without it. I want it now!” It scrambled to its feet and once again ran at Ivy.

  Biting her b
ottom lip, Ivy held up her hands with her palms facing the demon. She whispered the words to a simple spell.

  The demon made five more steps toward her before it hit an invisible wall. The creature’s red eyes widened and then they narrowed as they glowed with anger. It beat its fists against the invisible wall. “You will remove this immediately.”

  Ivy slowly shook her head. “And why would I want to do that?”

  The demon continued beating on the thing holding it back. It screamed and yelled. It called Ivy all sorts of nasty names and made threats about what it was going to do to her.

  “Fudge sticks! Is name calling all you’ve got?” Ivy rolled her eyes at the demon. “I’ve been called worse than any of the ones you’re coming up with.”

  The demon suddenly stopped and stared at Ivy. Its lips slowly twisted into a smile. “Do you really think your shifter loves you? Shifters and witches are enemies. He’s just using you as a way to protect his people. He could never love a fat, pathetic excuse for a witch. You know what I’m saying is true.”

  Ivy felt sick to her stomach. A fat, pathetic excuse for a witch. Over the years, she had lost count of how many times she had heard the exact phrase from her parents. Her grandmother always told her to ignore her parents and their words because they were completely clueless as to just how special she really was, and one day, Ivy would realize she didn’t need anyone’s approval because she was special.

  “Together we can make all of them pay for every time they hurt you or ignored you.” The demon promised her.

  Ivy looked at the demon.

  “You know you want them to pay. Think about how good it will feel to let the power take control. With it, you can do anything or have anyone you want.” The demon’s words were seductive.

  Ivy blinked several times. Slowly she shook her head. “No,” she said.

  “What did you say?” The demon frowned.

  “No!” Ivy swept her arms in a huge arc, sending the demon flying across the parking lot. She turned her attention to her mate and the other bears. Ivy held out her hands. Pulling as much energy as she dared, she cast the healing spell she had used earlier on the men.

  “You will not heal them!” screamed the demon.

  She ignored the creature and continued working the spell, determined to heal her mate and her friends. Ivy could feel the toll it was taking on her body. Not having years of practice with the energy and magic was definitely a huge disadvantage. She was growing more tired with each passing minute. The shield she had created slowly weakened.

  The air sizzled.

  Ben’s bear roared as it struggled to stand on its paws.

  A blast of energy struck Ivy’s side. The force of the energy blast sent her flying across the hood of her Bel Air, and straight into the windshield. The glass cracked, and splinters radiated from the center of Ivy’s impact.

  For several seconds, Ivy didn’t move until she finally gasped for air. She landed on the windshield hard enough to knock the air out of her lungs.

  Ivy blinked several times as she tried to assess her injuries. The pain shooting through her head made it difficult. After several unsuccessful attempts, she gave up and tried moving her arms and legs. Finally, she managed to move her left arm, but her right arm refused to cooperate. Horse feathers! This isn’t good. She tried rolling off the car, but didn’t move. Feeling around with her uninjured arm, she quickly realized she was laying in an indention in the windshield. Somehow, she was going to have to get out of it without falling through the shattered glass.

  “You’re pathetic. You don’t deserve the power. But I will remedy that little problem. I’m so going to enjoy watching the life leave you when I strangle you, and this time there is no one to save you.”

  “For cryin’ out loud! Would you quit bragging about what you’re going to do? I’m sick of hearing it.” Ivy tried moving her legs, but stopped when she heard cracking noise. And if I get out of this mess, I’m going to shove a dirty sock down your throat. Stupid bucket headed demons.


  Ben’s bear shook its massive head, and roared an angry challenge to the demon. Both Ben and his beast were in agreement. The demon had to die, before it harmed Ivy any more than it had already done.

  The demon arrogantly ignored the grizzly bear and continued stalking toward Ivy who was stuck in the windshield.

  Realizing this was its chance, and probably the best chance it would have, the grizzly bear charged full speed at the demon. Before the demon could turn around, Ben’s bear wrapped its jaws around the demon’s neck and sank its teeth deep into the muscle and bones, causing them to snap and tear.

  The bear shook the demon until its spine was completely severed. Angry and for good measure, the grizzly bear shook the demon a little longer. Several minutes later, the animal opened its mouth and dropped the lifeless body, and loped over to Ivy to look at its mate.


  She opened her eyes and blinked at Ben. “Are you okay?”

  Ben nodded. “The wounds are healed and the demon is dead.”

  “Good.” Relief filled her voice. “I’m kind of stuck, and afraid to move. Could you help me?” She gave Ben a sheepish smile.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck,” said Ben as he leaned forward.

  “It will just be my left arm. My right is broken. I can’t move it,” said Ivy.

  Ben reached over and carefully moved her right arm onto her chest. “I’m sorry,” he said when she hissed. “Wrap your arm around my neck.” He waited. As soon as she did it, he picked her up and cradled her against his bare chest.

  “Ben, what’s wrong with Ivy?” asked Hank as he and his brothers walked over to them.

  “Her arm is broken.” Ben looked at them and growled. “Put on some clothes.”

  “And you don’t need any clothes?” asked Hank.

  Ivy’s eyes widened as she looked at the men.

  “Close your eyes,” ordered Ben.

  She looked at her mate. “Why should I close my eyes?”

  “Because I don’t want you looking at them without them having clothes on.”

  Ivy rolled her eyes. “What’s the problem? I thought shifters didn’t have a problem with nudity.”

  “We don’t. I just don’t want you looking at any naked males except me,” said Ben.

  Ivy snorted. “Whatever. Ow! Ow! Ow!”

  “What’s wrong?” concern filled Ben’s voice.

  She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. “I moved my broken arm. It hurts worse now than when I first broke it. Everything hurts.”

  “Let me see her arm.” Hank stepped closer.

  “Clothes,” said Ben.

  “And exactly where am I going to find some?” asked Hank.

  “Don’t know. Don’t care. Just find some and quit parading your junk around my mate.”

  “Put me down.” Ivy pushed aside the pain radiating through her arm as best as she could.

  “Are you sure? You were thrown into your car.” Ben didn’t want to put her down.

  “I’m sure because it is the only way I can do something about your clothes, especially since you don’t want me to see anyone else naked.”

  Reluctantly, Ben gently set her down on the pavement.

  Ivy closed her eyes and took several deep breathes to combat the pain radiating through her right arm. The breathing helped. The pain dulled a little. She opened her eyes and stared at Ben’s chest. The sight of his sculptured abdomen sent a surge of need through her body. she bit her bottom lip to keep a moan from slipping out of her mouth.

  “Are you okay?” Ben watched his mate. He smelled the pain she was trying to hide, and then the desire that bloomed as she stared at him.

  Ivy nodded “I’m going to do something about your clothing problem.” She called the earth energy to her as she cast a spell to bring Ben and the others’ clothing back to them. Energy swirled around the men. As it dissipated, the men were left wearing the clothing they had been wearing
before they shifted.

  Ben looked down. He raised an eyebrow when he looked at Ivy.

  “You’re cleaner than you’ve been in a long time.” Forrest grinned “I’m really starting to like magic.”

  Hank walked over to Ivy and gently picked up her broken arm causing her to hiss with pain and Ben to growl. “I have to make sure the bones are lined up before I can heal them.”

  Ivy nodded. She knew it had to be done whether it was now or later in the hospital, and she really preferred not going to a hospital.

  Hank gently felt the bone in her arm. “You’re lucky. It was a clean break. Don’t move.” He put his hands around the break and pulled energy from deep inside himself. His bear moved close to the surface, lending its support and strength to the healing. A few minutes later, Hank smiled at Ivy. “As good as new.”

  Ben immediately pulled Ivy into his arms, hugging her tight to his body “You are forbidden from ever scaring me like that.”

  Ivy snuggled close to him, enjoying his warmth and delicious scent. “I couldn’t let you die. I will always try to protect you because you are mine and I’m not letting anyone take you away from me.”

  “I’m yours forever, just as you are mine.” Ben kissed the top of her head.

  Hank looked at Ben and Ivy. “And with that, I’m going to get my cellphone from the truck and call the Sheriff. I just don’t know how I’m going to explain this mess.” He shook his head as he walked to his truck.

  “And how are we going to explain the body?” Forrest looked from Ben to Wes. “If it didn’t have the horns and pointed teeth, we might be able to explain it.”

  Ivy looked up at her mate “I need to take care of the body,” she said in a low voice.

  Ben tightened his hug. “I did what I had to do to protect you.”

  “I know. There wasn’t any other alternative, but we can’t leave the body lying in plain sight. It will cause too many questions with humans who aren’t aware of demons and us.”

  “What are you planning to do?” Ben reluctantly let Ivy out of his embrace.

  “Dust to dust.” She gave him a tire smile. “I think that’s the best way to handle it.” Before he could say anything, she slowly limped over to the empty shell that was once her brother. She wasn’t sad. Robert had made his choice and this was the result. Ivy knew Ben was worried that she was upset with him for what he had done, but she wasn’t. The demon and her brother had to be stopped.


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