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The Beggar King hd-3

Page 43

by Oliver Pötzsch

  Teuber opened his eyes once more, and a faint smile crossed his lips. “Not like you… deserve… anything better… you old dog…” he managed. Then his head sank, and his breath became a shallow rattle.

  “Hey! Wake up, you slacker! Don’t go to sleep now, damn you!”

  Kuisl leaped up and grabbed Teuber’s shirt. At once blood flowed in dark rivulets over his hands. The bolt was as firmly embedded in Teuber’s chest as a carpenter’s nail. For a moment Kuisl was almost paralyzed; then it seemed he’d decided what to do.

  “Hold off a bit on the dying. I’m coming right back!”

  Without another thought about his own wounds or the hornet stings, the hangman ran into the blazing midday heat. A gentle wind moaned through a window opening and echoed through the forest like the cry of a little child. But Kuisl paid no heed to anyone or anything. Frantically he searched the bushes, birches, and willows surrounding the ruined village.

  Lady’s mantle, yarrow, bloodroot, shepherd’s purse… I need shepherd’s purse!

  Teuber’s blood wasn’t foamy and bright, so the lungs had likely been spared. If Kuisl could find the right herbs, there might still be hope. The most important thing was to stanch the bleeding and prevent infection.

  It took the hangman a while to find what he needed in the shadow of an oak, an unremarkable little plant, which he carefully plucked. Shepherd’s purse was held to be a true miracle worker, integral to every executioner’s pharmacy as far back as anyone knew. With little purse-shaped pods, the plant relieved fever and gout, helped induce labor, and was especially useful in treating open bleeding wounds. When Kuisl had collected enough, he began to tear moss and bark from surrounding trees. He shoved them all, along with a handful of other plants, into his open shirt and ran back to the church where Teuber still lay motionless. When he bent down, Kuisl was relieved to find Teuber still breathing.

  “I’m going to pull the bolt out now,” he whispered into Teuber’s ear. “So clench your teeth and try not to yelp like a washerwoman. Are you ready?”

  Teuber nodded almost imperceptibly. “Just my luck that I wind up in the hands of a quack like you…”

  Kuisl grinned. “This is my revenge for your rancid ointment.” Then his face turned serious again. “I can’t stop the bleeding completely. For the rest we’ll have to go back to Regensburg.”

  “But… they’ll lock you up again… the torture chamber…” Teuber stammered, apparently suffering fever dreams already.

  “Don’t worry about me. The most important thing now is that you get better.”

  As Kuisl tore out the bolt and pressed moss and yarrow to the open wound, his lips formed a silent prayer.

  “There are four of them,” Simon whispered, pointing to the raftsmen crouched lazily among waist-high stalks of rye, listlessly carving willow branches. “Do you think we can take them on?”

  Nathan cast a disparaging glance at the thickset, already intoxicated men. “Those fellows? As you know, we fight dirty and mean. They’ll think the sky is falling down around them.”

  “Very well.” Simon nodded. “Magdalena is probably down below with Silvio and the fifth raftsman. When I give the command, I suggest you attack the men up here while Hans, Brother Paulus, and I storm the well chamber and take care of the rest. Is that all right?”

  Nathan grinned, showing off his crooked gold tooth. “A brilliant plan-one I might have thought up myself. No tricks, no finesse, just bust right in shouting and start thrashing away.”

  “You idiot!” Simon snapped. “Then tell me what you can come up with offhand.”

  “Calm down. Everything will work out.” The beggar king tapped the medicus reassuringly on the shoulder, then whispered to his men to spread out over the area.

  In the course of their long march down the broad highway and then along the small path across the field, the beggars had armed themselves with sticks and branches. To their arsenal they now added pebbles and heavy rocks from the surrounding fields. Then, concealed behind stalks of wheat, broom, and poppies, they approached the raftsmen who were passing the time drinking, chatting, and whittling.

  Upon a signal from Nathan, Lame Hannes reached under his tattered shirt for a leather strap with a broad, spoonlike depression in its middle. He laid a flat stone in it, swung the strap in circles overhead, and finally sent the stone soaring toward the raftsmen.

  The stone flew through the air like an arrow, striking the forehead of one of the men, who collapsed without a sound. Moments later more stones rained down on the raftsmen. The beggars shouted and ran out from hiding, slashing away at their astonished opponents as Lame Hannes fired more stones with his leather slingshot.

  “Now!” Simon ran toward the stairs, followed closely by Hans and Brother Paulus. The medicus stumbled down the steps, coming at last to a heavy arched iron door. Struggling for air, he threw himself against it, only to realize it was already ajar. As the door swung open, he tumbled into a dark torch-lit room that ended in a large basin filled with rushing water. Behind it he saw dim light emerge from a small archway and heard panting and the muffled, high-pitched cries of a woman who sounded as if she’d already gone mad.

  It was Magdalena’s voice.

  As the cup of dissolved ergot approached her lips, the hangman’s daughter was at first transfixed with, and paralyzed by, fear. But her will to live reasserted itself: she would not resign herself to this fate without a fight. She was still standing with Silvio in the long, flooded passageway, the raftsman Jeremias gripping her head tightly. Magdalena went limp, as if she’d given up.

  “Well, then,” said Silvio. “Now, it seems like-”

  All of a sudden she brought the full force of her right knee to Silvio’s groin. With a gasp, the Venetian collapsed like a pocket-knife, and the tin cup fell to the floor, where it sank in the turbulent water. The burly raftsman saw his leader collapse, was distracted for a moment, and loosened his grip. Magdalena took advantage of the moment to slip eel-like from his grasp. Without a glance backward, she ran for the exit, but the nearly knee-deep water slowed her so that she lost her balance and fell headlong into the basin.

  “Stop her, you fool!” Silvio shouted at the confused Jeremias. “The damned bitch! I’m going to stuff her mouth so full of ergot that it comes gushing out of every last pore in her body.”

  The Venetian sat doubled over on the ledge along the wall, his legs dangling in the water. Magdalena’s blow still seemed to cause him a lot of pain. His makeup ran in black and milky-white rivulets down his otherwise well-groomed face, and his sopping wig looked like rotten seaweed in the dim torchlight. Magdalena couldn’t help but be reminded of the statue at Heuport House of the handsome young man from whose back rats, snakes, and toads came crawling out.

  It’s all a mask, and behind it there’s nothing but filth, she thought. And dumb little slut that I am, I almost fell for it!

  She’d just stood up again and was about to slip through the narrow corridor into the anteroom when Jeremias’s hand seized her from behind, dragging her inexorably back into the dark vaulted chamber. Silvio had gotten up from the ledge now, and after wiping his nose with his wet shirtsleeve, he reached into a sack of flour.

  “No one can say I didn’t treat you courteously,” he gasped. “But you leave me no other choice, you stubborn wench. Can’t you see you’re serving a great cause? Your insignificant little life will change the history of this empire forever! No more backward little nation-states governed by their tariffs and narrow minds! At the end of our journey lies a vision of a single state extending from the Black Sea to the Rhine! Once the Grand Vizier has seized Vienna, there will be no stopping him. Those who prepare the path for his victory will receive princely rewards. Don’t be so damned stubborn. Submit yourself to a glorious vision!”

  “If it’s so important to you, why don’t you eat this poison yourself!” Magdalena screamed as Jeremias gripped her shoulder tightly and pushed her toward the sacks of flour. Her hands were still tied, but s
he felt the rope loosening a bit in the water.

  Silvio smiled. With smudged makeup and wet, stringy hair, he looked like some kind of evil, bewitched toad. “A nice thought,” he said. “Unfortunately the Grand Vizier has plans for me that require I keep a very clear head. And who knows? Perhaps on the far side of madness lies eternal happiness. Just wait and see; you’ll thank me for allowing you to sample this divine substance. And now, open your mouth, damn it!”

  Silvio shouted these final words like a madman, every syllable echoing off the walls many times over. The ambassador had run out of patience. Dripping with sweat, he beckoned Jeremias to throw Magdalena onto the narrow ledge. As Jeremias held her down tightly with both hands, Silvio bent over her to force the flour into her throat like a goose being fattened for slaughter.

  Magdalena clenched her teeth, but the Venetian held her nose until she had to open her mouth and gasp desperately for air. At once she gagged on the bitter, damp powder and could feel stomach acid rising in her throat, but she struggled not to swallow. Flour spilled out of her mouth, and she spat and screamed for help.


  At first the hangman’s daughter thought she was hearing a ghost. It was quite clearly the voice of her dear deceased Simon calling down from heaven. How was this possible? Could the ergot be affecting her already?

  Is this what crazy is?

  Then in the doorway she spotted a short figure in a soiled shirt, wearing an unkempt Vandyke and disheveled shoulder-length black hair. Clever black eyes sparkled back at her. If the man before her was an illusion, this ergot was some damn good stuff.

  Simon! Is it really you?

  Magdalena felt her heart leap. This was no hallucination! Simon was alive and had come to free her! Just a few more steps and…

  Suddenly she realized Silvio had released her and was sprinting along the slippery ledge toward the entryway. As Simon entered the vault, Silvio picked up a rock and heaved it, striking the medicus hard on the forehead, then charged his surprised opponent with a shout. Both men collapsed in a foaming whirlpool, arms and legs flailing wildly. Magdalena could only watch helplessly as the Venetian held Simon underwater with both hands. The medicus spluttered and thrashed about, but Silvio didn’t let go.

  “You fool!” the Venetian shouted, his words echoing again through the vault. “You were supposed to have gone up in smoke with the mill. That would have been less painful. Now I’m going to have to drown you like a rat.”

  Simon surfaced briefly, but Silvio grabbed him and pushed him underwater again. The Venetian’s wig had come off completely, revealing thinning hair and a receding hairline. His eyes flashed like those of an evil hobgoblin.

  “Pigheaded lowlife!” Silvio yelled. “You just won’t accept it’s all over. Die now, you stubborn old dog!”

  Desperately the hangman’s daughter tried to escape Jeremias’s clutches, but this time he held her as tightly as if she were bound to the rack. He grinned and bent his pockmarked face close enough that she could smell the wine on his breath.

  “If it’s true what they say about ergot,” he growled, “then over the next few weeks we’ll have a lot of fun, you and-”

  Disgusted, Magdalena spat the rest of the ergot still stuck between her teeth and to. the roof of her mouth right into the raftman’s face. Mid-sentence, Jeremias’s lips were wide open, and the sticky little lumps flew straight into his mouth. He coughed, gagged, and flailed about, apparently fearing he’d been poisoned.

  “You whore! You’ll pay for that!”

  Magdalena rolled off the ledge, disappearing into the dark ice-cold water and out of Jeremias’s reach. When she ran out of breath, she resurfaced to see that two more figures had arrived in the meantime. With relief she recognized Hans Reiser and Brother Paulus, who were beating the raftsman with sticks and forcing him, step by step, against the wall.

  When she turned around again, Simon and Silvio had disappeared.

  It took her a while to locate them in the darkness further back in the vault. In near silence they were fighting in waist-deep water as torches on the walls cast them in long, distorted shadows. Magdalena couldn’t tell which shadow belonged to which man-they merged into one monstrous silhouette that had sprung to life and, freed of its earthly form, now stalked ghostlike up and down the dark corridor. The slender shadow of a sword rose up, then lunged, yet the other part of the shadow retreated. The second part shoved the first part, and the shadow split in two again, one half stumbling and falling underwater and, a moment later, rising to the surface and attacking. For a brief moment the shadows merged again into a single dense tangle, only to fly back apart and then merge once more.

  “Simon! Don’t give up! I’m coming to help!”

  Magdalena waded through waist-high icy water, which felt like a deep morass, an endless swamp separating her and her beloved. Through the powerful sound of many rushing streams she could hear the muted shouts of the beggars and raftsmen behind her. Frantically she fumbled with the rope around her wrists. It was loosening, and after a while she was able to slip her hands free at last.

  Meanwhile one of the two combatants seemed to have gained the upper hand. He held the other underwater until the latter’s movements grew erratic and devolved into wild convulsions. Now Magdalena was close enough to make out the face of the victor.

  It was Silvio, grinning scornfully, his pale face framed by wet, stringy hair. He wore the concentrated, impassive expression of a professional killer. In a few seconds the Venetian would strangle Simon to death.

  “Nooooo!” Magdalena shrieked, her voice echoing off the walls. “Simon! My God, Simon!”

  “In the name of the city, I order you to stop!”

  The hangman’s daughter flinched. Turning around, she saw only the raftsman Jeremias, who lay face-down in the water, blood forming a halo on the surface around him and a finger-length bolt protruding from his back. The two beggars alongside him lowered their clubs and stared down the long corridor. There, in the dim torchlight, stood a high official in a fur-trimmed cloak, his thinning hair hidden beneath a red hat.

  Paulus Mamminger.

  The Regensburg treasurer gave a sign to two guards at his side to lower their crossbows. Then he gazed reproachfully at the violent disarray in the well chamber. His voice resounded through the vaulted room like a clap of thunder.

  “The game is up, Silvio Contarini! We know about your scheme. Come out now and surrender!”

  “Never!” The Venetian, who like everyone else was bewildered by the new arrival, turned from Simon and retreated a few paces. He was immediately swallowed up in darkness. “A Contarini doesn’t surrender so easily! We’ll meet again, Mamminger, on the floor of the Reichstag, if not before!”

  Silvio’s laughter mingled with the noise of the rushing water, which, as the many individual streams merged into one, generated an infernal uproar. For a moment they heard splashing in the distance; then the insane laughter that echoed back to them suddenly broke off.

  In the meantime Simon had hoisted himself up onto the ledge, where, panting and gasping, he coughed up water and bile. Magdalena waded over and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Simon, my God, Simon!” she whispered. “I thought you were dead.”

  “And I thought this madman had actually poisoned you,” Simon gasped.

  Magdalena wiped the last bits of ergot from the corners of her mouth. “I really made an effort not to swallow that stuff,” she said. “I guess we’ll find out in the next few hours whether I was successful. But for now let’s get out of this frigid water before you catch a chill and die on me.”

  Supporting Simon, she waded through the pool toward Paulus Mamminger. The old treasurer blinked. It took him a while to recognize who stood before him-but then his face lit up.

  “Ah, the mysterious beautiful woman from Heuport House!” he cried. “Tell me, how are you liking Regensburg?”

  Magdalena wrung out her hair. “Too many lunatics in one place, if you ask me
. And it’s too wet here.”

  Paulus Mamminger laughed and handed her his cloak. “I’m certain you have some stories for me.” Then he turned to leave. “But I suggest we save that for the open air. It smells too much of death and madness down here.” A slight smile twitched on his lips. “Besides, I have to express my thanks to a loyal servant up there. I hope he’s satisfied with his reward.”

  It was late afternoon when Jakob Kuisl returned to the raft landing in the little rowboat, knowing he wouldn’t be able to escape his fate this time.

  A carnival-like atmosphere prevailed on the landing. A huge crowd had gathered, and guards were running about, trying in vain to shoo people back into the city. From the Wohrd a huge column of smoke rose into the sky, and piles of charred beams, some still smoldering, littered the ground. The sheds and mill wheels looked like bonfires among towering piles of collapsing boards, and the large grain mill seemed to have been swallowed up by the earth. Now the fire had spread to surrounding buildings, and the entire island was one raging inferno.

  Spectators on the raft landing gawked at the scene as they would at a public execution. They cheered whenever a building collapsed and pointed excitedly at embers blowing their way. The watchmen, having already given up on saving the island, were now busy trying to keep the fire from spreading to the bridge, the other islands, and the city wharf.

  When the guards finally noticed the small rowboat with its two passengers, they hesitated, whispered to one another, and pointed anxiously at the Schongau hangman tying the boat to a post on the wharf. Kuisl seemed as disinterested in the spectacle as any old fisherman from out of town. Finally the guards approached cautiously with pikes raised.

  “The… monster!” one stammered. “Now we’ve got him! We must stay together! Or he’ll rip our throats right open.”

  “He probably blew up the mill,” the second man whispered. “Ever since he’s been here, misfortune has come over this city like the Plague.”


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