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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4)

Page 10

by SF Benson

  Minutes pass slowly. Before it stretches on endlessly, Audra lowers her glass to the coffee table. “Brady, what’s wrong?”

  “You know me too well.” I toss back my drink and relish the burn. Unhurriedly, I tell Audra, “Elsbeth broke the curse on my father.”

  Audra smiles. “Oh, Brady, that’s great news! How’s he doing?”

  “Actually pretty good. He recovered quickly.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Audra’s dark eyes study me. “Now tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “I’ve missed this. Talking to you always helps me.” I run a finger along the rim of the glass. “Elsbeth gave me some not-so-great news. The Ryders are stirring up trouble.”

  “How so?” Audra folds her legs, crossed-legged style, and leans forward with her elbows on her knees.

  To be honest, Audra is the only one I can trust outside my family. If I want to construct a real plan, she might be able to help. “The curse was cast by a witch working with the Ryders. Tonight, I found out one of my own is in league with them too.”

  Audra tilts her head to the side. “Who?”

  “Remember the omega?”

  Audra nods. “Is he the one who’s challenging you?”

  “Yeah. He went straight to Cal after I announced I had to marry Amber.”

  Audra pierces me with a cold stare. “Are you really going to do that? Now? Even after learning about the Ryders?”

  I drop my gaze. “I told you I’ll put it off for as long as possible. If we can take down the Ryders, once and for all, it doesn’t have to happen.” My eyes lift. “It won’t happen.”

  She turns up her glass and takes a long sip.

  “I can’t quit you, Audra. Why do you think I ended up here?”

  Audra shakes her head. “No, Brady, you don’t get to do this. You wanted a clean break.”

  Setting my glass down on the table, I risk moving closer. My hand goes to her cheek. So soft. Just as beautiful when annoyed with me as when she’s happy. “Because I thought it was how I’d get over you. I can’t… I don’t want to get over you.”

  She leans into my palm. “I don’t want to be over you either.”

  “Ah, sugar.” I don’t need a better invite. Pulling Audra into my lap, my lips brush hers. She opens her mouth to me, and my tongue slides inside. So sweet. As if I’m kissing her for the first time.

  My mouth trails down to her collarbone as I run a hand up her thigh. Audra leans back against the cushions. Her breath coming in short pants. “Brady.”

  “Shh, sugar.”

  Her fingers thread through my hair. “Please, don’t leave, Brady.”

  “I don’t want to.” Commonsense invades the moment. I sit up.

  “What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?”

  Scrubbing a hand over my face, I say, “I want nothing more to take you upstairs, but we need to be smart about this. Everyone thinks we’ve broken up. We need them to keep believing it.”

  Audra slips off the sofa, her hands in her hair as she paces the floor. “You’re right. I hate it, but you’re right. Cal and Drew won’t reveal what they’re up to if we’re together.”

  This is what I’ve missed. My mate knows me. She knows how I think. Right now, I need her help figuring out things.

  “Exactly. But sugar, we’ll be together. I’ll come to you at night.” I walk up behind Audra and wrap my arms around her waist. This is my home. I won’t let anyone, not even the Ryders, keep me from it. “During the day, go about your routine. Let everyone believe you’re upset over my union with Amber.”

  “It won’t be an act.” She turns in my arms and places her head on my chest. “Baby, we have to be careful. We don’t know who else is a threat.”

  “I know.” I place my finger beneath her chin. “We have hours before dawn. Let me enjoy the time with you, and then we’ll make plans.”

  “I love you, Brady.” She leans up and brushes her lips over mine.

  Swinging her up into my arms, I carry her upstairs and settle her gently on the bed. I tug her pajama bottoms from her hips. As I stand up and then yank my shirt over my head, Audra removes her top. Completely exposed, she taps the mattress.

  “You’re overdressed, baby.”

  Just looking at her makes me so hard it hurts. In an instant I’m out of my jeans and kneeling onto the bed. “Is this better?”

  Audra scrapes her nails over my abs as she pushes me down on the mattress. “Much.”

  “I love it when you take control.”

  She straddles me and eases herself down over my throbbing cock.

  “Ohhh,” I groan. Sugar’s hot for me. Her pussy tightens around my shaft. I pant out, “Slow down. You’re going to make me come too soon.”

  Rotating her hips, Audra says, “Don’t worry. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  My little minx keeps working me until I’m pushed over the edge and moaning her name.

  Right before the moon kisses the sun, I sneak away from my home. I’m feeling better now that Audra is by my side again. We did find a minute to discuss the situation. As long as we stick to the script, we’ll be fine as we put an end to the Ryders and their chaos.

  Having to say goodbye to Brady before the sun rose hurts like hell, but it had to be done. We can’t take the chance of anybody seeing us together. Not now. Last night, we discussed a lot. The Ryders declared war, and we have to fight back. The hardest part for me will be pretending as if we’re no longer a couple.

  Brady and I agreed to keep our distance during the day. He’ll send someone with messages to the bar if needed. I’ll wait until he arrives in the evening to discuss anything. Unfortunately, we have no idea how long this arrangement might last. Brady said it’s the only way to find out what the Ryders are up to. Once we learn their plans, then we react. Until then…

  We shared a lot during our short time together. Our hopes. Our fears. Well, almost all of them. I kept the important ones to myself. I just couldn’t tell Brady about my indecision regarding my own alpha status. No need worrying him when I’m not sure what to do about it. It’s why I sent word to Elsbeth. If anyone could help me, it will be her.

  Elsbeth comes before I open the bar for lunch. I’m grateful that she exchanged her torn, ancient dress for black leather—something that suits her well. It’s the perfect image of the renegade witch.

  “You want to converse with the dead.” Elsbeth states as she rests a hand on the chair near my desk. “You do realize that’s a risky endeavor?”

  I’ve heard tales of spirits entering our world through such methods, but I’m willing to take the chance. If I’m going to walk away from the pack, I want to be sure it’s the right thing to do. That decision requires my father’s guidance.

  “Honestly, I don’t see any other way,” I admit.

  Elsbeth’s brow wrinkles as she examines me. “Ever consider you already know the answer you seek?”

  “No.” If I knew that, I wouldn’t have called on her. If I knew that, my life would be easier and Brady would be with me.

  “Look to your heart. Like your mate, you know what you want.” Elsbeth eyes me for a moment longer before taking a seat. “Very well, stubborn wolf.”

  Understatement. It’s the reason for all these problems. Both Brady and I are like a couple of mules. Neither of us giving an inch when we hit a crossroads.

  The Red Witch places her hands on the desk, palms up. “Give me your hands and close your eyes. Think about who you wish to speak to. Feel their presence touch your spirit.”

  Closing my eyes, I picture my dad smiling at me with his warm eyes and cocoa-brown skin. The longer I focus on his image, it feels like he’s near.

  “Vocans autem spiritu James Nevers. Auditorium cum an ego a te.” Elsbeth’s chanting voice is faint.

  As fear takes over, an icy chill passes through me. The room begins spinning, but the furniture remains in place. A hot breeze ruffles my hair along with the papers on my desk. I blink rapidly. The lights flicker, and the compute
r shuts down and restarts.

  A translucent glow appears beside Elsbeth. Slowly, it takes shape. I rub a hand quickly over my eyes. The Red Witch fades away, and in her place, sits my father. He looks no different from the last time I saw him. His lips curl up, and his dark eyes twinkle.


  “Hey there, Audra.” His gaze rakes over me. “I’d like to say it’s good to see you, but if you summoned me, there’s a problem. What’s troubling you?”

  I twist my fingers together in my lap. “Everything.”

  Dad cocks an eyebrow. “The pack?”

  “Yes. I took over as alpha when you died.”

  “I know. You’ve been a great leader. I’ve been watching over you.”

  “You have?” I never took seriously the idea that the dead watch over the living. I thought it was something people just said to lessen the pain.

  “Always.” Dad sighs. “I’m very proud of you. Being alpha isn’t an easy job. I know it’s been especially hard on you.”

  The last thing I want my father believing is I regret my decision. I don’t. It was the honorable thing to do. “I’m not complaining.”

  “You never do, but you’re not happy.” His hands rest on the desktop. “Audra, leadership shouldn’t be thought of as a punishment. It’s supposed to be an honor to lead the pack. ”

  “I don’t—”

  “Don’t lie, Audra.” He points to my chest. “I see your heart, and it’s not with the pack.”

  Panic grips me. What all does he see? Does he know about Greg? “What am I supposed to do, Dad? Greg’s not ready to take over.”

  Dad blows air through his cheeks, and cold air covers me. “Sadly, my son never will be.”

  My father’s words rattle me and toss ice water on my dreams. When I was younger, he used to say the same thing—Greg’s not alpha material. I assumed Dad meant Greg needed time to learn and train. So, I’ve led my life hoping that he’d step up one day. While I’ve waited for Greg to show interest in the pack, I learn the politics, the history…everything needed to teach my brother. So much for wishful thinking.

  “So, I’m stuck as alpha,” I mumble. It’s a statement—a fact like everything else. I guess it’s never been my lot to enjoy life. Pack first, family second, personal shit last. Always. It’s the code of all alphas, not just the Romeros.

  Being the obedient child gave me the Nevers pack by default. I’m its leader because I’m fulfilling an obligation. I didn’t ask for this burden, but I did chose to step into the alpha’s shoes.


  Sure, I enjoy having power and uncelebrated freedom. It’s rare for a female to lead a pack, but that status shouldn’t mean losing my heart…losing Brady.

  Dad touches my forearm. “Audra, you’re only stuck if you want to be. I heard the conversation between you and your brother. I know you don’t want to hear it, but he’s right. You can always walk away. Pass the baton to your beta. If you don’t think he’s capable, find someone else.”

  Dropping my head into my hands, I squeeze my hair until it hurts. This isn’t the answer I’m looking for. I need a point-blank directive. Do this. Not that.

  Perhaps I got the message all wrong. Yeah, that’s it. The weight on my chest lessens. I lift my head to ask Dad another question, but he’s gone. Once again, Elsbeth sits across from me.

  “Bring him back!” My breath bursts in and out as my thoughts swirl in my head like a cyclone. I devolve into a panicky toddler wanting to be by her parent’s side. Hitting the desk top with my palm, I shout, “Elsbeth, I’m not finished! Bring him back!”

  The Red Witch is a wise female. She didn’t survive this long by giving in to tirades. Folding her hands on the desk, she calmly stares into my eyes. “Your father spoke his piece. I am sorry you didn’t get the answer you desired.”

  My shoulders slump forward as my chest tightens. Afraid to say a word, I clamp my lips shut.

  “You seek an excuse for your inaction. A reason to remain in charge. Stop looking for something that cannot be found. The spirits will not tell you what you already know.”

  So even the spirit world has turned its back on me? Part of me wants to throttle this witch for pointing out the obvious. But I’m not suicidal. At least not at the moment. I’m in an impossible situation. Alone. Always.

  “How am I supposed to solve this?” I ask.

  “You’re not alone, Alpha. Solving this mystery is as simple as being honest with yourself. As I said earlier, look to your own heart.” Elsbeth pushes to her feet. “The right answer lies within you. You just don’t want to face it.”

  “Not true.”

  A thin smile graces Elsbeth’s face as she slowly transforms. A dusty cloud forms around the witch. When it clears, she’s back in her raggedy dress, and her pets scurry around her feet. Elsbeth rasps as she says, “Face your truth, wolf. When you do, all will be right in your world.”

  With those words, the Red Witch vanishes.

  The Red Witch’s departure leaves me torn. Making a decision shouldn’t be this damned hard. For the good of the pack, I need to stay on as alpha. Sadly, my beta isn’t fit to lead either. He’s just a nice guy who is always looking for approval and lacks the ability to protect.

  You only have yourself to blame. You chose him.

  Yes, I created this pessimistic predicament by selecting someone who wouldn’t challenge my leadership. Betas are supposed to be strong individuals who could take over should something happen to the alpha. Before I can step down, I have to replace him. Maybe Sarah knows the right wolf to put in the position.

  Will finding new leadership mend things with Brady?

  He wants a wife—a helpmate. As much as I want to be that for him, I don’t want to be like either of our mothers. I can’t bow to his commands and hold my tongue whenever I disagree—the way of an alpha’s wife. Brady also wants children. I’m not sure that’s in my future either. If something happens to us, we leave little ones defenseless. I won’t do that to my offspring.

  Glancing at the computer screen, I notice it’s time to open for lunch. These thoughts need to be tabled until later.

  Out of all the decisions I’ve made recently, opening Balls Up for lunch is the best one. We’ve only been offering a noon menu for a short time, but we have a waiting list and people milling by the front door. Good thing I anticipated a crowd and brought in extra staff.

  Standing at the edge of the room, I survey the rabble and am pleased with the turnout. Well, I was until I see Calhoun Ryder slip into the bar. At his side is a tall, willowy female with intense golden hair and startling cornflower blue eyes. Amber Broussard. I thought she wasn’t due in Falls Creek until next week.

  With Calhoun’s attention focused on Amber, I exit the room unnoticed. Stepping into my office, I pull out my phone and send Brady a text:

  Audra Nevers: Hey, baby. I thought Amber Broussard wasn’t coming to town until next week.

  Within seconds, Brady responds.

  Brady Romero: That’s right. Why? What’s up?

  Audra Nevers: She’s here. At the bar.

  Brady Romero: Alone?

  Audra Nevers: No. She’s with Cal Ryder.

  Minutes pass with me staring at the screen. I nearly drop the phone when it suddenly starts ringing. It’s Brady.

  “What do you mean she’s there with Cal?” Brady screams into the phone. His boisterous voice hurts my ear.

  I shake off the pain. “Just like it sounds. She walked into the bar with him.” Opening the door, I take a look out to make sure no one’s lurking in the hall. “I thought you should know.”

  “Thanks, sugar. Keep an eye on them for me.” He pauses for a moment. “Hey, did Sebastian drop off paperwork for you?”

  “Yesterday.” I shut the door behind me. “Deeds to the bar and the house.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” His voice shakes slightly. “In case things don’t work out, I want you to have them. You deserve the best.”

  My heart
swells. He’s always looking out for me. “As long as I have you, baby, I have the best.”

  “Back at you.” Brady breathes into the phone. “Change in plans. I’m going to swing through. Pretend you didn’t get the paperwork.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Amber needs to know she’s not running this show. She can’t do whatever she pleases. Plus, it’s time to let Cal and everyone else think our breakup is the real deal.”

  An acting job. Brady and I discussed this last night. It’s the only way to catch the Ryders off-guard. I swallow hard. “Any way to do this without me?”

  “Sugar, it’ll be fine,” he reassures me. “Give it your best shot. Just a warning though. I’m going to say and do stuff that will piss you off. Let it. I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  I nod, forgetting I’m on the phone. “I’m going home early. I’ll say my mind isn’t on work and leave around six.”

  “Perfect. After our display, it’ll be believable. See you soon.”

  Hanging up, I return to the main room to wait. Watching Amber, however, brings back memories I’d like to forget. Two years ago, Brady and I went to New Orleans for a meeting with all the alphas.

  As soon as we entered the room, this tall Norwegian-looking wolf stepped up to Brady. She completely ignored me and wrapped her hand around his elbow.

  “Brady Romero, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,” the Ice Princess announced.

  Her skimpy red dress and stilettos let me know exactly what type of meeting she had in mind, and I didn’t play those games.

  “Excuse you,” I said. Moving closer to Brady, my gaze lands on her hand. “Take your hand off my mate.”

  The she-wolf narrowed her blue eyes and tightened her grip. “Ah, you must be Audra Nevers. Last time I heard, Brady was still unattached. He can choose whomever he likes.”


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