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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4)

Page 13

by SF Benson

  Most supernaturals wouldn’t dare set foot on the parcel of land belonging to Elsbeth Beckworth. Darkness shrouds the island and nothing lives on it unless the Red Witch, a name that transcends time, permits it. Anyone who tries to breach the wards surrounding her sanctuary are met with a painful punishment. I’m glad she granted me admission as I steer the small boat toward the dock.

  Securing the boat, I take in my surroundings. Tall pine trees sway in a breeze that smells like decaying flesh. Elsbeth informed me that she would not meet me. I’ll have to face the angry spirits stirring in the dark on my own.

  Pebbles shift beneath my feet as I step from the bank onto the grass. Something moves, and I jump. I attempt to walk across again, and the ground contracts. Oh, fuck this! I take off, sprinting toward the yellow glow coming from Elsbeth’s cabin.

  The door flies open as I clear the warped porch with its slithering snakes. Invisible fingers touch my shoulders as I cross the threshold. I sure hope to hell those are her wards and not something more nefarious.

  Cackling greets me as I come to a stop in the too-warm living room. Elsbeth sits on a lumpy, faded sofa in her moth-eaten and threadbare black dress, not bothering to transform her appearance.

  “When you’re at home, don’t you appreciate comfort?”

  “I do.” Unfortunately, the present atmosphere does nothing for my level of comfort. Taking a seat at a wooden table, I notice Elsbeth’s eight-legged pets scurrying over the sofa.

  Adding to my anguish, the primeval witch leaves her perch and crosses the room, bringing the dreaded creatures. She sits across from me. Spiders crawl off her dress and onto the table. I drop my arm and scoot back.

  “My children bother you?” Elsbeth says.

  “Honestly? They scare the shit out of me.” My gaze stays on the large, hairy one watching me intently.

  “Et relinquam illam.”

  The spider pivots on its legs and side-steps away. My blood pressure goes down a notch.

  “Now that my child has left, how can I help you?”

  “It’s the Romeros who need you. Brady called from New Orleans. He said there’s an impostor here.”

  Elsbeth pushes to her feet. “Come with me.”

  The Red Witch leads me outside behind her cabin. In this dark, desolate space, electricity crackles overhead while tiny, sharp claws skitter up and down the tall trees. A foul wind blows, making the house moan and creak.

  It’s like standing in a childhood nightmare. My scalp prickles while chills course down my spine and my gut says to run.

  “I feel her.”

  “Her who?” I ask.

  Elsbeth raises her hands and closes her eyes. Her lips move rapidly, but no words are spoken. I’m waiting for Elsbeth’s head to spin like in a bad horror flick. Instead of combusting or some other nonsense, the witch walks toward the Romero estate.

  “What’s going on?” I shout, running behind her.

  She stops at the water’s edge and faces me with a pinched expression. “There’s a witch inside their walls.”


  “Not just any witch.” The tip of Elsbeth’s blue tongue, forked like a serpent’s, darts from her mouth. It looks like she’s tasting the air. “Mercier.”

  “Do you mean there’s a Mercier witch here?”

  “Yes, child,” Elsbeth says frustratedly and lowers her hands. “Mercier witches are experts of illusion.”

  “What? Shapeshifting?”

  “No. Illusionists use glamour. They can appear to be whatever or whoever they need to be. Only another witch skilled in illusion or a more powerful witch can detect it.” Elsbeth gestures for me to follow her back inside the house.

  I shut the door and realize Elsbeth has transformed—youthful face and black leather outfit.

  “This is glamour. If I wanted, my glamour could take on the appearance of anyone you know. Who is at the estate?”

  Leaning against the wall beside the fireplace, I say, “Besides the staff, Santiago, and Brenna, Amber Broussard is supposed to be there. But she’s not. Brady spoke to Amber and her brother today in New Orleans.”

  “Brady went to New Orleans because he wanted to know more about Amber and the Ryders?”


  Elsbeth shakes her head. “You are in danger. I told you before that the Ryders and the Mercier witches are working together. Trust that they know your relationship with Brady still exists.”

  “What about Santiago and Brenna?”

  “The Mercier witch cannot harm them. I left protective charms with them. Husband and wife wear the trinkets.”

  “And Brady?”

  “Likewise. The only ones unprotected are his siblings, your sister, and you.”

  My wolf is awake. I push off the wall and stalk toward Elsbeth. “Give me whatever I need. I’ll make sure Tia and Brian get theirs.”

  “Not possible.” Elsbeth eyes me for an uncomfortably long minute. “The Romeros and I have been loyal to one another since day one. I do not have that understanding with your line.”

  “Then make it!” I shout.

  The Red Witch twists her head from side to side as the space surrounding her begins to hum. Her glamour fades, and darkness descends upon her shoulders. The house shakes with the power radiating from Elsbeth.

  “Will you lay your life down to protect me?”

  I open and then close my mouth.

  Pointing a twisted finger at me, she asks, “If I summon you in the dead of night, will you come?” Elsbeth’s voice is like ice, cold and sharp as a dagger. Her words are full of contempt—a hatred that’s at least a few centuries old. “Will you do my bidding without question?”

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, but I won’t back down. I can’t. It’s not my way. Instead, I glare at the Red Witch.

  Elsbeth returns a gaze burning with scalding fury. Her angry voice stabs the air between us. “The Romeros made a deal with me when they first came to this soil. I have honored the pact through the generations.” She reaches into a sleeve and produces a blade. The lights in the room glint off the weapon. “Sell your soul along with the souls of all generations of Nevers, and we shall have our own accord.”

  “No thanks.” I’m not responsible for the deals made in the past. I’m sure as hell not about to condemn my entire family to save my life. “I’ll take care of it myself.”

  Elsbeth returns her weapon to its hiding place. The lights brighten, the shadows hovering around her dissipates, and she dips her flaming red head. “Very well, but be careful, young wolf. The Ryders are coming for you and your sister. This I am sure. You may or may not survive the encounter.”

  “Thank you for the information.”

  “Do not bother me again,” Elsbeth says, dismissing me.

  I waste no time. Heading toward the boat, I think about her warning. If Calhoun and Andrew think the Nevers family is going down without a fight, they are bigger idiots than I thought.

  Two years ago, my time in New Orleans wasn’t as comfortable. There was so much tension between Audra and Amber, I was certain a war would have started any moment. Outside of their hatred for each other, I was a new alpha, and my leadership was constantly challenged. This trip has been exceedingly pleasant in comparison. This time, though, Ace and his pack welcomed me. Amber apologized for her behavior and introduced me to her intended mate. None of this would have happened had it not been for Brian—my reluctant beta.

  Despite his impressive leader skills, I can’t go easy on him. Brian has to remember it’s always family first and then pack. We deal with our own personal shit after the fact. Bonding and marriage, for him, should have happened after we dealt with the Ryders. All of us figured Brian and Tia would wait until college graduation in a couple of years.

  Sounds of glasses clinking and too-loud conversations hang in the air behind me as I close the heavily padded red door. The quiet of the private room within The Bloody Bastard is gratifying. Instantly, my mind goes to the things I could do wi
th Audra in a space like this one. The oversized, plush sofas and comfortable chairs lend themselves to all sorts of kink.

  The upscale bar in the French Quarter is a favorite hangout for both humans and supernaturals. The dark establishment’s private rooms and booths are heavily sought out. I wonder if the humans would be so taken with the place if they knew the owner was one of the world’s oldest vampires. Fortunately, Julien Vladislav runs a clean business. Any blood leeched is done discreetly. It’s the job of the cleaning crew to remove any fallen bodies. Humans are given drinks with amnesiacs so they don’t remember anything otherworldly.

  I barely have time to enjoy my Scotch when the cushioned door swings open and Brian and Tia, a young wolf as beautiful as her sister, stumble inside. Are they drunk?

  Don’t be too hard on them. You’d do the same on your honeymoon. If not worse.


  “Hey, Brady.” Brian tugs Tia closer as they sit on the red leather sofa across from me.

  Shifting my weight on the wingback chair, I’m not sure how to handle this situation. Do I approach these two as their alpha? Chastise them for not putting the pack first? Or do I simply be myself? Be the big brother Brian expects me to be—needs me to be?

  “Before you jump on our backs,” Tia initiates the conversation, alleviating any decision from me. “You should know we were going to do this whether it was here or back at school. We’ve seen the hell you and my sister have been through. We didn’t want that in our lives.”

  Brian continues with the explanation. “I realize we should have told the family, but you would have stopped us.” He squeezes Tia’s hand. “This way if I have to assume leadership, I already have my mate beside me.”

  Tia’s gaze, filled with yearning and love, lingers on my brother. Unspoken passion passes back and forth between them, and I feel like an unwelcome voyeur. I clear my throat, and Tia tears her attention away.

  “Sorry about that.” She glances at me. “We’re a good team, Brady. Your brother smoothed things out with the Broussards, and I spoke with Amber on my sister’s behalf.”

  “Your help is much appreciated, but guys…” Although Tia and Brian have good intentions, they’ve put me in a bad spot. Dad would want me to be tough. Mom would try to soften the blow. Me? I want to high-five my brother for going after what he wants, but I don’t get to be the good guy.


  Tia and Brian give me a unified, expected look.

  Here goes nothing. “In the future, remember that these things need to be planned. Okay? Right now, we have a war brewing back home. This isn’t the time for weddings and honeymoons. Have you forgotten family first and pack second? Our desires come last.”

  The couple glance at each other before Tia says, “With all due respect, Alpha, that creed is flawed. It’s why you’re not with my sister. If you don’t take care of yourself, how can the pack or even the family survive?”

  Brian sports a shit-eating grin.

  Tia continues, “It’s like what they tell you on a plane. In case of lack of oxygen, apply the mask to yourself first. During times of turmoil, it’s best to take care of your personal needs first. That way you’re not worried about your loved ones. You’ve provided for them. You can extend the protection to your family. Then, you sit down with the pack. Discuss and address their needs.”

  How is it Tia didn’t end up as alpha? She’s nothing like her sister. Audra shares the same flawed philosophy. All of us alphas do.

  Brian adds, “We don’t know what might happen with the Ryders. Tia and I want as much time together as we can get. If things go bad, I’ll be able to find her because of the bond.”

  He pauses, and Tia picks up the slack. “You’ll soon learn I can be as stubborn as Audra, but I’m not my sister. I’m willing to act in my own best interests even if it opposes the pack or my family. Audra lets her obligations in life keep her from being happy.”

  Damn. Tia’s the youngest in the Nevers family, but she might just be the wisest one.

  Better not let Audra know that if you value your balls.

  The thought has my dick twitching.

  “Okay.” I hold up my hands, resigned to the fact. “What’s done is done. Have you two had your fill for now? We need to get home.”

  Brian smiles and side-glances at Tia. “For now. We can finish this at home.”

  Scrubbing a hand over my face, I ask, “Enlighten me. Just where will that be?”

  “We’re already sharing an apartment near campus. But with this Ryder issue we’ll be in Falls Creek a little longer.” Tia’s eyebrows rise, and she gives me a questioning gaze. “Perhaps we could use one of the guest houses on the estate?”

  Mom and Dad are going to skin me alive. “Fine. At least we’ll be able to keep an eye on you two.”

  Brian laughs. “Not too close we hope.”

  I face-palm. “I trust you know how to pull the blinds.”

  “I don’t know. Brother, you might learn a thing or two.”

  Shoot. Me. Now.

  “Seriously though, Brady.” The humor leaves Brian’s face as he turns back to me. “You need to know there’s a Mercier witch in Falls Creek.”

  My gut twists into a perfect Windsor. “Where?”

  “All depends on where the fake Amber is at the moment. The witch is glamoured to look like her,” Brian says solemnly.

  Although my wolf wakes up, somehow I stay calm. “She’s on the estate. With Mom and Dad.”

  A rapid click-click sound grabs my attention. My gaze bounces around the room before it lands on Tia. She’s texting someone.

  “I just sent a message to your mom’s phone, guys. I let her know that the Amber with her is an impostor and to be careful what she says around her.” Tia returns the phone to her purse.

  I’m too stunned to speak. I don’t believe Audra’s ever called my mother for anything. It’s not that they don’t get along. My brother wraps his arm around Tia’s shoulders and kisses her cheek. “My baby is smart as hell.”

  “Yes, she is.” I sit back and appreciate the moment. My brother isn’t so little anymore. He’s happy, and I’m happy for him. “We need to get going. Ace is sending reinforcements with us. They’re waiting at the jet.”

  Standing, Tia holds her arms out. “Are you going to welcome me to the family?”

  I reach out and pull her into an embrace. “Welcome, little sister. May you spread some of your wisdom to Audra.”

  “I’ll try, but you know she puts the S in stubborn.”


  An hour later, the company jet is headed back to Falls Creek. Six of the Broussard pack members fill the seats toward the front of the plane. The sounds of Nicky Jam and Farruko blast through the speakers, giving Brian and Tia a little privacy in the bedroom. Honestly? It’s to spare my poor ears. I thought they were waiting until they got home.

  “Mind if I sit?” Ace stands next to the U-shaped sofa.

  I sit up. “Thank you for coming with us.”

  “Not a problem. Don’t appreciate some fucking witch masquerading as my sister.” Ace takes a lengthy pull from the longneck bottle in his hand. “What’s the plan?”

  “First, we touch base with Elsbeth. There’s no way I want to confront the Mercier witch without her.”

  “Agreed. And the Ryders?”

  “Let them make the first move. I’m not walking into a trap.”

  Ace leans forward, places the bottle on the coffee table, and rests his elbows on his muscular legs. “Word of advice? One alpha to another?”


  “The Mercier witch needs to be contained. If not, she’ll go straight to the enemy. Let my wolves stake out places the Ryders hang out. Ya know, keep ya enemies close?”

  “Understood.” I grab my phone off the table and pull up a map of Falls Creek. Leaning toward Ace, I point out the relevant spots. “The Ryders live in the older part of town near the cemetery. You had dealings with their father, Elijah.”

hat rank-ass piece of shit?” Disgust twists Ace’s expression. “Could smell him a mile away.”

  “His offspring share the same delightful stench.”

  Ace shakes his head. “Don’t they believe in a damned bath?”

  I shrug. “The family is a bunch of old-school cats. It’s just Cal and his brother Drew. They have plenty of associates, though, working with them.” Pointing to the map, I say, “Crucifix Island… Balls Up… Those are other places they hang. If they’re not in those spots, just lift your head and inhale. You’ll find them.”

  “Putting them down might be good for the environment,” Ace growls.

  Without a doubt.

  The first rays of sunlight greet us as our caravan drives up to the estate. Mateo takes Ace and his wolves to the meeting house while Tia, Brian, and I head into the main house.

  Mom meets us in the dining room. Her sparkling eyes take in everybody before she goes over to Tia. Mom pulls her in for a hug. “Welcome to the family, my daughter.”

  Tia smiles. “Thanks, Mom. I’m glad to be part of it. What about that matter we need to discuss?”

  “Ah, that…” Mom steps back. “We need to see your sister.”

  “I probably should say hello to Amber first,” I announce.

  Mom shakes her head vehemently. “Go to the car. Have Mateo drive you. I’ll follow.”

  That Windsor knot? It creeps out of my gut and loops around my throat.

  In case the Ryders are watching the house, I have Mateo drive all of us to the bar. It’s too early for anyone to be there, so intruders will quickly be spotted. Unlocking the back door, I lead everyone to the basement. Beyond the boxes of supplies and liquor is another door. We step over the threshold and into a sizable meeting room. From time to time, I’ve used the space for private discussions with pack members.

  Brian and Tia take a seat at one of the tables. Ace turns a chair around and straddles it. Mateo escorts my mother into the room. Once we’re all settled, Ace nods toward one of his wolves who goes up the stairs. The rest of them stand guard outside the room.

  “Okay,” I start. “Mom, you received Tia’s message?”


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