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Of the Blood

Page 2

by Cameo Renae

  His purplish-blue eyes seemed to be glowing, and an almost feral smile raised on the edges of his lips. Lips I envisioned against mine.

  Well defined arms crossed over a broad chest as he leaned against the door, one foot casually crossing over the other. “Tonight, is about you, Calla. And I’ll remain here, fixed to this spot, unless . . .” His head inclined to the side with a lopsided grin. “Unless you want me to come closer.”

  If it were possible, my heart thumped louder inside my chest. My unspoken answer was yes, but it terrified me to say it out loud. I’d never been so carefree or reckless in all my life, never one to throw caution to the wind. But there was something about him. Something mysterious and intriguing. Something every part of me was attracted to. Maybe it was lust, but whatever it was, he had me fully wrapped in it.

  Brynna had boasted about her one-night flings. No attachments. Just a single night of fun that was forgotten the next day. If she could manage it, why couldn’t I? It was my birthday after all, and I was now an adult.

  But . . .

  “Why me?” I repeated. “When you could’ve had any one of those girls downstairs.” It was a sincere question of which I expected an honest answer.

  His eyes darkened with an obvious want. “I didn’t come for any girl, Calla. I came for you.”

  Butterflies whirled inside my belly, but he still didn’t answer my question. “Why?”

  His eyes flashed, assessing me. Gods, he was gorgeous.

  “We are somehow connected, you and I.” He seemed as if he was going to take a step forward, but he stopped, remaining in place. “I don’t understand it myself, but I feel tied to you,” he crooned, his gaze narrowed. “You feel it too, don’t you?”

  “I—” I hesitated. I did feel something between us but wasn’t sure what it was. There was an undeniable physical attraction and having him so close caused every cell in my body to hum. But I wasn’t about to admit that to a stranger . . . no matter how attractive he was. For all I knew, he could have been a pervert or a murderer. But as the thought crossed my mind, I didn’t sense he was either. “I’m not certain what I feel.”

  His smile grew and with it a need pulsed heavily inside me, melting my core, awakening my deprived desires.

  “Just say the word,” he purred. His voice was low and dripping with seduction, quietly waiting until I recovered my voice. “Tell me to come or tell me to leave. I will willingly do either. The choice is yours.”

  In my mind, I considered the risks. All the risks. But hell, it was my birthday, and I was technically an adult. Besides, he was giving me a choice, and I wasn’t under any influence of alcohol, although around him I felt like it. And I wasn’t being pushed to do anything I didn’t want to.

  My choice.

  I peered deep into those darkened eyes and offered him a nod, tossing my conscience to the wind.


  Chapter Two

  In a split second, he was inches away, splaying his palm over the middle of my chest, leaning forward as if seeking my heartbeat. Closing his eyes, a grin unfurled on his full lips. “Can you hear it? It sings for me.”

  Good gods.

  In one sudden move—so fast it caused my head to whirl—I was in his arms, my back pressed against the far wall, his body tight against mine. His breath was sweet, his lips drifting precariously close to mine. “Tell me you feel it, Calla. The link between us.”

  All I could do was nod because all speech was failing me.

  His scent was delicious. A wild mix of blends I couldn’t describe. Maybe a touch of earth and wind and spice, but also a hint of something sweet. Perhaps it was all those elements combined and melded together. A perfect blend.

  “Calla,” he breathed. “I’m going to kiss you.”

  I wanted him to kiss me.

  With a nod of approval, he pressed a tender kiss to my lips.

  Slow, soft, thoughtful. Not rough or wild. And that kiss took my breath away. It made my brain numb and sent tingles surging through my entire body. But I wanted more. Craved more. I opened my mouth to him, letting him deepen the kiss. And he moaned in approval.

  His mouth ravaged mine, this time unrestrained. Our mouths and tongues moved like they were meant to be together. A primal need was drawing us closer. His kiss was so deep, so passionate, that I started swimming in that sea of starlight I’d been admiring moments ago.

  I wanted him, like I’d never wanted anyone or anything before, and that awareness both frightened and thrilled me.

  His cold hands trailed down my collar and over my shoulders, but his lingering touch felt like fire, setting my skin ablaze. There was electricity around us, between us, through us. If his arms weren’t folded around me, holding me up, my knees would have buckled.

  While I had some common sense left, I drew away from his kiss.

  “Who are you?” I breathed. This was something I needed to know before things went any further.

  His forehead relaxed against mine, his breath heavy. “A dark knight come to protect you. A knight who can pleasure you beyond anything you’ve ever imagined.”

  I abruptly forgot my question and didn’t care. Those soft-spoken words added fuel to the already roaring fire inside me.

  He leaned back, his azure gaze capturing mine. “But you have to want me too.”

  His voice was pure seduction, like a balm instantly soothing my insecurities. How could he do that? This man had placed me under a spell so powerful, I wasn’t capable of breaking free. My body craved more. More of him. Desperate for whatever he could give me.

  “Do you want me, Calla?” His words resounded through my very core.

  “Yes,” I returned in a breathless whisper.

  I was suddenly on the bed, his powerful frame hovering above me.

  “I’d never harm you,” he breathed.

  I don’t know why he said it, but I believed him.

  He paused, those alluring eyes studying mine. No one had ever looked at me the way he was looking at me. He’d enchanted me, and I knew after tonight, I’d never be the same.

  His name. I was about to ask his name when his lips crashed against mine. This time with a powerful, primal possessiveness that made me gasp and clutch his shoulders.

  My mind was gone. Lost to reason. Lost to this stranger with a handsome face I most definitely felt a connection with.

  He tugged off his shirt and flung it to the floor, the darkness swallowing it up. I ran my palms down his back and felt nothing but solid muscle. His tongue swirled on my neck, making my fingers clasp him tighter.

  He stiffened.

  Everything stopped as he drew back from me, his expression one of bewilderment.

  What happened?

  Regret and insecurity oozed into me.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. His eyes shifted to my left hand.

  Clasping my wrist, he examined the silver purity ring on my finger. And just like that, the moment came to a plunging, icy stop.

  His eyes scrutinized me. A curious look emblazed within them. “Are you a virgin?”

  I yanked my hand from his grip. Embarrassment heating my cheeks. “What if I am?”

  Everyone knew I was the virtuous granddaughter of a clergy. The girl who wore a purity ring and vowed to remain pure until the day I married. I was seven back then, and it sounded like a wonderful plan. But I’d grown up since, and now, the glittering silver ring shackled to my finger was strangling me.

  His eyes softened. An affectionate smile blossomed on his full lips. “It doesn’t change anything, Calla.”

  I knew nothing about him, yet he knew my name and spoke it like he’d known me for a lifetime.

  I was never one to attract attention from the opposite sex. Not like this, and especially not by someone like him . . . otherworldly beautiful who exuded a strong, masculine energy.

  Caressing the sides of my face, he pressed another gentle kiss to my lips, my stress melting into a puddle. He continued planting kisses down my throat and
across my collarbone until . . .

  A searing pain stung my shoulder. I wailed, shoving his shoulders back, but he was like stone, unmoving.

  Suddenly, his beautiful face was in front of mine, hovering inches above me. I gasped in dismay as crimson liquid dripped from two sharp incisors protruding from his blood-smeared lips. Shrieking, my cry was cut off by his mouth plunging down over mine. His lips were wet, a coppery taste coated my tongue. Blood. My blood.

  He bit me. The bastard bit me.

  The world around me started whirling. My body weakened as darkness slithered into the corners of my eyes, threatening to fill them entirely.

  I struggled to force him off, but my arms were fastened beneath the power of his heavy grip.

  “I’m sorry, Calla,” he sighed, his cool breath nuzzling my ear. “I had no other option. And soon, you will understand why.”

  “Get the hell away from me,” I cried. Anger and confusion erupted inside of me like a violent river. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. And I was losing consciousness.

  “Go away!” I wailed again as darkness embraced me.

  I woke to Brynna and a few other girls standing over me. Brynna was shaking my shoulders and calling my name. Concern swelled within her blue eyes and crumpled on her brow.

  Blinking, I took in my surroundings and finally remembered where I was. And still groggy, the inquiries began. Questions I couldn’t answer. Questions hammering my skull . . . pounding, pounding, pounding until I couldn’t take it anymore.

  They all demanded to know who the newcomer was, and where he went. They wanted details on what took place between us while we were alone.

  “Please. Not now,” I whined, massaging my closed eyes with the palms of my hands.

  Brynna rose, telling the others that I needed rest and to be alone, then showed them out of the room. I heard her tell her goodbyes, and not long after, she returned with a glass of water and handed it to me. I gulped it down.

  “Do you need me to send for a physician?” she asked, carefully examining me.

  “Gods no. I'm fine,” I exhaled, pushing a finger to my temple, hoping it would release a bit of the building pressure. “I’m just a little woozy and tired.”

  “Did—did he drug you?” she asked softly.

  I shook my head, causing it to throb even more. “No.”

  But realization crashed into me like a stone wall. He was real. He had been here.

  “Who was he?” she asked.

  I let out a heavy groan. “I don’t know.”

  “You didn’t get his name?”


  She let out a sharp sigh. “Well, he clearly knew you. He knew your name and knew it was your birthday. But I didn’t invite him, and no one else has ever seen him before either.”

  There was nothing I could say. I truly knew nothing about him, and it made me feel entirely pitiful.

  Fear coiled around me, slithering into my mind as I visualized the mysterious stranger with those penetrating azure eyes and sharp incisors stained with my blood.

  I warred against the growing pressure tightening my chest. “I need to go home.”

  Brynna nodded and helped me gather my things before fetching the carriage to take me home. She traveled with me. The clatter of hooves and wooden wheels against the cobbled street didn’t help the pulsing pain in my skull.

  I needed to be alone. I needed to get home and sift through my night.

  A few months ago, my parents had given me the cottage which sat on the edge of our land, overlooking the Argent Sea.

  On most days, I’d relax out on the stoop, curled up with a novel, listening to the wind rustling through the surrounding oak and sycamore trees. The birds would sing their lively tunes, while the waves of the sea crashed against the rocks below. To me, it was the most peaceful place in Sartha. It was my safe place. My sanctuary.

  When we finally reached my home, I leaned over and enclosed Brynna in a hug.

  “You know where to find me if you need anything, right?” she questioned. Settling her palms on my shoulders, her eyes scrutinized me. “Are you positive you don’t want to stay at my place tonight?”

  I shook my head. “No. But thank you again. The party was one I’ll never forget.” I forced a smile and she beamed back.

  As I opened the carriage door, she grasped my arm. “Wait!”

  Brynna dug through her handbag and shoved a small, white box into my hand. “Happy birthday, Calla.”

  I let out an exhale, shaking my head. “Brynna, you threw me a party and bought me a dress. You didn’t have to buy me a gift too.”

  She shrugged. “You know me. I was in town the other day, and some relentless force drew me into this antique shop. As I wandered around, something just happened to jump out at me, imploring me to buy it. So, I did.” She wiggled her fingers at the present, her face radiating with a wide smile. “Go ahead, open it.”

  I removed the small white ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside was a silver chain that held a pretty, circular pendant—about an inch in diameter—also fringed in silver. Around the edges of the circle were strange markings, rune’s maybe, and inset at the very center was the most exquisite, sparkling gem. A rich azure—the exact hue of the stranger’s eyes.

  Goosebumps prickled my skin as I picked up the pendant.

  “Well? Do you like it?” Brynna asked, her eyes twinkling, anticipating my response.

  “I love it.” Leaning over, I wrapped her in another hug. “You’re too good to me.”

  “I knew you didn’t want the party, so this is my thank you for entertaining me. And, since you declined to stay over, I guess I’ll go visit Claude for the next couple days.” She threw me a wink and a mischievous grin.

  Claude Bentham was Brynna’s present companion. He resided about a half hour away on the outskirts of Southport, where he had his own flat, and worked as an apprentice in his father’s blacksmith shop. They met when Claude made a delivery to their home. Brynna said they connected immediately, and it seemed to be reciprocal. Claude was handsome, and although he was the son of a blacksmith, he was quite intelligent.

  I growled at her. “Please, be safe.”

  “You know me.” A devilish grin widened on her lips.

  “Exactly. Which is why I mentioned it.”

  Her laughter filled the carriage. “Go on. Get comfortable. Grab one of your romance novels and enjoy the rest of your birthday.”

  “I will.” I hugged her one last time, watching and waving until her carriage disappeared down the darkened road.

  My brain was still throbbing and my body weak as I strolled down the stone passageway to my cottage. I could hear the waves crashing against the rocks beyond the cliff.

  I’d spent countless nights gazing out at the dim horizon, fantasizing of what existed beyond. But not tonight. Tonight, I needed to curl up in bed under my warm blankets and sleep.

  After drawing a hot bath, I paused in front of the mirror, the night’s events replaying in my mind. My fingers skimmed the area where I was bitten. I leaned toward the mirror, searching for marks. There was nothing but smooth skin. Not a blemish or bruise in sight.

  I knew it was real, though. I felt it. Saw the blood dripping from the stranger’s elongated teeth. I could also recall, in vivid detail, the sharp contours of his face, the way he walked and carried himself, and those unforgettable, soul-piercing eyes that had captured me completely.

  The most disconcerting part was that he knew me, yet I still—after being more intimate with him than anyone else ever—knew nothing about him. Not where he lived and clearly not a name or even an initial. He’d somehow managed to dodge all my questions. And my over-zealous libido and fogged brain didn’t help me.

  After my bath, I slipped into my bedgown and snuggled up with my blanket and favorite book. It wasn’t long before waves of nausea and cold chills struck me. I grabbed a bucket and placed it next to my bedside, just in case.

  My head was pulsing and every muscle in
my body throbbed. Throbbed so severely, it had me coiling up into a ball. Soon, my insides started to heat, like someone had lit a torch inside of me.

  I could scarcely move. The pain and searing of my insides caused a veil of darkness to linger at the fringes of my eyes.

  I was losing consciousness, helpless, and there was no one around who could help me.

  With my heart palpitating and breath quickening, I could only consider one terrifying conclusion. I was going to die, and no one would discover me until I was a decayed and smelly corpse.

  As the night crawled on, dark and invisible tentacles coiled around me, pulling me down, down, down into a scorching hell.

  Flashes of the stranger’s face pulsed in front of me. His deep cobalt eyes. His smile stained with crimson.

  My blood.

  The fever was making me delusional. Through the unending nightmare—in between blacking out and barely gaining consciousness—I swore there was someone with me. A shadowed figure at my bedside.

  I felt a cold compress against my forehead and a feathered touch sweep across my cheek. I even felt a hand had grip mine through the agony and heard a voice whispering comfort . . . saying this hell would soon pass.

  But the suffering was too powerful, destroying all illusions of hope, enveloping me in a cocoon of flame and darkness.

  There was no respite, and no knowing when it would end. I lost all track of time. Countless hours, days . . . who knew how long my cries went unheard as the blaze ravaged me.

  I prayed to the gods to let it end. Even pleaded for death.

  Then, all at once, it stopped.

  Gasping, soaked with perspiration, I struggled to move, but was paralyzed. Every cell inside of me was spent, weakened to the edge of failure.

  The darkness was again threatening to devour me whole. But this time, it offered no suffering. It was serene and calm, greeting me with open arms. Death had finally come for me. And I embraced it.

  Chapter Three

  My aching eyelids drifted open, and much to my dismay, I was still alive. The drapes were drawn shut, and the lamp on my nightstand was lit. Peering down, I noticed my bedgown was changed, and the blankets were fresh and clean, neatly tucked in around me. Someone had been here. Someone had changed my clothes and bedding. If they did, they saw me nude.


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