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Losing It All Over Again

Page 2

by Michelle Graham

  “I won’t let you go, baby.” He kissed her and slid a hand down to her ass. “Just rock your hips against me.”

  Resting her head on his shoulder, she started to move. In this position there wasn’t a lot of movement possible, but the rocking motion felt great. Not only was he stimulating something deep inside, but her clit rubbed against his body, and her breasts were squashed between them, the slight friction on her nipples adding to the pleasurable sensations.

  “Mmm. That’s good.”

  “You feel amazing.” Hank sought out her mouth again, matching the thrusts of his tongue to the pace of her movements. When he pulled away, their eyes met. Her chest felt light, and tingles raced down her spine from the spots where he touched her.

  “Hank.” His name came out on a whisper.

  He rolled them down to the bed so Lauren ended up on top of him, their bodies still connected. Gripping her ass, he began thrusting up, the strokes hard and fast.

  She’d never felt such an intense sensation during sex before. Between the deep strokes and the stimulation of her clit, she could feel the tightness in her body that signaled the approach of another orgasm. She cried out when it hit, her pussy clamping down on Hank’s cock, squeezing it over and over.

  A moment later he stilled, and then gasped. Working his hands into her hair, he held her as they kissed.

  “I have to go clean up,” he whispered. “I’ll be back.”


  Lauren rolled off him, and watched the way his ass moved when he walked to the bathroom, enjoying the view. There was a tattoo on his back close to his shoulder, but she couldn’t tell what it was. When the bathroom door closed, she collapsed back onto the pillow, unable to keep a grin off her face. For years, masturbation had provided her with the satisfaction her husband wouldn’t, but she had never dreamed that having an orgasm with someone else could be so intense. She was still having aftershocks.

  Lying naked without the warmth of another body next to her made her cold, so she crawled under the covers. A moment later, Hank strode out of the bathroom and slid in beside her. He pulled her into a spoon position, her head pillowed on his arm.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Fantastic,” she said. “That was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  He laughed. “Glad I could help.” He nuzzled her neck, reigniting her desire. With a contented sigh, she wiggled her bottom, pleased when he began to harden against her ass. “Are you looking for another round?” he asked.

  “I might be.”

  “Just let me grab another condom.”


  The sound of a cell phone ringing roused Lauren. It didn’t sound like her ring tone. The mattress bounced as Hank crawled out of bed. She heard a thump and a muffled, “Fuck.” With a smile, she snuggled into the blankets.

  “Angel, why are you calling me right now?”

  Lauren opened her eyes. Had she heard him right? She knew she shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but it was hard not to overhear.

  “Sweetie, I told you I’d be home in the morning. It’s only six o’clock.”

  Angel, sweetie, home. Fearing the worst, she held her breath and listened to the rest of the conversation.

  “It was a late meeting, so I stayed the night. You knew I wouldn’t be home.” Pause. “I miss you, too, but I’ll be there soon. I love you.”

  The phone beeped as he turned it off, and a moment later she heard the bathroom door close. Letting out the rest of her breath, she seethed to herself. Hank was married. He’d told his wife he had a meeting and come to have a nice anonymous romp in the city. Tears welled up. Men were so stupid. She’d been the wife waiting at home for a husband who was working late or at a “meeting.” And now she was the other woman.

  Hearing the shower start, she flung back the covers, got out of bed and turned on the light. Grabbing her clothes, she yanked them back on, picked up her purse and overnight bag, and hurried out of the room.

  Chapter Three

  As Hank stood beneath the warm spray of the shower, he smiled. Having Angel at home had put a damper on his social life, and a year was a long time to go without sex. Sure he jacked off, but it wasn’t the same as fucking a gorgeous woman like Lauren.

  Lauren. The poor girl. It astounded him that her husband had been so inattentive to her needs. What an idiot. At least she’d had the sense to get out of the marriage. She deserved more. If he were married to her, he’d make sure she was satisfied as often as she needed to be.

  Hank froze. Where the hell had that thought come from? The only time he thought about marriage was to be thankful he hadn’t made that kind of commitment. He enjoyed being a bachelor, but suddenly he imagined having Lauren in his bed every night. Lauren reading a story to Angel. Lauren, her belly rounded with his child, an experience he’d missed with Angel’s mom.

  Jerking the tap to the right, he let stinging cold water rain down on him until he couldn’t stand it. Getting out of the shower, he thanked his lucky stars that Losing It was meant for casual hook-ups. Neither one of them had expectations of more, and if he never saw Lauren again, he wouldn’t have to worry about these crazy thoughts. As he dried off, he rehearsed his speech to her in his head. It was a lot of fun. Good luck in the single life. Steeling his nerves against the sight of her naked in the bed, he opened the bathroom door.

  The bed was empty and Lauren was nowhere to be seen.

  “Lauren?” The bag that she’d had on the dresser the night before was gone.

  Well that was easy. As he dressed, he wondered why she’d left so suddenly. In all his years of casual relationships, he’d never been the last one out the door. It bothered him. After gathering his belongings, he headed downstairs, wishing he’d had the chance to spend some more time with Lauren, and maybe get her phone number.

  Hank wondered if Lauren had paid for the room, or if he needed to do it. Approaching the front desk, he realized he didn’t even know her full name.

  “Can I help you?” The man behind the desk beckoned Hank forward.

  “My…wife had to leave early this morning,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure she checked out. Room seven fourteen.”

  The clerk tapped a few keys on the keyboard. “It’s all taken care of Mr. Monroe.”

  “Great. Thank you.” Hank started to turn away, but then stopped. “May I have another copy of the receipt please? She sometimes misplaces things.”

  “Not a problem.”

  While Hank waited for the valet to bring his car, he glanced down at the receipt, which had an address and phone number for Lauren Monroe. He started to crumple it up, but stopped, folded it, and tucked it into his pocket.


  “I’d tap that.”

  Hank tucked his phone into his pocket, wishing his colleague could mind his own business. “Looking over my shoulder again, James?”

  “You were holding it out. I saw it when I glanced over.”

  “Did you bring the Packard file? I need to get myself up to speed on the case.”

  James pushed the thick manila folder toward Hank. “So who’s the hottie?”

  “Just a friend of my sister’s.” Hank opened the folder and picked up a sheet of paper, not really seeing it at all, and hoping James would drop the subject.

  “Can you introduce me?”

  Hank grimaced. It was his own fault for stalking Lauren’s Facebook profile where nosy assholes like James could see. “She’s taken.” He pretended to flip through the file.

  “Did you bang her?”

  Gritting his teeth, Hank ignored James and picked up another page. He was spared having to answer by the arrival of one of the law firm’s senior partners. During the meeting, Hank’s attention kept wandering back to the photo of Lauren in a bikini on a beach somewhere. She needed to change her privacy settings. It had been too easy to find her and go through her photos.

  He tried to force his attention back to the file in front of him, but it was hopeless. She kept invading his t
houghts. Every day this week he’d beat off in the shower remembering the way she sighed his name, and the sight of her riding him with abandon. It was stupid. He’d had great sex before and had no trouble saying good-bye. It was only bothering him because she’d been the one to leave. He just wanted to know why she’d rushed out on him. Several times he’d dialed her phone number, only to delete it again without calling.

  When the meeting ended, he retreated to his office before he had to talk to James again. He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to hear her voice. Picking up the office phone, he dialed the number he’d committed to memory.

  “Hi, you’ve reached Lauren. I’m not home so leave me a message and I’ll get back to you soon.”

  Hank hung up the phone. He’d figured she wouldn’t be there in the middle of the day, but hearing her voice had satisfied his urge to talk to her. Turning to the folders on his desk, he tried to get caught up on the things he’d missed while obsessing about his one-night stand.

  At seven o’clock, Hank still sat at his desk. He usually tried to get home earlier, but today there seemed to be no end to the work. Thank goodness for Rosa. The nanny was more than happy to stay into the evening with Angel. As he made some notes about one of the custody agreements he was drafting, the phone rang. Without looking, he picked it up.

  “Hank Abramo.”

  The person on the phone sucked in a breath. “Hank?”

  He dropped the pen and checked the call display. Shit! “Lauren, hi.”

  Silence. “This number was on my call display. I thought my lawyer was calling.”

  “Your lawyer?”

  “Anne Johnson. She’s handling my divorce.”


  “How did you get this number?”

  Panic set in. He didn’t want her to think he’d been stalking her, but what reason could he give for calling and hanging up? “That morning, I went to check out, but you’d already paid, and they gave me a copy of the receipt.” Inspiration struck. “I wanted to offer to pay you back. You shouldn’t have had to take care of the whole bill yourself.”

  “If I needed the money I would have asked. Thank you for thinking of it, but it’s not necessary. Good-bye.”

  “Lauren, wait!”

  There was a pause and he thought she’d hung up. “Yes?”

  “I just—why did you leave?”

  “I didn’t want to be the reason you had to work late.”

  Hank frowned. That made no sense. “I don’t—”

  “Good-bye.” This time he heard the click as she disconnected the call.

  “Shit.” He cradled the receiver and sat back in his chair.

  Chapter Four

  “Shit.” Lauren stared at the phone. What were the odds that the man she’d hooked up with would work at the same firm as her lawyer? She’d never seen him there. She’d remember if she had.

  Flopping back on the bed, she stared at the ceiling. She had spent every night since their encounter remembering and fantasizing about Hank, but her vibrator just wasn’t the same. Figuring she could drown her sorrows in a tub of Ben and Jerry’s, or possibly a bottle of Merlot, she headed to the kitchen, but before she made it, there was a knock at her door.

  Changing course with a frown, she peered out the peephole. Anger surged through her and she ripped the door open.

  “Fuck off. I don’t want to talk to you.”

  Roger slid in the door before she could slam it. Stupid slimeball. Lauren stood her ground, even when he moved right into her personal space. She’d spent too long letting him back her down.

  “Lauren, I wanted to come and try to make things right.” He put his hands on her shoulders and attempted to kiss her, but she pulled out of his grasp.

  “Get out.”

  “Listen, I know I fucked up, but what I had with Brittany was just a temporary thing. You know I love you.” He tried to grab her again, but she crossed her arms and moved toward the door.

  “Get out.” She opened the door and stood waiting for him to leave.

  “Lauren, I—”

  “Get out. Except for our meeting with the lawyers tomorrow, I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  Roger opened his mouth to say something else, but Lauren pointed to the hall. Snapping his jaw shut, he stormed out of the apartment. Lauren closed the door with a satisfying slam. Good riddance.


  In the morning, Lauren took extra care getting ready. She wanted Roger to know just what he was losing out on. Donning a short skirt and a low-cut blouse over her push-up bra, she studied her reflection. She swept her hair up in a clip, letting sexy tendrils frame her face. Smoky make-up, much heavier than what she normally wore during the day, completed the look. Soon her divorce would be finalized, and she’d be free to find someone who would treat her the way she deserved. Hank had shown her that there were better men out there than her stupid husband.

  The image of Hank’s face looking up from between her legs flashed through her mind and she blushed. He’d been good in bed, but he was a cheater just like Roger. She needed to forget both of them.

  Driving through the snarl of traffic heading into the city had Lauren’s head pounding by the time she reached the lawyer’s office. She and Anne were meeting to go over the final details half an hour before Roger and his lawyer were due to sign the papers. Lauren wiped her palms on her skirt as the elevator ascended. When she reached the law office, she took a deep breath and walked up to the reception desk.

  “I have an appointment with Ms. Johnson.”

  The receptionist consulted her computer. “Unfortunately, Ms. Johnson is in the hospital.”

  “What? Is she okay?” A knot gripped her stomach. She had to get these papers signed and done with. She didn’t think she could take a delay.

  “She had to have her appendix removed. But your case has been assigned to one of our other attorneys.”

  “I’ll take it from here, Cindy.”

  At the deep voice from behind her, she winced. When she turned, her fears were confirmed. Hank stood there, looking stunning in his tailored suit, his hand extended. Wishing she could just melt into the floor, Lauren took it and tried to ignore the warm, tingling sensation brought on by his touch.

  “Hank Abramo. I’ll be handling your case for Ms. Johnson.” Lauren could only nod. “My office is this way.” He gestured toward the hallway and she started down ahead of him. When he placed a hand on the small of her back, a ripple of pleasure shot down her spine. “This door right here.” He guided her through.

  Lauren glanced around, but she’d barely had time to take in the office when he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Startled, she dropped her purse, mouth opening under the onslaught of his tongue. She moaned when he grabbed her ass and pressed her into his erection. For a moment, she thought about stopping him, but then he slid his hand under the hem of her skirt and between her legs and she forgot any arguments.

  Lust raced through her and left her focused on the need in her pussy, already wet and ready. Hank pushed her back toward the desk, lifting her skirt as he went. The back of her legs bumped into the furniture and he lifted her onto it, scattering some of the objects to the floor. His kisses dropped to her neck as he fumbled with his pants. Reaching between them, Lauren tugged her panties to the side and urged him into her.

  “Fuck. You feel so good,” he said.

  Lauren could only whimper as he kissed her again, the slow thrusts of his tongue matching the delicious strokes of his cock inside her. He slipped a hand between them and began to massage her clit with his thumb, and she cried out.

  “Shh.” He pulled her head against his chest as he picked up speed, muffling her cries in his shirt. “Are you close?”

  “Mm hmm.”

  “That’s it baby, come for me.”

  The heated whisper against her ear sent her over the edge. She dug her nails into his arms while her pussy clenched over and over. A moment later, Hank stilled and then groaned, and she felt the ho
t blast of his cum filling her. They remained joined, gasping for breath, clinging to each other.

  Hank kissed her again and pulled out of her. He reached to the side and produced a handful of tissues which he used to wipe up the cum leaking out of her. Tossing them in the trashcan, he lifted her off the desk and embraced her.

  “I’ve been dreaming of doing that all week. I never thought I’d see you again.”

  She’d been dreaming of him all week, too, but with the passion fading, anger replaced it, and she pushed away from him, straightening her dress. She retrieved her purse from the floor and examined her reflection in her compact. Great. Roger and his lawyer would be here any minute, and she looked freshly fucked. Pulling the clip from her hair, she arranged it in waves around her shoulders. As Hank tidied up the desk, she fixed her make-up as best she could.

  Hank came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and brushed his lips against the side of her neck. Lauren tried to ignore the tingling in her abdomen and hitch in her breathing, and she pulled away.

  “I think we need to talk about this meeting,” she said as she turned toward him. Hoping to avoid eye contact, she stared at his chest and groaned when she saw the make-up smeared on his shirt. “Shit.”

  Grabbing a tissue, she tried to wipe it away, but only succeeded in making the smear worse.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “I’ve got a spare in the closet.”

  “So how did you end up with my case?” She snuck a look at him as he stripped out of his jacket, shirt, and tie. The sight of his bare chest did nothing to dampen her rapidly returning desire. When he turned, she got a better look at the tattoo on his shoulder. It featured one word in an elaborate script.


  She clenched her jaw and looked away.

  “It was a weird coincidence,” he replied. “They called an emergency meeting this morning when Anne had to be rushed to the hospital and just divvied up her cases. I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw it was you.”

  “And you didn’t think it might be a conflict of interest?”


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