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Deadly Game

Page 25

by Rebecca Deel

  A snort. “Your boyfriend is too smart to have the information on him. I have what I want, the man who’s been a thorn in my side for years. I don’t care about the records. The U.S. government can’t touch me. Without Maddox, my life will be much more pleasant.”

  Garcia was right. The records and decrypted file were in the hands of the FBI, a quick exchange at the airport so the feds could shut down the militia group, seize their assets, and track the terrorists already in the U.S. borders. “Baby, it’s all right,” Brent murmured.

  “I can’t…” Rowan’s voice broke.

  “I need a minute with Rowan,” he told Garcia. “Please.”

  Impatience crossed the cartel leader’s features. “One minute. Not one second more. Weapon on the floor first.”

  He hated to move Rowan from behind the shelter of his body, didn’t have a choice if he had any chance of pulling this off. After placing his weapon on the floor, Brent half turned and brought Rowan to stand in front of him. His gut clenched at the sight of the tears streaming down her pale cheeks. Her tears almost leveled him.

  He cradled her beloved face between his palms and placed a tender kiss on her lips. “Trust me,” he whispered against her mouth. He eased his mouth from hers and drew her to the floor with him.

  “Locked,” Adam whispered.

  Brent wrapped one arm around Rowan and held her tight against his chest. He pressed his mouth to her ear. “Down flat in three.” When she gave a slight nod, he started the countdown. “Now,” he murmured.

  A shot rang out from the stairwell. Diego was thrown back against the wall and slid to the floor, leaving a smear of blood behind.

  Brent slammed Rowan to the floor as he grabbed his weapon. He shot Garcia through the forehead and double-tapped the man in snake skin boots.

  Shouts of alarm and running feet signaled the hacienda’s occupants waking from the ruckus.

  Brent scrambled to his feet and yanked Rowan to hers. “Stay behind me, babe.” Grasping her hand, he tugged her to the staircase at a fast clip. Adam led the way down the stairs. Brent followed with Rowan on his heels. Jake protected their six.

  As they approached the first floor, rapid gunfire echoed inside and outside the hacienda. Behind them, Jake opened fire. Two men tumbled partway down the stairs. Adam took out another cartel soldier stupid enough to step into the open at the bottom of the stairs.

  They met more resistance on the first floor. Brent pressed Rowan against the wall and covered her body with his. He activated his mic. “Is Eli clear?”

  “Affirmative,” Jon replied. “Planes are refueled and ready.”

  “Copy. We’re bringing Rowan out.”


  “Adam, go.”

  The Marine stepped into the corridor and laid down cover fire.

  Brent and Jake sandwiched Rowan between them and ran for the exit. Brent took out another cartel soldier running toward them. A shot came from another direction. Brent hissed at the sting from his upper arm.

  “Brent?” Rowan pressed tighter to his side.

  “I’m fine. Jon.”

  “Go,” was the response. Outside, a steady barrage of rifle fire commenced.

  Brent and Jake rushed Rowan through the doorway and into the yard. “Trees,” he told Rowan. Movement on his right caught his attention. He released Rowan and pivoted to the three men racing toward him, placing his body between her and the approaching enemy.

  Jon took down one with a shot to the heart. The second man tackled Brent while the third went after Adam. Brent’s ribs protested his jarring contact with the hard ground. Gritting his teeth, he focused attention on blocking and countering the wild punches thrown by the man on top of him. The continued punches to the ribs ticked him off.

  He bucked his hips, throwing the soldier off balance, and reversed their positions. A solid punch to the throat crushed the man’s windpipe. Brent stripped the man’s gun from his hand and tossed it away.

  He checked on Rowan and saw her running into the trees with Jake covering her back, another operative keeping pace beside her. Satisfied she was as safe as possible under the circumstance, he concentrated on protecting his people as they battled Garcia’s men.

  One of the PSI trainees went down under the fists of a bruiser cartel member. Brent shifted toward the two. When the cartel soldier nearly choked out the junior operative, Brent executed a roundhouse kick to his head and dragged his unconscious body off the operative.


  “Focus, Donnelly. Distraction will kill you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Brent activated his mic as he shot another thug racing toward him with his weapon raised. “EOD, report.” Each team reported the explosives were set. Nate Armstrong, Durango’s EOD man confirmed both tunnel entrances and exits were rigged and ready. “Phase 3 in two.” Once his orders had been acknowledged, he returned to the fray, taking out three more of Garcia’s men.

  He blew out a breath. The cartel leader must have amassed fifty or sixty men to take on Fortress. Since the heat signatures hadn’t shown on the infrared scope, Brent suspected they’d hidden down in the tunnels. With that many men on the move, the spotters and snipers couldn’t have taken them all out.

  The mission clock in his head told him it was time. “Pull back.” His operatives retreated from the house and grounds toward the trees, peppering their opponents with gunfire as they went.

  Once his team leaders accounted for their teammates, Brent gave the order to detonate the ordinance. Explosions rocked the hacienda, one on top of the other. Windows exploded outward. Walls crumbled. Parts of the hacienda sank into the ground when the tunnels imploded.

  “Rendezvous at the planes,” he murmured and jogged for the tree line. Rowan threw herself into his arms. He wrapped his free arm around her and started moving toward their transportation. “Let’s go home, baby.”


  He activated his mic. “Eli?”

  “At the SUV. We’re secure.”

  “Copy.” He led Rowan further into the trees. “She’s safe, waiting for you.”

  As they hurried toward the vehicles, Brent kept his arm around Rowan’s waist to help her navigate through the darkness. She stumbled and would have gone down if he hadn’t been holding her close. “I’ve got you,” he murmured.

  “How much farther?”

  “Quarter mile.”

  She groaned. “I’m not dressed for a nighttime run through the woods.”

  Brent glanced at her feet, winced. Rowan wore the low-heeled pumps he’d bought her for Heather’s funeral. “I could carry you,” he offered.

  “Forget it. I can tell you’re injured. I’ll make it on my own.”

  If she couldn’t, Brent would simply pick her up over her protests. His cell phone vibrated. He checked the screen. Zane, letting him know they had ten to fifteen pursuers following on their heels. His tech expert was keeping an eye on the mission via satellite feed. “Ten to fifteen on our six,” he said into his mic.

  “Get Rowan and Alexa to safety. Durango will cover you,” Cahill said.

  “Copy.” Brent propelled Rowan faster over the rough terrain, promising himself he’d massage her feet and legs when they were safe in the air. Shots sounded behind them.

  Rowan gasped.

  “Still interested in Mexican food for our first official date?” Brent asked as he lifted her up and over a fallen tree.

  “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather eat something else.”


  “Alexa loves pizza. Are we being pursued?”

  “We’ll handle whatever they throw at us, Rowan. Durango dropped back to engage Garcia’s men.”

  “They’ll never give up, will they?”

  He pulled her closer to his side. “Their leader is dead, the headquarters destroyed. Zane is working his magic with their accounts as we speak. By the time we finish with Navarro, there won’t be anything left of them.”

Another team had completed their latest mission and was en route to the Chihuahua province. The Shadow unit’s new assignment was mop up. These guys were the best he’d ever seen at gathering intel behind enemy lines. If any of Garcia’s cartel were left in the area, the Shadow unit would track them down and take them out.

  In addition to fulfilling the president’s orders, the Shadow team’s leader knew the cartel had targeted Brent’s woman. Rowan was correct. Navarro would continue coming after her, this time in revenge for killing their leader. The Fortress team understood the stakes and they wouldn’t stop until all the cartel members were dead.

  Once they reached the SUV, Eli opened the back door for Rowan to climb inside with Alexa. Brent sat in the back with them while Jon claimed the shotgun seat and Adam sat in the third row with Jake to watch for a tail.

  “Aunt Ro, is Mommy here?” a small voice asked as Eli cranked the engine and raced from the trees. The sudden silence in the vehicle made Alexa looked around, uneasiness on her face.

  “Your mom couldn’t come, Lex.” Rowan tucked Alexa’s hair behind her ear. “I’m proud of you. This was scary and you were very brave.”

  The girl was silent a moment, then, “The bad men hurt Mommy.”

  A statement, not a question. Smart girl. Brent reached out and stroked the back of her head, wishing he could lessen the blow of the knowledge to come.

  Rowan kissed her niece’s forehead. “Yes, sweetheart, they did.”

  More silence. “I’m glad you came for me.”

  “Me, too. I love you, Lex.”

  Alexa settled against Rowan’s shoulder, turning her head to look at Brent, stuffed rabbit held tight in her arms. “Are we going home now, Brent?”

  “We’ll be home in a few hours.” Brent ran the back of his fingers over Alexa’s cheek, the skin baby-soft like Rowan’s. “I’d like you and your aunt to stay at my house for a few days. What do you think about that?” Alexa and Rowan would have twenty-four hour protection until he was sure all threat from Navarro was neutralized.

  “Do you have toys I can play with?”

  Jon glanced over his shoulder with a slight smile curving his lips.

  Yeah, Brent agreed silently, Alexa was pretty cute. “I have a bunch of toys for my nieces and nephews to play with when they visit me.”

  “Can I have ice cream?”

  Rowan smiled.

  “Absolutely,” Brent said. “I love ice cream. In fact, I have vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry in my freezer right now. Do you like those flavors?”

  Another nod.

  “Brent,” Eli said.

  He glanced up, saw the roadblock in the distance. Not what he wanted to see, but Brent wasn’t surprised. Navarro’s network was extensive. Word would have gotten out about the firefight at Garcia’s hacienda.

  “Take the next right,” Jon said.

  “They’re likely to have that road blocked off as well,” Brent murmured.

  “There’s a field off to the right. We can bypass.”

  He smiled. “You studied the satellite images.”

  A shrug. “The photographic memory pays off sometimes.”

  Eli took a hard right and pushed the SUV to its limits on the asphalt road. In the distance, two sets of headlights waited. Grumbling under his breath, the SEAL guided the vehicle off the road into the field. Thankfully, the teeth-jarring ride was short and Eli skidded back onto a paved road, racing toward the airstrip.

  “Two vehicles on our six,” Adam reported.

  Brent turned, glanced out the back. “Rowan, get on the floor with Alexa.”

  Without a word, she gathered the girl close and slid off the seat. “We’re playing a game, Lex. Hide and seek from the bad guys.”

  Alexa’s giggle brought a smile to Brent’s face. He was glad she could laugh in the middle of this situation. “Jake, switch seats with me.” If Rowan or Alexa were injured in the next few minutes, he wanted the medic on hand to help them. Besides, Brent was a better shot.

  After he and Jake switched places, Brent reached into the cargo hold for his Go bag. “We can’t let them too close,” he murmured to Adam. This vehicle wasn’t reinforced. A well-placed bullet could hit Rowan or Alexa.

  “No problem.” Adam grabbed his rifle and aimed at the fast-approaching vehicle. “We’ll stop them. Don’t want the girl scared,” he said, voice gruff.

  At that moment, Jon growled. “Two more vehicles in front.”

  Crap. Classic pincer move. The four vehicles were going to ambush them from the front and the back.


  Brent scowled as he stared through the windshield. “Don’t suppose you brought a rocket-propelled grenade.”

  “In my Go bag.”

  With the exception of Jon, the Fortress men chuckled. Of course Jon had brought an RPG. The sniper believed in being prepared for the worst because that’s usually what they faced.

  Reaching into the cargo hold again, he chose the largest Go bag and hauled it onto the seat beside him, passed it to the sniper. Jon pulled out the launcher and grenade, rolled down the window. “Right target, Eli.”

  “Yep. Don’t miss.”

  “Ha ha.”

  Eli grinned at his partner’s dry tone.

  Brent grabbed his rifle. “Raise the hatch,” he said to Adam. The Marine slapped the button and the hatch slowly raised. “Baby, cover Alexa’s ears. It will be loud in here.”

  After a whispered conversation with her niece, Rowan said, “We’re ready. Take care of these guys, love. I’m ready for that date with you.”

  He blinked in surprise at the endearment from her, the first of many, he hoped. “Yes, ma’am. You heard the lady, Jon. Let’s take care of business and go home. Adam, I’ll take the truck on the right. Fire when ready, Jon.”

  The sniper readied the launcher, then shifted to sit in the opening of the window. He lifted the launcher to his shoulder, aimed, pulled the trigger. The vehicle on the right exploded as Eli took evasive maneuvers to avoid the still oncoming vehicle and the fiery wreckage.

  The sniper ducked inside the cab of the SUV, reloaded. “Hold it steady,” he told Eli. Despite the other vehicle coming straight at them, his teammate kept the SUV moving at a constant clip. Two seconds later, Jon pulled the trigger and the last remaining attack vehicle in front of them exploded in a ball of fire.

  Eli maintained course and speed until his partner had ducked inside, then evaded the mess.

  “Our turn,” Brent said. He and Adam would have to take out the pursuing vehicles without an RPG. Brent raised the rifle to his shoulder and fired off several rounds, as did Adam.

  The trucks behind them weaved, almost hitting each other before renewing their pursuit. “This road is terrible,” he groused as he fired off another round.

  “What road?” Eli said. “More potholes that anything else.”

  True enough. The Mexican government wasn’t wasting money on roads in this province. As much traveling as Garcia did over the years, Brent was surprised the cartel leader hadn’t applied pressure in the right places to have the roads taken care of for his own convenience. Drug money bought privilege and power in this part of the world.

  He fired a volley of shots. This time, his target vehicle veered off the road and slammed into a stand of trees. Excellent. The vehicle wasn’t going anywhere. A moment later, the other vehicle was also out of commission, thanks to Adam.

  “Nice work,” Eli said as he sped up. At the next right, he turned to avoid a federale checkpoint set up a half mile in front of them. More than likely, the checkpoint was manned by men and women sympathetic to the cartel.

  “We’re clear,” Brent said to Jake. The medic nodded and backed away from Rowan and Alexa. He’d hovered over top of them during the firefight to protect them as much as possible. “You can sit up, baby.”

  Rowan climbed onto the seat with her niece and gifted him with a brilliant smile.

  Man, he loved this woman. Brent needed to tell her soon. The
next twenty miles, he and his operatives kept a wary eye on their surroundings. Thankfully, they arrived at the airstrip with no further confrontations.

  “Stay inside until we’re positive it’s safe,” Brent said. He and the others exited the vehicle, weapons in hand, and scanned the surrounding area. When he was reasonably certain no threats lurked in the darkness, Brent opened the door for Rowan and Alexa. Alexa lifted her arms to him. An invisible band squeezing his chest, he gathered her in his arms, ignoring the pain from his ribs, and held out a hand to help Rowan from the vehicle. Eli fell into step beside her, weapon ready, scanning as he walked with her toward the plane.

  As they reached the stairs, another SUV raced onto the airstrip. Jon, Adam and Jake formed a wall between the others and the approaching vehicle. Brent tucked Alexa closer to his chest and covered the back of her head with his palm, preparing to sprint up the stairs, when he recognized the occupants of the SUV. The second Fortress team.

  Within five minutes, both teams were aboard the plane as well as a unit of PSI trainees. Brent ushered Rowan to a row of seats in the back. He’d planned to shift Alexa to Rowan, thinking she’d want to sit on her aunt’s lap. Instead, the little girl clung to Brent, refusing to let go.

  Rowan smiled. “You make her feel safe.”

  He blinked away the mist clouding his vision and settled into the seat beside Rowan. Pressing the intercom button, he told the pilot, “Get this bird off the ground.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  A moment later, the engines powered up, and they raced down the runway. Once airborne, Brent called Zane. He’d rather talk to Rowan, but the questions he needed to ask her would have to wait until Alexa was asleep. He didn’t want to upset the girl if it turned out Garcia or his men had hurt Rowan.

  “What do you need, boss?” Zane asked in greeting.

  “St. Claire?”

  “Successful rescue. They also killed several cartel members in the operation. The ambassador met his family along with the Fortress teams at the plane. They’re airborne, headed home.”

  “The third plane?” The one carrying Durango and the PSI team.


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