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Taunt (A Miami Lust Novella Book 3)

Page 11

by C. M. Lally

  “You heard what the doctor said,” I remind her, sliding my hands down her long legs and massaging the backs of her thighs, “sex is good for inducing labor. She gave us free reign to do whatever we needed to in order to speed this along.” Hearing that news was the best moment of my life. It’s not every day that someone suggests more sex as a prescription for your diagnosis.

  At first we weren’t sure if Brooke was going to be able to carry the twins to full term, but she accepted that challenge and went after the goal like a boss. She is determined to give these babies the best start in life and that means going full term. We’ve eaten clean and organic, exercised regularly, made sure she got enough sleep, and we cut down on her stress levels at work. Her mom has taken over a lot of her duties at Childer’s Wine & Spirits.

  Her mom has really come into her own with the business in the past year. James would be proud, but then again, maybe not. His heart wasn’t always pure, but I know he loved his family. Mrs. Childer just recently moved out of their home that they lived together in for thirty-five years. She bought a townhome closer to their business and prefers to walk to work instead of commuting.

  Brooke and I moved into their family home to raise our family. Brooke is excited for our children to grow up in the home that she grew up in. She has many fond memories here and wants to recreate some of them when the children are older. I must admit, I’ve seen the adorable pictures and I can’t wait to see the matching ones of our children.

  “Hey, hey— trying to orgasm here,” she complains, snapping her fingers in my face. ”You zoned out on me. I need to finish. Don’t leave me hanging...I might get cranky, and no one wants a cranky, pregnant wife.”

  “Aww, I’m sorry babe. I got distracted thinking about our babies growing up in your family home,” I explain. “I’ll concentrate and help you finish. Wanna do it from behind? Will that make up for my lack of attention these last few minutes?”

  “Hell, yes!” she exclaims, rolling over and climbing up on her knees in her cocoon of pillows. She crawls backwards to me until we connect and I slide into her wet pussy. She gathers her hair up and pulls it forward over her shoulder. She loves it when I trail kisses down the center of her back while fucking her hard. I get three kisses planted when her legs start to shake and we both here a slight pop. Warm water gushes out of her, soaking us both and the bed.

  “Oh my God, Thiago. Did my water just break?” she asks.

  “I assume so or that’s the wettest orgasm in the history of sex,” I say, we both laugh until tears roll down our cheeks. “I know I’m amazing, but I don’t think I’m that amazing.”

  “Well, you are pretty fucking amazing,” she replies, turning and running her fingers down my cheek, “but it’s time, to get to the hospital, Daddy.”

  My God, this woman! I can’t wait to hear that come out of these little babies’ mouths. The general manager in me springs to action. I’m always ready with plans and even contingency plans if the need arises. This event is no exception. She calls the doctor and hospital to inform them that we are coming. I call my brothers to let them know what’s going on. She grabs her packed bag while I grab the car which has already been professionally fitted with car seats for safety purposes.

  We are ready to be parents. Well, she’s still a little nervous, but I’ve already raised my brothers. I know what to do. She’s going to be the best mommy ever. My love for her has grown exponentially as her belly got bigger. I can’t wait to hold my family in my arms. And then repeat the process as many times as she’ll let me.

  After sixteen hours of labor, my wife has delivered two of the most beautiful babies in the world: Baby A is a boy, Alexander James and Baby B is a girl, Lyra Nicole. They are both ten toes and fingers perfect, just like their mama.

  I’ve got to step up my game now. I’m not sure how or what exactly I need to do, but I want to be the kind of man I’d want my daughter to marry, and the kind of man my son will be proud to emulate.

  And so we begin...

  Mateo (& Cassee)

  IT’S AN ABSOLUTELY beautiful day to marry my love. I’m so glad we decided to get married on the beach at Virginia Key, the location of one of our very first dates. I fell in love with her on this beach, watching her dig her toes in the sand and squealing in delight at the tiny fish riding the waves up to her toes. Life was perfect in that moment, and so is my bride-to-be.

  She has her own dressing tent set up just a few hundred feet on the other side of the palm canopy. As of last night, she was still adamant about us following all of the normal ‘getting married’ traditions, so I spent the night with Thiago and Brooke and their new twins. They’re three weeks old and were up half the night feeding, it seems. I was exhausted when I first woke up this morning, but now I’m too excited to be tired.

  Thiago was a trooper, helping at every moment and I had flashbacks of how he used to help Mom when Dante was born. He’s going to be a great dad; he’s already got a shit-ton of ‘hours-on-the-job’ experience that’s for sure. I can look at him and tell he’s tired with the sagging under-eye bags and the red lines streaking across his eyes, but his larger-than-life smile tells me he’s also a happy man.

  I’m getting antsy pacing this 10 x 20 tent, waiting to claim my bride. I step outside into the bright sunshine, and walk out to the beach where the guests are milling about waiting, as well. A small band is playing jazz tunes, an ode to Cassee’s grandparents to make them a part of her day. She is sure they will hear the music in Heaven and dance on the clouds at her wedding.

  Every detail is planned to its finest point. Cassee got overwhelmed with trying to launch her lingerie product line with Julian Chiange. So I begged her to focus on her new business opportunities while I hired a wedding planner and completed the whole process with as minimal help from Cassee as possible. She was only responsible for her dress, and Julian designed it as a wedding gift. She’s so thrilled about the finished gown, but is being very hush hush about it. She also designed her lingerie that goes with it. The only thing I know is what I’ve heard in whispered conversations with Brooke and Ava...something is gossamer.

  I have another half-hour to wait, and I swear it’s going to be the longest half-hour of my life. I sit down in one of the guest chairs. It’s veiled with a white satin cover that’s wrapped in a red satin and tulle bow with long tails that are blowing in the light breeze from the Atlantic Ocean.

  In the near distance over by the Carousel, I can see the waiters working like honey bees setting the tent for the main reception in an hour. It’s a large white open-air tent with a massive canopy top over the wedding party table and dance floor. From the outside, the canopy is white as well, but on the inside, it has streaks of red to match the wedding party colors.

  I’m lost in thought when Thiago, Dante, and Father Thomas come looking for me. Apparently it’s time to line up for the processional. Thank God, I’m more than ready. I just want to marry my bride and get on to our honeymoon.

  We line up as the music starts, and it all becomes a blur until everyone stands and Cassee appears at the end of the aisle. She decided to escort herself down the aisle, claiming that she’s strong enough to give herself and all of her love to me on her own. I couldn’t agree more.

  My throat goes dry just looking at her in that champagne pink gossamer gown. It has matching floating hearts hanging from the bodice on red silk strings. Her curly hair has been tamed into a half-braid and swept to the side, allowing the curls to cascade down the front of her in a glorious waterfall of curls. She’s breathtaking, and she’s mine. I still get that daily urge to reach out and unroll one of her springs of hair and watch it bounce back into its erratic shape. Today is no exception. She’s wearing a tiara and is stunningly gorgeous. My heart does that fluttering thing it’s always done, but today— my heart is beating more wildly for her.

  She walks slowly to me, smiling so wide, her eyes crinkle at the corners. This is what her happiness looks like and my heart is crazy about her. I t
ake her hand in mine as we pray and do the preliminary blessings.

  “Mateo and Cassee have written their own wedding vows and would like to share them with you, their honored guests,” Father Thomas says out loud to the guests. “You may proceed,” he whispers to us.

  “Mateo, my love. From the moment we met, you’ve surprised me, distracted me, made me nervous, made me mad, and challenged me in ways I never thought I’d survive. You’ve loved me and you’ve left me, but something about our love was stronger than the will to not give it a try. Please be assured that I’ll choose you over and over, every time, and every single day from daybreak to nightfall and back again in every season for every reason. I always want to be by your side living our crazy life. I love you,” she recites in that Southern accent that I’m madly in love with. Her voice is strong and clear, and a fat tear rolls down my cheek. I don’t even bother wiping it away.

  “Cassee, my love. From the moment you walked up the stairs watching every step you took, I knew you were headed straight for my heart. You’ve been patient, genuine and completely bull-headed when it came to our love and I’m forever grateful for those attributes. I love the fire within you and I promise to stoke it every day so that it keeps burning between us. Everything in my life has led me to finding you, and I promise to give you the best of myself on this crazy journey together. I love you,” I recite. Her eyes are watering and I know she’s fighting a hard battle to not let them fall.

  We exchange wedding bands, and are pronounced husband and wife. I have finally become one with the love of my life. I bend down to kiss my bride and her perfume wafts up reminding me again of my mother. At that moment, I know she’s here with us, and my heart is overflowing today.

  And so we begin...

  Dante (& Ava)

  “AVA! TODAY IS THE BIG reveal,” I shout excitedly. “Are you excited?” She rolls her eyes at me from across the table at the diner, clearly annoyed at the intensity of my voice this early in the morning.

  We are trying to enjoy a celebratory breakfast before our long day starts. It is Monday after all, and sometimes it’s hard to get excited for a Monday, but today is very special for Ava and me. What my brothers and I set out to do a little more than a year ago is finally coming to completion.

  Today, or tonight rather— which is the part I am most excited about— she will be all moved into our newly re-constructed apartment. The other great news we are celebrating is she will finally have a new office space for her public relations firm. Kimball Relations is now an official business, with my soon-to-be wife as the boss lady. Her dreams are coming true, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for her.

  We took a chunk of my old apartment and gave it a new public doorway. We partitioned a section of the driveway off to give it a personalized space that is distinct and separate from the club’s parking. There have been many working parts to move into position so that it all ends up running smoothly. Frustration has been the mood overshadowing many of our conversations, but we have survived and are stronger and better for it.

  Twelve weeks. It’s been a very long and exhaustive process. Yes, that’s three months, 84 days, 2016 hours, or 120,960 minutes, and one very happy man now that it’s all over.

  I watch her scoop the busted yellow of her ‘eggs over easy’ up onto her last bite of toast. She shreds her bacon into tiny pieces and sprinkles it over the same piece of toast. Her fork lifts higher until the gooey mess escapes in between her luscious lips. My dick twitches in my pants as her lipstick stains the fork tines when she glides it against them when releasing it from her mouth.

  Tito was right. The universe has wound some kind of invisible string, binding us together. I can remember joking that I would cut the string that held me to her, but now I want to tie a thousand knots in it and hold it together forever.

  “The movers should be done loading everything soon,” she informs me. “I’d like to go and do a final review just to make sure I haven’t left anything behind in the condo.”

  “Ava, relax. You’ve packed everything. Stop worrying,” I say. Her shoulders relax and she takes a deep breath.

  “I know. You’re right, but it’s been hard to see everything with all of the boxes stacked,” she remarks. “I figure I can get a better picture of what I might have missed with everything gone. What if I forgot to pack something that we need for the wedding?”

  “Okay, we can swing by on the way home,” I reply. I know what she really wants. She’s sentimental and is going to miss her very first home that she owned. She needs closure and to say good-bye to that piece of her single life. I get it.

  “We’ve made some great memories there. I just want to remember them again before that door closes and our new life together begins,” she sighs. I smile at her, because I know her so well.

  She was nervous when I first asked her to move in with me. She put up a wall of excuses a hundred feet high. I chiseled away at each one separately until she didn’t have any arguments left. I love the way her mind works, especially when she’s challenging me. We are so intertwined into each other; we can read each other's thoughts, body language and facial expressions. The universe did a great job in finding the perfect woman for me.

  I take the long black box out of my front pocket that I’ve been hiding. It’s been burning a hole there since we first sat down. I slide it across the table at her when she was checking her phone.

  “Here, I got you something to celebrate today’s milestone,” I announce, her eyes light up when she sees the box.

  “Dante, you spoil me, but that’s not a complaint,” she says smiling, wrapping her fingers around the box and pushing the hinged lid open. Her eyes dart to mine in complete surprise. “I love it. Will you please put it on me?”

  She releases the bracelet from the wires holding it securely, and turns each bar over to read its word: one says brave, another says passionate, the next one says smart, another says charming, and the last one says beautiful.

  “I will add new bars onto it when I come across more labels that you should wear proudly,” I admit, and she leans across the table wrapping her arms around my shoulders giving me one long, amazing kiss.

  I pay the bill, and drive us to her condo. As usual, we race each other up the stairs to her front door. I’ve gotten stronger and I’m in better shape to make it to the top, but she still always wins.

  “What are we going to do to race and stay in shape without these stairs now that we live together?” she pants, gasping for more air.

  “I’ve got a few ideas for some cardio at the club,” I say, lifting her hair from her shoulders and planting a few kisses behind her ear and down the long curve of her neck. “There are roughly two hundred and fifty sexual positions to try over the next seventy years.”

  “But I might want to try them all this year,” she pouts. “What if I like the one we try in sixty years but we both need to be younger to fully enjoy it. We’d better experience them all now to enjoy our favorites forever.”

  She grabs my face and presses her lips to mine, forcing my mouth open and taking charge with her tongue. I hear the keys clang together as she attempts to blindly open the door. Finally it swings open and bangs against the wall, the noise echoing throughout the empty apartment.

  I pick her up, cradling her ass while she wraps her legs around me. I haven’t fucked her up against the large window in the living room before. Now is the perfect opportunity. I walk us over to it, slowly unbuttoning her shirt as she reaches for the hem of my shirt, pulling it up to expose my chest. Her nails are lightly scratching my back as she tries to hold on, and my dick thickens in my pants. The head is poking out of my briefs trying to search out her heat. Her long shirt covers her ass, so I leave it open without removing it, letting it cover her from public view in case anyone decides to look up.

  I unwrap her legs from around my waist and set her heels on the window sill. She’s high above me, but in the perfect position for me to suck on her clit. I push down her leggings and
panties, and pull them off her ankles, spreading her legs wide. She massages her own clit and her arousal coats her fingers. I fucking love that she’s always ready for me. She lifts one leg, and places her foot on my shoulder, opening herself up to me. I dive right in, running my tongue up the slit in her seam, lapping up the wetness that’s already there.

  Her clit is engorged already, and I run my fingers along her lips separating them to suck on her clit ravenously like I haven’t tasted her in days. It’s getting sensitive as her legs are twitching, so I lick it gently, laving and pulling on it with my lips until a moan escapes her throat, bouncing off the empty walls. Her standing leg is quivering and shaking on the verge of climax. I massage her inner thighs, before placing one finger in her pussy and pumping it in and out.

  My dick is bursting at the seams of my jogger pants. I reach down and shove them to my knees until my dick falls out of my briefs. I kick everything down to the floor and step out of the tangled mess.

  “I need in you now, Ava,” I growl, lowering her ass down to the window sill. I thrust into her, instantly feeling her pussy grip my dick and squeeze. She’s so fucking tight; I’m going to come soon.

  She wraps her legs around my thighs and squeezes my hips with her knees.

  “I need you, baby,” Ava begs.

  “Just tell me what you want, Ava,” I reply. “I’ll fucking die trying to please you.”

  “Faster, Dante. Faster.”

  I love it when she tells me what she wants. I never have to guide her. She knows what she wants, and I’m here to give her whatever that may be. And right now, she needs me.

  I press her back against the window and thrust again, over and over, hitting her deeper with each penetrating pulse. She grabs her breasts and holds them out to me, begging me to suck them. I take a nipple into my mouth, and graze my teeth against its hard peak. I concentrate on giving both nipples attention and pumping into her with a steady rhythm. My lower back tingles with that familiar feeling, and I use my thumb to caress and tease her clit instantly bringing on her orgasm. Her pussy walls squeeze my dick tight, pulsing with her intense heat. It’s too much and I come inside her. Our final grunts and groans remind us of our location.


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