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Ruler's Concubine

Page 21

by Peri Elizabeth Scott

“So why did you pull it on me?”

  His gorgeous mouth tightened and she feared she had pushed too hard, but with a sigh, he answered, “Because I couldn’t let you get away.”

  Okay. Okay. She said, cautiously, “There were other concubines.”

  “They weren’t you.”

  “What’s so special about me?”

  “Everything. I simply couldn’t accept it at the time but knew I couldn’t allow you to leave and seek another match. I did know that much when I wasn’t focusing on my duty.”

  “So what happened? Please tell me.”

  “I finally accepted what I feel for you…” He frowned. “This is more difficult than facing a squad of the enemy, Celeste, but perhaps you will understand and come to forgive me in time. I owe you that. I accepted I had fallen in love with you, and I used my rank to try and keep you.”

  Knowing he waited for some response, maybe even a gracious platitude, didn’t kick-start her brain. He’d fallen in love with her, kept her at arm’s length, and made her miserable because he couldn’t acknowledge it? All of that should matter, and make her furious, and it did. But it didn’t. “Do you still feel that way?”

  “Our time apart has tormented me. But I didn’t make you happy and how could you come to love me? So I did the right thing and let you go. I haven’t done anything more difficult in my life, but I finally did it. But enough about that. Celeste, what is wrong? Why are you ill? What does the healer say?”

  “Your subjects had better not find out how lacking you are in your private life.”

  He stood her between his knees in a mind-boggling display of strength, hands gripping her upper arms. Their faces were on the same level and the heat of anger and humiliation colored his face a faint red beneath the golden skin. His eyes sparked, and she shoved forward to press her lips against his mouth. He opened in surprise and she slipped her tongue inside to flirt with his, drinking in his taste.

  Lysett assumed control immediately and deepened the kiss, devouring her mouth and stealing her breath until she went lax. Immediately, he drew back and cupped her face in one big hand. “What are you doing, Celeste?”

  Filling her lungs, she croaked, “You need to find a way to use that political savvy of yours. Find the way with words that helps you rule a universe, and use it in your personal relationships. Our relationship. You should have told me that you loved me!”

  Dropping his head, he shook it slowly from side to side. “I did.”


  “The last time we joined.”

  “Was that you?”

  His head shot up, and one eyebrow quirked. “Who else was there?”

  “I thought I said it. I mean, I thought it.”

  His throat worked against a swallow, and a hint of perspiration dotted his upper lip. “I had hoped you felt that way, but it was me who said it. And I meant it.”

  “You were right in your hope, and I should have said it because I feel it.”

  “Say it now. Please.”

  “I love you, Ruler.”


  “Oh.” Her wide smile made her face hurt in a good way. He was giving her permission to be familiar and any doubts she had slipped away. “I love you, Lysett.”

  “And I love you, Celeste, my concubine. You are still my concubine?” He probably never sounded vulnerable, and she didn’t think she ever wanted to hear it in his voice again, but she cherished it now. And would take care of him.

  “I am. And I always will be.”

  “Was I a fool, then?”

  “Maybe. But you’re always going to communicate from here on, so it shouldn’t be a big problem.”

  Wry humor glinted in his eyes. “My father didn’t rule my mother either.”

  “I like your parents and I believe they like me. I think they’ll be happy for us.”

  “They’ve liked you better than me this past while, but that’s a story I’m sure they’ll tell you over and over in the future.” His face tightened. “How long before you will be well? You haven’t told me what the healer said?”

  “I should be back to normal in about eight months, give or take a few days. Nothing too much to worry about, as it’s something most human women experience. Although you can expect some mood swings and weight gain and such.”

  Every hint of color drained from his face, his emerald eyes blazing as he deciphered her riddle. His hands softened on her and quivered. His lips parted, then closed. “I… Two blessings in such a short space of time. Celeste…”

  She cuddled close and he wrapped her up again, sheltering her against his chest. The heat of him unraveled her. “You’ve never disgusted me, you know,” she whispered. “And I don’t think you have to quit seducing me just because I’m pregnant. We need to practice for the next one.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “You look spectacular.” Shirley scanned her from head to toe. “That dress is perfect. So rich and … and sexy. But regal. You took a long time to get there, but you’re the Ruler’s mate. It’s written all over you. Everyone here can see it.”

  The room was full of human females and their mates, with a few human males escorting Meridian females showing up here and there. That process was going well, if a bit slower. Celeste scanned the space before smiling at Shirley. “Thanks. Mother Ellyce helped me pick it out, but I wasn’t sure that it suited me at first.”

  “It’s such a rich brown and it fits you beautifully.”

  She’d decided to eschew the heavy jewelry Ellyce had offered her, preferring to wear her mother’s necklace. An image of Lysett nestled beside that of her family, and Celeste couldn’t ask for anything more.

  “You look pretty good yourself.” And her friend did, in a dark-green dress that set off her coloring.

  Shirley beamed and ran a hand over her belly. “This baby is agreeing with me. Poor Belinda, she’s had some morning sickness, but that didn’t keep her away tonight. She had to wear that scarlet gown someplace.”

  Belinda stood out like a flame, her mate’s dark head ducked close to her red one as she laughed up at him. Celeste didn’t think her heart could get any fuller, but seeing so many happy couples made it overflow. And most were indeed pregnant. She hoped the medical community was prepared for a wealth of babies all around the same time.

  Mother Ellyce stepped up and hugged her, nodding cordially to Shirley. “Are you well, my dear? Is this too much for you?”

  “I feel fine. Lysett hovers and frets until I could scream, you know.”

  “I’ll take the hint, Celeste.” Ellyce smiled from ear to ear. “But you must take the greatest care.”

  “I have months to go, but every healer report is positive. There haven’t been any red flags with any of the concubines, you know. We’re all healthy stock and well taken care of. It’s not like Earth.”

  Shirley said, “I doubt half of us would have had children without difficulties if we were still there.”

  Ellyce nodded. “The risks on Earth are significant, I know that. So it’s good you’re here. It will take time before we Meridians become accustomed to not continually worrying about our mothers-to-be.”

  “Sooner than later, I hope, Mother Ellyce.” Celeste patted her arm. “I can’t imagine how difficult it was.”

  “You are important to us, Celeste.” Ellyce looked weepy and Celeste wanted to cry a little too. Hormones. Shirley blinked madly.

  “Mother, you’ll have the entire hall in tears.” Lysett, never far, had been conversing with a member of another high-ranking House while she and Shirley visited. But he didn’t miss anything where she was concerned. She relished the way he tucked her up against his side and leaned in close to him.

  “Such a joyous occasion, son.” Ellyce dashed a fingertip past the corner of one eye and slipped away with a smile.

  “You are well?” Lysett set her away from him slightly and scanned her, focusing in on her eyes.

  “I’m fine. Tired, but that’s to be expected, apparently.”
  His green eyes flared and he pulled her close. Lips close to her temple, he murmured, “This gown is provocative, but only at times. It hints at your secret passion and I can’t keep my eyes off of you.”

  “And your hands.” She lifted the one encroaching on personal territory and set it back on her waist, smiling with satisfaction. Lysett no longer held back in anything. Oh, he possessed her as thoroughly as all the times before, but he talked to her. With her. She could only share her perspective, but he valued her opinion and sought it. And she comforted him and supported him in turn. She doubted she could be more content.

  “My hands want to take you upstairs.” He tightened his hold, and the bar of his sex pressed against her belly. Duty and lust warred on his features, and then love softened them. “But you are tired. The babies take your energy.”

  The twins indeed took a lot out of her. The old healer had to eat crow—if there was such a bird on Meridia—when he retested her and determined another baby residing coyly behind the initial one he’d detected. He blamed missing it the first time on his excitement to find the royal concubine breeding.

  The Ruler might not have been the first Meridian to conceive a child with an Earther, but Celeste was the only concubine carrying multiple fetuses—a boy and a girl. She ate constantly, now that food appealed, and indulged in naps so she could find the energy she wanted to expend, with Lysett.

  “I have just enough for later,” she teased and hid another smile when his eyes narrowed and he hardened further.

  With a grimace, he adjusted his clothing and gestured around the room. “Then let us circulate and quickly make our excuses, Concubine.”

  Her body responded even more to the erotic timbre of his voice, and she relished her title. His arm possessively around her, Lysett escorted her past Liaison Ashtun—Ash—and his blissfully happy Belinda, and several others. She nodded and smiled but in truth was so aware of the man she’d fallen in love with, she managed the barest acknowledgment. Not that they noticed, wrapped up in one another, much as she was with her Ruler.

  “Come, Celeste.” He steered her to the foot of the stairs, and gently propelled her upward.

  “We’re walking out on an important function.” She tried to protest, as they left the noise of the gathering behind.

  “No one here will even notice we’re gone, and will probably be relieved to return to their homes and be alone with each other. As it should be.” Taking her hand, he guided her up a step, then another, and rested his forehead against hers. “I love you, Celeste Raynor, Ruler’s Concubine.”

  She fell into him, yet again, reveling in their intimacy. He would soon make her body sing, but these were the moments that sealed their connection. “And I love you, Lysett of the House of Daboort, Ruler of Meridia, and the Master of my heart.”

  The End

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