Book Read Free

The Terms 2

Page 1

by Ruby Rowe


  Part Two

  Ruby Rowe

  Copyright © 2017 Ruby Rowe Books

  Cover Art by Just Write. Creations

  Edited by Proofreading by the Page

  All Rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


  The Terms: Part Two is told from the points of view of Camilla, Ellis, Greyson and Sasha.

  The Terms: Part One must be read prior.

  This novel contains explicit language and graphic sex, including aspects of BDSM.


  The Terms: Part two is dedicated to the amazing book bloggers who share about my writing. Your help is making my dream come true.










































  “What the hell did you say?”

  “Sasha claims you met Camilla years ago,” Rusty replies.

  “You’re full of shit. I’d remember talking to her; she’s unforgettable.”

  He gives a half-hearted shrug. “I don’t see what the big deal is if you had met her before. All I know is Sasha said there would be hell to pay if you remembered.”

  I shake my head, knowing damn well the prick’s only trying to mess with it.

  “Like I said before, get the fuck off my property, and I better never see or hear from you again.”

  He sneers, evidently pleased with my irritation. He accomplished his goal, which was to plant a seed of doubt in my mind.

  “It was a pleasure doing business with you.” Once he’s in his truck, he drives around the circled pavement to head back the direction he came. Raising his hand toward the passenger window, he flips me the bird and takes off.

  Smoke billows from the tailpipe, and his bumper rattles like he’s rattled my mind. He had to have made up that story, but of all the lies he could’ve chosen to make me angry at Camilla, why choose that one?

  Walking back to my office, I swipe the paper from my printer and stare at it. It figures the lab would screw this up. I take a seat and call Greyson.

  “Douchebag,” he says, “way to leave me hanging like that. What does it say?”

  “It says I’m the sperm donor,” I reply before chuckling.


  “Apparently the lab I chose was incompetent. Supposedly, I’m 99.9% Liam’s father. It wouldn’t show that high of a percentage, right?”

  “I don’t see how, especially with you and Tony only being half-siblings.”

  “Do you think we should retake it?”

  “Call and ask, and chew the person’s ass while you’re at it.”

  Camilla peeks her head inside my doorway and smiles.

  “Greyson, I’ll talk to you later. Camilla’s home.”

  “OK, man. Let me know what they tell you.”

  “Sure thing, bye.” Ending the call, I walk around the desk with the test results. “Hi.”

  “Hi. I wasn’t sure if I should interrupt or not. Were you able to get some work finished today?”

  “A little. Look at this…” I hand her the paper. “The lab managed to fuck up the DNA test.”


  “Camilla, wake up. Camilla.” My eyes gradually open, and Ellis is staring down at me with a panicked gaze while clutching my shoulders.

  “What happened?”

  “You fainted. Do you feel like you could sit up?”

  “I think so.” He hooks his arm around mine and assists me in sitting up. After a quick stride to his desk, he picks up his cell phone and pushes buttons.

  “Irene, could you please hurry up to my office with a wet washcloth and a glass of water?” Once he hangs up, he surveys my face. “Are you sure you’re feeling OK? Maybe I should call an ambulance and have you checked out.”

  I shake my head. “No, I’m fine.” My voice is raspy, and my mouth is dry, the roof of it a fly trap for my tongue. “I don’t know why I passed out.”

  “I’m not sure, either. One minute I’m telling you about the incompetency of the lab”–he picks up a paper off the floor and glances to it–“and the next thing I know, you’re falling to the floor.”

  His words stir and thicken the nausea in my gut, reminding me of what transpired moments ago. I put my hand over my stomach.

  “Oh, right. The results of the DNA test.”

  “Have you eaten today?”

  How should I handle this situation? I missed lunch before I left for my gynecologist’s appointment, but that’s not the reason I passed out.

  “You know, now that you mention it, I did skip lunch. I got caught up in one of my assignments and didn’t have time to eat before I left.” I give him a faint smile of reassurance.

  “My blood sugar must’ve dropped. That happens on occasion if I forget to eat.” Irene briskly rounds the corner with worry creasing her forehead.

  “Ms. Rose, are you all right?” She glances between Ellis and me, unsure of who to give the items to. Ellis swipes the washcloth from her hand, so she gives me the glass of water.

  After folding the damp cloth, Ellis presses it to my forehead, but I feel smothered and start to get up.

  “I’m fine, really. You can go, Irene, and thank you.” Ellis is on his feet first and helps me to a chair by his desk.

  “If you need anything at all, you call me again,” Irene says before leaving. I take a sip of water, hoping it will rehydrate my mouth, and wishing it was a magic potion to wake me from this terrifying dream.

  Kissing the top of my head, Ellis strolls around to his chair. He stares at the paper in his hand again.

  “I guess I’ll call the lab to see if we need to redo the test. Of course, I still believe Tony’s Liam’s father, but obviously I need to question them about the results. Did a technician transpose a number or something?”

  “I don’t know,” I mumble as I stare past Ellis and out the window behind him.

  “It’s obvious they screwed up the test since the results say I’m the perfect match for Liam’s father. It wouldn’t show that close of a relation. I swear no one can do their job right anymore.”

  I drag my gaze back to him, and even that takes a great deal of effort.
  “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  Pulling his eyebrows together, he examines me.

  “No, I’m sorry. I should be focusing on you instead of going on and on about this. I’m sure we’ll get it sorted out. Are you feeling any better? We should go downstairs and find you something to eat. I’ll have Irene start dinner, as well.”

  Ellis continues talking, rambling really, and I don’t know how to regain composure to form a sentence. He’s Liam’s father.

  Ellis is my son’s father.

  Not Tony … Ellis.

  “Baby, you’re worrying me,” he says. His endearing term snaps me back to the present.

  “I’m fine, but you seem overly anxious.”

  Glancing down at his desk, he sets the paper aside.

  “It’s been a strange, hectic day, and I’m concerned about you.”

  I tilt my head to the side and sigh. “I’m sorry. In the future, I’ll make sure not to stretch out my mealtimes.” What I should say is that I’m sorry for doing what Tony asked of me that night over four years ago.

  I’m sorry you’ve been robbed of knowing Liam … your son, a boy I can already tell you love. That’s what I should say….

  Before I can stop them, tears drop to my cheeks. Ellis shoves his chair back and walks around the desk. Squatting next to me, he cradles my face and brushes the tears away with his thumbs.

  “Why are you crying?”

  “I think I’m overwhelmed and tired.” Needing to change the subject, I frown. “I got all the way to the gynecologist’s office today, only to be told that I wasn’t in the system for an appointment. It’s like I’m not supposed to get birth control.

  “They felt bad that they goofed, so they’re going to fit me in first thing in the morning.” I smile against his hands. “Since pot was legalized in this state, I’m wondering if people are smoking it for more than recreation. I think they’re high on the job.”

  “I have to agree, and it’s nice to see you smile again.”

  Covering his hand with mine, I lean in and kiss his lips.

  “I’ll go grab a bite to eat, and then if you don’t mind, I’m going to lie down for a bit before Emma leaves.”

  “That’s probably wise after your fainting spell. I’ll wake you up for dinner.” Ellis’s forehead scrunches, and his eyes roam over my face, his expression intense.

  “Is everything OK?” I ask.

  “You just … you’ve always reminded me of someone, but I’ve never been able to place who that someone is.” His thumb skims over my bottom lip. “I also enjoy admiring you since you’re so beautiful.”

  Giving him a nervous smile, I grip his dress shirt at his chest.

  “Well, I hope that’s not the only reason you’re attracted to me.”

  “Hardly, Camilla. Yes, you’re stunning, but you possess many other qualities that draw me to you. You’re smart, kind and an amazing mother. You’re also strong and genuine … always wanting to do what’s right.”

  Like my gaze, my mind strays, recalling negative memories.

  “That’s good to hear. After having to lie all these years about my identity, I wasn’t sure I knew that girl anymore. I had to become someone distant and untrusting, but I’m working on changing that.”

  Squinting, Ellis takes a step back.

  “What did you say? Repeat what you just said.”

  “I said I had to become someone distant and untrusting, but I’m working on changing that. You’re so kind to Liam and me, and I believe you when you say you won’t hurt me with my past. I’m learning to trust wholeheartedly for the first time in my life, and I owe that to you.”

  Swallowing, Ellis walks back to his chair. He runs a hand down the front of his dress shirt and sits.

  “You should eat something and rest before Liam demands your attention.”

  “That was too deep, wasn’t it?”

  “No, it was fine. I just remembered a call I need to make for work. It’s important.”

  “OK. I guess I’ll see you at dinner then.”

  Shuffling papers around, he doesn’t look up, so I leave his office. Maybe our conversations will continue to deepen, and I’ll find the nerve and strength to tell him everything. It must happen, and I’m terrified of that realization.


  One Week Later


  “I figured Fletcher would drive us,” Greyson says as we’re about to exit his parking garage.

  “I need to be in control tonight.” I tug on my lower lip as I watch for a break in traffic to pull out onto the road. I get my chance but cut it close, so I hammer it, shifting my BMW Z4 fast. I get on it, hitting seventy in seconds, and Greyson grabs the handle above the passenger door.

  “Damn, you know I love it when you cut loose, but you don’t have that much practice at it, so be a little more cautious please.”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m not that uptight.” Recalling a memory from our college days, I glance at him and grin. “And you’re one to talk about not having practice.

  “Have you forgotten that first weekend you were at Stanford? Ignorant about mixing different alcohols, you downed shots and beer all night long.

  “You acted like a tool in front of my friends, and I thought you were going to suffocate on your vomit from how much you drank. Of course, that wasn’t until after you threw up on that Theta sorority chick while hitting on her.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that story a million times, but I got it together and became cooler than your sorry ass in no time.” As he chuckles, I grip the steering wheel tighter.

  “There was a time I would’ve agreed. Now, I know the truth. You were only louder and obnoxious, not cooler.” My tone is sharp–cold even. I sense his eyes on me in the silence.

  “Damn. I was only joking, Ellis. You’re right, I was obnoxious … more reckless, too. Both Tony and I were handfuls, and you know I’m indebted to you for helping me get my shit together.”

  I shake my head. I swear I’m losing my damn mind.

  “I shouldn’t have said that. I apologize. I guess I am uptight most of the time, especially tonight.”

  “Stop being hard on yourself. I don’t get why you always do that.”

  Neither of us speak again until I park at The Brown Palace. Greyson unbuckles and clasps my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

  “Come on, cuz. I’ll let you buy the first round.” He snickers since that means I’m buying two drinks for him, but you know what? I think I’m having a drink tonight.

  “No, you can buy me a drink for a change. Just one.”

  “Wow, first you tear it up on my street, and now you’re having a drink… What next? Are you going to tell me you knocked up some chick?”

  “Ha ha, funny, man. I think the window for that joke expired.”

  “Oh, you got to admit those test results were funny.”

  “I called the lab again today to see if they figured out what went wrong, and they still insist they conducted the test properly.

  “The whole thing was strange, like everything has been since Tony died. Let’s go inside, and I’ll tell you about it. I think I’m going crazy over something.”

  Greyson and I sit at a small table at Churchill Bar in the hotel. The few patrons are subdued, much like the dim lighting. It’s how I prefer it. Actually, it’s how I need it in order to keep a grasp on my social anxiety. My family members know better than to ask me to go to a nightclub or busy bar.

  As I expected him to do, he orders us both a scotch. When it arrives, he takes a drink and sets it down on his napkin.

  “Did you get the last email I sent you regarding Tony’s trust? At least he did one thing right by setting that up before his death. It fast-tracked everything.”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “So, what’s going on that has you so worked up?”

  As I think about how to proceed, I take a sip of my drink.

  “Has anyone ever seemed familiar to you, but you’re
sure you haven’t met them before?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure. I usually realize they resemble someone else I know.”

  “Right, but what if you can’t place who that someone is?”

  “Where are you going with this?”

  “It’s Camilla… That first night I saw her at the funeral home, I thought I’d met her before, but she swore I hadn’t.”

  “OK, so what’s the big deal?”

  “Last week, she said something, and it was like déjà vu. I could’ve sworn she’d said the same thing to me before, but not recently.”

  He shrugs. “Everyone experiences déjà vu occasionally.”

  “But this felt more real than that, and she seemed even more familiar to me.” I take another drink of the gold liquid and look away. “Something else happened, too.”

  “I swear it’s like pulling teeth to get information out of you. What happened?”

  “The reason I hung up on you when I saw the test results was because Sasha’s boyfriend showed up. He wanted money.”

  “You told him to fuck off, right?”

  “No, I gave him ten grand. It was all he asked for.”

  He brushes back his blond hair. “Why would you give him a dime?”

  “I needed him to disappear for good. I don’t want him around Camilla, Liam or Sasha ever again.”

  “All right. What does that have to do with the other part of your story?”

  “He claimed I had met Camilla before. He said she was keeping it a secret from me, but he didn’t know why. Sasha supposedly told him while she was high.”

  Greyson arches a brow. “That’s odd.”

  “Tell me about it. If he wanted me pissed at Camilla, which he did, you’d think he would’ve made up something more convincing. He could’ve said she was after my money or was seeing someone else. What he said made no sense.”

  “Yet you can’t seem to wonder if he was telling the truth.”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Not word for word, but it’s obvious.”

  “OK, but it’s ridiculous, right? That’s what you’re supposed to tell me. I mean, if it was only a casual meeting between us, say through Tony, what would be the reason for her to keep it from me? If it was more than a casual meeting, I’d remember. You can’t forget a woman like Camilla.”


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