Book Read Free

The Terms 2

Page 3

by Ruby Rowe

  “Did Ellis know you were stopping by?” I ask, already sure of the answer.

  “No. I imagine he’ll find out, but I don’t care. I never get to talk to you anymore. I miss hanging out with you and Liam.” He grabs the top of my kiddo’s tennis shoe and shakes it.

  “Yeah, things sure have changed,” I mumble.

  “How are you handling it?”

  “Good, I guess.”

  “I heard about Tony’s will.”

  “What did you hear?”

  “That he left his estate to Ellis. I’m disappointed in Tony. Even if he didn’t wish to see Liam, he should’ve left him money for his future. I never understood how he could sit by and allow you to struggle.”

  I want to ask him if he ever spoke up for me and Liam to get Tony to provide for his son, but I fear I’d be hurt by his answer. I suspect Christopher had one motive only–to keep us to himself.

  “What’s done is done. He obviously wanted Ellis to have it instead.”

  Chris looks to Mitch and back at me.

  “Do you think we could have a minute alone?” he asks me under his breath. I weigh his question and look to Mitch.

  “Mitch, I’m sorry to ask this, but could you give us some privacy for a few minutes?”

  “Sure.” His glare at Chris doesn’t go unnoticed before he strolls off and scans the area again.

  “We shouldn’t be talking like this. Ellis wouldn’t approve since he knows how you feel about…”

  “How I feel about you?”

  Staring at my sandwich, I pick at the corner of it, creating crumbs.

  “Yeah, that.”

  “Momma, there are big birds over there.” Liam points toward a few geese creeping closer to us.

  “Yep. Those are geese. Maybe we can toss them a few pieces of our bread when we’re finished.”

  “Have you thought about challenging the will?”

  “It had crossed my mind, but I’ve decided against it.”

  I brave a look at Chris, and he scowls.

  “Why would you do that? You should get that money for Liam. Ellis is unpredictable. He could suddenly move you out, and then what? You need to fight for it now before it’s too late.”

  “Slow down, Chris, and watch what you’re saying in front of Liam. He tends to repeat things, and he’s understanding more every day.” I look to Liam, but he’s distracted by the geese.

  “Tell me why you won’t do it.”

  “I have my reasons, but I can’t share them with you.”

  “You owe it to Liam to get that money.”

  “Please drop it. I’m trying to give my mind a break from all the drama.”

  “Have you forgiven me?”

  Biting on my lip, I stare off at Mitch, who’s roaming around nearby.

  “I was angry with you in the beginning, but I’m not anymore. I’ve kept secrets of my own, and we know what Ellis did to me initially. None of us are perfect, so it doesn’t seem fair to punish you when you were always good to Liam and me.”

  Grabbing my hand, he gives it a squeeze, so I look back at him.

  “Thank you, Cammy. I can’t tell you what that means to me. Please let me spend time with you and Liam. Ellis doesn’t have to know about it. We could pick times to meet when he’s busy.”

  “I can’t hide it from him, and you say we’ll hang out as friends, but we’re already talking about personal stuff, like Tony’s estate. I have a feeling you’ll cross a line.”

  “I won’t.” He shakes his head, but his lack of eye contact isn’t convincing.

  “Ellis is never going to go for it when he knows how you feel.”

  “You say that like you need his permission.”

  “It’s about respecting our relationship. I wouldn’t want him spending alone time with a woman who had romantic feelings for him, so he deserves the same consideration in return.”

  “Did you ever consider that Ellis could be doing all this so you don’t go after Tony’s money? Caring for you and Liam is pocket change compared to Liam inheriting Tony’s millions.”

  “No, that thought never crossed my mind, and it doesn’t matter; Liam can’t have the money.”

  My little one pats my leg. “I’m done and want to pway on the swings.”

  “OK, sweetie.” I yank my hand away from Christopher.

  “Why can’t you get the money for Liam?” He’s squinting in confusion, and he needs to drop it. I can’t tell him it’s because Tony isn’t Liam’s father.

  “Look, I came here to spend time with my kid. You’re welcome to stay and play with him, too, but we’re done talking about this.”

  “Fine. Will you think about spending time with me?”

  I sigh. “I’ll talk to Ellis, but I guarantee it’s futile.”

  “He’s known you for five seconds in comparison to our years together. I deserve time with you.”

  “As friends…”

  “Right.” Sliding a hand along his dark hair, he brandishes a devilish smile, confirming why we can’t spend time together. It’s going to be hard enough to do damage control on the stunt he pulled today. My phone vibrates in my pocket from a text message, so I pull it out.

  Ellis: Do you think Liam would be afraid of climbing after our fall?

  Me: Trust me, he’s over his fear. Why?

  Ellis: My maintenance guys are headed to the hardware store to buy a jungle gym kit for Liam. I’m having one built in the backyard, but I started wondering if he would be afraid of it.

  Me: I can’t get over your sweetness.

  Ellis: You can get over it by getting under me–in my bed–tonight. I’m feeling all better and more than ready to fuck you hard.

  Blushing, I swallow and send the emoji that makes an O face. Fumbling with my phone, I shove it back in my pocket. Having gained some clarity, I sit up straight and look at Christopher.

  “Since you want more than a friendship with me, I’m not hanging out with you unless Ellis is present. Now, if you want to go push Liam on the swing, I’m sure he’d love that. Then, I think you should go.”

  As if Mitch can sense the tension, he starts heading back toward us. Annoyed, Christopher shakes his head and stands.

  “Come on, Liam. Want me to push you on the swing?” Clapping, Liam forgets about the geese he’s been trying to throw crumbs at and jumps to his feet.

  “Yay!” With the brightest grin on his face, he grabs Chris’s hand and beams up at him. Even through his frustration, Christopher finds his smile, and their sweet moment leaves me once again conflicted. How do I find an appropriate compromise to this bizarre situation?



  After using Ellis’s ginormous bathroom, I trade places with him and sit on the side of his bed. Becoming fidgety, I play with the hem of my short red chemise and examine the dark mahogany frame surrounding me.

  Like his bathroom, it’s massive, and I feel it could swallow me whole as my mind dwells on the incident with Christopher at the park.

  With the door open between Ellis and me, I hear the sink turn on, and my mind reaches the conclusion that if my confession is barely audible over the running water, the impact on him and the backlash on me will be less intense.

  “I have something to tell you,” I blurt out.

  “What’s that?” He starts brushing his teeth, so I feel as if the safety belt is buckled, protecting me from an oncoming collision.

  “Christopher dropped by the park today to spend time with Liam … and me.”

  Water off.

  Spit next.

  The sound of a ping as his toothbrush connects with the marble vanity.

  Oh, damn. Brace for impact.

  He appears at the doorway, so I take a glimpse at his blue eyes that are iced over with anger.

  “What happened exactly?”

  My gaze falls to his bare feet and roams upward. I see there’s no barrier between his large cock and the thin cotton of his grey sweats. His slender hips do me a solid an
d barely hang on to his pants for my viewing pleasure.

  I follow the sexy V up to his chiseled abs and on past them until I reach his shirtless chest, which has a spattering of hair. Oh, how I love this irresistible man.

  “Camilla, answer my question.” Reluctantly, I look at his eyes. Yep, still icy.

  “He said he dropped by to hang out with us, so since Liam and I were having a picnic, I was polite and offered him a sandwich. He ate lunch before entertaining Liam on the playground. Then, he left.”

  I bite the corner of my lip, hoping this is the end of the conversation. Leaning against the doorframe, he crosses his arms and furrows his brow.

  “What did you two discuss while hanging out? And your honesty decides whether you receive a reward or a punishment.”

  All his sexiness and the use of those two words cause my pelvic muscles to contract. My stomach flinches from the need and desire, and my breathing accelerates.

  “Stop eye-fucking me. Even though it’s working at getting my cock hard, it’s not enough to take my mind off you and Christopher alone at the park.”

  I can’t help but look at his rigid cock now. Removing the distance between us, he grasps the back of my hair and pulls it downward so I have no choice but to look up at him. This move of his is one of my favorites, so my desire mounts.

  “Technically, Mitch was present also.”

  He purses his lips. “Stop stalling. I’m giving you one more chance to answer me.”

  “He asked if I would spend time with him on occasion. He said he missed us, and he also questioned whether I would be fighting for Tony’s money … you know, for Liam.”

  “And how did you respond?”

  “I said I wasn’t pursuing Tony’s estate. I also told him I wouldn’t hang out with him unless you were present. I handled it. I promise.”

  “And why did you tell him you wouldn’t challenge the will?”

  “I didn’t share with him my reason, but it’s because I want to say Liam’s your child, Sir.”

  His eyes soften in an instant, and his lips twitch. His fingers delve deep inside my long tresses and massage my scalp.

  “Mmm…” I hum.

  “Since I’m so pleased with your good behavior, I’m going to reward you, my Rose.”

  Enraptured by his words, I gasp and feel my body stiffen. Beneath the surface, it’s tingling with anticipation, ready for a hit of his delectable touch.

  Putting a knee on the mattress, he slips his arm around my back and moves me up in bed. I stretch out in the center and stare up at his firm pack of abs. Unable to resist, I skim my fingers over each raised section.

  “You seem rather turned on tonight.”

  Pulling my gaze away from his amazing body, I stare at his piercing eyes.

  “When you’re extra sweet to Liam, like you were today when you said you were building him a playset, it does something to me. Oh, and when I get a chance to gawk at your body, which looks like this, I can’t help but get turned on.”

  Ducking his head to my neck, he nuzzles it with his nose before I hear his long inhale.

  “I like when you’re in the moment,” he breathes in my ear. “You’ve seemed worried and in another place lately. I think I’ll take your mind off things even more.”

  His mouth begins its journey down my neck, applying faint kisses, but they feel the furthest from faint. They’re hot ashes to my skin, his wet tongue snuffing them out after, leaving a smoldering sensation in its wake.

  I need to be in the present with Ellis to forget the painful past and scary future. I want to let go and feel the tingling pleasure he’s delivering, so I clutch the sheet with both hands and tilt my head back to give him all the room he needs to take my mind off things.

  His open mouth trails down my chest and sneaks beneath my silky chemise. He yanks a strap off my shoulder and pushes up my breast, freeing my nipple.

  “It’s ripe for me already.” The tip of his tongue skims around the peak, and I buck beneath him, feeling the hardness through his sweats. I crave more of his mouth and his cock inside me. I yearn for Ellis in a way I’ve never craved another man.

  He blankets me with his body, and I lose my breath from his powerful muscles. His thundering heart against mine is hypnotic, and I get lost in his magnetic presence.

  Slithering his way down, he pushes my lingerie up to my chest to expose my skin. I experience a chill but only for a second before there’s more wet kisses … more heaven … more promises. He provides a sense of protection I’ve never known before.

  “Baby, you smell so good. I can’t wait to taste you.” His gruff voice and erotic words unfurl a moan from my lungs. I grab his hair and clutch it as he grazes his mouth farther south, giving my most sensitive spot a feel of his sizzling breath. “Hold the headboard and don’t let go. No. Matter. What.”

  “Fuck,” I mumble, aware of how difficult it will be. His headboard is a sleigh design, but I can reach the top where I grasp it with both hands.

  “Fuck, Sir,” he says before smirking at me. God, I love playful, sexy Ellis, and to think I’m about to get a cocktail of both playful and alpha male only makes me wetter for him.

  “Fuck, Sir. Please taste me.”


  Camilla begging for my tongue kills my humor, and I pierce her with a stare that emits my lustful thoughts–my torturous plan. Picking up her leg, I place it over my shoulder and slide two fingers right into her.

  She’s soaked more than usual, and damn it all to hell. I’m losing my control once again, growling and burying my face against her sweet cunt.

  Her scent, already familiar, is only mine to breathe, her pussy only mine to taste, and this sensuous body was only made to tangle with mine.

  Camilla is mine, and no weak and conniving man like Christopher is going to swoop in and take her from me. No man is ever stealing her away.

  I lick her rough and hear the squeaky sounds of her hands grappling to hang on to the headboard. She’s moaning excessively, so to further drive her wild, I pull away often and rake the stubble on my face along her inner thighs.

  It’s to mark her so she’ll remember this tomorrow; the way I fucked her with my tongue until she unraveled against my face.

  Removing my fingers from her, I slow it down, barely licking her clit with the tip of my tongue. I don’t move from that spot, and ever so faintly, I graze my wet fingers down between her ass cheeks.

  Her breath hitches, and she comes apart at the seams. My girl crumbles until she’s leveled by a paralyzing orgasm. Damn, if it were possible, I’d watch her for hours as she drowns in the pleasure only I can give her.

  It’s too brief of a moment where I get to relish in her orgasmic glow; a combination of her damp, flushed skin, tight nipples and parted swollen lips. Add her pounding heart and eyelids straining to stay open, and she’s a sensual painting come to life.

  “Ellis … Ellis.” Her words are longing whispers as her arms shake above her. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  “You’re about to feel me all right. Let go of the headboard.” Moving up over her, I prepare to stick my aching cock inside her, but her eyes open wide, and she grabs my biceps.

  “I can’t start my pills yet. Please, this time wear a condom.” I scowl. No can do. “I don’t ever want that barrier between us. You’ll be the only woman…”

  Reaching up, she traces my jawline.

  “That’s sweet, but I told you I wasn’t having another child out of wedlock.”

  “I want to make a little human as awesome as Liam. I want a child of my own … with you.” I look over her head. Why do I always tell her vulnerable shit? It’s silent, so I glance down, and her eyes are swimming in tears.

  “Camilla … for fuck’s sake, don’t cry. I’ll pull out if it’s that important to you.” Realizing I’m kind of being a jackass, I gradually lower myself on top of her and kiss her soft lips.

  “You feel so good beneath me. Please, let me inside you.”

he stiffens and gasps for breath. The next thing I know, she shoves against my chest.

  “Oh, god. Marshmallow, marshmallow, marshmallow!” I move off of her, wondering what the fuck’s happening. “I–I’m sorry. I have to go to my room.”

  She climbs off the bed at lightning speed, but once she reaches my door, she stops with her back to me. “Ellis, I’m so sorry. For everything.”

  Just like that, she’s gone. I fall onto my back and rub my forehead. I’m a dick. She shouldn’t have needed a safe word in that moment.

  I pushed too much too soon, yet she’s the one apologizing. She’s afraid she’s going to end up alone with another kid, but I’m not my brother.



  “Red’s your color,” I say as I glide my fingers along the bottom of her negligee. I touch her bare thigh, my knuckles grazing her silky panties. “It matches the auburn in your hair.”

  Unlike the rest of my body that’s numb from the drinks Tony kept feeding me, my dick is at attention.

  “Thank you.” She rubs her temple. “Damn, the champagne seems stronger than usual.”

  “Probably because we drank the whole bottle.” I hold it up before setting it on the nightstand, along with her glass. My lightheadedness increases, so I fall back on the bed. “Lie down with me. We can be dizzy together.”

  I wake up in a sweat, burning hot and experiencing the same lightheadedness I felt in my dream. That’s fucking wonderful; my mind’s making up new disturbing shit about the lady wearing red.

  I glance to the clock. 1:00 a.m. Jerking off the sheet, I sit at the side of the bed and run a hand through my hair. I’ve got this nervous energy and a cock that’s hard as nails.

  Damn, the night took a turn I didn’t see coming. First Camilla freaked out and now this. A cool shower–that’s what I need. Stumbling to my bathroom, I adjust the knobs for the water.

  I conjure up thoughts about public speaking, the IRS and my mother’s parental tone to get my dick limp enough to take a piss. I manage to relieve myself before I step inside the stall.


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