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The Terms 2

Page 25

by Ruby Rowe

  “I don’t need you to make this happen. With you out of the picture, Ellis will be even more determined to get his son back.”

  My hands ball into fists, and I squint.

  “With me out of the picture, he’ll find you and kill you.”

  Pulling the gun away from Liam’s temple, he points it straight at me.

  “Bye, bitch.”

  Sasha. I see her hair as she steps in front of me.

  A gunshot.

  Sasha falls.

  Someone’s grabbing Christopher.

  It’s all happening so fast.

  The gun slides across the marble, and Liam falls from Christopher’s arms. Screaming in terror, he gets back on his feet and runs at me.

  Ellis is behind Chris, squeezing his neck in a choke hold until he drops to the floor with Ellis’s arm still around him.

  Scooping Liam up, I press him against me. My hand’s on the back of his head as I hug him.

  So much noise...

  So much noise...

  Slow, slow motion. Sasha… Why is Sasha on the floor? Why is there blood? There’s so much blood.

  “Sasha!” Handing Liam off to Emma, I fall to my knees. I roll my sister from her side to her back, and she’s bleeding from a wound above her chest. “Sasha. Ellis, Ellis, help me!”

  With Christopher out cold, Ellis rushes over.

  “Emma, call 911, take Liam to another room, and make sure he’s OK,” he shouts.

  Ripping off his dress shirt, he wads it up and presses it to Sasha’s wound. Her eyes slightly open but roll back in her head.

  “Sasha, can you hear me?” Spotting blood seeping out from beneath her back, I scream.

  “Camilla, Camilla.” Ellis grabs my shoulders and shakes me. “You need to stay calm and check her pulse and breathing. Keep pressure on her wound, too. I’m going to check on Liam and get security up here before Christopher comes to.”

  Nodding, I get it together and keep pressure on Sasha’s wound. Her eyelids open halfway, and she tries to speak, but a gurgling sound is all she can manage.

  “Sweetie, don’t talk. Help’s on the way.” I stroke her hair as blood soaks through Ellis’s shirt and coats my hand. She’s lying in a pool of red now, and I don’t know what else to do.

  Her body begins to shake, so I struggle to hold her still. “You’re going to make it, Sasha. Please, keep fighting.”



  The gate to Ellis’s home is wide open, and as soon as I start down the long drive, I see the red and blue flashing lights ahead. Gunning it, I speed toward the house. Two ambulances and three police cars are in the circle drive. Paramedics are moving a stretcher inside, so I race up behind them.

  A young cop holds his hand out at the door.

  “This is a crime scene. You can’t come in here.”

  “I’m family and gettin’ in that house.” I shove right past him, and once I’m in the hall, I come up on Ellis and a few police officers who are detaining Christopher as he lies on the floor.

  “What happened?”

  “Christopher tried to kidnap Liam. I came home and heard him yelling from the other side of the door. I was able to sneak in behind him.” I look over at the paramedics who are crowding around someone.

  “Who else is hurt?”

  Ellis grips the back of his head. “It’s Sasha. She was shot.” Sprinting across the room, I get to her as she’s being loaded onto a stretcher. In tears, Camilla’s holding her hand.

  “Greyson, she was shot.”

  “What can I do?”

  “Can you ride with her in the ambulance? I need to go with Liam.”

  “Of course.”

  Sasha’s loaded up in the ambulance, and I demand to ride in the back with her. Her skin is pale, her clothes soaked in blood. No, she can’t die. I take her hand in mine.

  “Ladybug, can you hear me? I was supposed to be the daring one today, not you.”

  Sasha opens her eyes, but they close right away. She tries again.

  “You’re here.”

  “Yes, and I’m not leaving your side.”


  “How’s Sasha?” I ask Ellis and Camilla after they walk into the waiting room.

  “She’s still in surgery,” Camilla replies. “The bullet went in right below her collarbone, so they think she’ll pull through.”

  “And Liam?”

  She kisses the top of his head. “He’s OK. They don’t believe he’ll have any permanent hearing loss from the gun firing. As far as emotionally, it’s too early to tell.

  “I’m worried about Emma, too. I need to call her soon.” She nods toward the chairs across the room. “I’ll sit over there so you two can talk. Liam needs to sleep.”

  Bringing his fist up, Ellis eyes the wall. “I should’ve killed Christopher while I had the chance, but I kept thinking about Liam watching. I was so close, and if I’d done it, we’d never have to worry about the sick fuck again. He admitted to killing Tony.”

  “Damn. Then he’ll be in prison for years if not life.”


  “I have to see Sasha. What if I don’t get the chance?”

  Sitting down next to me, Ellis stretches his legs out in front of him.

  “I saw it happen.”

  “You saw her get shot?”

  “She stepped right in front of Camilla to protect her. I was coming in, but I wasn’t fast enough.”

  “What if you hadn’t left the party?”

  “But I did, and you left, too.”

  “I wised up and finally grew a pair.”

  “I’m proud of you.”

  “You were right about Sasha. I love her. It’s the craziest thing. I know we’re different in many ways, but she makes me so damn happy. She does the cutest shit. The girl makes sweet tea by the gallon that could rot your teeth. She has a sweet tooth like you, but worse.

  “She’s obsessed with Justin Bieber and has never been to a concert, so I want to take her to meet him backstage, but I worry he’ll like her. What kind of messed-up shit is that? I fear having my girl stolen by the Bieber.”

  Ellis laughs.

  “She’s a slob, too, whereas I’m neat. I’m up at five, and she’d sleep until noon, but all the ways she’s different make her fucking adorable. I love that she eats purple popsicles and wears shirts that have unicorns and rainbows on them.”

  My foot taps fast from the adrenaline rush. “She’s not trying to be someone she’s not, and she only wants me. I guarantee it wouldn’t matter if I was broke. She’d be right by my side, telling me everything will be OK and to have a Skittle.”

  Ellis’s eyebrows lift, and I feel my face heat.

  “Yeah, I hear myself. I can’t help it; I’m lovesick, cuz.”

  The door opens, and a man wearing scrubs walks in and heads over to Camilla. He looks to be in his thirties, and I’m guessing he’s the surgeon.

  “Ms. Rose is out of surgery. She’s going to be fine, but she’s lost a lot of blood, so she’ll be admitted for a few days. Someone will come get you once she’s out of recovery. She’s a lucky woman. If the bullet had been any lower, this wouldn’t be the outcome.”

  “Thank you so much for saving her.” Smiling, he nods and leaves the room, and I blow out a weighted breath.

  “She’s going to be OK,” Ellis says. “You get to be lovesick together.”


  “Good morning,” Camilla says.

  “Morning,” I croak. I notice the irritation from my dry throat, but it doesn’t compare to the pain in my chest and shoulder.

  “You’re in pain. I should call the nurse.”

  “No. I told them in recovery not to give me any narcotics. They said you told them I was an addict before surgery, so they asked.”

  Getting out of the reclining chair, she walks over and clutches my hand.

  “I hope you realize your strength.”

  “Yeah, and I’m wondering where it came from.”

  “Sasha, what you did yesterday was reckless, but I’ll forever be indebted to you for saving our lives.”

  I shake my head. “You kept me alive for years, so I was more than willing to repay you. My way was just faster and lazier.” Camilla snickers, and I begin to laugh, but the pain radiating from my chest stops me. “Ugh, this sucks. Where is Liam? Is he OK?”

  “Yes, he’s home with Ellis. I came back about an hour ago, but you weren’t alone last night.”

  “Who was here?”

  “Greyson. He stayed so I could be with Liam. He ran home to shower when I got here, but he’s coming right back.”

  Turning my head, I look out the window.

  “I vaguely recall him being in the ambulance with me. I screwed up his party.”

  “He left there before you were shot, and even if he’d left for this reason, it wouldn’t be your fault.”

  I look back at her. “Was he coming to see me?”


  “What does that mean?”

  “I think you need to wait to talk to him about it.”

  I frown. “Seeing him will only make getting over him that much harder. I do believe he misses the fun we were having, but I think deep down he wants someone like Whitney. Well, maybe he doesn’t want a bitch like her, but he wants someone who fits in their world.”

  “I want someone smart, funny, kind and gorgeous,” Greyson says. I turn my head toward the doorway. “And you possess all those qualities.”

  “That’s my cue to leave,” Camilla says. “I’ll be in the waiting room.”

  She’s out the door lickety-split, and Greyson strolls over to me. I’m gazing up at him and breathing in his intoxicating post-shower scent. His hair is slightly damp, and his jeans are hanging loose on his tapered hips. I know this because his t-shirt is snug on his torso the way I love.

  He brushes my hair with his fingers.

  “I was supposed to be the daring one last night, not you. You’re such a weirdo.”

  “I’m shot, and you’re calling me weird?”

  “Yes, because only a weirdo would step in front of a moving bullet.”

  “Don’t make me laugh. It hurts.” I wince. “I heard you stayed here with me last night. Thank you.”

  “It was where I belonged.”

  “Why? Why did you leave your party?” Dragging over a chair, he sits next to me and places my hand between his, resting them on the bed.

  “I ended things with Whitney for good. I want to be with you, Sasha. Can you forgive me for being a coward?”

  “You’ve been doing this dance with her for years. Are you sure you can stop?”

  “You’re right. I’ve been dancing with her for years, and none of it means shit to me. I danced with you one night, and I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.”

  Lifting my hand, he kisses it. “She wants a fairy tale. I want forever.”

  “Those are exceptionally sweet words, but I don’t know.” I crack a smile, letting on that ultimately, I’ll cave, but he must work for it first.

  “I want popsicles in my freezer and Skittles in my new couch cushions. I want an excuse to watch zombie shows, and I don’t want to sleep in my cabin alone ever again. Oh, and I sure as hell don’t want to do this alone.” He pulls out a folded-up paper from his pants pocket.

  “What’s that?” Opening it up, he hands it to me. I skim over the words, and my eyes bulge when I see that he ordered concert tickets. “You’re taking me to see Justin Bieber? These are front row seats.”

  “Move back in with me. I’ll even let you hit the snooze button in my bedroom.”


  His eyes light up. “That’s a yes?”

  “Yes, and I won’t even abuse the snooze button.” I hold up the paper in my hand. “You spent too much money on these tickets. I’m not worth hundreds of dollars.” Greyson’s sudden laughter echoes in the room. He holds his stomach and shakes his head. “What’s so funny?”

  “You’re worth way more than those concert tickets.” His dimples make their grand entrance, and I can’t believe I get to look at them forever. “Trust me, Ladybug, you have no idea the amount of money you’re worth.”


  “How is he?” Camilla asks as she strolls into the family room.

  “He’s good. We built an airplane out of Legos, and I took him outside to play before lunch. I can’t believe how resilient he is, but we’re taking him to counseling regardless.”

  “I agree.”

  “I talked to my FBI contact. He assured me Christopher is never getting out of prison. The case will be a headache, but once he’s convicted, we can put it behind us. Anyway, I thought you’d be gone longer today.” I glide my fingers through Liam’s hair as he naps with his head on my lap.

  “I felt like the third wheel. Greyson won’t leave Sasha’s side, and they’re adorable together. You’d never know she was shot yesterday since she’s by far the happiest I’ve ever seen her.”

  “Good. I’m glad they worked it out.” Camilla squeezes inside the small space between me and the arm of the sofa and rests her head on my shoulder.

  “It seems like the drama never ends, but I have a feeling it’s only up from here.”

  “I agree, and we need to discuss the wedding again.”

  Lifting her head, she looks at me. “I told you I don’t want an elaborate wedding. I thought we agreed on this.”

  “Weddings are typically a big deal for the bride, so I want to be sure you’re OK with having only our family present.”

  “I have almost no one to invite, and I don’t wish to see you miserable on our wedding day. You’d be the center of attention in front of hundreds of people your mother would insist on inviting.”

  “I couldn’t be miserable at my wedding, and you’d be the center of attention, not me.”

  “We want the same thing, so let’s set a date soon and make it happen.”

  I lean my head against hers. “I can’t wait to make you mine. In the meantime, can you take my place here? I have something I need to do.”

  “Absolutely. I’ve been missing him like crazy.” Camilla slides in under Liam, and as if he knows, he curls his body against hers. The nausea over yesterday washes over me again. To think I could’ve lost them both, and our future, too, is still a fresh wound.

  After walking upstairs to my office, I sit at my desk. I look for a phone number on the thumb drive Lawson gave me and dial it.

  “Ciao,” I say to Camilla’s grandmother. It’s time to tell her a story about her beautiful granddaughters….


  Three Weeks Later


  I clasp Sasha’s hand at the dinner table.

  “I’m glad you’re healing up and feeling better.”

  “Me, too.” Snickering, she leans over to my ear. “Greyson is happy about it, as well. We’re finally spending quality time together, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ewww, I don’t want to think about it.” She giggles, and I could burst with joy over her happiness and from having us all here for dinner as a family. Ellis is to my left at the head of the table, and Greyson and Sasha are to my right.

  To the other side of Ellis is Liam, who’s trying to build something with his long green beans. Estella and James are seated next to him, and Irene’s at the other end of the table. Ellis said he had some exciting news that involved her, too.

  He taps his glass with his fork. “I want to make a toast.” Everyone picks up their glasses, and I watch Liam look around. Grinning, he holds his cup up, too. “Over the last several months, I’ve become a richer man. No monetary value could ever be placed on the happiness I’ve acquired.”

  Ellis clears his throat, his admission making him uncomfortable and nervous.

  “I’m blessed to have found an amazing woman to share my life with, who gave me the greatest gift a man could receive, my Liam here.” Our kiddo glances around at everyone staring. “I never dreamed daddy
would become my favorite word, but it has.

  “I’m grateful for my soon-to-be sister-in-law, who helped save my family. As a bonus, she’s making my cousin be a less pain in the ass.” Everyone chuckles, and Greyson rolls his eyes. “In all seriousness, cousin, my life is richer with you in it, too.”

  “You said a bad word, Boss-Daddy.”

  “I’ll put money in your piggy bank later.”

  “It’s getting so, so full.” Laughter fills the room again.

  “I’m thankful for my parents, who I’ve grown to know and understand. You raised me to be an honest, decent man, and I’m grateful for that.

  “Irene, I want to thank you for putting up with me all these years and for treating my family like they’re your own. I hope you’ll stick around for many years to come.”

  Ellis’s eyes become glassy. “I also want to toast the family who are no longer with us. Through their flaws, we were brought together, and the good in them they lost sight of is what we’ll keep in our hearts. Cheers, everyone.”

  With each one of us emotional, we clink our glasses together. “OK, now for my big announcement.” Grinning with pride, Ellis reaches inside his blazer and pulls out a stack of envelopes.

  “I hate to disappoint you, Mom and Dad, but Camilla and I have decided against a formal wedding, but with that said, we want everyone at this table by our side as we say our vows.” Walking around the table, Ellis passes out the envelopes.

  “What’s this, dear?” Estella asks.

  “Everyone, open them.” Even Liam has one, and Ellis helps him so he doesn’t tear what’s inside.

  “Ellis,” I say before I cover my mouth.

  “You bought us plane tickets to Italy?” Sasha asks excitedly.

  “Yes. I’d like for all of you to join us in Italy for our wedding.”

  Jumping from my chair, I throw my arms around his neck.

  “Thank you. This is incredible.” He kisses my head. “I was hoping you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Irene, I’d like you to join us in Venice. Then, I’ve arranged for you to fly to Florence to stay with your family for a vacation.”


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