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Waltzing into Damnation (The Deception Dance Book 3)

Page 25

by Rita Stradling

  “You planned all this out, right? All the drama and anguish and . . . you’re manipulating me still, aren’t you?” Crossing over to him, I poke his arm. “This is all just some plan, isn’t it? You’re so full of shit. You. Are. So. Full. Of. Shit.”

  When he doesn’t answer, I grip his shirt and yank his collar.

  “You’re just manipulating me, aren’t you? You’re always, always manipulating me . . . it’s never real, and I’m always falling for your stupid lies.”

  “I don’t want to manipulate you anymore,” he whispers.

  Leaning down, I yell into his face, “How can you say that to me when you’re still wearing Stephen’s body?”

  “I don’t want to be wearing his body anymore, but if I leave you, even just to get another body, the angels will get you.” He’s so close, I can feel his warm breath on my cheeks. He whispers, “I don’t want to make you feel this way anymore.”

  “You’re so damn manipulative. I don’t believe you at all. You’re finding some way to twist words,” I say. “What Räum did didn’t actually hurt you, you’re just pretending. You probably planned it with him.”

  “You don’t believe that, and it’s not true.” His eyes connect with mine, and they’re blazing with intensity. “What Räum did . . . it hurt me. It broke something in me.”

  My knees push into the mattress. Without meaning to, I’m standing between his legs and looming over him. I’m so angry though, I can’t make myself move away; instead, I grip the other side of his collar and growl into his face. “I’m never going to forgive you for what you put me through, Andras. Never. Not in this life or any other.”

  “I know that,” he says.

  “I loved you—my soul loved you for centuries. I loved you again in this life, and you betrayed me over and over again. You don’t deserve my forgiveness—”

  “I don’t,” he whispers.

  I kiss him, and I don’t kiss him gently. I smash my lips onto his, and he meets my ferocity with his own. Our kiss is bruising, and suddenly we’re gripping each other. His hands wrap around my waist, and I climb into his lap, straddling him.

  My knees are on his wings, my hands in his hair, my body aligns with his.

  He grips me so tight, it’s just this side of painful.

  I know it’s wrong—every part of me knows just how wrong this is, but I can’t seem to stop myself from falling into his abyss.

  Forcefully, I break away from his kiss, my breaths coming hard and fast. “I’m going to pick him, Andras. I’m always going to choose Stephen in the end.”

  “I know,” he whispers onto my shoulder, his lips moving softly over my skin. The sensation tingles all through my body.

  An echoing tingling tickles behind my ear as another knowledge slams into my mind.

  Andras just decided if we somehow defeat the angels, he’s going to give me up if it’s what I want. He’s going to walk away and let me live my life. He isn’t going to take me to purgatory again—not if I choose not to go.

  The long fight is over. If we survive, he’s going to release Stephen’s body and let us live a life together.

  The knowledge shoots a strong and heady relief throughout my entire body. It’s like surfacing from the current after the waves pulled me under. It’s like I’ve been drowning my whole life, and now there’s finally shore in sight. The relief is followed by another wave of sorrow, deep, and I’m not even sure why I feel it.

  What am I doing here?

  I’m fanning the flames of Andras’ feelings for me, and that couldn’t be more evil. If he falls in love with me before he releases Stephen’s body willingly, I’ll have to kill him. I let some deep torn part of me take over and wrapped myself around my enemy.

  Looking into his desperate gaze, I wonder if I’m too late. A sudden urge to do as Elena did takes me. I want to tell him something so hateful, any love he holds for me will wither and die. But again, that would be breaking my deal with Barbas.

  Closing my eyes, I lay my head against Andras’ shoulder. “We can’t do this for so many reasons, Andras. It’s wrong to you, and it’s wrong to me. And it’s really, really wrong to Stephen because you’re in his body.”

  Andras’ arms loosen around me, and I know this is my moment to escape. But for some reason, I stay there gripping onto him even after everything I’ve said.

  What could be moments or hours later, I work up the drive to unwind from him and slowly scoot off his lap when he grabs my waist.

  “Somebody’s in my apartment.” He lifts me off him, stands and dumps me unceremoniously on the bed.

  I bounce onto the pillows and loose black feathers, rolling toward the door. As Andras walks away from me, his wings recede between the torn flaps of his blue shirt.

  The door flies open, and a space-age looking gun pushes through the open door, pointed at Andras’ head.

  The metallic monstrosity immediately melts like chocolate in the hot sun, falling apart and dripping to the floor to reveal Nicholas.

  “Seriously, how did you not know that was going to happen?” I yell over at Nicholas, who’s still just standing there, staring at his puddle of a gun on the floor. “You need to stop with those things, Nicholas.”

  His gaze snaps up to me and then drifts over my face and up to my hair. The look that crosses his face is so full of condemnation, I know in an instant what I probably look like.

  Smoothing down my hair, I scoot off the bed and right my shorts and shirt a little. I’d tell him it isn’t what it looks like, but it’s exactly what it looks like.

  Nicholas just caught me making out with the demon inhabiting his brother’s body.


  That just happened.

  Outside the room, more men cry in outrage, and I’m pretty sure it’s the rest of the ambush team getting their guns melted.

  Almost casually, Andras unsheathes his fiery blade.

  “Whoa, wait a second here.” Rushing over toward the group, I try to get between the two men, but Andras determinedly steps into my path. When I try to go around him, he does it again.

  This whole thing is going nowhere fast.

  “Hey, jerks, way to follow the plan,” I yell past Andras’ shoulder. “Just when I thought you were finally being reasonable.”

  Albert steps up beside Nicholas. My former trainer is hairier and scruffier than I’ve ever seen him. Wrinkles line his otherwise youthful face, and he looks like he hasn’t slept in a month. Weary blue eyes land on mine. “We thought maybe we could take you unwillingly.”

  “That’s the wrong answer,” Andras says as he raises his sword to point at Albert’s throat.

  “Wait.” I grab Andras’ arm and point to my neck with my free hand. “They mean they were trying to take me unwillingly so I wouldn’t break my demon deal.”

  He looks at the mark I’m pointing at, the black kiss on the side of my neck.

  I’m almost positive it’s not my deal with Andras that Leijonskjöld was trying to circumvent, but my deal with Barbas, but lies with gestures don’t read as false to demons.

  “Maybe we can just start over and play nice? I’m pretty sure all of us have some goals that align, like the continued existence of humanity.” There might just be a little bit of sarcasm and snappiness in my voice. Honestly, it can’t be helped. I’m not really down for an hour of chest beating.

  “How did you track this place down?” Andras growls, not dropping his sword’s aim at Albert’s throat.

  “We didn’t track you down,” Albert says as he puts a hand on Nicholas’ shoulder and shoves his younger brother back. “We tracked her down. It took a while, as we need to be in a ten-mile radius to isolate her signal.”

  “You microchipped me in my sleep?”

  I suppress the urge to tell Andras to go ahead and swing. Seriously? Actually, I don’t even know why I’m surprised.

  Albert, predictably, completely ignores my question. When he speaks, he’s only looking at Andras. “If we help you with the angels, w
e’re going to need some concessions.”

  “Are you saying you want to make a deal with me, Albert Tapper?” I can only see part of Andras’ unscarred profile, but the smile that blossoms over his face looks to creep up unnaturally wide.

  “No deals,” I demand. “Let me through, Andras. And please, someone tell me what you guys did with Cassidy.”

  “I’m right here, Raven.” Cassidy pushes Nicholas further out of the way, stepping into the doorway beside Albert. Like the two men, she wears tactical gear, an armored vest, pants and even a helmet. She regards me with a considering look as her gaze passes over my face and hair.

  For some reason when Nicholas looked me over, I didn’t feel ashamed of kissing Andras. I don’t really now either for some reason, but I do feel sad that Cassidy will think less of me after this.

  But then again, I remind myself, we’re all probably going to be dead in a couple of days anyway. Having time to repair our relationship will be a luxury if we get it.

  “I do want to make a deal,” says Albert.

  “You can’t be serious?” I ask. “After everything—you want to make a deal with a demon?”

  But he is serious, I can see it in his face—I can see it in all their faces. This is some sort of a very foolish plan.

  “Andras,” I snap, “put the sword down and let me pass.”

  To my utter amazement, he listens.

  As I step around Albert and head for the group on the other side of the door, I pause. I don’t say anything, but I hope Albert can tell from my expression what I think of him and his plan.

  Cassidy grabs my arm about halfway to the couch and nods for me to step aside with her. Leijonskjöld guards in tactical gear are stationed around the entire room, all standing before puddles of liquid metal on the floor.

  I’m expecting Cassidy to tell me off, so I’m shocked when I turn to face her and meet her concerned, umber gaze.

  “Are you okay?” she asks as she squeezes my arm.

  “Okay?” I ask, shocked by her concern when she should be punching me in the face.

  “Did he force himself on you?” Fierceness overtakes her beautiful features, and it’s obvious if I say ‘yes,’ she’s going to attack Andras, even though she’d more than likely die very quickly for it.

  “No, he didn’t force anything,” I say as I squeeze her arm back. “And—I’m the one who kissed him, but that’s all we did. I know I shouldn’t have, but everything feels really complicated right now. I’m never going to do it again.”

  The anger in her gaze visibly diminishes as her grip softens around my arm.

  “You probably think really badly of me now—”

  “Shut up, Raven. I’m not like those wankers; I’m not going to judge you for doing what you have to do. Just promise me you haven’t forgotten the reason why we’re here,” she whispers as she leans in even closer.

  “Not for a single moment, Cassidy.” Taking her by the wrist, I pull her out of the common area and into the bedroom Andras gave me. It’s decorated as dramatic and dour as the rest of the house.

  The moment I close the heavy wood door, I turn to her. “Cassidy, what is Albert planning? What’s going on?”

  She swallows visibly before pulling off her helmet and throwing it on the bed. Taking a steadying breath, Cassidy crosses over to me. “You’re going to hate the Leijonskjöld after this—”

  “I already pretty much do,” I say.

  “Probably not this much.” She clears her throat and lowers her voice. “All this time—they knew the way to kill Andras. It’s been their plan since Copenhagen city hall collapsed. When Tobias Leijonskjöld died and Tobias Tapper took over the demon killers, Tapper found ancient records his ancestor hid from everyone. After you were killed as Elena, Tobias Leijonskjöld tracked down an old woman who was possessed by a demon—but she wasn’t just possessed by any demon, she was possessed by Barbas.”

  “No,” I whisper, so terrified that I know exactly where this is going.

  “Barbas had taken over her body by force so he could learn her memories. She followed her son Ulric to Sweden to protect him and eavesdropped when Ulric told Elena how to kill Andras, but she hadn’t understood what she’d overheard—”

  “That’s how Barbas knew. He said that Ulric never told Nadya, but he never said she didn’t overhear it. Barbas also said that no one told him, but he never said that he didn’t know the information. Ugh. I always fall for it. And then Leijonskjöld learned from Barbas?”

  “Tobias Leijonskjöld more guessed from a series of hints. The information he wrote down wasn’t concrete, just a guess. I’m so sorry they did this to you. If I knew, I would have tried to stop them—I swear to you, Raven.” Reaching forward, she gently grabs my shoulders. “Albert and Tobias must have made the plan to use you to kill Andras two summers ago after Copenhagen. They didn’t tell Nicholas until much later, and I don’t think they’ve ever told Stephen.”

  “They’ve been holding me this whole time to give me over to Andras so they can kill him permanently. That was their plan all along. The Leijonskjöld wasn’t protecting me. I was—I’ve always been their weapon to destroy him.” I stumble back and sit on the bed.

  Cassidy lets me go but stands there with her arms still outstretched toward me. “They’re such pricks, and I’m so sorry you have to hear like this. I know this won’t make you feel any better, but they only told Nicholas right after Stephen was taken, and he was never comfortable with it.”

  “That’s why Barbas turned Nicholas into a rabbit . . . Nicholas already knew, they both already knew, but for some reason, Barbas wanted me to get the information from the hypnotist.”

  As soon as I say it, I realize why. Barbas didn’t want anyone just to hand me the info; he wanted me to live it. He wanted me to feel Elena’s love for Andras—he wanted me to fall in love with Andras again.

  “But Raven—I told Albert about our mission, and he’s here to help us save Stephen. Albert and Tobias only knew if Andras loved you that he could be killed, they didn’t know that we could save Stephen as well. I worked out a plan with Albert—”

  I jump to my feet. “Cassidy, what plan?”

  “They’re offering to help fight the angels if Andras answers honestly whether or not he loves you—”

  “Wait, no. We need him to defeat the angels—he’s going to give Stephen his body back and leave me alone, and—I’ll have to kill Andras,” I choke on the words. “I don’t want to kill him anymore.”

  Cassidy steps into my path, her hands raised in a quelling gesture. “Raven, you can’t stop it—your deal with Barbas. You won’t have to kill him, okay—Albert is going to kill him.”

  I’m shaking my head, and the whole world is blurring around me.


  “Not like this, Cassidy.” I can barely choke out the words.

  My only hope is that Andras doesn’t love me yet. But based on that look on his face as he decided to give me up—I had little hope left.

  “We have to stop them, Cassidy.”

  She covers my mouth, panic in her eyes. “Raven, you shouldn’t be saying that.”

  For one split second, I consider just letting it happen in the other room. I could just stay in here as they kill Andras and come out when it’s all over. I wouldn’t get pulled to hell, and Stephen would come back. But then that moment of hesitation is over, and I’m breaking away from Cassidy and running for the door.

  “Raven, don’t be an idiot—it’s too late,” she calls after me, emotion thick in her voice.

  I ignore her, running into the apartment and toward where Andras still stands with Albert. Albert nods solemnly. “It’s a deal.”

  The moment I see Andras’ expression, I know it’s too late. His emerald eyes land on mine, his lips open.

  I crash into him, my hands going to cover his mouth, but his hands wrap around my wrists and gently tug them away.

  “Andras, stop—” I yell.

  “Raven, it’s too late for me.
At least they will fight the angels for you when I’m gone. You are my redemption,” Andras whispers, “because I love you.”

  A blaze of heat licks up my back as fat fingers fist in my hair.

  “You’ve broken our deal,” Barbas’ melodic voice whispers into my ear as his sulfurous breath fills the air.

  My scalp sears with pain as I’m pulled down and away from Andras, into a split in the floor. As the hellfire engulfs me, I watch Andras’ eyes roll to the back of his head. His grip slackens around my wrists. Cassidy slams into us. She grabs my waist, shouting, “Barbas! You’re not taking her!”

  And then there’s nothing but white flame and the taste of ashes as Barbas’ hand fists into my hair and pulls me down into hell.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Day Four

  I come to in a world of fire. Blurrily, I see Cassidy standing over me. A ringing fills my ears, and though Cassidy’s lips are moving, I hear nothing. Fire rings her head and scorches the sky. Scorching heat licks up my skin as blood fills my mouth. The metallic taste overwhelms my senses.

  I want to scream, but so much blood fills my mouth, all I can do is gurgle.

  “Wake up,” Cassidy roars into my face, the sound ripping through my temporary deafness.

  I lunge forward, and Cassidy just gets out of my way in time as I vomit. Acid burns like fire up my throat and through my nose.

  “Why did you grab me, Cassidy?” I yell when I can finally breathe. “You knew where he was taking me here—”

  “Shut up, you idiot,” she says as she pushes my crackling, singeing hair out of my face. “I told you we were going to share a flat in hell. I couldn’t let you go without me, could I?”

  “The last thing I wanted in the world was for you to go to hell for me.” I glare up at her through watering eyes and plumes of smoke rising from the cracked ground we kneel on. “You never would have ended up here without me. Andras told me that demon infection doesn’t mean you go to hell, and you never would have.”

  “I never believed those wankers that I was going to hell.” She sighs, heavily. Blood seeps from her nose, and in attempting to wipe it away, she smears it across her cheek. “Well, we’re here, and we’ve got to find some way to get out of here before Barbas gives you to Satan.”


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