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(Anthology) Forever

Page 11

by Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Burke

  “Listen to Glow.” Luster said to me as he closed his eyes and his whole person began to glow. The tree shimmered and shook, then snippily vanished as if it had never been.

  He said that he displaced it when I asked before. But seeing and hearing about something is two different things. Still, my sadness took precedence over any burning questions that I could ask. My man was still leaving, to save me, to save us both. And there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

  “My heart beats for you,” he said as he turned back one more time and smiled at me. Then just as quickly, he was gone.

  I tried to hold the confident face, the face of the woman watching her warrior go off into battle, the face of the maiden watching her knight battle a dragon. But as soon as he disappeared from view, the smile faded.

  My head dropped, my shoulders drooped, and I was just another woman watching her man go away.

  I sniffled, trying to hold back the torrent of tears that threatened to break free at any second, but the pressure was too much.

  With my sobs echoing through the cavern, I raced towards the area Luster called home, the place where he brought me for safety. Once there, I could give free rain to my tears and cry out all of my grief in privacy.

  My bare feet raced over the soft green grass. Ignoring the shocked faces of the others, I ran to his quarters and threw myself down upon his bed. Big mistake.

  Lying across his bed, I could smell his special scent. In the warmth of his blankets, I could feel him. If I wrapped them around me it almost felt as if he were holding me once again. My body shuddered and my eyes burned with my tears. My heart had broken and nothing would repair the pieces until he was safe in my arms again.

  I never realized when the crying stopped and the ache in my center began.

  All I could think about was Luster. His smile, his lavender eyes, his long flowing hair, his body. Every aspect of his being was being broken down in my mind and the pictures whirled around in my head.

  I loved the way he touched me, the way my body responded to his touch. I shuddered in memory of our times in the enchanted pool, the water flowing over our bodies, the heat of his skin.

  My whimpering became moans as I pictured what he would say to me if he were here right now.

  No, Luster would not say anything. He would take me in his arms and he would ravish the anguish right out of my body. ‘Life is for the living,’ he told me more than once, and as I though of him, my body came alive.

  I remembered his fevered caresses, the naughty things he would whisper to me and I began to tingle.

  I ran my hand over my breast and pressed to the beating in my chest, then gasped that the simple caress would cause so much pleasure when my heart was rent into a thousand pieces.

  If I closed my eyes, surrounded by his scent as I was, I could imagine that it was his hand caressing me.

  I closed my eyes as a low moan escaped my throat. Lust would love to see me like this. It would make his purple eyes glimmer and his body harden in an instant.

  Soon, this wasn’t enough. There was a fire in my blood and it had to be quenched. Even the simple gown I wore was irritating to my skin. I had to have it off! I had to know the feeling of the fur, the Luster scented fur, caressing my bare skin.

  The gown was gone in a flash and I settled back, pushing my shoulders into the soft warm fur, rolling my head back and forth, luxuriating in these new hedonistic tendencies.

  Hissing in pleasure, I rolled over, dragging the fur over my back and cocooning myself in the essence of Lust.

  My hands went from rubbing my breast to the now awakened part of me that wept for release.

  Slowly, I spread my thighs, letting my fingers whisper down until I felt the soft hair of my pubic mound.

  Should I do this? Could I do this?

  Then as my body clenched in remembered delight, I decided that I could.

  Slowly, I let my fingers explore, brushing lightly over my clitoris, to the blood engorged lips of my sex.

  I shuddered at the feeling.

  Instantly I knew what to do to please myself, knew what touch my body needed. (((( Kewl!)))

  No one but Lust ever played my body like this, and as I thought of him, I knew which caresses would give me the most pleasure, what would remind me of his possession.

  Gently, I outlined the opening to my body, shuddering as fire followed in the wake of my caresses. My lungs fought to bring air to my body. The ragged sound of my breathing, inside the muted world of the fur cocoon, was another turn on.

  As I lay on my stomach, one hand locked between my legs, the other pulling at my nipples, I felt that something was missing.

  Deciding that I needed more stimulation, I ran the pad of one finger around my hooded clit, pulling back it protective cover to touch the raw essence of me.

  I nearly screamed at the sensation flooding though my body. I bit my lip and began to gently circle, stimulating myself gently as thoughts of what Lust’s mouth did to this sensitive part of my body egging me on.

  I began to grind into the fur, seeking more stimulation; something was still missing!

  I pulled my hand from my breast, stretched it out under Lust’s pillow and it struck something hard and round.

  Pulling it out, I discovered that it was a sheathed dagger with a large, etched cylinder for a hilt.

  Pulling it closer, I smiled as I realized what I reminded me of.

  With a large round smooth tip and a thick base, it looked like a cock!

  Inspiration struck as I again closed my eyes and wondered if I should do this thing?

  Then as my body gave one powerful lurch, the decision was made for me.

  Trembling in fear and longing, I lowered the hilt between my thighs.

  I rolled the smooth round tip again my clit, and whimpered at its icy coolness contrasted with my blazing heat.

  But soon, it warmed up, took in the temperature of my body as my womanhood bathed it in my hot juices.

  Harder I pressed it against me, whimpering as the feelings that flew through me heightened in intensity.

  Finally, with one whimpering sigh, I thrust the hilt home.

  “Oh God!” I cried out as this replacement cock filled me.

  It was not as thick or wide as Lust, but it struck a spot deep within that set my body trembling uncontrollably.

  Again and again I ran it over this spot, headless of the noise I was making or how my body bathed the hilt in its slick moisture.

  All I knew was that short of having Lust deep within me, this was the best feeling that I had ever experienced.

  Lying there, I thrust my new toy deeply into me, stroking that spot, mashing my clit with the bones of my wrist,

  Faster and faster I had to move!

  This was primal. Faster that anything that Lust and I shared, different, but so damn erotic that I closed my eyes and let my fantasies run wild.

  There was Lust, between my thighs, his tongue locked on my clit, drinking my juices as if they would give him life.

  Luster, striding naked and powerful in my direction, grinning as his penis thrust outward.

  Luster, holding his cock steady as he beckoned to me, calling me over to him so that he could bury his hardness within my softness.

  His finger in my...

  I never completed the thought!

  I screamed as my body exploded around the hilt, clenching at it, stetting off more explosions as its hardness caressed the spot over and over during my climax.

  My body shuddered as my thoughts swirled with reality. My body convulsed, sending pleasure shooting tough my veins as I closed my eyes and savored each orgasmic clench.

  I groaned as I suddenly became too sensitive to touch and withdrew the hilt to give my body a chance to rest.

  My breath still heaving, I brought the hilt to my lips for a quick kiss, before I let my new toy lie beside me.

  My body replete and strangely my tension eased, I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirteenr />
  “They have him!”


  I sat up in the warm firs that cradled me, his dagger still in my hand, and stared at Glimmer.

  “I said they have Luster! Are you happy now? They have Luster! Get up you fucking bitch! They have our leader!”

  I don’t know if I was stunned more by Glimmer’s words or the news that she brought.

  Luster, my Luster was caught!

  “Where!” I stammered as I tried to unwind myself from the covers and rise to my feet. “Who has him?”

  “The Tritons! Who do you think? They have what they want! The resistance is dead without him!”

  “How do you know?”

  “The trees! The trees told me! I told Glow and he said to get you, though I don’t know why! Powerless, magicless waste of space that you are!”

  I ignored her and I reached for my discarded gown. I had to get to Glow and find out what was going on!

  Fear seemed to freeze my heart in my throat as I haphazardly pulled the gown over my head and raced to the door. I absently noticed that Glimmer followed, so did the eyes of all the rebels gathered there.

  I could feel their burning gaze; the anger and uncertainty they tossed in my direction. It made my feet move faster. By the time I made it to where a tight knot of warriors sat, I was nearly running. I knew their anger was directed at me, but my guilt was making their mistrust harder to bear.

  “Glow!” I all but screamed as I reached what appeared to be a war council. “What is going on?”

  “They found the box, Sinopee. They knew that he would come for it. They set a trap.”

  “What can I do?”

  My heart was pounding, but I pushed back the urge to scream and rant like a mad woman. Luster needed me, needed a plan, and I wanted to help in any way that I could.

  “Why is the box so important, Sinopee?”

  I realized that Luster had kept that aspect of our relationship a secret. But it was time for the secrets to end. They had to know what was going on! They were risking their resistance for him, for us, and had a right to know.

  “Without it, I will die.”

  “What a shame,” Glimmer snarled as she shot daggers at me with her eyes.

  “And with me, Luster will die. We are bound.”

  Glow nodded once, then turned his attention to the gathered warriors.

  “What can I do to help?” I asked, my heart, once dead now pounding in my chest.

  “You can go and wait.”

  I blinked at Glow’s words. What did he mean wait?

  “I want to help!” I protested. “Luster is my man, and I want to save him!”

  “What can you do, Sinopee?” Glow stated this kindly, but the words still burned. “You have no magical abilities, you can’t track, you are not a hunts-woman. You have no skills that could help save Luster and having you along will slow us down.”

  “Yeah,” Glimmer snorted in my direction, tossing the fringes of her blue hair. “You would only get in the way.”

  “I can think!” I cried out, desperate to help. “You need me!”

  “You can think here,” Glow stated with finality.

  Glimmer snickered, damn her blue hair!

  “As will you, Glimmer.” Glow added.


  She turned surprised eyes to Glow, too stunned to do anything but stare at him.

  “You will get in the way, Glimmer. You are to stay here and...guard.”

  “But I talk to the trees! The plants hear me! I can be of help!”

  “Glimmer,” Glow sighed with a long-suffering look. “You are too young and full of yourself! You need to learn control. Maybe Sinopee can teach that to you while we go and get Luster. But for the hours that she has left in our world, you will be with Sinopee.”

  That said, Glow motioned to his chosen men and they began to prepare for battle.

  “But I can help!” Glimmer wailed as she watched the warriors and their departing backs.

  Saying nothing, I turned and made my way back to Luster’s room. I had plans of my own and I needed a moment to organize my thoughts for my attack.

  “This is all your fault!”

  Glimmer’s words followed me down the hall, but I ignored her. I had more important things to think about.

  “I am talking to you!”

  I felt her hand around my arm and reacted without thinking.

  I gripped her thumb and yanked it backwards, towards her wrist. While she was gasping in unexpected pain, I drove my elbow back into her stomach, knocking the air from her lungs, then using her weak grip on my arms, I slammed her into the wall.

  “Don’t fuck with me, bitch,” I found myself snarling as I reached out to grab a handful of her hair to pull her face to mine.

  She was still gasping, trying to get air into her oxygen depleted lungs, eyes wide with shock.

  “I have to go and get my man.”

  Snorting in disgust, I released her hair and gave her a little shove, just to drive my point home. Then calmly, I turned and made my way back to Luster’s room.

  “What do I know?” I asked myself as I paced in silence. “What do I need.”

  The Tritons would be easy to find, maybe. All I had to do was let myself get caught. But once there, what to do?

  I stopped pacing and sat on the bed.

  “Think Sinopee!” I berated myself.

  First I had to take my problems one at a time. That way, I would not get confused and screw up too badly. One at a time and very scientific.

  Identify the problems. Easy enough, I thought. The Tritons who wanted to wipe these people out of existence for some unknown reason just managed to catch the rebel leader.

  Problem: How to rescue him without loss of life; mine or anyone else’s.

  Problem: How to get the letterbox back. Fuck finding a way to keep me here! If I could get the box back and we could have another year’s long wait, I would be content! I just didn’t want him to die!

  Solutions: None withstanding.

  Sighing. I again tried to get my mind to work, to get over the shock of not having Luster here.

  The only thing I could think of was to allow myself to be caught.

  Once captured, I would figure something out! The most important thing was to go to Lust.

  Decisions made, I leapt to my feet and began to search his room. He had to have footwear here somewhere. That and I needed a weapon, other than that dagger. That dagger was special.

  I had no magic to defend myself, so I had to rely on good old reliable steel!

  As I was rummaging through his chests, I heard footsteps behind me. I had no idea how long I had been thinking and searching, but it had to have been a long time. When I tried to stand upright, my back ached and my muscles pulled.

  Turning, I was stunned to see Glimmer there, tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “What do you want?” I asked, at my coldest.

  “To go with you! To help you! I have to help the man I love, even if it means teaming up with you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Stealthy, we made our way to the hidden exit of the Citadel.

  When I earlier showed my shock that we could find a way to leave, I mean Glimmer couldn’t move trees with magic and I had none, she laughed at me.

  “We all can’t move trees, Sinopee. In fact, Luster is one of the few who can. So we all need an alternative route to get in and out when our leader is not with us.”

  Smart, I thought. But then I never thought that these people, these rebels, were a stupid lot. They were just ignorant about some things, like the positive use of science and analytical thinking.

  Glimmer motioned for me to follow and I brought my mind back to more important matters. Like sneaking past the guards.

  They were rebels to the last one, but Glow, Luster’s second in command had given the order that we say inside. They would probably do everything short of killing us to make sure that we stayed inside.

  Glimmer led me t
o the exit, touching roots that we passed along the way. I knew that she was gleaming information from them. But still her earlier words bothered me. She was in love with... Luster?

  No. She didn’t say Luster, but the man she loved.

  I was puzzling over this when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “We have to move if we are going to make it past the guard. Privacy break.”

  I nodded in understanding and we both scurried up a narrow path that led to the roots of a large tree.

  “If you had any powers, you could be of some help. But since you don’t, you had better start to climb.”

  I said nothing, but sighed deeply, then began to look for handholds in the roots.

  Climbing wasn’t easy and Glimmer seemed to almost walk through the roots, knowing where to place her hand or foot next. But slowly, I managed to make the muscles of my arms strain and pull until I felt a gap where the stone wall should be.

  “This is it,” Glimmer whispered as she disappeared into the hole. “Come on!”

  Saying nothing, I forced my way through the crevasse, reminded sickly of the abyss in which I was sure to plummet through if we didn’t retrieve those letters and soon.

  It took mere seconds to pull myself through the damp warm place, but soon the heat of the waning sun caressed my face.

  “How much time do I have left?” I wondered out loud as I stared at the sky, watching the deepening blues and purples as the sun began its decent.

  “About six hours and then you go back where you come from.”

  Glimmer didn’t know about the restrictions or the letters, or had paid no attention to what I had told Glow. Or just didn’t believe me. I bet she thought I sent Luster out on a feminine whim.

  Again, I was silent as we began out journey through the forest.

  “Where are the Tritons?” I asked. “What do they look like?”

  “No one knows,” she said, side stepping over a few fallen branches and piles of leaves.

  “Then how can we find them?”

  I realized that as we walked, we were getting closer and closer to the area where the tree line ended.

  “I’ll think of something,” she said as she pushed aside a young leafy branch from a low hanging tree aside.


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