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(Anthology) Forever

Page 13

by Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Burke

  The suddenly, he switched positions; sitting on the table and having me ride his waist.

  I felt empowered as I looked down and saw his hardness pressed against my stomach, throbbing. Yet we continued to kiss.

  He broke away and buried his face in my neck as he whispered, “Sinopee, I love you.”

  The feel of his hot breath across my neck caused me to shudder and moan.

  This was Luster who was touching me, Luster who was loving me. I relished every moment even as I damned those who were watching, safe from all emotions, behind the glass.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as the fingers of his right hand trailed down my stomach to cup my femininity.

  I gasped and knew that he had to feel how wet I had become. His body was an erotic delight for me, no matter what, no matter where.

  “Yes,” I breathed my eyes glassy as I stared at him. I knew he was ready, I could feel it in his rock hard cock, the head that wet me with its free flow of precum. “Please now.”

  With an incredible show of strength, Lust lifted me up, positioned me over his throbbing member and slowly let me slide down.

  I gasped as I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck, as I buried my head in his damp hair, as I accepted Lust into my body.

  He felt like hot hard steel wrapped in a velvety cover as I slid to his base. Once I was fully seated on him, we both let out a small groan of pleasure.

  He leaned his forehead under my chin as his arms tighten around my waist and I was gently lifted and lowered on his body.

  “Harder, Lust!” I cried out, inpatient with his slow motions. Did he know how much I needed him?

  In my mind, I could picture those behind the glass, watching, panting drooling. And it made my arousal reach a new plateau. I had what they wanted, what they could never have! It made me feel powerful.

  Tightening my legs around his waist, I began to grind from side to side, mashing him deep, massaging my clit on the hard base of his cock and his pubic hair.

  “Oh, grind it, lover,” he purred as he leaned back and arched into my movements, giving me an upward thrust to complement my side-to-side action.

  I threw back my head, my moan filling the room as I began to ride him with the aid of his hands moving me faster up and down his pole.

  Then his hands slipped down to kneed my ass and urge me to grind faster.

  Soon the sound of our wet bodies sliding against one another filled the room. The raw scent of sex suffused our senses and I was becoming light headed as lightening began to explode behind my eyes.

  Faster and faster I moved, my moans and gasps supplying the background for this loving.

  Like a machine, Lust pistoned faster and faster, never tiring, always striking that special spot deep within my walls.

  Lust began to get louder, his movements jerkier as he drew close to completion. His panting increased and suddenly, he threw back his head, his eyes wild, his face a mask of twisted agonized pleasure.

  I screamed as I felt the tension deep inside me break! I felt him swell even larger then bellow out as he erupted deep within me.

  “Sinopee!” he screamed, his hair flowing wildly around him.

  I felt my inner muscles milking him, pulling the energy out of him as my mind took flight from my body!

  This is why I was created! It was for this purpose that I was here! Luster was mine! My man! And no one would ever take him away from me.

  I sobbed out my pleasure as Lust’s arms tightened around me, prevented me from falling back bonelessly.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice a whisper in my ear.

  “Fine,” I managed to gasp. “God I love you.”

  I leaned forward and took his lips in a demanding kiss, plunging my tongue deep into the cavern of his mouth, savoring the flavor of him.

  From him, I drew my strength. He was my light, my partner, my equal in this strange world, and in my own. I needed him as much as he needed me.

  Then glancing over his shoulder, I once again saw the glass window, and knew that there had been intruders to our love.

  I felt my anger rise up in me and begin to take away my weakness. This anger had to have a release! As I stared at the glass window, the spy window, I felt my anger take over!

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Learn something, you bastards?” I screamed as I pulled myself off of Lust’s body. “Maybe you should take notes!”

  There was silence behind the window, but I swear I could hear the confused murmuring of the scientists behind the glass.

  Almost sobbing in frustration, I turned back to Lust, who took my still bound hands into his.

  “This is the way of the thinkers,” he sighed almost sadly. “Next they will poke and prod and steal blood and take away what is left of our privacy for the sake”

  In that moment I could only hate what my people had done, what I was, what my people were doing here.

  “Do not!” he insisted as he easily read the look on my face. “This is not your fault. None of this is your fault.”

  I sniffed and nodded my head, but inside, I knew that I was a part of the problem. Everyone like me, a thinker, was part of the problem.

  In one day, I had started as a Plain Jane in a dead world and had been transmuted into a thing of erotic beauty. Then I was once again a Plain Jane, only as good as her mind. But how could that help when it was the mind, the Thinkers, who have caused so much pain in the first place?

  “How?” I asked as I forced my eye up to meet his. “How did this happen?”

  “The Thinkers have always been, Sinopee. From the moment I awakened as a child, the life I knew was behind these glass walls.”

  “Luster...” My heart was breaking for him.

  “Shh, Sinopee Mine,” he breathed as he cradled me against his chest. My legs naturally went around his waist and I settled myself in to him, knowing that the people outside were probably still watching.

  “I watched them poison our bodies and our minds. I watched them break up mated couples to test a theory, and watched as they withered and died away. I watched friends, good friends disappear without a trace, only for the thinkers to come back and take more of us. Then one day, I got tired of watching. When the head Thinker took me to take more blood, I managed to hit him over the head. I have no idea where the knowledge comes from, but I just knew what to do. I knocked him out and I freed the others. We all have an affinity for nature, all of our magic is based on nature, and we fled to the woods.”

  “You were lucky.”

  “The gods smiled down upon us,” he agreed. “And the Thinkers have been chasing us ever since. They were chasing us the day I stumbled onto the magic mirror under the waterfall and read the words that brought you to me.”

  He hugged me tighter as he said this. I hugged him back, knowing that that day was the most important day of my life.

  “And if I had not been sitting in front of that mirror going over my parents...”

  I stiffened as a thought accrued to me.

  “The mirror! You spoke the words on the mirror.”

  “This I have said many a time,” he said, a confused expression on his face.

  “It has to be a link!” I hissed as I bent low to his ear, conscious that they may be listening to our conversations right now.


  “The man who caught me! He said something about the voice activation device! There has to be a link!”

  Before I could say more, the door was flung open and several men I could classify as guards entered the room.

  “Miss, please come with us,” one of them said, trying to keep his eyes off of my bare body. Like he hadn’t already gotten an eyeful!

  “What do you want?” I hissed as I felt Luster tense beneath me.

  “Please, come with us.”


  Then I saw them raise their guns.

  In a flash, Lust threw me off of him, rolling us on the table until I was completely covered by his body

  Then before my amazed eyes, I saw him launch himself at the three guards, taking them by surprise and knocking two off of their feet.

  “Run!” he roared at me as he leapt to his feet to take out the third.

  The other two were slow to rise, unused to any physical activity, so it was easy for me to slip by them.

  But the third man, he pulled his gun and prepared to fire.

  “No!” I screamed.

  His eyes flashed towards me, giving Luster a split second to react.

  Diving low, he grabbed the guard by his knees, bringing him down with a thump. Before the dazed guard could move, Luster’s fist was plowing into his face, knocking him out cold.

  The other two were rising to their feet when Luster scooped up the defeated guard’s laser and pointed it in their direction.

  “Do not move.” His cold words sent shivers down my spine.

  “He can’t operate it,” one man said to the other.

  “But I am betting I can,” I sneered as I stepped to Luster’s side and placed my hand over his.

  They two froze in their tracks.

  “I am betting that it takes a certain DNA sequence to operate this gun, gentle man. And I am also betting that I have the sequence.”

  There was silence.

  Chuckling, Luster relinquished the gun without argument.

  “We will be leaving now,” I said as he began to back towards the door. “And I can honestly say that I haven’t enjoyed this visit, thought there have been high points.”

  “Time to go!” Luster hissed as be backed out of the cage and slammed the door shut.

  Smiling, I let out a small cry of joy and jumped to place a kiss on his cheek.

  “Why wouldn’t the weapon work?” He was finally showing some signs of curiosity. Maybe he was starting to believe that magic wasn’t the whole of the universe. He reached out and snapped the bindings holding my wrists and I flexed them, glad to be free.

  “DNA,” I said as we crept from the room.

  I knew that we had taken a chance that the entire outer room could be filled with scientist equipped with lasers and data gathering equipment but our luck was holding. The room was vacant.

  If they had run the DNA tests on my blood, I figured there was a lab full of confused long tunics right now.


  “It’s like...” How do you explain DNA to a person who believed that all things come from magic?

  But as I tossed ideas back and forward in my head, Luster was leading me through the room, searching in corners and around doorways, taking us to the exit.

  “Well?” he asked as he pushed me into a side room that was filled with tunics. Supply room, I guessed. He raised his eyebrow at me as he tossed me a tunic.

  As much as I loved the sight of his naked body glimmering in the artificial light of the rooms, it probably wasn’t a good idea to try and escape butt naked. Besides, his skin was beginning to shine and glow. As I said before, he was well named.

  “Remember you said that each of us had different gifts that it made us unique?”


  I sighed in disappointment as the tunic covered his body. But them I got serious. We had to move to if what I believed was true.

  “Well, DNA is what gives us those differences. It is like a signature that tells all about us.”

  He looked at me and blinked his eyes twice.

  “The thing that gives Glow the power to hide in the shadows or Glimmer the ability to talk to the trees, or me the power to move things?”

  He had it!

  “Yes! That is it!”

  “Then your DNA is not like mine,”

  “Not like anybody’s!”

  “But your DNA allows you to fire the weapon?”


  “Because you are one of them?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  I froze at his statement. Now how do I explain this to him?

  “I am not one of them, Luster! I don’t even know who they are! But they are like the people from my world.”

  “How is this possible?”

  “I don’t know!” I sighed in frustration as I paced in the small supply room.

  “How did they come here? Are there more magic mirrors?”

  “I don’t know!”

  Luster growled in frustration, then walked over to me. He jerked me into his arms and held me tight.

  “We have to find out.”

  “I know,” I said. I felt like crying! I knew that we only had a few hours left, maybe less than that and the prediction in the letters would come true.

  “We have to get to the magic mirror.”

  “Yes,” I agreed as I rested my head on his strong chest. “But we have to get out of here.”

  Luster let me go and walked over to the rack of tunics. Pushing them aside, he touched the wall behind them.

  “This is wood.”

  I nodded as I examined the texture of the wall. “Looks like it to me.”

  Then smiling at me, Luster pressed his hands against the wall. It shimmered for a second, then simply ceased to be.

  “I can displace natural substances.” He held out his hand to me.

  Smiling, I took his hand and we stepped out into the cool night.

  He glanced back and the wall reappeared. My bet is that they would be wondering how we managed to escape.

  I looked up and noticed that the moon was almost at its zenith. Time was almost up for me and I didn’t have any answers or the letterbox that I needed.

  A tear rolled down my face as I felt a feeling of helplessness overcome me. But then if there was anything that being here taught me, it was hope. I had to keep hope. I pulled myself together and followed Luster thought the camp.

  It was easy, almost too easy. It seemed in seconds, we were following the trail back towards the forests.

  I noticed that Luster reached out and touched a branch or a tree trunk from time to time, but we were steadily moving.

  “I think the answers will be at the water fall,” I ventured as I followed his lead. “What do you think?”

  “I think I understand why we could never use the weapons that we captured.” He said quietly as he moved us from shadow to shadow. “And I think I would give my nipple ring for a good sword.”

  Just like a warrior, I thought in amusement.

  Almost before I was ready, we were at the waterfall, the place where I had come through the mirror, where all of this had begun.

  “My parents left me that letterbox, Luster, before they disappeared doing some weird experiment.

  I looked around the clearing that had become so important to me, and almost wept to think that I would never see it again.

  “The answer is in the box.”

  In reply, Luster stepped through the waterfall and vanished behind a curtain of clear flowing water.

  I knew he was retrieving the mirror. I knew that my time here, that our time together, was almost up.

  I looked around at the peaceful glade, remembering the nights when I fought back tears as I prepared to leave my love for another year. This glade brought both joy and sadness to my life.

  I sat on familiar rocks and waited.

  “Mom, dad,” I sighed in true regret. “Why did you leave that box with me?”

  “Because they were trying to stop us.”

  I whirled around, almost falling off of my rock, as I faced the voice for the first time.

  “Who are you?”

  He raised a torch, and I gasped in shock. It was the guard from the room. No! This man was taller? Surrounding him were several of the armed guards, yet they all looked alike!

  Then another man entered the clearing.

  “It can’t be!”

  I was staring at my father!

  Chapter Twenty

  Your touch, only the touch of your hand,

  The caress of your fingers

  The sound of your voice

  Shall save me

From the letter box

  “Daddy?” I gasped, tears falling from my eyes.

  “Not quite.”

  I stared, my vision blurry from my tears as the man that so resembled my father pulled out the wooden box.

  “I should have guessed he would hide it here.”

  “He?” I slowly rose to my feet. “Daddy, what are you talking about?”

  “I am not your father!” the man bellowed! “We just share the same DNA.”

  But he looked like my father! He sounded like my father!

  “When we found a female Gen Ex 1 with my DNA type, I figured out what my predecessor had done.”

  I was stunned into immobility! I stood there and listened to the thing that wasn’t my father and my mind reeled! There was only one explanation that I could come up with!


  “I prefer the term genetic twin, actually.” My father-not my father said.

  “What were you doing here?”

  “Where is the time machine?” he countered.

  “Time machine?”

  “Don’t play dumb, you foolish girl! I may resemble the man who sired you, but believe me, I have no loving daughterly feelings towards you. Give me the time machine or I will relish causing you a great deal of pain!”

  “Time machine? This is not another world, another dimension?”

  Both men laughed at that.

  “You have been reading too much fiction, dear girl! Wake up and join the real world. You are no longer in 3009, this is the year 5009.”

  My legs gave out! Instead of landing on my rock, I slipped off and hit the ground.

  “I guess the old man never told her much,” The guard look alike said to the monster in my father’s skin.

  “Listen up, for I will tell you this once. Your father and his team made a time machine to come to the future to replenish the past. Problem is that all the radiation from your time polluted the fauna and flora. To take such species back would cause many environmental disasters. But while we were here, we discovered that several of the plants were not breeding. They were multiplying by some form of chemical cloning. They were replicating their DNA and adapting to the environment they found themselves in. Naturally, we had to try this process with human DNA. The results are these so-called rebels that have gotten away from us. But we will get them back, and with the time machine, we will make our way back to the past and take our places as rulers of that dung heap.”


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