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by Gary Vaynerchuk

  complementary strengths, 135, 242–43, 270

  complementary vs. complimentary, 222–23

  creatives, 236, 259

  deadlines, 261–62

  dress codes, 249–50

  drug-testing, 236

  firing, 234–35, 249, 251, 254, 260

  freelancer to full-time employee transition, 257

  friends as, 250–51

  hiring, 233, 234–35, 236, 240–41, 243–44

  inspiring, 78–79

  interns, 15, 253–54

  jack-of-all-trades vs. specialists, 242–43

  motivating, 219–20, 247–48, 249

  old employees hazing new employees, 260

  personalizing interactions with, 63

  and sick time, 89–90

  staff meetings, 239–40

  support for, 69–70, 232, 247

  values of, 244–45

  of VaynerMedia, 255, 339–44

  your children as, 64

  See also teams and teamwork


  and entrepreneurs, 19, 20

  freelancers, 252–53

  search for, 14–15

  engagement, 2, 4, 105–6, 110. See also hustle


  advice for, 36

  attributes, 12, 31, 280

  and best-case markets, 38–39

  and billion-dollar valuation milestone, 276–77

  biz-dev from zero, 24–25

  born rich vs. raised lazy, 70–71

  extroverts as, 289

  freedom to execute vision, 60–61

  global success stories, 91–92

  growth sweet spot, 40

  and hustle, 75–76

  and ideas, 34–35, 65–66, 82–83

  introverts as, 288–89

  investing in, 269–70

  as investors, 269, 270

  looking back, 37–38

  and MBA degree, 50

  middle-ground pitches, 4

  overcoming negative input, 22–23

  planning, 41–42

  and “real” jobs, 19, 20

  real-time adjustments and improvisation, 309

  starting out, 15–16, 19–22, 47

  teachers as, 303–4

  See also businesses

  EQ vs. IQ, 291

  excuses, 90–91, 199–203, 214

  expertise, developing, 81–82

  extroverts vs. introverts, 127, 288–89


  ad content, 184

  ad product evolution, 179–81

  ban on like-gating, 156–57

  content creation for, 100, 116

  cost of doing business on, 157–58

  driving traffic to a website with, 113–14

  embed product, 121

  GV investing in, 266

  GV’s posts on, 141

  Humans of New York page, 33

  Instagram purchase, 142

  potential, 157, 160

  responses to, 83

  ROI and limited budget, 80

  TV ads, 175

  value of ads, 114

  video posts, 120–21, 158–59

  face-to-face meetings, 245

  failure, lessons learned from, 34, 226, 237–38, 285

  family businesses, 57–66

  overview, 57–59

  broken culture in, 215

  children and, 59–60, 64

  emotions in, 61–62

  idea development in, 65–66

  learning from each other, 63

  love in the midst of challenges, 62–63

  family members

  and becoming an entrepreneur, 22

  negative input of, 22–23

  significant other, 60–61

  spouse, 60, 61, 318, 319

  support from, 60, 61, 69–70, 73

  working with, 58–59

  and work-life balance, 83–84

  See also children; parenting

  fans, 120, 300, 302–3. See also Vayner Nation

  f-bombs on stage, 296

  fear, overcoming, 22

  feedback from staff, 262, 280–81

  firing employees, 234–35, 249, 251, 254, 260

  five-year plan vs. adapting to change, 6–7

  followers, 106–7, 110, 153–54, 188–89

  foreign accent and podcasts, 115

  foreign language, knowing a, 326

  Foursquare, 80, 271

  freelancers, 252–53

  freelancer to full-time employee transition, 257

  free service right hooks, 141

  friends as employees, 250–51

  funeral business, 202–3

  gift giving, 290, 321, 328

  global instability, 273

  global success stories, 91–92

  goals, 1–2, 6. See also New York Jets

  Godin, Seth, 104

  Google, 109

  Google+, 150, 151, 171

  Google AdWords, 37, 80, 167, 182, 183–84

  GoPro, 190

  GrapeStory talent agency, 34, 187

  gratitude, 205–9

  Greif, Andrew, 342

  happiness, 285, 335–36

  headlines on social media, 122–23

  health, prioritizing, 7–8, 216, 330

  hip-hop, 331

  hiring employees, 233, 234–35, 236, 240–41, 243–44

  Hirschhorn, Jason, 271

  hobby entrepreneurs, 21

  HubSpot, 237

  Humans of New York Facebook page, 33

  humor in business, 284

  hustle, 75–95

  overview, 76–78, 84, 89

  acquiring, 75–76, 78–79

  balance of philosophy and, 5–6

  born rich vs. raised lazy, 70–71

  and budget constraints, 80

  and burnout, 86

  earning name recognition with, 15–16

  engagement as, 2, 4, 105–6, 110

  excuses vs., 90–91

  and family life, 83–84

  inspiration for, 78–79

  as momentum after first step, 21

  natural talent vs., 75

  offering value for value, 93

  passion as fuel for, 86

  passive income vs. building wealth, 92

  and patience, 93–94

  and self-promotion, 81–82

  sick time vs., 89–90

  as strong work ethic, 70–71, 76, 78, 255

  walk vs. talk, 46

  working harder and faster, 87–88

  working with no-hustle people, 263


  development of, 34–35, 65–66, 82–83

  pitching to the right people, 25–26

  image posts, 118–19

  incumbents, overcoming, 27–28

  indie artists, 306

  indoor billboard company, 176

  influencer marketing, 185–97

  overview, 185–87

  content of influencer’s spiel, 194–95

  evaluating cost, 191–93

  followers as sign of, 188–89

  in media strategy, 190–91

  product placement compared to, 189–90

  influencers, 187–88, 196–97

  infographics on Pinterest, 122

  infomercials, 187

  innovation and customer base, 28

  innovation in funeral business, 202–3

  insincerity through automation, 124

  inspiration, 78–79, 335


  ads that link out, 195

  for checking fan claims of hustling, 87

  creating opportunities for others, 134

  Direct Message, 166

  evolution of, 162–63, 164

  followers on, 106–7

  long-form text, 164

  overly editing photos and text overlays, 126

  product advertising on, 165–66

  and product placement, 189

  responses to, 83

  and right hooks, 136–37

  Twitter com
pared to, 162–63

  interns and internships, 15, 253–54

  introverts vs. extroverts, 127, 288–89

  investing in start-ups, 265–77

  overview, 268–69

  apps as, 26

  billion-dollar valuation milestone, 276–77

  direct competitors, 271

  evaluating potential, 269–70

  expectation clarification, 275–76

  finding companies, 271–72

  and global instability, 273

  GV’s investments, 265–68

  intuitive decisions, 272

  location of company, 274–75

  patents, 273–74

  reward over risk, 272

  sector choice, 274

  See also venture capitalists

  IQ vs. EQ, 291

  iTunes app store, 271–72

  Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (Vaynerchuk), 54, 105

  jabs and right hooks, 131–47

  overview, 131–32

  asking for the sale, 133, 135, 136, 144–45

  for B2B audience, 141–43

  building a brand process, 30

  closing, 135

  and company brand guidelines, 143–44

  content as jab, 140–41

  exclusive right hooks, 139–40

  gearing up for right hook, 133

  jabbing overkill, 139

  jab by listening, 133–34

  jabs vs. right hooks, 134–35

  for real estate agents, 137–38

  and recycling content, 118

  rights hooks for a free service, 141

  and website, 144

  jack-of-all-trades vs. specialists, 242–43

  Jeter, Derek, 111

  Jobs, Steve, 222

  Johnson, Steven, 301–2

  Kalanick, Travis, 267–68

  Karate Kid, The (movie), 133

  Kawasaki, Guy, 112

  keynote address preparation, 294–96

  Kickstarter, 168

  kimchi and wine, 313

  Krainak, Andy, 341–42

  Lasorda, Tommy, 219

  Lawrence, Staphon, 339–40

  leadership, 211–29

  overview, 211–12

  asking questions, 212–13

  building employee retention, 225

  celebrating wins, 226–27

  CEO’s role, 205–6, 211–12

  changing a broken culture, 214–15

  changing industries, 224

  in chaos, 216–17, 219

  choosing nice, 227–28

  control vs. worry, 216

  depth matters more than width, 218–19

  employees transitioning to, 220–21

  lessons learned from failure, 34, 226, 237–38, 285

  modeling behaviors, 212, 224–25, 228

  motivating employees, 219–20, 247–48, 249

  replaceability, 223–24

  responsibility, 214, 221, 255

  saying yes vs. bottleneck, 221

  word is bond, 213–14, 244–45

  See also management; teams and teamwork


  as a child, 59

  from each other, in family businesses, 63

  from failure, 34, 226, 237–38, 285

  new things, 243

  test-and-learn aspect of management, 262–63

  YouTube as source for, 51

  lifestyles, 31, 85

  lifetime value (LTV), 191–92, 194, 209

  LinkedIn, 100, 134, 142


  overview, 223

  content creation from, 121–22

  to employees, 249

  jab by listening, 133–34

  to team members, 238

  while talking, 324

  Listicles, 169

  LTV (lifetime value), 191–92, 194, 209

  luck, 18

  MagicBand, Disney’s, 173–74

  management, 231–63

  overview, 231–32

  and competitiveness, 242

  critical feedback from staff, 262, 280–81

  delegation, 252

  documenting policy, procedure, and processes, 258

  and employee deadlines, 261–62

  freelancers, 252–53

  hiring and firing process, 233, 234–35, 236, 240–41, 243–44

  and hiring or firing friends, 251

  megagrowth businesses, 264

  project management, 238

  and responding to social media contacts, 83

  segmenting marketing services, 237–38

  teaching others to think like you, 101

  test-and-learn aspect, 262–63

  working with no-hustle people, 263

  See also employees; leadership; teams and teamwork; time management


  already converted targets, 23–24

  big and small companies, 10–11

  digital marketing courses, 52

  finding employment in, 14–15

  for media training service, 27–28

  one-on-one marketing, 208–9

  on Pinterest, 167–68

  posting on blog vs. posting natively, 107–8

  and products, 79

  reverse-engineering what you can give, 24–25

  segmenting services, 237–38

  and social media, 151–52

  and social media “experts,” 3

  targeted marketing on Facebook, 180–81

  with your strengths, 283

  See also influencer marketing

  McMahon, Vince, 215

  media companies, 10–11, 24–25. See also VaynerMedia

  media trainers, 27–28

  Medium, 46, 100, 108

  Meerkat, 134, 172, 272

  meetings, 239–40, 245, 259–60

  MeetUp.com, 29

  mentors, 52–53

  meritocracy, 251

  middle ground between clouds and dirt, 2, 4–5

  Millennials, xv, 13–14, 38–39, 45, 256

  mission statements for children, 72–73

  morning people, 85

  motivation, 8–9, 219–20, 247–48, 249

  Mottola, Tommy, 114

  Moy, Zak, xii, 343–44

  music, 299–306

  overview, 299–301

  alleviating pain with, 305–6

  expanded arena, 303–4

  producers, 304–5

  revenue streams, 301–3, 306

  Sony CD artists, 114

  naming your business, 15–16

  Neistat, Casey, 48–49, 324

  Netflix, 98

  New England Patriots, 124–25

  New Zealand winery suggestions, 10–11

  New York Jets

  alternative if, heaven forbid, GV can’t buy them, 308–9

  Chrebet’s career, 92–93

  effect on GV, 305–6, 308

  GV as owner/manager, 246

  GV’s ownership goal, 2, 6, 91, 325, 332

  NGOs and charities, 207–8

  Nin, Anaïs, 49

  Numa Numa song, 300

  Nuzzel, 271

  Oculus Rift, 168

  one-on-one marketing, 208–9

  one-person businesses (solopreneur), 11–12, 252–53, 303–4

  online courses, 51, 55

  online video. See videos and video blogging

  opportunity creation, 146–47

  optimism, 31, 201

  options, choosing from, 17

  parenting, 67–73

  instilling self-confidence, 69–70

  making every minute count, 94–95

  preparing children to live their own dreams, 59–60

  restrictions vs. developing personal responsibility, 71–72, 73

  and social media, 72–73

  See also children


  and family businesses, 59–60

  personal importance of child’s education, 41, 44–45, 49

  Pareto’s law, the 80/20 rule, 251–52

Robert, 311

  partners and partnerships

  complementary strengths, 110, 135, 242–43, 270

  finding a partner, 24–26, 29, 31–32

  idea development, 34–35

  recruiting methods, 116–17

  and taking chances, 20

  working with no-hustle people, 263

  passion, 48–50, 86

  passive income vs. building wealth, 92

  patents, 273–74

  patience, 93–94, 244

  paywalls, 139–40

  Pearlman, Lou, 256

  Pencils of Promise, 8

  people-pleasing, 289–90

  Periscope, 172

  personal brands, 111–12, 186, 290. See also brands and branding

  perspective, 63

  photographers, 177


  autoposting to Twitter, 119

  content creation for, 100

  for finding a Mother’s Day gift, 328

  man’s bias against, 167

  as marketing tool, 122

  Promoted Pins, 167–68

  pitches, 4, 25–26, 39–40

  planning, 41–42

  platforms, 149–78

  overview, 149–50

  for brand development, 193–94

  extinction of, 150–51

  GV’s personal platform, 178

  for music, 302, 304–5

  new platforms for low cost exposure, 99, 151–52, 203

  and scaling, 193–94

  success of social networks, 150

  syndicate platforms, 275

  for wine, 312

  See also social media; specific platforms

  podcasts, 146–47, 166

  prioritizing, 1–12

  and cash cycle, 11–12, 306

  and changes in what’s most important, 84–85

  clouds and dirt, 1–4, 5–6, 10–11

  culture, 234–35

  five-year plan vs. adapting to change, 6–7

  health, 7–8, 216, 330

  middle ground or polarization vs., 2–3, 4–5

  and motivation, 8–9

  and skills of entrepreneur, 12

  volunteerism, 8

  procrastination, 84–85

  product placement vs. influencer marketing, 189–90


  Apple’s, 139, 173

  embarrassing or taboo, 183–84

  evolution from, 4

  and marketing, 79

  quality of, 16, 136, 221

  profits, focus on top-line revenue vs., 28–29

  project management, 238

  Prop-Word Puzzle, 345–47

  public speaking, 293–97

  Puzzle, Prop-Word, 345–47

  Q&A, GV’s enjoyment of, xii, xiv


  of content, 97–99, 118–19, 143

  employees competing for, 242

  of fans, 300

  of management, 232

  of products, 16, 136, 221

  of videos, 106, 108–10

  QVC, 187

  reading books, 47–48

  real estate agents, 127–28, 137–38

  reality distortion field, 222

  recycling content, 118

  Red Bull, 98

  Reddit, 170–71

  Redef (Hirschhorn), 271


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