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by Gary Vaynerchuk

  Renaissance persons, 113

  responsibility of leaders, 214, 221, 255

  revenue focus, 28–29

  Rock, David “DRock,” xii–xiii, 53, 93, 116–17, 340–41

  ROI (return on investment) and paywalls, 139–40

  root beer, 329

  Rose, Kevin, 93

  rose bushes, 214–15

  Rubin, Ted, 281–82


  overview, 132–34

  age of salesman irrelevant in, 256

  asking for the sale, 133, 135, 136, 144–45

  attention graph, 176

  of author or creator’s time, 146

  of books, 145–47

  creatives selling products, 236

  experience and culture, 207–8

  finding people to sell to, 23–24

  importance of, 47

  offering value, 53, 93

  starting out, 26

  See also customers; jabs and right hooks

  SalesForce, 237

  scaling a business

  building a brand, 33

  GrapeStory, 189

  with low profit margin, 35–36

  platforms with a meaningful scale, 193–94

  scaling the unscalable, 10, 146

  small businesses, 10, 99

  See also content

  Scherotter, Nate, 309

  search ads, 183–84. See also Google AdWords

  self-awareness, 279–91

  overview, 279–80

  GV’s “Screw school” moment, 284–85

  and humor in business, 284

  of others, 288

  people-pleasing, 289–90

  and personal brands, 290

  and reaching high, 281–83

  and self-promotion, 285–87

  self-confidence, 69–70, 287

  self-examination, 213

  serendipity, 134

  Share Monster, 340

  shock and awe, 25

  sick time, 89–90

  skills of entrepreneurs, 12

  smart technology, 173–74, 269–70

  Snapchat, 101, 156, 187, 195

  social media

  ad usage and price, 181–82

  and athletes, 111–12

  brand representation on, 128–29

  and brands, 128–29, 143–44, 193–94

  charities and NGOs, 207–8

  and children, 72–73

  and company brand guidelines, 143–44

  courses on, 52

  and depth within community, 218–19

  effect on society, 54

  followers, 106–7, 110, 153–54, 188–89

  gaining customers’ trust, 127–28

  headlines, 122–23

  image posts, 118–19

  and influencer marketing, 187

  knowledge about, 35

  length limitations and start-up name, 15–16

  low bar to entry, 98

  multiple accounts, 113

  and musicians, 300–301, 302–3

  and music producers, 304–5

  photographer’s print sales, 177

  posting and promoting content, 105–6, 107–8

  restrictions on, 178

  and traditional media, 175

  viral loops, 121, 305

  and wine, 311–12

  See also platforms

  social networks. See platforms; social media

  sole proprietors/freelancers, 11, 252–53, 303–4

  Sony CD artists, 114

  soul and swagger, 221

  SoundCloud, 304, 305

  spec work, 25

  sports-related stories

  overview, 307

  athlete that embodies hustle, 92–93

  coaches who never played the game, 81–82

  Dalton deal, 308

  franchises moving to other cities or countries, 308

  halftime for turning game around, 7

  hockey team and Snapchat, 101

  horses as companies, entrepreneurs as jockeys, 269–70

  skating to where the puck is going to be, 24

  Super Bowl commercial, 133

  See also New York Jets

  spouse, 60, 61, 318, 319

  Square, 93

  staff meetings, 239–40

  Starbucks, 98

  Star Wars vs. Star Trek, 327


  boring vs. imaginative and daring, 200–201

  charities and NGOs, 207–8

  contextual appropriateness, 105–6

  and future of blogging, 162

  method, 33

  quality of, 97–99

  star storytellers, 187

  See also content


  child’s awareness of, 59

  complementary partners or employees, 110, 135, 242–43, 270

  complementary vs. complimentary, 222–23

  and content, 106

  of employees, 261–62

  as guide to what’s next, 12

  identifying weaknesses and, 75–76, 280–81, 282

  introverts vs. extroverts, 127, 288–89

  of jockeys, 270

  marketing with, 283

  opponent’s strengths, 309

  and Pareto’s law, the 80/20 rule, 251–52

  See also betting on your strengths; weaknesses


  and company culture, 234–35

  excuses for not attaining, 199

  luck, DNA, confidence, and hustle factors, 18

  and quality of management, 232

  tips for, 77–78

  website content as gateway to, 119–20

  Swarm, Foursquare’s, 80

  syndicate platforms, 275

  Systrom, Kevin, 162–63

  taboo or embarrassing products, 183–84

  teachers, 303–4

  teams and teamwork

  “Brand Gary” team, 261

  building, 39

  celebrating wins, 227

  content creation team, xii–xiii, 101

  pushing beyond their best, 247–48

  Techmeme, 271


  consumption by young children, 71–72

  Disney’s MagicBand, 173–74

  future of, 173

  and introvert CEOs, 288, 289

  patterns in, 149–50

  smart tech, 173–74, 269–70

  Teespring ad campaign, 183

  television and radio (traditional media), 80, 175, 176, 256, 282

  tennis and business compared, 309

  test-and-learn aspect of management, 262–63

  thank you economy, 185. See also influencer marketing

  Thank You Economy, The (Vaynerchuk), 54

  time management

  overview, 235–36

  age consideration, 264

  efficiency as, 31, 119, 259

  as hustle faster, 87–88

  staff meetings, 239–40

  travel time, 327

  TLD (top-level domains) extensions market, 102

  top-level domains (TLD) extensions market, 102

  traditional media (television and radio), 80, 175, 176, 256, 282

  travel time, 327

  Tumblr, 113, 150–51, 266


  algorithmic feed, 154–55

  anonymous apps vs., 155

  autoposting from Pinterest to, 119

  and Boston Marathon bombing, 125

  challenge of getting noticed, 155

  for checking fan claims of hustling, 87, 88, 304

  following and followers, 153–54

  GV investing in, 266

  for hiring employees, 233, 240–41, 243–44

  Instagram compared to, 162–63

  likelihood of continued success, 150

  and Meerkat, 272

  New England Patriots foible, 124–25

  and Periscope, 172

  quote retweets, 113

  real estate agents on, 127–28

  Search fea
ture, 133–34, 305

  tweet responses, 83

  videos through Twitter app, 117

  Tyson, Mike, 309

  Uber, 267–68

  university system, 44, 45, 48–50, 53–54

  Unwin, Steve, xii, 26


  content, 103, 105–6, 112–13, 141

  core things that bring people value, 14

  and investing in start-ups, 272

  jabs and right hook equality, 135

  offering value for value, 93

  sales as offer of, 53, 93

  and sales tactics, 132

  vulnerability and disproportionate value, 25


  depth matters more than width, 218–19

  empathy, 245, 284

  modeling behaviors, 212, 224–25, 228

  patience, 93–94, 244

  word is bond, 213–14, 244–45

  work ethic, 70–71, 76, 78, 255

  See also gratitude

  Vayner Capital, 268

  Vaynerchuk, Gary (GV)

  burnout, 86

  career, xi–xiii

  charisma, 213, 214, 326

  childhood, 67–68

  Daily Grape, xi

  and data, 51–52

  demeanor on #AskGaryVee Show, xiv

  dirt of, 2

  eulogy, self-written, 228–29

  and golf, 51

  as parent, 68–69

  and reading books, 47–48

  reasons for this book, xvi–xviii

  school issues, 43–44

  “Screw school” moment, 284–85

  values, 244–45, 247

  valuing input from others, 222–23

  volunteerism, 8

  and Wine Library, xi, 3, 10–11

  working with family members, 58–59

  See also #AskGaryVee Show

  Vaynerchuk, Gary, favorites, fantasies, and fears, 317–36

  overview, 317–18

  airports, 324

  on aliens, 330

  on applying life experiences to business, 319

  on #AskGaryVee Show, 328

  on being happy, 335–36

  bionic body part, 324

  on birthdays, 325

  on bucket list items, 332–33

  on children time, 329

  on cloning himself, 321

  communication during changes, 322

  on complaining, 328

  dreams about business, 329

  on environments for business, 330

  favorite people besides his family, 334

  fears, 323, 336

  on foods, 325–26

  on foreign languages, 326

  on gift giving, 321, 328

  hip hop, 331

  holiday tradition, 320–21

  and Lizzie, 318, 319

  on meeting new people, 333

  on moving about his life, 333

  phone as human, 319–20

  on reading in public, 322–23

  root beer, 329

  on running for President, 331

  sneakers, 320

  splurging on time with people, 331

  Star Wars vs. Star Trek, 327

  travel time, 327

  on Wine Library, 322

  Vaynerchuk, Sasha (father), 213–14, 216, 341. See also Wine Library and Wine Library TV

  Vaynerchuk, Tamara, 215–16


  “Brand Gary” team, 261

  celebrating wins, 226–27

  digitizing traditional media agencies, 256

  employee qualities, 255

  focus of, 9

  growth of, 231–32

  internships at, 15

  music background, 216–17

  starting out, 33

  startup funding, 32

  website as decoy, 114

  Vayner Nation (fans)

  guessing almonds in a jar, 268

  GV’s fondness for, xi–xii

  hustle checks of, 87, 88, 304

  success of, xv

  VaynerRSE, 268

  venture capitalists (VCs)

  effect of investments from, 268–69

  and idea development, 82–83

  pitching to, 39–40

  See also investing in start-ups

  Viddler, 153

  videos and video blogging

  on Facebook, 120–21, 158–59

  and foreign accents, 115

  GV not watching his own, 333

  quality of, 106, 108–10

  with Twitter app, 117

  wine videos, xi

  See also #AskGaryVee Show; Wine Library

  Vine, 34, 109, 187

  viral loops, 121, 305

  visioning what you want, 200–201

  volunteerism, 8, 15

  vulnerability, 22, 25

  walk vs. talk, 46, 47

  Warby Parker, 175


  of businesses, 237–38

  denial of, 282

  evaluating your opponent’s weaknesses, 309

  identifying strengths and, 75–76, 280–81, 282

  working on vs. delegating, 251–52

  See also strengths

  wealth vs. passive income, 92

  wealthy entrepreneurs, 70–71, 91

  wearable technology, smart, 173–74


  achieving business objectives outside of, 114–15

  of athletes, 111–12

  content as gateway to success, 119–20

  driving traffic to a website with Facebook, 113–14

  home page as jab or right hook, 144

  traffic as a by-product of content value, 141

  Welch, Jack and Suzy, 50, 226, 257–59

  wine, 311–16

  overview, 311–12

  buying, 315–16

  GV’s recommendations, 312, 313

  high-end wine business, 314–15

  and kimchi, 313

  and social media, 311–12

  wine blogs and videos, xi

  wine industry, 201, 203

  Wine Library and Wine Library TV

  overview, xi, 3

  change in GV’s demeanor over time, 340–41

  company asking for integration of their products into, 186

  data targeting and CRM, 51–52

  fresh perspective, 201

  GV’s best friend working at, 250

  GV’s compensation, 248

  marketing pre-notoriety, 80

  old employees hazing new employees, 260

  post-GV success, 223–24

  scaling, 35–36

  starting out, 37, 62, 110

  success of, 10–11, 109

  time required, 322

  Wine Spectator, 311

  WLTV. See Wine Library and Wine Library TV

  word is bond, 213–14, 244–45

  work ethic, 70–71, 76, 78, 255. See also hustle

  work-life balance, 83–84

  worst-case market scenarios, 38–39

  Yahoo, 109, 266

  Yelp, 80

  Yik Yak, 155, 171–72

  Yo, 172


  Facebook videos as rival to, 158–59

  as goal, 41

  Google purchase of, 265–66

  posting to, 120, 121

  as source for learning, 51

  success on, 152–53

  Zuckerberg, Mark, 160


  GARY VAYNERCHUK is an entrepreneur, tech investor, and CEO of one of the fastest-growing digital agencies in the world. Host of The #AskGaryVee Show, Gary was named to both Crain’s New York Business’s and Fortune magazine’s 40 Under 40 lists, as well as BusinessWeek’s list of the top 20 people every entrepreneur should follow on social media. He lives in New York City.

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  Cover design by Zak Moy

  Cover photographs © VaynerMedia


  #ASKGARYVEE. Copyright © 2016 by Gary Vaynerchuk. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.

  Frontispiece © VaynerMedia


  ISBN: 978-0-06-227312-3

  ISBN: 978-0-06-247001-0 (B&N Signed Edition)

  EPub Edition March 2016 ISBN 9780062273130




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  *Don’t get the joke? Come by and watch the shooooooooow!

  *Don’t know what I mean? Google my “Monday Morning Motivational Video.”

  * Steven Johnson, “The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn’t,” New York Times Magazine, August 19, 2015,




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