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Meeting Munroe

Page 4

by Danelle Nelson


  “What’s up, baby-cakes?” he replied.

  “I slept with Munroe.”

  “Jesus Christ, what happened?”

  “He pulled away, I’m at a freaking luncheon now with an emotionless bastard. I’ve probably ruined my career, and my reputation for that matter. Why in the hell would I do this!?”

  “Because you look at people with good intentions, baby-cakes. Take a breath, leave if you must. Want me to send you an Uber?”

  I sat silently staring at my phone, at Nates text. This was unsalvageable, and maybe leaving was the best choice. If I sat through the luncheon, I could maybe salvage my reputation, though. “No, I’m going to sit through this, like a big girl with big girl panties. I’ll see you after work.”

  “I love you, baby-cakes. You’ll be okay,” Nate replied. I closed the screen, putting my phone away and wiping the tears from my eyes. I bravely walked out of the stall, checking my face in the mirror. I noticed a petite blonde woman standing next to me, washing her hands. I could feel her eyes on me, burning a hole into the side of my head.

  “So, you’re the woman that man-whores brought this time, huh?” she said rather bluntly.

  “Excuse me?” I turned to face her.

  “You think you’re the first girl he’s brought to an event? It was me just a week ago. Makes sense now why he dropped me like a fly. Hope you haven’t given it up yet, or he’ll drop your ass too,” she pointed out.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied, attempting to hide my emotions.

  “None of them ever do, sweetheart. I’ve been around for years, and I’m not going anywhere. You will, though,” she said harshly.

  “If you’ve been around for so many years, why aren’t there any photos of you two together?” I asked maliciously.

  “Fuck off,” she replied, throwing her paper towel in my direction.

  Unwilling to allow my emotions to run wild again, I grabbed my purse and left the bathroom, running directly into the man-whores arms. “What’s wrong?” he questioned quietly.

  “Tim,” the blonde’s voice boomed from behind us. “New fuck toy, I see,” she finished.

  “Fuck off, Lacy,” Tim replied rather harshly, his arms wrapped around my back, sheltering me.

  “Baby, you don’t mean that,” she replied, her voice softer.

  “We’re done, you know that,” Tim replied.

  I pulled away from him and wiped the tears from my eyes. I was caught in an emotional shitstorm. “I’m going to leave,” I whispered, before walking towards the front entrance. I grabbed my phone, pulling up the Uber app.

  “Wait,” Tim was behind me. He grabbed my arm, turning me to face him. “Please, don’t go. I’d like you to stay. I’m sorry about Lacy, I didn’t think she’d be here.”

  “This is all too much, Tim,” I replied, unwilling to look him in the eyes.

  His hand cupped my chin, lifting my face upwards, “I’m sorry,” he said, wiping away a tear. “Stay, please.”

  I sniffled, but decided I’d do what I’d planned to in that stall talking with Nate, “Fine,” I stood tall and walked back into the assembly room. I took a seat at the table, Tim following closely behind. Lacy was visible to the left of us, and she sat there staring the entire lunch. Her gaze drove me to drink far too many glasses of champagne, five in total, before the three-hour event was over.

  “Let’s get back to the office,” Tim whispered, as we stood to leave.

  “Fine,” I replied, the alcohol provided enough of a buzz for me to feel brave, and emotionless. I walked outside by myself, not allowing him to place a hand on my back like usual. The limousine driver opened the door as he saw us approaching, and I jumped in. I sat against the far wall, while Tim sat at the back seat. We faced each other, my emotions ready to burst. “Did you invite me just for a quick fuck?” I asked, once the door closed.

  The vehicle jolted into motion, our drive back to the office beginning. “Why would you say that,” Tim answered.

  “Seriously? You fuck me and pull away, emotionless. You threw the rag at me without saying anything, without even looking at me!” I shouted, “Then you completely ignore me afterwards, cold as fucking ice.”

  He stared at me for a moment, unspeaking, “It’s what I do,” he finally replied. “I fuck and leave, I don’t have time for emotions or love. Which is why I do not get involved with my employees. I made a mistake.”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “Not like that,” he replied, moving towards me.

  “Stop,” I whispered as a tear escaped.

  “Vanessa,” his voice was full of pain, “I’m falling for you.”

  “You don’t even know me, Mr. Munroe,” I replied, my words cutting like a knife.


  The rest of the limo ride was filled with silence, and I peered out the window instead of facing my problems. We arrived at the sky scraper a long twenty minutes later, the driver opening the door for us to exit. Tim waited, hand extended, for me to get out. Instead of allowing his help though I got out on my own, walking into the building and swiping my card at the turntable before heading to the elevators without waiting. I got into the elevator alone, pressing the small, slick metal button for our floor. As the doors shut I caught a glimpse of Tim, who had just made his way through the turntables. The door closed in time for him to have to wait for the next car, allowing me to journey upwards alone. I let out a rather large sigh, grabbed my cellphone and texted Nate.

  “Can I quit?”

  “NO!” he replied quickly.

  “Too many emotions, Nate. His ex confronted us at the luncheon,” I typed quickly. Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, the elevator quickly rose.

  “You’re shitting me? I’m sorry, baby-cakes, I know this isn’t what you intended.”

  “No shit, sherlock. How do I sit through the rest of the day, let alone weeks or months with this?”

  “Hour by hour, talk when we get home?”

  “Sure,” the door dinged, and I got off. Vicki looked at me, eyebrows raised. “You don’t want to know,” I said, while walking towards the break room. I put my things away before making my way back to the desk. It was almost four in the afternoon, I had an hour before I could leave for the night. The elevator door dinged as I sat down, Tim emerging. He didn’t look at either of us, and instead made his way straight into his office.

  “Did everything go okay, at the lunch?” Vicki questioned.

  “Yeah, it was great. Exactly what you’d expect of a fire fighters’ luncheon. Hot men, too,” I pointed out.

  “Uh-huh,” she replied, not convinced. “Pictures of you two are circling the internet already,” she said after a brief pause.

  “Seriously,” I moaned. I turned towards her computer to see a photo of us stepping out of the limo. ‘Who’s the mystery girl!’ the caption read. “Great.”

  “You’re first page news, girl,” Vicki laughed.

  “Oy vey.”

  The remaining hour went by rather quickly, Timothy never poking his head out of the office. Vicki and I sat there gossiping, getting to know each other, and sharing dirty secrets. Her goal was to get me to spill the beans, but she had no idea who she was dealing with. I’d learned where she grew up, who she was involved with, and even that she’d gotten in trouble for shoplifting as a teenager.

  “Lord almighty, its five o’clock,” she stated, while standing.

  “What are your plans for tonight?” I questioned.

  “Me, a tub of ice cream, and Forensic Files, girl,” she walked towards the hallway, “You?”

  “Gossip with my best friend,” I laughed.

  “Well I’ll see you bright and early, be safe,” I watched as she walked into the breakroom to grab her things. I gave a small wave as she got into the elevators before walking to the breakroom myself. I grabbed my stuff out of the locker, immediately taking my phone out.

  “On the way, are you home yet?” I texted N

  “Will be, see you there,” he replied.

  I put the phone back into my purse and headed for the elevator. I found Tim standing there as well. “Going down,” he asked.

  “No, going up actually,” I replied, crossing my arms.

  “I’ll go with,” he laughed.

  “I’d rather if you didn’t,” I scoffed.

  “Vanessa, please,” he started. I held my hand up, causing him to stop.

  “I don’t need an apology, or an explanation. We crossed a line we shouldn’t have, both of us. Let us just be professional.”

  “Let me give you a ride home, at least. It worries me when you walk alone,” he pleaded.

  I looked up, our eyes meeting. The blue was piercing, and there was something about them that wasn’t there before. I couldn’t figure it out, but it broke my wall down just a tiny bit, “Fine.” The doors opened before us and we walked inside. I pressed the button for the lobby and we rode down in silence. Once in the lobby we walked directly to a black SUV sitting outside on the curb. The driver already had the door open by the time we approached, “Thank you,” I mumbled, getting inside.

  “No problem, Ma’am,” the man replied.

  Timothy got in after me, the electricity was back, too, the air so thick with want that neither of us could deny it. I reached out without thinking, my fingers brushing against Tim’s slacks. He turned to me, our eyes locking, “Let me take you to dinner, please,” he finally said.

  I sat quietly for a moment, contemplating, “Just dinner.”

  “Terry,” he said while looking at the driver, “Take us to Portaleni’s.”

  I grabbed out my cellphone, quickly texting Nate, “Hey, change of plans. I’m going to get dinner, I’ll be home a little late.”

  “mmm-hmm,” he replied quickly. “Be safe.”

  “Always,” I replied, before putting my phone back into my purse.

  “Who are you texting?” Tim questioned.

  “My roommate, we had plans. How do you get into Portaleni’s without reservations?”

  “I’m a big shot around here, don’t know if you’ve noticed,” he laughed.

  “Maybe too big, it seems to have gone to your head,” I raised my eyebrows in response.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Ms. Fox, that has me so bent out of shape. From the moment you came catapulting into my office two weeks ago, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind,” he licked his lips, parting them.

  “You’re going to have to stop doing that,” I said, hushed. I bit my own lip in response, keeping my own temptation at bay.

  “Doing what?” he said slyly.

  “mmhmm, doing what,” I scoffed. I peered out the window, watching New York City fly by before my eyes. The streets where filled to the brim with people, each person so emerged in where they were going that no one paid anyone any mind. It was mechanical, in a world that wasn’t meant to be.

  “We’re here,” Tim said, as the SUV came to a stop outside of Portaleni’s. The dinner crowd was standing outside in the rain, waiting god knows how long to get a table. We walked right past each and every one, directly into the lobby

  The girl at the booth smiled as bright as the sun at the sight of Tim, causing a small course of jealousy to run through my veins. “Table for one, your usual?”

  “Actually, table for two,” he replied placing his hand on the small of my back. The girl scoffed but grabbed two menu’s and lead us to the back of the restaurant.

  “Have a good night,” she said, before angrily walking back to the front.

  “Do they always keep a table in the back for you?” I questioned.

  “Yeah, they do actually,” Tim laughed, before pulling my chair out for me. I took a seat, smiling, “You’re more beautiful tonight than you were this afternoon, Ms. Fox.”

  “Stop,” I bowed my head, “You’re giving me whip lash.”

  “This is all new to me, Ms. Fox, as I’ve said before. I’ve never fallen for a woman like this, ever.”

  I let out a large sigh, “How do you know if you’re falling for me, Tim? Don’t you think things are moving rather quickly.”

  “We’re on our first date though, that’s a start,” he pointed out.

  I hadn’t realized he thought this was a date, but I guessed he was right, “An hour ago I wanted nothing to do with you, so tread lightly, sir.”

  “Let me show you who I really am, is all I ask,” he said, as the waiter came to the table. “Two steaks, medium rare with a bottle of red. Make it your 76,” he barked.

  “Yes sir,” the man bowed, leaving.

  “How did you know I wanted a steak?”

  “It’s the only thing worth eating here.”

  “And you know that, for me specifically, how?” I questioned. This man was used to making decisions for everyone. “I don’t think you’ve realized it yet, Mr. Munroe, but I make my own decisions in life. It’s best you learn that now.”

  “I wasn’t trying to make decisions for you, it’s truly the only thing worth eating here,” his face flushed, his eyes averted my gaze.

  “I’ll be the judge of that, Tim,” I whispered. My tone mellowing slightly. I wasn’t used to any of this. “I don’t mean to be so harsh,” I started, before trailing off.

  “You’re a strong woman, Vanessa, don’t be ashamed of that,” his gaze glanced upwards, our eyes locking. A mutual understanding flowed between us, and I nodded. Tim licked his lips, causing me to bite mine, “The way you bite your lip, I want to bend you over this table and fuck you stupid.”

  My mouth fell open, “But would you,” I dared him.

  He stood, causing my body to tense. I wanted him, I wanted him here and now. I wanted him to take me in front of the entire restaurant, make me orgasm until there was no end. Instead of bending me over the table though, he simply moved his chair next to mine before sitting back down. “I’d do more than that, Vanessa,” he purred into my ear. His breath caused goosebumps, my body melting like butter.

  “Oh yeah?” I rasped, my voice hot and heavy.

  His fingers found their way beneath the table to my lap, gently tracing my inner thigh. My legs opened wider in response. “You’re ready for me already?” He asked. I nodded. His fingers walked their way between my legs and under my dress, the pads resting on the outside of my panties. “These are soaked.” I laid my head backwards as the pads of his fingers rhythmically rubbed my clit. I wanted to moan out, I wanted to grind my hips and gyrate with him, but I resisted. I looked at Tim to find him taking a drink of his wine, before he turned towards me and kissed me, dribbling the wine into my own mouth. I drank it with a thirst I’d never experienced, the wine dribbling down my throat. His finger hooked into my panties, pulling them to the side. My lips parted from the pressure of his pad, giving way to my most intimate parts. One of his fingers pressed into me, driving into my body and building my pleasure. I moaned out, unable to stop it, unable to resist. My hips started circling, allowing my clit to rub on his wrist. The sound of the restaurant was droned out by the beat of my heart, the blood pounding in my ears. Tim suddenly pulled away, causing me to look up. My eyes met with the waiters, who was walking towards us with our food. I bit my lip, looking downwards at the table, “Don’t be embarrassed,” Tim whispered into my ear.

  I giggled, unable to suppress the laughter; this whole situation was insane. The man placed our plates before us, “Need anything else, sir?” he questioned.

  “We’re good, thanks,” Tim responded, causing him to leave. Tim turned back to me, his eyes full of lust, “Should I keep going?”

  “No, I want to eat,” I replied, my laughter still unmanageable. I grabbed my fork and knife, digging in. The steak was decadent. It melted in my mouth. I moaned out, the taste was something I’d never experienced. “This is sooo gooood.”

  Tim stared at me, a small smirk on his face, “I told you you’d like it,” he put a piece in his mouth, chewing.

  “It’s so juicy!”
  “Mmhm, it definitely is. Just like you, Vanessa.” I gulped down some wine, before putting another bite into my mouth. “Are you on birth control?”

  “Yes,” I replied shyly.

  “I’ll provide proof that I’m disease free, I expect the same in return. You can use any of my doctors, or your own, just turn in the bill and I’ll pay for it.”

  I twirled the fork around in my fingers, taking it all in, “Okay, I need you to tell me who else is going to come out of the wood works on us, and who I need to look out for.”

  “Lacy is the only one that I’ve had an on-going relationship with for the past ten years. She’s the only one that’s going to cause problems. The rest were one-night stands, and they knew what they were before it happened,” he replied, finishing off his wine.

  “And how many were there?”

  “More than you want to know about,” he answered honestly.

  “Touché, Mr. Munroe,” I finished my own cup of wine, the alcohol touching my stomach and warming my soul. I had a faint smile on my lips, and looked up deviously, “I need to get home, now.”

  “What? Are you okay,” Tim questioned, unsure what was going on.

  “I’m fine, I’ve just got plans. This was a wonderful dinner, Tim, and I look forward to our next date,” I wiped my face with my napkin before standing. I rearranged my dress before walking to the front of the restaurant, straight outside.

  “Wait,” Tim came running up behind me, “Let me take you home.”

  “It’s fine, I want to walk. It helps clear my head,” I replied. I grabbed him, hugging him tightly, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He held me and I heard him inhale, smelling my hair, “See you tomorrow,” he pushed me outwards, smiling.

  I walked off towards my apartment, which was only a few blocks away. Tim and I’s relationship was moving rather quickly; with talks of STD’s and birth control. I was on an emotional roller coaster, and one I halfheartedly wanted to get off. Something about him drew me in, though, and I couldn’t say no. Part of my brain knew we’d go nowhere, how could we? He was a millionaire, a man that had everything and anything he wanted. He’d worked hard for it all, too. Here I was, begging him for a job which I happened to get, and now I was sleeping with him. I’d taken it from poor college graduate to pathetic. “What in the hell are you doing, Ness?” I mumbled.


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