Book Read Free

Meeting Munroe

Page 6

by Danelle Nelson

“And who’s this new man I’m seeing you with? Is he someone I’d approve of?”

  I groaned, “He’s no one, really. He’s just a well-known guy here in New York, has a following. Only reason you know about us.”

  “Are you sure, Ness?” his voice said he did not believe me.

  “Yes, Daddy, I’m positive. You know I’d tell you if it was serious,” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I hope so, baby girl. You know all I want is good for you, Ness, and that might mean you coming home. If you think this job is good, I will trust you, but don’t make me start investigating.”

  “Oh my gosh, Daddy, stop it! Listen, I love you so much, but I’ve gotta go. I have plans to meet a co-worker for drinks tonight. I’ll call you at the end of the week, okay?”

  “Alright, sweetheart, make sure you stay safe,” he replied, before hanging up the phone.

  I set my phone down on the counter, sighing. I took the time to jump in the shower before our night out, the smell of sex still fresh on my body. I could still feel Tim’s touch, the way he somehow managed to caress me and manhandle me all in one motion. The amount of experience he had was apparent, but I tried not to think about it. I had an extensive past, and I wasn’t one to judge. Just thinking about the man made me smile, though, and it seemed completely insane. I needed to get the man off my mind, which called for the night out. I wanted to get drunk, and maybe find someone else for a night. We’d never spoken on being monogamous, and until we did so I didn’t plan to start. The way I saw it was that I’d be setting myself up for heartbreak, allowing him all my time and dedication when I wasn’t sure if he was doing the same.

  I realized that all fell back on Matt, whom I’d given my soul to for nothing in return. I was hell bent to not allow that to happen again, no matter how whorish I seemed. I quickly showered, putting on my towel and heading into my room to rummage through my closet. I wanted to wear the dress Nate had gotten me but decided against it. Instead I grabbed a dress I’d had for a while, a black halter top that barely covered my ass. I put on bright red panties and decided against a bra, along with my red fuck me heels.

  The clock read 8:30 as I headed out of my apartment door. I’d just gotten off the phone with Vicki and we planned to meet outside the club. I enjoyed walking, even with the amount of people that seemed to constantly be on the streets. It allowed me to clear my head. The air was freezing, my breath escaping my mouth in tiny cloud bursts. It was refreshing, though, and I couldn’t help but enjoy it. It took me a little more than thirty minutes to arrive at the club, Vicki standing outside in the cold, her parka wrapped around her frame. “Girl,” I called out, “The only thing I can see behind that large parka is your tiny ass legs!”

  My statement caused her to laugh, “They’re about to fall off, let’s get inside.”

  Nodding, I followed her through the entrance. Being ten after eight the crowd was minimal. True to form though, the club was still pumping out music and drinks, to us few seeking escape. I walked up to the bar, signaling the bartender, “Two mojito’s, please,” I smiled.

  He smiled back, causing me to stop in my tracks. “Hey Ness, I heard you were out here.”

  “Matt?” I asked in disbelief.

  “In the flesh, how are you?” I watched as he got our mojito’s ready.

  “Good,” I replied, slowly. He handed the drinks to me, our hands touching for a moment. The memories flooded my mind, I had loved him, more than he deserved. “Thanks, Matt, I hope you have a good night.” I finally said, while turning. I hadn’t cried for a year and moved all the way to New York to get myself back into the same situation.

  I found Vicki at a small table in the corner of the club, sitting and watching the scene around her. I held up the mojito, allowing her to take it out of my hand. “Think it will get crowded?” she asked.

  “Sure, probably around ten or so, I’d guess,” I yelled over the music.

  By the time ten rolled around, I was already five mojitos in, and my head wasn’t at all in the right frame of mind. I was plastered, to say the least. Vicki and I were on the dance floor, grinding away mercilessly to the rhythm. We were surrounded by tons of people, each trying to forget their own lives, just as we were. I felt movement behind me, a man coming to dance. I was grinding away, relieving the built-up tensions from the past months. I was sweating, I was drunk, and I was freaking horny. I didn’t bother looking behind me, and instead continued dancing away, if the person behind me was going, so was I. Vicki gave me a sort of wink at some point, causing me to drunkenly wonder why. I was exhausted. Deciding to look at my phone I realized it was one in the morning. I leaned over to Vicki, “We should get going.”

  “Yeah,” she screamed over the music. I broke off from dancing, and we walked towards the exit. Once outside of the club I realized just how drunk I was, while stumbled into the wall. “Holy shit are you okay?” Vicki scrambled behind me, trying to hold me up.

  “I think I,” I hiccupped rather loudly, “Drank too much,” I laughed.

  “Did you call a ride?” Vicki questioned.

  “Yeah, say’s its two minutes away.” I held up my phone, the Uber app shining brightly, “Do you need one, want to share?”

  “No, I live literally right there,” She pointed at the apartment building across the street. “You can come stay the night, if you want.”

  “Thanks, I’ll go home though. I’ll see you in the morning, unfortunately,” I laughed.

  “Sounds good girl, it was fun!” I watched as she ran across the street, entering the large brick building. I stood there in the darkness, breathing the fresh cold air and attempting to sober up just a hair.

  “Hey,” Matt’s voice boomed beside me.

  I looked over, seeing double, “Hey,” I mumbled.

  “I loved dancing with you in there, reminded me of better times. I came all the way out here to be with you, Ness.”

  “Ugh,” was all I could say, as I felt vomit beginning to rise.

  “We had good times, baby, you can’t deny that. I’ve been looking for you for over a month now, can’t believe you walked into my place of work. It’s fate, right?”

  “No, it’s not. Leave me alone please, my ride will be here soon.” He reached out and grabbed my phone from my hand, causing me to stumble forward. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but he handed it back moments later. “Don’t touch my shit, Matt.”

  “Truths, baby, I just wanted to see what time it was. I’m off, let me come over?”

  “No thanks,” I replied. I turned away from him, walking towards the street corner. Drunk or not, I was not making that mistake.

  He followed me, and as I reached the corner his hand grabbed my wrist, turning me around, “Let me come home with you, Ness, you won’t regret it,” he leaned inwards, kissing me. His approach startled me, but I wasn’t too drunk to know I didn’t want it. I pushed him away as hard as I could, causing myself to stumble backwards, hitting the brick wall of a building.

  “What the fuck, Matt!” I shouted.

  Before I knew what was happening he had me pinned against the building, my wrists above my head and his head snuggled into my neck. I struggled, trying to push him away, but he was too strong, “Don’t fight me, Ness, you know how that ends.”

  I stiffened, the threat coming too close to home. He was abusive, he’d always been abusive, even when we were younger. It was part of the reason I left, to get away. “Please, Matt, let me go,” I begged.

  “I can’t do that, Ness, you know how much I love you. I know you love me too, I know you do,” his hand went between my thighs.

  “STOP!” I screamed, half crying. As the words left my mouth, Matt’s grip on my arms broke. Within a moment he was on the floor, Tim on top of him. I leaned back against the building, trying to catch my breath and figure out what the hell was happening. I saw Terry jump out of the black SUV, running to Tim’s side and pulling him off Matt. Tim looked at me, walking forward and picking me up in his arms. He se
t me inside the SUV on the warm leather seat before climbing in next to me. Before I knew it, we were moving, leaving the dreaded situation with Matt far behind. “How did you find me?” I asked through tears.

  Tim shook his head, his face full of anguish, “He would have raped you, had I not been there. What in the hell are you doing?”

  “I was alone for a second before he showed up,” I stuttered, “How in the hell did you find me, Tim?”

  “I was heading home from the gym when I saw you standing outside. I pulled up right before he showed. I thought you knew him,” he trailed off.

  “I do know him,” I whispered. “But who the hell goes to the gym at 1 am?” I raised my eyebrows.

  “It’s open twenty-four hours and I couldn’t sleep,” he answered defensively.

  “Can you take me home? I had an Uber coming, but I’m gone now.”

  “Come home with me,” he said, turning towards me. He grabbed my hands, “I’ve never been so furious with someone in my life, Vanessa. The thought of someone hurting you, the things that ran through my head when I saw him on you,” he shook his head, attempting to dislodge the memories.

  “All we’re doing is fucking,” I stated, confused.

  “All we’re doing is fucking? Seriously? You don’t think there’s anything else there?” his voice cracked with emotion.

  I shook my head, “We’ve not really talked about much, besides birth control and STD’s. This is all moving a little too fast for my liking, Tim. Take me home,” I couldn’t do this, not now. I was too drunk.

  “Alright,” he replied simply. “Terry, take Ms. Fox home, please.”


  “Hey Vicki,” I mumbled into the phone. My stomach did a small flip, reminding me just how much I’d drank the night prior, “I won’t be into the office this morning.”

  “You’re braver than me, I shouldn’t be here either. I’m still tipsy,” Vicki’s voice came through the phone, the sound of regret apparent.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to apologize, girl. You take care of yourself and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I hung the phone up, setting it back onto the nightstand beside my bed. My stomach was rolling like the sea during a storm, my head spinning along with it. I wanted to close my eyes and wake up in a new life, away from commitment, love, and anything that Tim was currently thinking. He’d gotten way to emotional last night, causing me to realize I was allowing too much to go on. As much as I wanted to be with him, I knew deep down that an actual relationship was out of the question.

  There was a sudden knock at my door, “Baby-cakes, you in there?”

  “Ugh,” I moaned out in response.

  Nate opened my door, stepping inside. His eyebrows were raised, and he placed his hand on his hip before addressing the mess before him. “What in the actual hell?”

  “Too much to drink,” I moaned, pulling the blanket over my head.

  “You’re not going to work today?”

  “Nu-uh. I’d really like to quit, if I’m being honest.”

  The blanket flung back, revealing a not so happy Nate above me, “Get your ass up and get to work. You don’t get to do this; professional adults make it to work whether they’re drunk or not! Vanessa, this is ridiculous.”

  “Woah, dad,” I scoffed, “Calm the fuck down. I ran into Matt last night, who happens to be living in New York now, looking for me. Tim saved me from him forcing himself onto me, which led to me making him take me home after he attempted to express his newfound feelings,” I gave him a small look of disgust, to really drive home how I felt on the matter.

  “Damn,” he took a seat on the bed beside me, “I didn’t see that coming. So, are you hiding from Tim, or Matt?”

  “Both,” I shook my head, exasperated.

  “I don’t blame you. Take a day and figure it out, okay? You haven’t been at the job very long, you can’t rightfully take days off. I get it, I do, but one day only.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m seriously tempted to go home, back to my Dad. I know you don’t want to hear that, but this is just a mess. Everywhere I go I make shit decisions.”

  “Don’t run from your problems, Ness, face them head on. I love you,” he squeezed my arm, “I’ll see you when I get home.”

  I watched as Nate walked out of my room, quietly closing the door behind him. He was right, I couldn’t hide from my problems forever, only today. Matt was the last person I felt compelled to confront though, especially after last night. Had Tim not been there, he’d have raped me.

  Tim, oh Tim. Where did I even start with that situation. My feelings for him were growing, I couldn’t rightfully deny that. But, and that but was big, where could it go? My phone dinged with Tim’s name flashing in bright green. Could the man read my mind?

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “No,” I replied simply. I couldn’t lie, and I couldn’t put off what needed to be said. “I like you, Tim, but I don’t see where this could go. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to end this.” I wanted to also quit, but that would be better to do in person.

  “You’re breaking up with me over a text message?” he responded quickly.

  “It isn’t breaking up, we’re not even officially together. Fucking doesn’t constitute a relationship.”

  “You’re right, I’ve never officially asked, that’s my bad. I assume things, and I shouldn’t.” I set the phone onto the small side table, before slowly undressing. I needed a shower. The phone dinged one last time. “Can I come over?”

  “You mean you’ve actually got no work? How could this be true?” I scoffed.

  “I’ve got more work than I need, but you’re more important.”

  His last text made me laugh out loud, “No, you can’t. I’ll see you tomorrow, where I can put my notice in personally.” I set the phone down again, leaving the room and getting into the shower. A hot, steaming shower was exactly what I needed. I scrubbed my hangover away, my night of misery. I still couldn’t wrap my mind around Matt being in New York and looking for me. I was proud of myself, proud of telling him no. Had our encounter happened six months prior, I’d have been like putty in his horrible hands. He was bad news, and if I’d had any sense I’d have told my father about him, placing him where he deserved, jail. I was too scared to tell him, though. I couldn’t bare to see his face when I told him how abusive my boyfriend was. How everything he’d taught me I’d ignored. The thought of Matt being in my city, knowing I’m here, set a wrench in my stomach. It was the deciding factor in my fate, in choosing to go home. I had to, I had to leave.

  The water had gone cold, and I shut the faucet off before stepping onto the bathmat. I dried off, placing the towel onto my head before hearing a rapping at the front door. Someone was knocking. I peeked through the small hole to find Tim standing on the other side. I sighed, pulling the door open. “I told you not to come.”

  He stood in the doorway, looking up and down. I realized I only had a towel on my hair, not my body. “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, stepping towards me. I backed away, causing him to pause. “Vanessa.”

  “Stop,” I shook my head, “I’m leaving. I’m moving back to Minnesota.”


  “That man you saw me with last night, that was my ex. I moved to New York to get away from him, and he found me. I’m not safe here anymore.”

  “That nobody is the reason you’re quitting?”

  “That nobody has ruined me,” I whispered.

  “Don’t let him win, Vanessa. You leave, and he wins. You’re stronger than you think.”

  “You don’t even know me!”

  “I know that a beautiful, smart, talented woman walked into my office two weeks ago. I know that woman is strong willed, unforgiving, and badass. And I know she’s someone I want to get to know more,” he moved in closer, inching his way towards me. The door shutting behind him.

  “He could find out where I live,” I stammered.

’d have to deal with me.” Tim was close enough for our bodies to touch, the heat was radiating from his being. I could feel it on my exposed breasts, which throbbed. He suddenly began undressing, slowly unbuttoning his suite, throwing the jacket onto the kitchen counter. He teasingly unbuttoned his dress shirt, the light lilac giving way to a beautifully chiseled chest. I bit my lip, allowing my eyes to wander the marvelous view before me.

  “And if you’re not around?” I breathed.

  “Why wouldn’t I be around?” His finger lightly brushed my neck, causing a shiver to travel towards my navel. He pulled the towel from my head, releasing my wet hair.

  “We don’t live next to each other, for one,” I pointed out. “And for two, it’s unreasonable to believe we’d be together every waking moment.”

  “True,” he nodded, “But that’s where your new body guard would come in.”

  “Tim,” I protested.

  “Shh,” he pressed his body against my own before leaning in and kissing me gently. “Be my girlfriend.”

  I closed my eyes, a radiating happiness somehow moving and embracing my body. I wanted to scream yes, but I also wanted to run home. I opened my eyes to find Tim staring at me, “If I say yes, you have to promise to let me make my own decisions.”

  “What would make you think that I wouldn’t?”

  “Just seems like the type of man you are - the whole bodyguard taking me to work thing yesterday, that’s a great example.”


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