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The Death Scene Artist

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by Andrew Wilmot

  About This Book

  M_____ is dying of cancer. Only thirty-two, an extra with a meagre list of credits to their name and afraid of being forgotten, M_____ starts recounting the strange, fantastic and ultimately tragic path of their love affair with the world’s greatest living “redshirt” – a man who has died or appeared dead in nearly eight hundred film and television roles.

  In a compelling narrative of blog entries interspersed with film script excerpts, The Death Scene Artist immerses readers in a three-act surrealist exploration of the obsessive fault-finding of body dysmorphia and the dangerous desires of a man who has lived several hundred half-minute lives without having ever experienced his own.

  Praise for The Death Scene Artist

  "From the jaw-dropping opening pages when we meet a protagonist perusing their remarkable inventory of 'outfits,' up to the very last page, this novel kept me riveted. This is a wonderful book, surreal, disturbing and liberating in the very best way."

  – Suzette Mayr, author of Dr. Edith Vane and the Hares of Crawley Hall

  "Wilmot brings a sensually complete sense of reality to the unreal worlds of on- and off-screen Hollywood. Wilmot's serious play with language and with form makes The Death Scene Artist a hypnotic, surprising novel that doesn’t sacrifice emotion for irony."

  – Nathan Ripley, author of Find You in the Dark

  Scandal turned out to be addictive. Going forward, the movie-star discourse – the many levels of public conversation connected to famous people onscreen – was inextricable from what we all suspected the stars did when the cameras stopped rolling. That became the other movie, the shadow drama: the drinking, fornicating, homicidal ghost in the machine. For some it became the only movie that mattered, precisely because it was the one we weren't supposed to see.

  – Ty Burr, Gods Like Us

  "I can allow myself to stray dangerously close to the truth,

  and all anyone will ever see is metaphors."

  – Amélie Nothomb, Hygiene and the Assassin



  About This Book

  Praise for The Death Scene Artist

  Title Page



  1. A Single Thread

  Act I

  2. The Scorpion and the Frog

  3. First Impressions

  4. No One Special

  5. Truth in Advertising: Me, Myself and I

  6. A War to Remember

  7. If Only for a Moment

  8. "Futures Are for the Weak"

  9. The Buddy Holly Incident

  10. The Morning After

  11. Donald Davies's Dick

  12. Apocalypse Tomorrow

  13. From One Transient to Another

  Act II

  14. Zeitgeist

  15. Commitment

  16. Zero Chance, Zero Escape

  17. The Best Stories Bleed Real Blood

  18. Tragicomedy

  19. A Shark in Snake's Clothing

  20. Venom

  21. Because Dying's a Bitch, That's Why

  22. E-X-P-L-O-D-E.

  23. What Happens in Vegas …

  24. The Sum of One's Life

  25. Bonnie and Clyde Redux

  26. Bonnie and Clyde Redux, Part II

  27. That Time You Killed Me and I Didn't Die

  28. Remembering

  Act III

  29. On the Move

  30. Recovery

  31. The Dead Came Knocking

  32. All That Viscera Come to the Surface

  33. The Buddy Holly Incident

  34. Natural Born Disasters

  35. The Scorpion and the Frog

  36. The Army at the Galaxy Drive-In

  37. Rewriting the Past

  38. Letting Go

  39. Rethinking the Future

  40. Remembering What Was


  About the Author

  1. A Single Thread

  Posted: 11/08/2013

  I never know who to wear. It doesn’t matter the situation. When I glance inside my closet it’s like nothing fits – like I’ve amassed an entire wardrobe of impractical uses and pointless endeavours. I often don’t know what I was thinking – in what world did I imagine I’d have occasion for an Italian restauranteur with such calloused hands? Or a pale, waiflike artist, a trust-fund baby from SoHo whose fingertips and nails are permanently crusted with oil paint? Or a tall, Black lifestyle and boudoir photographer from just outside of Richmond, Virginia?

  Staring at the outfits at my disposal, one hand on the pronounced bone of my hip, my mind stumbles back to the very beginning of this mess. It felt so silly then, to be so … excited, I guess. Giddy. Ecstatic. Pulsating with energy and uncertainty, but not in a bad way, not with any degree of anxiety.

  Which is all the fucking dumber in retrospect. But hindsight’s a motherfucker. Almost as much as you were.

  Few outfits still remain in my wardrobe, hand-stitched composites hung in protective plastic sheaths like the sort you get from the dry cleaner. I take them out every other day and lay them on the floor of my 350-square-foot one-room cockroach hostel, and gently rub them down with a solution of salt and lime to preserve them, keep them pliant, keep them from smelling of dismemberment. Fix whatever I can – wear and tear, gaps where the threading has come loose. Every now and then I’m forced to dig into the scraps I keep soaking in a Tupperware container in the fridge, fishing out a patch of human skin of as similar a tone and texture as possible, though my options are increasingly limited – it’s been some time since I’ve stocked up on swatches, or for that matter full sleeves, and supplies are running low. The work seems more effort now than it ever used to be. I suppose that’s what happens when you get accustomed to doing things not on your fucking own.

  Will anyone read this? If I hit post, will this leave any trace or imprint upon the world? If I finish this bottle of Xanax, right now, will I slip into a coma and die before finding out? Inquiring minds, and all that shit.

  Fuck it, I’m ready. I’m jumping and you’re coming with me, even if I have to tie a goddamn rope around your neck. We can hit bottom together, bleed, together, until there’s nothing left. Because this isn’t just my story to tell, and I’m absolutely, for-fucking-real, not doing this on my own.

  Act I

  2. The Scorpion and the Frog

  Posted: 11/09/2013



  You died the day we met.



  CHARLIE ELLINGTON -- AKA "CHARLIE THE CHIN" -- (45-year-old White male) is pulled forcefully from the trunk of a LATE-MODEL BUICK CENTURY and thrown onto the rain-soaked ground. He lands hard on his hands and knees, WINCES. He looks up at his assailant, a tall, outhouse-wide brick of a human named MICKEY O' (late-40s White male).


  I remember it frame for frame.


  We had cappuccinos and split a raspberry croissant. You laughed when I smiled and showed two rows of seed-marked teeth. If Chiclets could have freckles, you said. God, it was
corny -- but cute, definitely cute. That was one of your gifts, you know; you didn't even have to try -- charm poured out of you like water off a duck's back.

  CHARLIE raises his hands up to his face. They're shaking, wet, covered in dirt from where he'd landed on the ground.


  I didn't do it, Mick! I ain't no stoolie, goddamnit! I swear on my grandmother's grave.


  God rest her arthritic Irish soul.

  CHARLIE starts to weep openly. He drops his face into his filthy hands.

  MICKEY steps in front of CHARLIE. He calmly slips a BLACK LEATHER GLOVE over each hand before reaching around to his back and pulling a HANDGUN from his waistband.

  From around the corner of a nearby WAREHOUSE, MALORIE MARCELLO (32-year-old White female) watches as MICKEY screws a SUPPRESSOR to the end of his HANDGUN and presses it against the right side of CHARLIE'S head.


  Charlie the Chin -- that was what they called you, back when you were still on the up and up, back before it all came crashing down around you like a house of straw. It wasn't your fault -- you didn't know those bills were marked. You weren't no stoolie, you cried again. No double-crosser, no minuteman's wanker. You were a good man. An honest man. A Family man -- capital F, the Family, the one you don't fuck with.

  MICKEY shakes his head. He moves the HANDGUN down, points it instead at CHARLIE'S knee. He FIRES. CHARLIE SCREAMS and falls over on one side, starts writhing in place. Without saying anything, MICKEY walks around to the other side of CHARLIE and points the HANDGUN at CHARLIE'S left arm. He FIRES again. CHARLIE'S SCREAMS INTENSIFY as he flops around on the ground in pain.


  Mickey, that Protestant son of a bitch, dressed up and down from the sales racks of a Big & Tall, he pulled out a .45 and shot you in the knee; blood, bone and muscle turned to confetti, sprayed all over the concrete. He shot you a second time, in the arm -- straight through the bicep.


  I saw the pity in Mickey's eyes as he stared down at you, watching as you slowly bled to death from your wounds. I knew it then, sure as I knew anything: he was going to give you one last chance to earn your wings.

  MICKEY steps back, moving in front of CHARLIE, and crouches down to face him. He holds the HANDGUN carelessly between his knees.


  C'mon, Chin, take the righteous path here. Admit what you did. Accountability -- ever'thing's about accountability.

  CHARLIE musters his remaining strength and raises his head. He stares menacingly at MICKEY. Says nothing.

  MICKEY stands back up and once more points the HANDGUN at the right side of CHARLIE'S head. He FIRES a final shot and CHARLIE'S body falls limp. BLOOD pools from his mouth.

  Out of sight of MICKEY, MALORIE clamps both hands over her mouth and retreats back around the far side of the WAREHOUSE.


  Blood flowed out of you like red paint staining your white button-up, caulking the cracks in the pavement with straight lines and ninety-degree turns.


  I'd watched your life -- your light -- extinguished in less time than it took to shake someone's hand. It wasn't some stretched out life-before-your-eyes thing you hear people talking about when they drum up the event, making it into something big, into something other than shit. You didn't beg, break or even begin to crack. You took it like the man you were, the man I fell in love with.


  It was over before it had even begun, and all I could think about, all I had left, was what it felt like last night when you kissed me.



  MALORIE, wearing a midnight blue sequin dress, is standing at the top of the stairs looking down into the foyer as a half-dozen men in black and grey suits file into the dining room.

  The last man left in the foyer, CHARLIE, pauses, waiting until the rest of the group has disappeared into the dining room before darting up the stairs, careful not to make a sound.

  At the top of the stairs, CHARLIE takes MALORIE by the arm and leads her to the far end of the darkened hallway.



  You gotta get gone, babe, before this whole thing goes sideways.


  Your accent was just a little bit off, slipping between "heritage" and "new world." I smiled nervously, not wanting you to know that I could see, clearly, the cliffs of your ability.



  Mickey can't know about us. Goddamn neanderthal can't learn we've been together. I don't know what he'll do to either one of us if he finds out.

  CHARLIE pulls MALORIE in close and they KISS. It lasts for several seconds and then he pulls away, leaving her alone in the upstairs hallway. He hurries downstairs, to rejoin the others in the dining room.


  I didn't listen when you told me to run. That wasn't my job -- it wasn't what was on the page. I was supposed to stand up straight, back arched, quarter-turn to the camera, waiting for the sky-splitting crack of the first shot. Right then, upon hearing it, a single tear rolled down my face. I waited, hoping that by the time the second and third shots had been fired they would have gotten what they needed and I wouldn't have to live through this again.



  MICKEY reaches out with his foot and NUDGES CHARLIE'S body. He KICKS him in the ribs, once, just to be sure that CHARLIE is dead. His hand is still tightly wrapped around the HANDGUN.


  Hold -- one hippopotamus.

  3. First Impressions

  Posted: 11/10/2013

  “Cut. All right, people, let’s run it again.”

  The illusion of our time together was ruptured by a sudden swarm of bodies crowding onto the set, buzzing around one another with practised urgency. I watched in astonishment at how in just minutes they had pulled you off the ground, given you a new shirt, a new suit jacket, reapplied your makeup and tussled your short, dark brown hair just right, just like it was before Dwayne – Mickey – first pulled you from the cramped trunk of the car. They wiped the blood from your cheek, your lips, your Norman Rockwell chin. They straightened you out, gave you some water, made you look all new again. In the rush to reset the stage for the next take, you were, however briefly, the most important person in their world – their bend-over-backward-to-make-him-look-perfect superstar.

  I watched as you scrambled out from the cluster of hands picking at you, scuffing your clothes to make it look like you’d actually been in a fight.

  “Did you get it?” you asked eagerly. “How’d it look?”

  Twenty feet away, standing next to a black folding chair with his name stitched in block letters across the back, the director, a short man with grey sideburns poking out from beneath his signature Yankees baseball cap, was animatedly discussing changing the angle of the shot for the next take with his DP – director of photography.

  “How was it?” you asked again, approaching from behind.

  The director turned around, stared at you for a second or two longer than he would have if he’d remembered your name. His discomfort was obvious in the vacant way he scratched the three-day growth on his chin, like I’d seen him do – like he always did – when he was trying to think of a way to end a conversation before it had even begun.

  “Good,” the director said at last. “Real good. Real, real good.” It was perfunctory, dismissive, like he was swatting away a fly. “We’re going to run it again, though. This time, I need to see more … oomph.”


  That’s right, Charlie the Chin. Oomph. Excitement. Passion.

  “Feeling,” the director said. “Do it
… do it for love. You’re going down” – he turned his head and pointed – “for her. Remember that.”

  You glanced over to me and nodded, knowing, right then and there, precisely what it was you had to embody – what you had to sell to your audience: actual love, or your closest possible approximation. You turned back around, but the director had walked away and was already deeply engrossed in another much more interesting conversation. I saw it then for the first time: the almost imperceptible twinge of panic brewing behind your eyes, and in the way you nervously rolled your head and loosened up by shaking your hands and arms, ragdolling like you were taking the stage in a first-year acting class. I’d seen others on different sets exhibit such discomfort once or twice before, but never someone with as many credits to their name as you. It was evident from the way you tried to brush off the director’s avoidance as nothing special, nothing uniquely targeted: you wanted more than he’d given you – more specifics, more purpose – because you wanted to get it right.

  I think it was the length of it – the role – that made you nervous. I didn’t realize it at the time, but now, so long after the fact, it couldn’t be more obvious. The part amounted to fifteen, maybe sixteen pages, flashbacks included, but it was more than you’d had by this point in your career. Likely more than you’d ever wanted. I’m positive it wasn’t you who’d sought out a role of that size, but that it was someone in your camp who had pushed, had really fought for you to take on something new, to step outside your career-long comfort zone and be something more, for a change, than just another corpse. I mean, still eventually a corpse, just not, you know, right away. Someone, perhaps, with a salt-and-pepper perm, bright pink Dolce & Gabbana corset eyeglasses, and who was already reeking of wine by one-thirty in the afternoon.

  But you did it. You sucked it up and gave Mister Perennially-Snubbed-for-Best-Director everything you had.

  I never told you this when we were together, but I always admired how you never once brought your ego onto the set. You were there to work and that was all there was to it. There were some, yes, who mistook your commitment for hubris or even arrogance, but in time I saw beyond their first impressions of you. There were no grudges in your world, no directors you couldn’t stomach. Just total commitment to your craft.


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