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Page 20

by Kathryn Thomas


  They slowly tumbled into the bed, kissing and touching as they removed their clothes, exposing more flesh for their slow exploration. He kissed down her body, taking his time. They had nowhere to be tomorrow, no threat to face. This was their time and he intended to take a full measure. As he reached her pussy, she pushed at him, urging him to turn to his back. He didn’t want to go, wanting to please her with his mouth and tongue, but she twisted harder.

  “I want to taste you,” she murmured as she pushed with her hips again. He moved, turning in the bed then falling to his back as she swung a leg over his shoulders and lowered herself over his face, sighing in delight as his arms snaked around her thighs and tugged her down tight.

  They slowly pleased each other with lips and tongue, taking their time, luxuriating in the give and take of pleasure. As they touched and caressed, gasped and moaned, there was none of the searing, white hot passion of their night in the factory. It had been replaced with a glow that warmed without burning.

  He tickled inside her passage again, his finger knowing just where and how to touch, and she could feel her orgasm begin to swell. He’d kept her on the knife edge of orgasm for what felt like hours, drawing her rapture near then letting it fade, only to call it back again, making her twist and move with pleasure.

  He couldn’t take much more of her erotic kisses, slow, gentle, scratches and hard and fast pumps of her fist. He’d taken many lovers, but none had been able to bring him to orgasm with their mouth as quickly Quinn could. He was going to finish her this time, push her into orgasm before she did the same to him.

  He was driving her deeper into pleasure than any time before. When she realized he wasn’t going to stop, she began to push against her orgasm, trying to delay the rush of pleasure, but she’d passed the point of no return. Her orgasm rolled over her, devastating in its intensity. She fought her climax, trying to battle through the debilitating pleasure to bring him to the peak of bliss with her.

  He could feel her shivering, her muscles twisting beyond her control, but as she gasped and moaned, she continued to lick and suck at him. The sheer eroticism of what she was doing, still sucking him off even as she came, pushed him over the edge and into the abyss.

  He exploded into her mouth, growling hard and loud as she continued to bob her head, sucking every drop from him as he shuddered, thrusting his hips as he drew her down tight and lashed her clit with tender intensity.

  As they relaxed, Quinn turning and draping herself across Arsen’s chest. He took her head and pulled her into a long, sensual kiss, their tongues dancing as they explored each other’s mouths.

  “I want you,” he whispered as she slowly pulled back from the kiss.

  “I want you,” she repeated, her voice soft and full of desire.

  She moved lower, her hand slithering between them to grasp him and steer him into her wetness. They sighed as one as he slid into her, their pleasure more than simply physical. She adjusted herself, then began to move, rocking her hips with slow, powerful thrusts. His hands went to her sides, holding her as he pressed up, his back arcing, allowing her to take him deeper as his face twisted in rapture.

  He watched her, her eyes closing in pleasure, her breath coming in gasps, as she worked herself toward her second orgasm. She was beginning to sweat despite the coolness of his house, her many long minutes of exertion taking its toll.

  “Come on, baby,” he murmured as he caressed her, his hands gliding over her back, holding her head, touching her cheek. She began to thrust harder, faster, pushing up higher on her hands, her head falling forward as she began to moan. He grasped her head, holding her up on his arms as he began to move with her, matching her rhythm, adding his powerful thrusts to her own.

  She looked into his face, his erotic snarl as he began to pound into her winding her even tighter. She was going to climax, and the coming maelstrom was terrifying in its power. She’d fought her orgasm until the bitter end, wanting to delay the cleansing release as long as possible, allowing its power to build, but she was being overwhelmed.

  “Oh God!” she groaned as her rapture took her. She grasped his arms to prevent herself from being swept away by pleasure, her orgasm harder than any she’d experienced. She wanted to scream, to shout her release to the world, but her climax stole her voice, leaving her mute and shattered with pleasure.

  He watched as her face twisted with sweet agony, her hands gripping his biceps with strength he hadn’t known she possessed. Her body was alive with motion, her mouth open in a silent scream, before she went limp. He lowered her, thrilled she’d had such a hard orgasm. She sighed as she settled to his chest, nodding her head in some unknown agreement as he caressed her slowly.

  She sighed out a long breath, shivering in the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm of her life. She smiled as strength finally began to flow back into her. With another sigh, she pushed herself up, the sensation of his hardness moving inside of her making her face twist with pleasure. She pulled herself higher on his body, disappointed as he pulled out of her, but she desperately needed to taste his lips.

  She kissed him, long, slow and deep, perhaps the best kiss he’d ever received. As she pulled back from the kiss, he pushed her hair back. She may not have the biggest tits, or the most curvaceous ass, but she had the most beautiful face of any woman he’d ever seen, and her eyes spoke to him.

  “Did you come?” he teased, his lips pulling into a smile.

  She giggled and pressed her head to his for a moment then met his eyes again. “Yes. It was a good one too!”

  He rolled over and dumped her to the bed. “Want some more?” he asked as he watched her face, calling back her words from last night.

  She smiled up at him. “Always.”

  Chapter 35

  Arsen groaned as his phone rang. He and Quinn had gone way too late into the night last night. They had made love until after two, fallen asleep for an hour, then ended up making love again until nearly six this morning.

  “Don’t answer it,” Quinn muttered, curled up snug and tight in the crook of his arm.

  “I have to. It’s Zane,” he mumbled, recognizing the ring tone. He picked up the phone, glancing at the time then groaned again. It was 8:03. “What?” he muttered into the phone.

  “You need to get over here. That sergeant from the other day is crawling up our ass.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered. He expected something like this, but why did it have to be so fucking early in the morning? “I’ll be there in thirty minutes.” He pressed the button on the phone and placed it on the table.

  “What?” she mumbled.

  “The cops are at the clubhouse.”

  She sighed. She was aching in the most pleasant of ways, so completely satisfied by their love making she didn’t think she would ever need to move from this spot, but she knew he would have to deal with this, and she wanted to be there to back him up and swear he was at the park the entire time.

  With a groan she sat up and scrubbed at her face. “Let’s deal with this, then come back here and finish what we started last night.”

  He stretched with a groan. “You want more?” he teased.

  “Don’t you?”

  He pulled her down into a kiss. “Always.”


  “So, Sergeant Tamprone, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” Arsen asked as he and Quinn dismounted from his Indian.

  “Did you hear about what happened to the Chrome Horsemen last night?”

  “No, what?”

  “Somebody shot their place up and set it on fire. Sixty-one dead, seventeen wounded.”

  “Really? I wish I could say I was sorry to hear that, but after what happened here the other day, I can’t say that I am. I guess they bit off more than they could chew and choked on it.”

  “And nobody here knows anything about it?”

  Arsen looked at Zane and Phil. “Do you guys know anything about this?”

  “First we heard o
f it was when Officer Tamprone arrived,” Zane replied.

  “Phil, go find out if anyone knows anything about this, okay?” Arsen ordered. Phil nodded, then turned and sauntered away.

  “Want to come in and have a drink? We can talk about this inside, out of the heat.”

  “I’m on duty,” Tamprone growled.

  “We have water, pops, plenty of non-alcoholic beverages, Officer.”

  “Where were you between eight and ten last night?”

  “The entire club was at Udall Park having a barbecue.”

  “Have any witnesses?”

  “Well, the club,” Arsen suggested.

  “Besides them?”

  “We checked in at the counter when we reserved our pavilion.”

  “The guy came out and said to move the motorcycle,” Quinn added helpfully.

  Arsen snapped his fingers. “That’s right. I don’t know the guy’s name, but the park can probably track him down.”

  “We all went into the Safeway,” Zane supplied.

  “And don’t forget, they came out and told us the park was closing,” Quinn added with a smile.

  Tamprone’s eyes flicked between the three of them as they spoke. “Mind if I check that out?”

  Arsen grinned. “Would it matter if I did?”


  “Then be my guest. We got there about, what, four? Then we left about eleven, as the park closed.”

  “Long barbecue.”

  “Hey, we know how to have a good time,” Arsen said with a grin. “Leave me your number and I’ll invite you next time.”

  “Did anybody leave during that time?”

  “Nope. Not unless you count us wandering away to take a leak. Ask the park officials. Once he made us move the motorcycle back into the parking lot, we didn’t start them again until we left.”

  Tamprone nodded. “If I find even a hint that you’ve lied to me, I’m going to bust your ass.”

  Arsen shrugged. “How’d your wife like the soap?”

  “This isn’t over, Kyle.”

  “Officer Tamprone, I’m confused why you’re so upset with us. We have complied with every legal order you’ve given. We’ve let you search our facility, and we’ve cooperated in every way we could. I don’t understand why you seem to have it in for us. You don’t like motorcycles, or what?”

  “What I don’t like are people who think they are above the law. People who think they are smarter than everyone else.”

  Arsen smiled. “Not everyone else. Only a few. If you have some proof we are involved in the manufacturing and distribution of illegal narcotics, or we are somehow connected to what happened to the Horsemen, then go get an arrest warrant. Otherwise, you’re no longer welcome here. We are an upstanding member of the Tucson business community, and I don’t appreciate you coming in here and accusing us of murder and dealing drugs.”

  “I’m going to check your story out,” Tamprone growled.

  “Knock yourself out, but if you keep harassing us and making these false allegation, then I’m going to file an ethics complaint with the city.”

  “Do what you have to, Kyle.”

  “Same to you, Officer. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a business to run.” Arsen turned on his toe and walked away without a backwards glance, Zane and Quinn falling in step with him. They paused at the clubhouse door as Phil stepped out, all of them watching as the cruiser roared off down the road.

  “You think he knows?” Quinn asked.

  “Not a chance. If he knew, he’d have shown up with handcuffs,” Arsen said.

  “Now we’ll find out if anyone spotted us leaving. That guy’s a bulldog. If someone saw us, he’ll find them,” Zane said softly.

  “Nobody saw us,” Phil said, shaking his head as he forced the corner of his lips down and pursed his lips. “We knew the cops were going to show up, and they did. It’s why we when through all this shit. Don’t go getting your panties in a wad, woman,” he teased.

  Arsen chuckled then glanced at Quinn. He smiled softly at her. “Don’t worry. We took every precaution. The chances anyone saw us leave is almost zero. If they did, the chances they’ll remember is even smaller. And the chances Officer Tampon can find them is lower still. You add all that together, and the chances he can find something is one in a million.”

  She nodded as Arsen pulled the door open and ushered everyone inside. She knew there was a risk, and she also knew they had done everything they could to cover their tracks, but that didn’t mean she liked having the cops snooping around.

  Chapter 36

  “These are the new boxes I propose,” Quinn said, handing three boxes to the nearest three Blades. “These are the salts and beads containers,” she added, handing those out as well. “We’ll continue to use the same plain shipping boxes.” She paused a moment as the boxes and plastic containers were handed around. “As you can feel, the container boxes are much smoother and slicker, and you can see the B3 logo and the leaves like on the website are on the box.”

  “Looks expensive,” Zane said as he turned one of the boxes over his hand.

  “It does cost more than our current boxes, but only about ten percent more. The plastic containers are quite a bit more expensive than the plastic bags you’re using, but I think they are worth the extra cost.”

  “Why?” Alex asked as he looked over one of the jars then handed it on.

  “Because women like pretty things. The bath salts, especially, are pretty to look at. You put them in that jar, women might buy them as decoration.”

  “So what are we looking at, price wise?” Arsen asked, cutting to the chase. Quinn had already convinced him it was a good idea. Now she had to convince the rest of the club.

  “Box for box, these are ten percent more. The soap box goes from thirty-nine cents to forty-two. The small box for the containers are forty-eight, fifty-one and fifty-six, from small to large. You were using only one box before, and it cost forty-seven. The big price increase comes from the plastic containers. The bags were about a penny apiece. The containers are sixty-eight, seventy-two and eight-three, if you buy them in cases. If you spend ten-thousand in one order, you save twenty-percent.”

  “We might could absorb the boxes, maybe, but that’s almost a hundred-percent increase in packaging costs. We can’t eat that,” Zane said.

  “I’m not saying you should,” Quinn explained. “I think you should raise the price of the product by ten-percent to cover all of this and still increase your profit.”

  “Ten percent?” Zane cried.

  “I did some comparison shopping. You’re already twenty to thirty percent below market. I bet you are losing sales because you are so cheap. You’re packaging makes you look like you’re selling crap. This will fix that, and with a ten percent increase, you’re still ten to twenty percent below everyone else.”

  “What about the bags? We use those for other things,” Chet pointed out.

  “We thought about that,” Arsen said. “We’re going to continue to offer the salts in bags, shipped loose, at a discount. Where we had two size bags before, we’ll only have one now, the large one. If you want the smaller quantity, you have to buy it in the plastic jar.”

  “What’s it going to take to switch over the loader, and how much?” Berk asked. He could care less about the packaging, but since he would be responsible for changing the machine from bagging to bottling, that he did care about.

  “Not as much as I thought,” Arsen said. “They make plates for the packager that will handle all three bottles. All we have to do is buy the gripper plates and change them over, just like we do now when we change bag sizes.” Arsen smiled. “You got lucky. No machine modifications required. But to answer the rest of your question, about thirty thousand for the forty-eight plates.”

  “And you think this will make that big of a difference in the way people look at our product?” Greg asked.

  Quinn smiled. She reached behind her and brought out their bath salts in their curre
nt bag and the same salts in one of their new jars. “Which one would you rather buy?” she asked, holding them up. “Which one would you rather give as a gift?” She put both packages into their boxes and held them up again. “I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know which one I would buy, even if it did cost a little bit more.”

  “Same here,” Toni agreed. “I know it’s the same stuff, but I still want it in the pretty jar.”

  “She’s right,” Michelle agreed. “I would buy the stuff in the jar before I would the bag unless I knew it was the same stuff. Even then, I might still buy the jar because it is just easier to handle.”


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