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Page 32

by Kathryn Thomas

  She listened, saying nothing as the men and women laughed and talked, but generally ignored her. She was a stranger, a nobody, and they made sure to make her feel that way.

  “Bobbi, you and McKenzie ready to rumble?” Colt asked as the meal began to wind down.

  “Oh yeah,” Bobbi said. “McKenzie and I have a few new moves to try out.”

  McKenzie grinned. “Don’t worry. We’ll have their attention.”

  “No doubt,” Harrison said with a grin as he bent over and kissed Bobbi on the lips. “It’s hard for Nic and me to do what we need to do for watching you two.”

  “You want me to take your place?” Fletcher asked.

  “Hell no. You and Colt go do your thing. Harrison and I got this,” Nic grinned.

  “Tell me again why I’m always stuck on lookout?” Gunner complained with a comical sneer. “I never get to have any of the fun.”

  “Because we don’t want that pretty face of yours to get messed up,” Perri said, giving him a soft pat on the cheek as she smirked.

  “That’s right,” Colt added. “If their ugly mugs get messed up, nobody will care.”

  “I can see that. Not a lot more you can do to make them any uglier,” Gunner agreed.

  The table chuckled as Harrison and Nic gave Gunner the finger. Sierra was dying to ask what they were talking about, but held her tongue.

  "How’re you doing?" Perri asked later as she sat down beside Sierra.

  “Okay, I guess. Perri isn’t it? You’re Fletcher’s old lady?”

  “That right. Everyone treating you okay?”

  “I guess. Ignoring me is more like it. But I get it. I’m not part of the club.”

  “That’s right. It’s okay. Your twenty-four hours should be up soon and you can leave.”

  “Actually, they were up a couple of hours ago, but Colt is busy and can’t take me to Reno.”

  “He offered to take you to Reno?” Perri asked, her surprise clear in her voice.

  “Let’s say I talked him into it.”


  “You act surprised.”

  “I am.”


  “Colt isn’t exactly known for being touchy-feely. You must have fucked him senseless last night for him to agree to that.”

  Sierra smiled, remembering the previous night. “No, it was the other way around. But he agreed to that when he took me. He was going to leave me in the desert but offered me the choice. I guess you guys do that a lot.”

  “Not a lot, but it happens. You’re the first in quite a while. First time Colt has done it.”

  “What do you think of him?” Sierra asked.

  “Colt? I like him. He’s a good guy. He’s been good for the club and had brought in a shit-load of money.”


  “He’s a planner. He plans out these hits, and they almost always go off without a hitch. Yours was the first one to go south in over a year. But where anyone else would have shot the place up, Colt got the guys out without a shot being fired. Killing somebody would bring down a lot of heat, but because we never hurt anyone, and because we move around, nobody can figure us out and the law hasn’t a clue. Like I said, he’s been good for the club.”

  “Can I trust him?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Can I trust him to do what he says?”

  “I think so. Why?”

  “I’m just nervous, that’s all.”

  “About what?”

  “Well…I don’t know the rules. And I saw those two women fighting when we came in. And…”

  “We’re not all like that, Sierra. Those two are bitches are crazy as shit house rats. They live for that shit.”

  “Colt said Gunner’s old lady left because of it.”

  Perri smiled sadly. “Yeah. But she wasn’t really cut out for it. She thought she wanted to be an old lady, but I think she mostly did it to piss off her father. She was weak, and some of the woman took advantage of that. But you don’t have to worry about it. You’re not a member of the club so the rules don’t apply to you.”

  “So the only person I have to worry about is Colt?”

  Perri laughed. “Yeah. He may fuck you to death but otherwise I don’t think he’ll hurt you.”

  Sierra smiled, liking the sound of that. “Have you slept with him? He said he’d slept with every woman in club.”

  Perri looked around. “Once, right after he joined the club. Just before I officially became Fletcher’s old lady. Why?”

  “How was he?”

  Perri looked at Sierra suspiciously. “Don’t you know?”

  Sierra blushed. “I don’t have a lot to compare him to.”

  Perri giggled. “Oh, okay. Well, I do and he’s…fantastic.”

  “Let’s mount up,” Colt said, looking around the room. His crew gathered around him. It was nearly nine and the sun was almost down. “You ready to do this?”

  “Fucking A! Let’s go start some shit!” Gunner cheered.

  “Says the only man who won’t get arrested if it goes to hell,” Harrison deadpanned.

  “I told you, I’ll trade places with you,” Gunner offered.

  “We have our assignments,” Colt said firmly. “To late to change them now. Let’s roll.”

  Sierra watched the five men and two women march out into the desert heat, Perri standing and watching as they left without her. Sierra could tell she wanted to go and rose from her chair to go to her. “Why didn’t you go?”

  Perri looked at her and smiled. “Not needed for this trip. Bobbi and McKenzie have a routine down. I have a different set of skills.”

  “What routine and what skills?” Sierra asked. She was beginning to feel comfortable around Colt, his crew and their old ladies. They didn’t seem to mind talking to her, unlike the rest of the club.

  Perri grinned and took Sierra’s arm to steer her back to a chair. “Let’s just say I have nimble fingers.” She smiled and then held up Sierra’s watch.

  Sierra gasped and slapped at her wrist, shocked to find her watch missing. “How the fuck did you do that?”

  “Like I said, nimble fingers. If Colt needs something lifted or a lock picked, he calls on me. ”

  “And McKenzie and Bobbi?”

  “They are the distraction. Harrison and Nic are as well tonight.”


  Perri giggled. “Yeah. What they’re going to do is…”

  Chapter Seven

  Colt pulled to a stop in the parking lot of the closed hardware store, the glow of the carnival visible in the distance, the shrieks and music of the carnival barely audible. He and his crew had just ridden ninety minutes to arrive in Bishop, California, and the carnival would be closing within the hour. It was opening night and the weather was perfect, which meant this was probably going to be a large haul.

  Harrison and Nic, and their old ladies, dismounted and stripped out of their leathers, leaving only the clothes that had been strategically weakened to ensure a good show. The rest of the crew, likewise, removed their colors to avoid attracting attention.

  “I’m going to whip your ass tonight,” Bobbi teased McKenzie.

  “Bring it, bitch!” McKenzie grinned in reply. Bobbi could whip just about anyone’s ass, but that wasn’t the goal tonight.

  “Ready?” Colt asked.

  “Yeah. We’re ready,” Bobbi replied.

  “Okay. Take off. Fletcher, Gunner and I will arrive in about twenty minutes. I’ll give you the signal when they start herding people out.”

  “Will do,” Nic and Harrison said as they mounted up, their old ladies crawling on behind them.

  “They are starting to close down the rides,” Colt said into his phone as they stood in the shadows.

  “Got it,” Harrison’s voice came from the tiny speaker. We’ve got our place picked out.”

  “Good. Fletcher and I are going to ground. See you on the other side.”

  “Let’s go, Fletch,” Colt said, st
epping between two trailers and, after a quick check of their surroundings, ducked underneath. While Team Two had been looking for a place to get out of sight, he and Fletcher hunted until they found the administrative trailer, watching until they saw a carny collecting cash and then following him to see which trailer he went into.

  They stayed in hiding for almost an hour as the carnival began to go dark. Then they heard the long buzz of a motorcycle horn, Gunner’s signal the gates had been locked. It was go time.

  “You ready for this?” Harrison asked McKenzie.


  “Okay. Go to it, but don’t get hurt.”

  McKenzie kissed her man. “Don’t worry. We got this.”

  “Ready?” Bobbi asked McKenzie.

  “Let’s do it.”

  “Give us a good show,” Harrison said as the two women stepped out from behind the trailer where they had been standing out of sight while the carnies hustled out the crowd.

  “You fucking bitch!” Bobbi screamed at the top of her lungs, trying to make as much noise as possible. “I’m going to fucking kill you!”

  “Yeah?” McKenzie shouted in return. “Bring it!”

  They waited until they heard the sound of running feet and then went to it. They already had their hands in each other’s hair, yanking and jerking each other around when four men appeared.

  “Break it up!” one of the men yelled, trying to get between them.

  Bobbi dropped, pulling down on McKenzie by grabbing her shirt. The already weakened shirt tore easily, exposing her breasts, but McKenzie fell anyway. The two women rolled over each other, battling for the top position, until Bobbi came to a stop on top so McKenzie could tear off her blouse.

  “Come on! Break it up!” the man yelled again, but he didn’t seem as anxious to get between them as a moment before.

  Several more men arrived, and then a few more, as the women screamed obscenities and threats while they fought. Bobbi and McKenzie were covered in grass and dirt, their hands in each other’s hair as they grunted and strained, their breasts mashed together, Bobbi’s legs wrapped around McKenzie’s waist.

  “That should be long enough,” Colt said as he and Fletcher slipped from their hiding place and crossed the short distance to the administrative trailer, pulling their masks and gloves on as they moved.

  The door was locked, of course, so Fletcher pulled a set of picks from his pocket. The cheap lock was opened in less than thirty seconds and he smiled. Perri had been teaching him how to pick a lock for the past year. For every five seconds he took off his time, she gave him another minute of oral sex. He was one motived motherfucker and was getting quicker all the time. He still had a ways to go to be as fast as Perri, but he wasn’t sure how much more motivation he could take. Grinning as he felt his cock harden, he tucked his tools away, pulled his weapon, and carefully turned the knob. With a nod to Colt, and receiving his nod in return, he burst through the door.

  McKenzie struggled out of Bobbi’s grasp. “Let go of me, you fucking whore!”

  She tried to run, but Bobbi grabbed at her, catching only her shorts. Her shorts tore away with surprising ease, and she ran, Bobbi in pursuit, the carnival workers running after them. A lot of the carnies had been working carnivals for years, but in all their years, they had never seen anything like this and they weren’t about to miss the show.

  Harrison and Nic crawled out of their hide and followed at a distance. They knew where the women were headed so they held back so they wouldn’t be spotted. They were Act Two and didn’t want to spoil the surprise.

  “Who the fuck are you?” the sweating man behind the desk demanded as Colt and Fletcher burst in.

  “We are the men who are taking that pile of money,” Colt replied, his weapon pointed at the man.

  “Over my dead body,” the man replied, his hands sliding back on the desk from where he was counting.

  “If your hands leave the top of that desk, you’ll get your wish,” Colt warned calmly. “Now we can do this one of two ways. You can either give us what you have in the safe or you can die, and we take the safe with us. Your choice.”

  “My guys will be back any minute.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think so,” Fletcher said quietly.

  During their walk through before going to ground, Bobbi and McKenzie had mapped out the places they wanted to stop. The idea was to create a catfight fantasy to keep the carnies’ attention, and having performed his routine several times already, they had a pretty good idea of what they were looking for and what would keep the men interested. McKenzie turned to make a stand at the cotton candy booth. The front was still open with several of the large confectionary clouds still out. Perfect!

  McKenzie turned and shoved one of the sticks into Bobbi’s chest. Bobbi shrieked in mock surprise and returned the favor as the men, and a few women, murmured in approval.

  “Fuck her up, Blondie,” one of the men suddenly shouted, urging Bobbi on.

  Bobbi and McKenzie slammed together, mashing their sticky breasts together in a mutual bear hug, smearing the confection between them. Bobbi backed off just enough so McKenzie could tear her shorts off, but she must have not prepared them well enough because she could hear them tear, but they wouldn’t fall away.

  She pushed McKenzie away to give her some leverage, and with a mighty jerk, McKenzie finally managed to rip them free. Now they were completely nude save for their shoes, and the men were transfixed.

  “Come on, you bitch,” McKenzie shouted. “You think you can take me?”

  Behind the men, Nic nudged Harrison in the ribs and nodded at the crowd with a grin. We could steal the fucking rides and nobody would notice!

  The man waited a moment then wilted. “Careful,” Colt warned. “Think about how much your life is worth.”

  The man nodded and wiped at his face. Fletcher stepped behind the man and put his pistol right to the man’s head as he slowly moved away from the desk. Colt joined them, removing the snub-nosed .38 from the holster bolted under the desk. He flipped the cylinder open and ejected the ammunition onto the floor before tossing the revolver onto a couch.

  “Is there another gun in the safe?” Colt asked as the man spun the combination lock.


  “If I even suspect I see a gun in there, I’m going to blow your fucking head off. Are you sure there isn’t a gun in there?” Fletcher growled.

  “Okay. Yes, there’s a gun in there.”

  “Smart man,” Colt said. “Unlock but don’t open the door.” The man wiped his face again and tried the door, but it didn’t open. “Relax and get it right this time,” Colt said calmly. There is no reason to stall. Nobody’s coming.”

  The man nodded and turned back to the door and spun the lock again.

  McKenzie shoved Bobbi away from her, knocking her to the trampled grass, but Bobbi scrambled to her feet and began to back slowly away as McKenzie followed. They were both smeared with dissolved cotton candy that made their breasts and stomachs glow blue and pink.

  “Come on, bitch, if you think you can take me,” Bobbi panted.

  McKenzie charged and Bobbi turned and ran. The two women chased around a moment, shouting threats at each other, the crowd following and shouting encouragement to the two women, until they arrived at the Moon Walk. This was their final stopping place where they would fight until they heard the horn or they were broken up. They had chosen this spot because they could put on a good show without worrying too much about getting hurt, the air-filled floor providing plenty of cushioning.

  Bobbi slowed enough so McKenzie could catch her just as she reached the interior. The two women went down, rolling and tumbling, the air filled floor making them bounce. With the men really shouting them on now, the hardest part of the charade, by far, was not giggling and trying to keep it realistic. They grabbed each other by the throat, hair, breasts and ass, wrapping each other in intimate embraces, moaning as if in the throes of intense orgasms as they rolled and tumbled.r />
  “Okay, that’s enough,” a man said. “Break them up.”

  Nic and Harrison looked at each other and nodded before running up behind the men and shoving their way through.

  “What the fuck?” Harrison shouted as he pushed his way through the last of the men and into the Moon Walk. “Betty, what the fuck are you doing?” Bobbi looked up as Harrison called her name. Harrison and Nic pulled the two women apart. “What is going on here?”


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