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Page 47

by Kathryn Thomas

  She snickered. “The smart kids versus the bullies. I remember this from high school. Except this time, the smart kids kick ass, too.”

  “Yeah, well, never underestimate the power to stupidity,” Colt said in disgust. “Up there.”

  “What’s that? Is that a mine?”

  “Yeah. The club owns all this land, including the mine. It’s an old silver mine that played out.”

  “Is it safe?”

  “Hasn’t fallen in on me yet,” he said as he began to pick his way up the steep slope, Sierra scrambling along in his wake.

  “You come here often?” she asked as they stepped into the gloom.

  He pulled a small LED flashlight from his pocket that he’d picked up before deciding to find Sierra. “I haven’t been here in a while. I used to come here a lot, especially when I was with Monica and I was fucking and fighting my way to the top. It’s where I came to get away from it all and clear my head.” He flipped the light on, the beam slicing into the darkness beyond the entrance. “Since I put the crew together, I talk my ideas over with them and I don’t need this place as much anymore.”

  “When were you here last?” she asked, staying close and glancing around as she followed him into the darkness.

  “I guess it’s been about a year, but I had to get away. That thing with Marcus pissed me off so badly that I wanted to kill Dom for putting him up to it. That’s a $300,000 piece of equipment he almost ruined. I put Nic on assigning a guard twenty-four seven to prevent something like that from happening again. I told him if they catch anyone tampering with the generator again to kill them. That should send the proper message.”

  As they moved deeper into the mine, the air cooled rapidly. They were walking steadily downward, Colt taking a turn here and there, until she was hopelessly lost.

  “When was the last time you have been in total darkness?” Colt asked, pulling to a stop.

  “Uh, last night?”

  Colt chuckled. “Hardly. Watch this,” he said as the light blinked out.

  They were immediately surrounded in a blackness so profound that she grabbed his arm to prevent herself from falling. Even though he was standing only inches directly in front of her, she couldn’t see him. She couldn’t see anything and she began to feel disoriented.

  “Turn the light back on, please,” she said, forcing her voice into a quiet calmness that she didn’t feel.

  She felt him move, and she gripped his arm tighter, afraid that if he slipped from her grasp she would be forever lost. “Colt, turn the light back on please.”

  “In a moment,” he whispered, his face so close to hers she felt his breath. He’d made note of their positions before killing the light so he could find her lips in the dark.

  “No! Now,” she began, her panic beginning to rise, but then his lips touched her nose, quickly sliding down to her lips. She was still nervous, but being kissed in the darkness, unable to see, had an eroticism all its own. She felt powerless, but his slow luxurious kiss made promises that she was safe and nothing could hurt her. Breathing deep, she slid her arms around his strong neck and pulled him into the kiss, pressing herself tight into his body as his muscular arms surrounded her.

  Born and raised in Phoenix, when he’d first found the mine he’d been mesmerized by the total darkness inside. He would enter the mine and sometimes sit for hours in the total darkness and dead silence to allow his thoughts to roam. As they hiked, it occurred to him that he’d never taken another person to the mine. He didn’t know if anyone came here as he did, but he liked to think that this was his secret spot, known only to him, and he realized how much he wanted to kiss her in the darkness, to feel her warm and soft skin, to smell her scent, to hear her breathing, while not being able to see her. He pulled back from the kiss with a soft sigh, the utter silence allowing him to hear her soft breathing as her breath tickled his lips.

  “That was nice,” she whispered, searching for his lips again but unable to them.

  “Next time I’ll bring some blankets and we can take this a little farther,” he suggested quietly as the light clicked on.

  “Yes, let’s.”

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand and pulling her along. “I have something even better to show you.”

  He continued to lead her deeper into the mine until she realized there was more light than the small flashlight could provide. He continued forward, rounding another sharp bend. Farther on, and round another bend, the tunnel suddenly opened into a cavern. A beam, as bright as a search light, streamed in from the ceiling a hundred yards farther down the tunnel. Spread below it was a pool, the water so still it formed a perfect mirror.

  “Welcome to my thinking place,” he said as he switched off the light.

  “Oh my God!” she breathed softly.

  “Yeah, not bad. You swim?”

  “Swim? Is it safe?”

  “So long as you stay on this side of the beam of light, the water doesn’t get more than six or seven feet deep. Beyond that…” he shrugged. “There is a steep drop off that goes who knows how deep. I couldn’t find the bottom.”

  “No, I mean is the water safe to swim in. It’s not poisonous or anything, is it?”

  Colt chuckled as he began to strip. “I certainly hope not. I suspect it’s the same water we are drinking at the clubhouse.” He crouched down and dipped some into his hand. The water was crystal clear and he sipped the liquid from his hand. “Ahhh…” he said in exaggerated gusto. “Delicious!” He rose and began removing his pants and boots as well.

  “I can’t swim,” she admitted meekly, not removing her clothes.

  “So stay out of the light. You can wade can’t you?”

  “What if I drown?”

  “Then stand up! Seriously, the floor is a gentle slope. You will be halfway to the light before the water gets over your waist.” He waited but she made no move to undress. “Suit yourself,” he said with a shrug as he pulled his boxers down and waded into the water.

  Sierra watched him wade out until the water was up to his chest before he began to swim away toward the light. Pursing her lips in annoyance, she undressed and waded slowly into the water.

  The water was shockingly cold at first, but after a moment she adjusted and luxuriated in it, slowly wading farther out. The bottom was smooth and slippery and, as she became more buoyant, she treaded carefully to avoid falling. She swished the water with her hands, before scooping a handful to her mouth. The water was cool and refreshing with a slight mineral taste, just like the water at the compound.

  She looked around for Colt. She’d seen him pass through the light, but he was nowhere to be seen at the moment. “Colt?” she called, looking around. “Colt?” she called again, louder this time, her imagination beginning to work overtime.

  He burst from the surface directly in front of her in a huge splash, making her shriek in surprise, her voice bouncing and echoing in the distance. He began to laugh hard and deep, gasped for breath, and then laughed even harder.

  “You asshole!” she cried as she splash water into his face. “You scared the shit out of me!”

  It took him a couple of tries to stop laughing, but when he did, he grabbed her and pulled her to him, kissing her thoroughly.

  “Stop it!” she said pushing him away. “I’m mad at you for scaring me like that.”

  He held her, looking into her eyes until she stopped pushing against his chest. “Let me see if I can make you un-mad,” he said softly before pulling her lips back to his. And he did.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  He kissed her, holding her tight as he waded deeper out into the water. When she could no longer touch the bottom, she clung to him, afraid of drowning but trusting that he would keep her safe. As the water reached his shoulders, he ducked under, her rush of panic lasting only a moment before he rose again, lifting her out of the water on his shoulders. He leaned forward at the waist, tipping her back into the water, his massive hands under her back supporting her.

/>   “Relax,” he whispered, feeling the tension in her body. She was obviously afraid of the water, but floating on her back she was light a feathers and he could hold her for hours. “Relax,” he whispered again as he brought his mouth to her womanhood.

  She trusted Colt as she trusted no one else, but she was afraid and out of control. If he were to drop her she would drown, unable to swim, unable to reach the bottom. She gripped his arms fiercely tight as he kissed her softly, his tongue slowly probing her depths.

  He began to lick harder as her legs curled and tightened around his head to pull him more firmly into her crotch. She began to thrust her hips softly, her ass making a soft splashing sound each time she relaxed.

  The feel of the water slapping against her ass as Colt’s tongue flicked and darted was seriously turning her on, her anxiety making the pleasure that much more intense. She was losing her fear, his hands as strong and unyielding as the rock walls around them. With a groan she released her grip on his arms and began to pull the water over her body in waves, the feel of the cool liquid running off her skin enhancing the moment even more.

  When she began to slowly work her arms through the water, caressing her breasts or pulling the water over her body, he began to smile. He could sense the tension and fear leaking from her body as it was replaced by desire.

  “Fuck…” she muttered, sliding her hands down her body and taking his head into her hands. When they started she was so afraid she didn’t see how she could come, but, now, after only ten or fifteen minutes of this, she didn’t see how she couldn’t.

  He continued with his tender ministration, his tongue slithering and darting, his lips gently pinching and pulling, until with a twitch and a groan, Sierra pulled his head hard into her, struggling to hold her head out of the water as another shuddering groan passed through her.

  “Shit, fuck,” she gasped as her orgasm left her. She wanted him inside of her so fucking bad. “Take me, Colt,” she gasped as she squirmed from his shoulders, clinging to him tightly so she didn’t slip under the water. “I want you to take me.”

  They were too deep for him to enter her, so he began to move to more shallow water as they clung to each other, kissing deeply, her legs tight around his waist for security. Water still dripping from them, he lay her down on the floor with her head just out of the water. The floor was hard but covered in a slightly springy layer of mud that softened it just enough to make it bearable. It wasn’t as comfortable as a bed but she didn’t care, her need for him overriding any discomfort. He entered her with a splash, the water just deep enough to cover her hips. She clawed at the mud, the pleasure of his passage so great that she wanted to cry out. She reached for him as he began to move, the soft splashes of water as he drove into her and the slickness of his skin under her hands combined to make her tingle in pleasure.

  He was careful not put too much weight on her, knowing the floor would quickly become too uncomfortable to stand. She pulled her hands from his back, sliding them along his chest as she whimpered softly in desire, drawing her knees up and gripping him tightly as he groaned in pleasure.

  The realization hit her like a thunderclap. She clawed at the mud again, smearing a double handful over Colt’s chest, her hands gliding as if he were oiled. The mud was as fine as talc, luxuriant, smooth and slippery, just like in her imagination when she and Colt were fucking in the deep desert dust. She began to smear the mud frantically over his body and then scooping up more and smeared it over herself, her orgasm rising in a tidal wave as reality and fantasy mixed. They were alone, deep underground, completely cut off from the outside world. She began to thrust her hips, scooping up even more of the mud and smearing it over Colt’s back and face, pulling him hard down, kissing him frantically as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

  Sierra began to go wild under him, bucking and thrusting, slathering the thin mud over their bodies, her passion feeding his. He began to thrust into her harder and faster, his hips churning the water as he rose to meet her passions, only to have to raise them again.

  “Oh…my…fucking…God!” she wailed, her hands twisted into claws, her limbs stiff, every muscle tight as a titanic orgasm seared through her and froze her with pleasure.

  He stopped with a gasp as Sierra squirmed and bucked, her face twisted in pain and pleasure until her eyes snapped open and she grabbed his face and pulled him roughly to her, kissing him as he’d never been kissed before, holding his lips to hers until she gasped, the tension pouring out of her like water.

  She giggled, slow and deep. “Fuck…I have never come like that before,” she said then giggled again, pulling him down for another kiss. “Did you come?”

  “No,” he whispered, kissing her gently while still slowly thrusting into her.

  “Good,” she sighed, taking a deep breath and letting it out slow. “I need a moment…then I am going to fuck you like you have never been fucked before.” She lay still, closing her eyes as the last vestiges of her climax faded away. Every time she and Colt made love, it seemed like it was better than the last time. He was a dynamic lover, gentle when she wanted him to be, fiery when she didn’t, and right now she wanted him to fuck the shit out of her.

  He pulled out and rose to his knees as she pushed at him, then rolled over face down and slid father down into the water until she was covered to her neck. She lifted her ass out of the water in invitation, crossing her arms in front of her to rest her head. “What are you waiting for?” she asked, giving her ass a playful shake.

  She loved the feel of the mud oozing under her, the slickness of it, the splashing of the water and how it lapped her body as he moved. As he hovered over her, preparing to enter her again, she lowered her ass back into the water, wanting him to make waves as they fucked.

  He lowered himself into her and then began to move. He was on edge, still reeling from Sierra’s sudden explosive passion so he took it slow to give him more time to get control of himself.

  “No,” she whispered, thrusting back against him. “Hard. I want you to fuck me hard.”

  He groaned as he lowered himself more onto her, kissing her shoulder. “I won’t last long.”

  “Good,” she said slyly. “Because I may not either.” She pushed her ass up hard against him. “First one to come loses? You up for that, cowboy?” she teased, playing back the fantasy of the desert floor, the memory causing her passions to boil. Once again she was going to prove herself and fuck him until he screamed.

  “You’re on,” he agreed, pushing in deep and holding himself there. “If you win I have to take your next kitchen duty. If I win, you have to help me service the generator.”

  Sierra smiled, enjoying the game. “I’m going to enjoy watching you try to cook.”

  “And I’m going to take a picture of you covered in grease.”

  She looked back over her shoulder at him and smiled. “Are you as turned on as I am?”


  “Then let’s do it.”

  He began to pump his hips slowly as first, but with ever stroke he slammed into her harder, faster, grunting as hammered his hips into her ass, water splashing with every powerful stroke. He lowered himself again, unable to fully support his weight as his hands kept sliding on the slippery floor. Fuck! I hope she won’t make too much fun of me! he thought as he buried his face in her hair and tried to hang on.

  She grimaced, the splashing water, the slippery floor, Colt’s fast pounding strokes, the knowledge that they could be as wild and loud as they wanted and nobody would know, excited her. I don’t know shit about the generator, but I don’t care if I lose long as he is fucking me like this! “That’s it,” she grunted. “Fuck me. Fuck me like you mean it,” she muttered softly, not even aware she was speaking.

  He reached under her arms and gripped her shoulders tight, pulling her back into him as he pounded into her. Her soft mutters and pants of pleasure were pushing him over the edge. “Fuck!” he snarled, trying to hold on, but knowing he couldn’t. “Fuck!” he ba
rked again, louder and more guttural as pleasure overcame him.

  “Come on!” she urged. “Don’t stop! Keep fucking me. Keep fucking me.”

  He could feel his climax taking him, his control bursting like a ruptured dam, but he continued to drive into her hard and fast.

  “Don’t stop!” Sierra panted when she felt his wetness splash into her. She strained for her release, her climax just out of reach. “Don’t stop, keep fucking me, make me come,” she begged as she reached for rapture.

  He bellowed his pleasure as he continued to slam into her, trying to push her over the edge, burying his head into her back as he kneaded her shoulders, grunting and gasping as his pleasure consumed him.

  She gasped, her release finally taking her as Colt became still and held her tight. She smiled as he again cried out, softly this time, thrusting hard and fast a couple of times before becoming still again. As he gently kissed her shoulder she heaving a sigh of contentment that she could give him as much pleasure as he gave her.


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