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Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance

Page 18

by Mia Ford

  I watched her play with that sweet spot between her legs herself and it drove me crazy.

  "You like this, don't you," I whispered to her. "Being dirty and fucking behind Matt's back. I know you do."

  “Yes!” She pushed her back up against me. “Yes! Harder! Do it harder!”

  Boy did I. I don't think I ever did it that hard but I was going to violate this girl so fucking hard she'd be walking funny for three class periods.

  She braced one arm against the wall, her legs spread perfectly. If it wasn't for her abnormally large ass I doubt I would have ever broken up with her. She never said no to me. I probably could have taken her anally and she wouldn't have said a thing. But I wasn't into that. However, I wouldn't have said no if she really wanted it.

  As it was, she was enjoying herself. With her skirt pushed up and her tits hanging down bare and smooth while her hair bounced and bobbed in the rhythm of our humping, I was ready to explode.

  “That’s it.” I slapped her ass. “That’s it!”

  “Yes! Lucas! Please don’t stop!”

  But I couldn’t help it. I was ready to pop and so I did all over that short-ruffled skirt, all over her back and even on the bottom of her t-shirt that I had pushed almost all the way off her head.

  “Yeah!” I chuckled and gasped for breath. “That was just what daddy needed.”

  “Oh, wait.” She turned around to face me. “Please rub my pussy, like you used to do. One last time.”

  “My gosh.” I adjusted my shirt and zipped up my pants. “You’re like a goat.”

  “Don’t tease me.” She pouted. Her hair was a mess. The mascara started to smudge under her left eye. Her lipstick was all gone. She looked like a totally different person.

  “Look, Monica.” I glanced at my watch. “I gotta get to study hall or I’ll get a check on my attendance. I can’t afford to get any more.”

  “Please?” She completely stepped out of her little panties and stood there.

  I stepped up to her, put my hand on her neck, slowly slid it down to her breasts, further to her thigh, swerving to her inner thigh where I stopped just short of her bush. I leaned my head close to hers and whispered.

  “Would you like me to tell Matt to come in and finish you off?”

  I started laughing as she gasped.

  "Hey, you've got the whole gymnasium to yourself." I continued as I backed away from her. "Go nuts. I know several freshmen who'd pay good money to watch you take care of that thing. Need to make a few dollars?" I laughed.

  She didn’t say another word as I pulled myself out from beneath the bleachers and headed out of the gym. I knew Monica would be mad at me for a little while but it wouldn’t last.

  Even if it did what did I care? We were graduating and I’d never see her or this dump ever again.

  I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my skull. She wanted me to turn around but I wasn’t going to. I listened and didn’t hear any tears. That was too bad. I would have enjoyed that. Strangely, I didn’t hear anything except my own footsteps as I walked across the gym and pushed open the swinging doors and merged with the sea of students moving from one class to another.

  By my calculation, Monica had about seven more minutes to get to class. I know her. She's working her pussy before she goes to American History. I just know it. Just then I saw Matt.

  “Hey, Matt.” I waved and chuckled. “I got a story to tell you. But you have to promise not to get mad.”

  Chapter 2 - Tilly

  “Where is the bathroom in this place?” I asked my friend Sandy as we waited at the back of the auditorium.

  “I don’t know. Is my cap on straight?” Sandy scrunched her face and tilted her hat. “My mom insisted on this up-do and I swear, it makes my head about three hat sizes too big.”

  “It looks great. It really does.” I shifted from one foot to the other. “How much time to do we have before the ceremony starts? I’ve got to pee. If I don’t I’ll never make it through the whole ceremony. God knows that Chris Habek has been waiting her whole life to be valedictorian so that speech will be anything but short.”

  Sandy chuckled and nodded knowingly.

  “I could use a smoke myself.” She looked at her watch then slipped her arm through mine. “Come on. You find the bathroom and I’ll have a smoke and we’ll be back in plenty of time.”

  As we stepped out of line and headed down the hallway to begin our quest for the ladies’ room we once again got yelled at.

  “You guys better be back in time.” Shelly Pinkowski scolded. “If Mrs. Ardnt comes looking for you I’m not covering for you guys.”

  “Who asked you to?” Sandy snapped.

  "Jeez, relax, Shelly," I ordered. "It's just graduation. Your risk of getting a detention is pretty much over."

  As soon as we were out of earshot I shook my head.

  “You know, some of these people are going to be exactly the same ten, twenty, thirty years from now. I’m not covering for you. When the hell did Shelly Pinkowski ever cover for us?” I snapped.

  “Never.” Sandy smiled. “We were always too slick. Never needed anyone to cover for us. There. Bathrooms. I’m going to sneak out for a smoke. Meet you back here.”

  I nodded before I headed down the long dark corridor. It was about five degrees cooler since there weren't any real lights on. My heels clicked on the marble floor making me walk uncomfortably on my toes until I found the door I was looking for. It had a black and white plaque that read LADIES.

  As soon as I pushed the door in I was temporarily blinded by the bright fluorescent light. After peeing what felt like a river I fixed myself up, straightened my cap, billowed out my black gown and adjusted my bra strap underneath it all.

  I almost didn’t recognize the person in the mirror. Just yesterday I was a freshman finding my way to class, ignoring just about everyone except for Sandy who had quickly become my friend. We were both odd. We didn’t come from affluent families. We dressed differently. The image of square blocks in round holes fit us perfectly.

  Sure, we got teased sometimes. Girls like Shelly Pinkowski and Debbie Morosek made sure we knew we didn’t fit in. Not that Sandy and I ever wanted to.

  This was the day we had been waiting for. Tomorrow I'd never see Shelly or Debbie or any of their minions ever again. Four years seems like a blip on the screen when I am probably going to live until I'm at least eighty. If I don't get hit by a truck or die in a terrorist attack.

  I laughed at my morbid thoughts.

  Taking a deep breath, I headed back out into the hallway and just as I was about to go toward the exit where Sandy was having a smoke I heard something.

  “Well, you don’t get to decide these things, Lucas.”

  “Oh, and you do?”

  I tip-toed uncomfortably further down the hallway to a vestibule where an old-fashioned payphone was fixed to the wall and the arguing duo had snuck to in order to have their spat. I leaned my back against the wall and held my breath.

  “Damn right, I do. Your father is away working. I’m supposed to go out there and meet him tomorrow. You are to be packed and ready to go when we get back. We didn’t fork out an extra ten grand, Lucas, so you could hang around the house all summer and…”

  "You didn't fork out anything, Jenna. You don't work. That's my dad's money. So, don't talk as if anything in that house belongs to you."

  I carefully leaned forward just a hair and saw an older woman in a low-cut blouse and extremely tight skirt pointing at someone out of view with a long red manicured nail.

  There was silence for a minute.

  “You’re right about that, Lucas. But let me remind you that the only thing that does belong to me in that house is in your father’s pants. So, I have a lot more control over what goes on than you ever will. Don’t you forget it.”

  I gasped and coughed. It echoed down the hallway and back to me.

  Before I could bolt out of there the woman
came stomping around the corner and gave me a look like I was nothing more than gum on the sidewalk. I looked down at her since she was only about five feet tall and I was a whopping five seven. It was like Gulliver in the land of Lilliputians.

  But what she lacked in size she made up for in attitude. Without a shred of embarrassment, she left the hallway with her heels and gold bangles around her wrists jingling all the way.

  I was about to follow her when I heard a man clear his throat. I looked around the corner and saw Lucas Prine.

  Normally, I wouldn’t spit on the best part of Lucas Prine. He was one of the many spoiled rotten brats that attended Riverbank High School. Actually, he was probably the most spoiled out of all of them. His father was some kind of government big-shot or maybe he was a Wall Street big-shot or a big-shot plastic surgeon. I didn’t know and frankly, I didn’t care.

  We had a couple of the same classes over the years and I can remember him making fun of the fact I wore the same skirt twice in one week. He also commented on my car. It was a used Dodge Neon I had saved up for. To me, it was nicer than the Hummer he drove and took up two parking spaces with. But, like I mentioned before, since I didn’t look like everyone else or act like everyone else, well, it was open season all year long.

  This little skit I observed couldn’t have come at a better time. Just when I was getting ready to flip the middle finger to just about everyone in my class here I stumbled across a goldmine of gossip. Sandy would love this story.

  But in the few seconds I looked at Lucas I changed my mind. For once I saw him look defeated. I’m sure it wouldn’t last but I didn’t kick people when they were down. That was what cowards did. I was no coward.

  “So what, are you into cougars?” I asked arching my right eyebrow.

  “None of your business, Telula.”

  Telula was my full name but all my friends called me Tilly. That was why Lucas Prine called me Telula.

  “You’re right. But, if it’s any consolation what she just said to you was not only rude but totally disgusting and I’m going to put it in my novel. A woman that age should know better.”

  For the first time ever Lucas Prine chuckled.

  “Whoa!” I put both my hands up. “Is that a laugh? Yikes, Prine. Don’t freak me out. I didn’t know you could smile.”

  “That was my dad’s girlfriend.” He admitted as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his graduation gown. “He couldn’t make it on account of work. So, she came alone. I think it was just so she could use the limousine.”

  “That will be a fun ride home.” I frowned.

  “I drove myself. Like I said, I think she just wanted to use the limousine.”

  “That’s kind of bad.” I nodded, smiling.

  “Yea. It is.” Lucas chuckled again. The sad part about talking to Lucas now was that he really was good-looking. He had sandy blond hair with those natural highlights that come from vacationing somewhere sunny a couple times a year. That also helped him keep totally fit and buff.

  It was a shame the guy had to speak because that was what usually ruined everything else he had going for him.

  "So, we better get back. Shelly Pinkowski is keeping track of everyone who steps out of formation and she said if Mrs. Arndt comes by she won't cover for us. Well, I'm sure she'd cover for you but Sandy and I will be left out in the wilderness."

  “Shelly’s a real bitch.” Lucas snapped quickly.

  I clutched my heart.

  “That’s two shocks within a matter of minutes, Prine. You know, you’re a lot more tolerable when graduation is just a few minutes away and I know I’m never going to see you again.”

  “What? Wait just a minute.” He started to slowly stroll down the hall with me. “What do you mean I’m more tolerable?”

  "Oh, this is awkward. Did no one ever tell you what a grade-A jerk you are? I'm actually being kind using that word. People have had to tell you. I mean, other than your dad's girlfriend."

  He chuckled again.

  “Telula, you know no one talks to me that way.” He shook his head. “Jenna just thinks she can. It won’t be long before my dad kicks her to the curb. It’s obvious she’s a gold-digger.”

  “Is she really?”

  “Of course, she is. They all are and when…”

  He stopped speaking. His cheeks flushed red.

  “Well, truthfully, I don’t need to know.” I stepped into the light and Sandy was just crushing out her cigarette and walking back in.

  “I’m having a huge graduation party at my house tomorrow.” He boasted. His personality had already changed when Sandy stepped up to me slowly as if Lucas was a snake and coiling up to strike.

  “Really. That’s a shock. You had parties all year long if I recall.”

  “I don’t think I ever saw you there.”

  Sandy burst out laughing and that made me chuckle along with her.

  "Right. The two of us show up at one of your parties? Not bloody likely." I put my hands on my hips.

  "Well, I am officially inviting you both to my graduation party tomorrow. People will probably start showing up around nine. It'll go until the police show up. But my dad donates generously to the Fraternal Order of Police so no worries there." He smirked.

  I hate to admit it was a cute smirk and pulled a smile out of me.

  "Maybe," I answered.

  Lucas looked at Sandy, gave her sly wink and strolled confidently down the other hallway toward the auditorium where we were all expected to line up.

  "You aren't actually going?" Sandy asked. "That guy is nothing but trouble. It'll end up like that murder case with the little twelve-year-olds doing the bidding of Slenderman. Except those little girls were smarter than him and his friends."

  "I won't go if you don't want to." I slipped my hand through Sandy's arm. "But aren't you the least bit curious to see what his house looks like?"


  “Don’t you want to see how all those losers look when they get wasted?”


  “Don’t you want to be there to see the whole house get trashed and maybe do a little trashing yourself? You don’t have to break anything but an accidental black marker on the wall or some red wine on the white carpet might be fun?”

  “How do you know they have white carpet?”

  “Rich people always have white carpet because they don’t have to clean it.”

  Sandy rolled her eyes.

  “Okay, you convinced me. But if the house isn’t getting trashed I’m going home.

  “Deal.” I smiled. We found our places back in line just as the music was starting. As I stepped out into the auditorium I searched for my mom and dad who were way back in the nosebleed seats. I blew them kisses and waved like a madwoman. But as I took my seat and listened to Chris Habek drone on about every detail of the last four years I couldn’t help but think the party tomorrow might be fun.

  Chapter 3 – Lucas

  “Where did you disappear?” Henry asked. “Monica’s looking for you.”

  "I'll bet she is," I smirked.

  “What did you do to that girl now?”

  “Nothing that I haven’t done to her a hundred times before.”

  “No.” Henry shook his head. “You still tappin’ that? I thought she was dating that Matt guy. Did they break up?”

  “They probably have by now.” It was really kind of heartbreaking. Not for me but for Matt. I mean, I just finished Monica in the gym. He’s in the hallway and I can tell he was looking for her. They had a sick ritual of putting their affection for each other on display for the whole school to witness. All tongue and hands at her locker or his.

  I made the guy promise not to get mad as if a real person could promise that. But he agreed. So, I told him that if he hurried he could catch her pulling her panties back up behind the bleachers.

  “I’m sorry, man. But I’m really doing you a favor. She’s a gold-digger. She’ll break your
heart to second a guy with more money if he shows up.”

  He must have thought I was right because he just looked at the floor and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “It’ll be all right.” I clapped him on the back. “I mean, it’s not like you guys were in love or anything.”

  “No. I guess not.” Matt grumbled. “But she only let me feel her tits. I never got any further than that.”

  “Look. I’m really sorry to hear that.” I snapped my fingers. “This is what I’d do if I were you.”

  My advice to Matt was to get her alone.

  “She loves when you talk dirty.”

  Matt’s eyes flashed and he almost started to giggle like a girl.

  “If you are trying to be a gentleman it’s not going to work with that one. Nope. Just start talking about her body. Tell her how hot she is. How the thought of it keeps you up at night. Trust me, she’ll open up to you. Then, once you’ve had her, break it off. Leave her begging and scratching her head. You’ll feel better.”

  “Hey, thanks, Lucas.”

  “The big lug actually shook my hand.” I chuckled to Henry.

  "No, he didn't."

  "My hand to God he did." I looked around the auditorium and saw Telula across the aisle and back a couple rows. She looked utterly bored. But as I was watching her she started to laugh. Something was funny back there and I really wished I was part of it. I never noticed how cute she was when she laughed. Her nose wrinkled up and her eyebrows arched up.


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