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Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance

Page 102

by Mia Ford

  “When are you going back to the office?” I asked.

  “I’m not,” he answered. “I’m going to work here, from home. I don’t want to leave you for even a second. It’s too risky.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a yawn. “And if I don’t get a chance to say it later, thank you for everything you’ve done, and everything you will do for me. I couldn’t imagine what I would do if I were in this situation alone.”

  “I love you,” he said. “I would go to the ends of the earth for you. Don’t worry. We are going to figure this all out and get your life back on track.”

  I smiled at him, thinking about those words and wondering if I should tell him the entire story. I wondered if he should know that Harry the Hammer had come to visit me inside the jail. But then I remembered that they were not playing around, and if I brought Blaine into this, there was a good chance he would get hurt, too. I couldn’t, for one second, even start to think about putting his life in danger, not after all he had done for me. If there was a way out of this without revealing my secret, I was sure Blaine was going to find it.

  I watched him as he pulled out his pad of paper, his notes, and his files and began to work. There was something so amazing about the way he handled himself. He was so organized, and everything that he had gone through so far was tabbed and highlighted. Now, I understood what made him such a good lawyer. He really put himself into his work. I knew that he was way more invested in this case than probably any of the others, but still, if he did this on a normal basis, he would be unstoppable. His parents must have known that when they left him the firm. I wondered if everyone on his staff was this diligent, and I felt an ease come over me, knowing I had people like Blaine slaving away at my case, trying to find me a way out, any way they could.

  Even the way that Blaine talked on the phone was incredibly impressive, and I smiled at the way he twirled his pen while he waited for someone to pick up. His tone of voice was completely different than the one he talked to me with. It was assertive and dominating, while his voice was always so gentle and loving with me. I thought about how he might sound in the courtroom, and I wondered if it would make me giggle. Probably not, especially since in the courtroom, I would be fighting for my freedom and possibly life. There would probably be no moments on that stand that I felt good about what was going on, regardless of whether I felt I was winning or not. I listened to Blaine talk to some man name Anderson on the phone.

  “I have a private investigator out looking for her father, but I think that it would be a good idea for her to file a missing person’s report soon,” he said in an authoritative tone. “Yes, I have all that documented. Now, if you could go over the state’s case with me again, that would be great.”

  I smiled to myself, not wanting to distract him. Anderson must be someone important in the firm since he seemed to have my case right in front of him. As they talked, Blaine started taking notes, stopping to ask questions that I already knew the answers to. Part of me wanted to jump right in with the team and help in my own defense. Who knew the details of my case better than me? I knew where everything was, who everyone was, and exactly what happened. From the sound of it, though, I might not have any real options when we got to court. The prosecutors had tied this one up pretty tightly and were very secure in their reasoning. They had arrested me because of an eyewitness that said they saw someone that looked like me walking into the victim’s home at the time of the murder. Then, when they searched my house, they found the murder weapon, wrapped in the victim’s clothes, in a trashcan outside of my house. It was set up by Paulie perfectly, and in my mind, a little too perfectly. I was shocked that no one was questioning why I would have that weapon in a trashcan out front, a trashcan that had been emptied at least twice since the murder by the garbage men.

  It didn’t help that I couldn’t show any proof that I was at my house that night. My only alibi was my father, and he was still missing. I figured that Harry and Paulie probably had him locked up at this point, unable to leave to give us that information. In reality, I didn’t even think they would spare my father’s life once I was convicted. That was too many loose ends for the mob. They would kill him and throw the body in the river like so many others that had crossed their paths. My mind tried to block that image out, knowing that there was still a chance to correct all of this.

  I had no idea what to do or even where to start. There was so much stacked against me, and I wasn’t sure how to prove them wrong. I felt a lot better knowing Blaine and his firm were already ten steps ahead of me. They had picked up the case as soon as I was arrested, and they’d been working the details ever since. If there was a way out of this nightmare, Blaine would find it, and that, in itself, gave me the ability to relax just a bit. I couldn’t spend the rest of my life behind bars.

  Chapter 23


  “All right man,” I said to Anderson. “Thanks. I’ll give you a call back in a little while. We should go over the timeline this afternoon.”

  “Sounds good, buddy,” he said.

  I hung up the phone and looked down at my notes. It looked absolutely impossible, but I knew that it wasn’t. Besides, Anderson had gotten me some good information on this Paulie character, and I wanted to hear Josie’s story again while Anderson dove deeper into the two mobster thugs. She was lying in a huge nest of blankets and pillows on the couch, but she was anything but asleep. I could tell she was restlessly listening to everything going on, and I knew that her mind must be running a million miles an hour. I walked over and sat down next to her, grabbing onto her hand.

  “I need you to do something just one more time for me,” I said. “I need you to recite exactly what happened on Wednesday. I know you’ve told me over and over again, but I want to make sure I have everything perfect.”

  She took a deep breath and pulled herself up on the couch, reaching over and grabbing her bottle of water. I could tell she was already running the events through her mind, and I could see the stress start to build. I didn’t want her to be stressed, but I knew right now it was inevitable. She recounted her story, beginning at the conversation with her father at dinner about his gambling addiction.

  She went through all of the events, but what really caught my attention was what happened in the jail cell after she was taken by the police. My eyes widened as she talked about Harry the Hammer, and how that woman, the same woman from the night Josie was arrested, ended up in the cell right next to hers with a violent message. She threatened Josie again, but this time, there were witnesses, and I knew no matter how loyal someone was to another inmate, the thought of freedom would make them sing like a bird. I was pretty pissed that none of the guards were there to help Josie.

  As soon as she was done with her story, I leaned over and hugged her tightly, wanting her to know just how great she was doing. She smiled at me as I kissed her forehead and picked up my cell phone. Anderson needed to know this information, and the team had to get a jumpstart on it.

  “Hey,” I said when Anderson answered. “I just found out Harry, the woman from the night of the arrest, was in the jail cell next to Josie the other night. She threatened her and gave her a bloody lip. The normal intimidation.”

  “Shit, man,” Anderson said. “What do you need me to do?”

  “See what you can find out about this Paulie and Harry duo,” I said. “There has to be something about them we can dig up. Josie said the woman was like a celebrity in jail, so there’s a good chance she’s been in and out of trouble. Find out if she is still in jail.”

  “Will do,” he replied. “Call you back as soon as I have that information.”

  “Great, thanks,” I said before hanging up.

  I looked over at Josie and saw that her arms were covered in goosebumps, and she was shivering. It was warm in my place, so I knew it had to do more with telling the story than it had to do with the temperature. I walked back over to her and sat down, pulling my arms around her body and bringing her close to
me. Slowly, her body began to relax again.

  I worried that she was going to have some serious issues with all of this when it was done. She looked so tired, so frail, and so lost, and it was breaking my heart. He skin was pale, but where her usually rosy cheeks and pink lips were, was no color, only skin. She had bags under her eyes, and her hair wasn’t as shiny as it normally was. I could see this whole thing taking the kind of toll on her that illness did with other people.

  I leaned forward and kissed Josie’s lips, missing her touch and her taste so much. She reached over and wrapped her arms around my neck, falling into me. She was so beautiful, and her mouth began to push harder against mine, her tongue running over my lips. She was passionate, and I could feel every part of her wanting more from me. She unwrapped her hands from me and smoothed down my shirt, her fingertips pressing hard into my skin. I opened my mouth and kissed her lustfully, feeling the heat in my chest rising. What started as a gentle kiss was quickly turning into something much more, and from the feel of her body against mine, she had more on her mind than just a gentle kiss. She pulled back and breathed deeply, looking into my eyes. I could see the lust covering the fear and stress that she was struggling with. She reached up and kissed my cheek, sliding her lips over to my ear.

  “Make love to me, Blaine,” she whispered. “Make me forget everything. Make me forget all the bad things that have happened. Remind me how much you love me.”

  I smiled at her words, knowing that she wanted to feel as cherished as I felt she was. I knew she needed to feel close to me on every level, and I felt the same. I had missed her so much, and in my worry, I had kept my distance physically, letting her decide what she wanted. Now, with her lips near mine and her soft body close, I couldn’t help but want every single part of her. I wanted to once again feel that passion and intensity that I had taken for granted when we first met, thinking it would always be there. I wanted to give her everything inside of me. She wanted me, and who was I to refuse a request from the woman I loved? It was impossible.

  I ran my fingers over her shoulders and leaned forward, kissing her neck. She cooed softly at the feeling of our skin touching. She smelled absolutely amazing, like the lavender I had put into her bath water. I ran my hands over her cheeks and pulled her face in for another long and sensual kiss. I could feel my cock start to rise in my pants as she closed her eyes and put her hands on my thighs. I brushed the hair from her face and hugged her tightly to my body as my hands trailed down her back and onto her exposed skin right above her waistband. Goosebumps popped up everywhere my fingers touched, and her breathing started to increase. My hands were gentle against her, wanting her to feel the calm sensation of our lovemaking. She had been through so much drama, I wanted this to be an escape.

  I couldn’t help but think about our time together, and the fact that no matter how optimistic I was, this might be one of the last few times I would be able to show her how much I cared for her. It might be one of the last few times I could feel her wrapped around me and hear her moans as I brought her to a climax. She needed every part of me, and I was more than happy to give it to her.

  She grabbed onto my arms, my muscles tense as she squeezed my biceps. She moved forward and straddled me, linking her ankles behind my back and kissing me lustfully. My hands went up under her shirt and unclasped her bra, feeling her large, bouncing tits press against me. I ran my fingers down her spine and cupped her ass, pushing my rock-solid cock against her warm mound. She flicked her hips, giving me an electric sensation in my legs, and the gentle lustfulness began to pick up. As our lips moved across each other’s, she swirled her hips in my lap. I pushed against her ass, thrusting my cock forward and rubbing it up her body. She moaned loudly, and immediately, I wanted to tear off her clothes and make love to her. As if she felt the same way, she began to pull off her clothes, exposing her skin to my eyes.

  I ran my palms down her tits, stopping to pinch and rub at her nipples. She leaned her head back as I kissed her neck gently, feeling the pulse in her neck increase as my tongue slipped from my mouth and I tasted her salty skin. Her hips continued to glide over me, and she moaned loudly as her mound got wetter and wetter. I reached my hand down and slid it into her pants, cupping her pussy and rubbing hard as she continued to grind against me. She grabbed onto the side of the couch and lifted up slightly, allowing me to slip two fingers inside of her. She was so wet, and my fingers went right through her folds. It was sensual and trusting, the way she fucked my hand, and my cock was bulging in my pants. She reached one hand down and grabbed my wrist, moving her body like a wave against my palm. I could tell she wanted me to make her come, and that was exactly what I had in mind.

  It was the most amazing and sexual thing I had ever seen, watching her bounce up and down on my hand, grinding on it the same way she did my cock. I wanted so badly to feel my dick inside of her, but I knew she needed to do whatever it was that she wanted to do. Her tits bounced up and down, and her head fell backward as I wiggled my fingers side to side as she came down hard on my palm. I pulled on her pants, moving them slightly down for a better handle on the situation.

  “Fuck,” she moaned, as she pushed herself further and further toward climax.

  “Yes, baby,” I said. “Come for me, baby.”

  She slid her hands up her body and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them hard as I pumped my arm up and down, giving her a deeper sensation. She was grasping at my arm with her nails as her body began to tense, and her moans became louder and louder. She dropped her hands to her sides and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath before screaming loudly as the orgasm pulsated through her. I pulled her down hard onto my fingers and finger fucked her, fast and deep, as she climaxed in my lap. I could feel her pussy convulsing, and the juices ran down my hand. It was extremely erotic and sensual, but I was ready to feel that on my cock.

  Before she was even done, she stood up on the couch and pulled her pants and panties off, giving me time to remove mine as well. She looked down at me, breathing heavily before coming back down and resting on her knees in front of me. She looked me straight in the eyes as she pulled my cock forward and slid her wet, juicy pussy down. She sat there straddling me, completely filled by my shaft. She ground her hips slowly against my skin, slowing her heart rate and gathering her energy to continue.

  She was incredibly erotic on so many levels, and I had never experienced anyone quite like her. All I could think about was leaning her back and fucking her hard, but she had other ideas. This was her time to call the shots, her time to pleasure the two of us however she saw fit. And it was her time to feel everything she could, just in case she didn’t have the opportunity in the future, a thought that was always on our minds.

  Chapter 24


  Everything in me wanted Blaine on every level. His willingness to help me in every way imaginable was unbelievable, and I couldn’t help but fall deeper and deeper in love with him. My body wanted him so badly, it was hard for me to keep control. I sat there with his cock deep inside of me, staring into his beautiful blue eyes. He looked at me with lust, but I could also see his love and desire penetrating through my soul. My legs were wrapped tightly around his body, and his hands searched my skin, touching every part of me. I leaned forward and kissed him passionately, my hips grinding against him softly. He groaned into my mouth as I lifted my hips and felt his shaft move up and down inside my wetness. Everything about this moment was perfect, and it felt so right. I missed his strong arms around me and his hard body pressed against me.

  He pushed me backward, keeping my legs wrapped around him and his dick inside of me. As we landed on the couch, he pushed forward, going deeper inside me. I screamed out, reaching above my head and grabbing onto the armrest as he pulled one of his legs up and thrust deeply. There was something about the way he moved his body that sent electricity through every part of me. He looked down at me, keeping his eyes locked on mine as he thrust his hips forward, back, and then forward aga
in. The motion of his body was like a wave, pushing across my clit as I felt every inch of him inside of me. I gripped down on the arm of the couch, wanting more and more, and feeling the heat of climax begin to resurface. As his hips pounded against mine, I clamped down and arched my back, already feeling the explosion of an orgasm circulating through my veins. I could barely even breath, the feeling was so intense, and my body began to shake and convulse in his arms.

  As my climax exploded, he leaned his head down and licked my breasts. They were sensitive and tingling, and it forced a giggling moan from my throat. He grabbed onto me around my arched back and began to move faster, shifting me downward and pushing up with his hips. I looked back in his eyes, and I could see his determination. I let go of the couch and ran my hands up to my tits, massaging them gently as my body took him deep inside. He growled softly as he reached the edge of his orgasm, his legs tightening and his muscles flexing in the light.

  “Come for me, baby,” I whispered.

  He groaned loudly as if my voice were the trigger to push him over the edge. He thrust one more time deep inside and laid his body against mine as the waves of pleasure flew through him. I could feel his cock bulging and pulsating inside me as he released his seed.

  He laid there silently, breathing heavily into my neck until every last feeling of pleasure had left him. I ran my fingers through his hair and down his back. He pulled me in even tighter as we laid there on the couch, cuddling and taking in the moment. When he had regained his strength, he pulled up, kissing my lips and sitting upright on the couch. He put his clothes on as I pulled the blankets around my naked body.


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