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The Laws of Love

Page 11

by Belle Winters

  I walked up behind my dad and wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug. “Hi daddy.”

  He turned his head to face me and smiled. “Hey pumpkin. How you feeling?”

  I smiled back. “I’m fine. I missed you!” I squealed giving him another squeeze.

  He chuckled and patted my arm. “Aww, I miss you too Cass you know that. Come on out here and take a seat.”

  I did as he asked and plopped down on the sofa with Drayden as far away from him as possible. “Your mom told me what happened to you guys, that sounds terrible.”

  I sighed. “It was. You would have been proud of the freak out I had though. Total classic, better than anything you have on that camcorder of yours to date.”

  “Wait? There’s embarrassing videos of you somewhere? Where? Can I see?” Drayden asked and I rolled my eyes.

  “Absolutely not.” He shrugged and turned back to the TV.

  “So how are things in the City? Most of the time you speak to your mom, you don’t call your dear old dad anymore.” My dad said with a fake pout.

  “I’m sorry daddy I promise I’ll call you at least once a week. How are you feeling?” I asked. He looked weaker that’s for sure and I knew he was having some other issues these days too. They tried to keep things from me now since I’m not here to see myself. They always tell me not to worry, but how could I not?

  “I’m a strong man Cass, I’ve got this. I’m feeling better than ever. So how’s that place you have? We have to come visit you soon. I’ve never been the NYC and I’ve looked at TV and stuff you know. You have one of those fancy places right by central park right? I’d love to see it in person.”

  I forced a smile on my face as the guilt settled in. I was far from central park dad. I felt a stare burning a hole in my head and I knew that Drayden had his eyes on me. He’s seen where I live and he knows that it’s a lie. I never thought to fill him in on anything on the ride here. To be honest, I didn’t think he would ever have to know any of this. Shame on me for not thinking this plan through. I just hope he didn’t blow my cover.

  “One day when you’re feeling all better.” I reassured him.

  He nodded. “How’s work? Have you got any big cases yet? I’m still waiting to see you on TV working on some big case.” He turned his attention to Drayden. “Now my girl may be a bit unconventional but she’s a smart cookie. I’m sure not even half of the other partners…” he turned to me, “that’s what you call them right?” he asked and I nodded holding my breath. “Yea, those partners can do half as good as her. We always ask about her cases but she’s always saying they’re confidential.” He shook his head, “now tell me you’re not overworking my girl here?” he asked Drayden with a smile.

  I looked at Drayden with a pleading look in my eye. He didn’t even look my way the bastard. I sighed internally knowing the other shoe was about to drop. I won’t be surprised if my mother ran out there, packed my stuff and dragged me back home kicking in screaming.

  “Jordan, I agree.” What the shit, when did they become on a first name basis?

  “She’s proven herself smart and capable. We are actually in Houston working a case together. Ever since my father has retired and I had to take over the company well… I had to stop working cases and invest all my time being the CEO. We have a very high profile case in which I’m sorry I have to tell you is in fact confidential… at least for now. Of course this is eventually going to leak out at some point or when the trial is in session so you will know soon enough. Anyway, we’ve seen some issues with some of these partners and she’s been working with me. Honestly, I have to give her most of the credit for our progress since she’s uncovered some of the main information we have.”

  My mother gasped. “I didn’t know you owned the company, and my Cass is working a case with you? That is just so exciting!”

  I turned to Drayden and hoped he would meet my eyes to see my gratitude but he never did. Him and my father continued to speak and he acted like I wasn’t even in the room. I felt a sting but I didn’t let it bother me. At least he let me off the hook… for now.

  I got up a while later and decided to order pizza. There would be no cooking tonight as my mom already had a bunch of stuff for tomorrow preparing. I looked through the fridge and around the kitchen at all the ingredients and drooled. I couldn’t wait, and I was pretty excited to help.

  I started to ask Drayden what kind of pizza he liked but I decided not to. Fine, I owed him more than a favor for what he just did for me but he’s still distant and well ignoring me. I’ve been behaving in front of my parents but eventually he’s going to have to tell me what the hell I did to him. I was even more frustrated about how much this whole thing was bothering me. I placed the order for a large pepperoni pizza with mushroom and went back in front to let them know.

  I went up to my room and turned on my TV and relaxed. The pizza was here in 45 minutes and I grabbed my purse and ran down the stairs. When I got there Drayden was closing the door with the pizza in hand and walked into the kitchen.

  I followed him inside and threw my hands on my hips. “I was going to get that.”

  He turned to me and shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. It’s the least I could do since you’re all letting me stay here.”

  I dug through my purse pulling out what I thought was enough to cover it and held it out to him. He looked down at my hand and instead opened the pizza box and took out a slice. He folded it in half and took a monster bite. He groaned and his eyes closed in pleasure. “This is some good pizza.” He muttered and took another bite. He grabbed a second slice and walked past me like I was invisible. I tossed the cash and my purse down on the table and stewed. I ate two slices of pizza, angrily then marched back up to my room. I stayed holed in there for the rest of the night.

  I had dozed off at some point and was now wide awake and it was 3am. I pulled on a sweater and some slippers and made my way downstairs. The house was quiet and I went into the backyard. We had a bench back here that I spent many nights on just looking at the stars dreaming and wishing on my future.

  I walked out and almost screamed when I saw a figure there. Drayden was sitting on the bench just staring into the open woods. I took the time to study him before he noticed me. He had on navy blue pajama bottoms, a fitted black t-shirt, and socks. His hair was sexily disheveled and his green eyes sparkled. His angular jaw was scruff with a five o’clock shadow and when the wind blew I caught his scent of woods and man. I hated to admit this but with his mouth closed and him unguarded he was well… beautiful. When I saw him like this he didn’t look like an arrogant, sexy, GQ model. He looked like a handsome, almost peaceful and approachable man.

  I walked over and took a seat next to him. He startled a bit, but when he caught sight of me he relaxed back into the seat and went back to staring into space. “You found my bench.” I said.

  He nodded. “Yea, it’s nice out here.”

  I smiled. Who knew someone like him would appreciate the simple things like this? “It is. Growing up this was one of my favorite spots in the world. It’s always best at night; it’s really relaxing.”

  He turned back to me. “Are there animals in there?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yes. There’s some deer, foxes, raccoons, and rabbits. Nothing too crazy, but it’s really nice when they come out and you can see them. They’re used to people so they don’t run. They don’t bother us and we don’t bother them.”

  He nodded but didn’t say anything. I sucked in a deep breath and said what I needed to before I chickened out. “Thank you.” There, it felt like I just ripped a piece of tape off my eyebrow but I did it.

  “For what?” he asked frowning.

  I sighed. “You know, for not telling my parents that I might have misled them. Also for saying those nice things, you really didn’t have to go that far.”

  His head tilted to the side. “I didn’t lie about anything I said. I meant every word, it’s true and for someone who is so ambitious and wants s
o much you sure don’t seem to have a lot of confidence in yourself. That same fiery, take no shit attitude you give to me you need to apply with your career. You have potential and I’ve been telling you how good you are since you began to show me. You just have to know it for yourself and you’ll be fine. Plus, fine, you might not be a partner now but I don’t see that lasting for very long.”

  I frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked and he shrugged.

  “Look. I don’t know what’s happened and you’re acting like this…?” I began in question.

  “Like what?” he asked.

  I growled frustrated. “You, me, this. You don’t act like this. You take my insults in stride and you’re the one that started this whole damn battle in the first place. Then all of a sudden you spend most of the time ignoring me and shrugging me off. Did I do something to you?” I asked.

  I shook his head. “Maybe I’m just done fighting.” He said with a shrug.

  “Look, I get it. The fighting can be tiresome I know. But I need to be on the same page as you here. If we need to behave like the upmost professionals, then, so be it.”

  “Does it bother you?” he asked in a soft voice.


  “Us not fighting or me ignoring you as you put it.” He told me.

  I cleared my throat. “N-no. I was just wondering is all but hey if you want to call a truce I’d be more than happy to. Working together might be a hell of a lot easier if we weren’t at each other’s throat.”

  He nodded. “Truce.” He seemed to think for a beat before asking. “Why are you lying to them anyway?” he asked.

  I sucked in a breath. I didn’t want him to know how bad things were for me. I didn’t want anyone to know. It was my burden, and mine alone to handle… besides, he didn’t need any more ammunition against me anyways. With that thought in mind I stood and shrugged and walked back towards the house. “That isn’t your business.” I didn’t hear a response but then again I didn’t think there would be one.

  Chapter 8


  When I woke the next day my nostrils were bombarded with scents that instantly made my stomach rumble. I tried to determine what it was but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I stretched and got up heading straight for the bathroom.

  I was standing up taking the longest piss of my life when the door flew open. I turned my head and met eyes with a startled Cassie. She was staring directly at my cock in my hand with her mouth gaping open. This was not good; I was instantly turned on thinking about shoving my cock right in her proffered mouth.

  I finished handling my business and shook myself. It felt as though she was staring forever when in reality it was only a few seconds. She couldn’t seem to pry her eyes away and I instinctively stroked myself. She frowned and watched the movement and I became semi hard. I couldn’t peel my eyes from hers as she watched on in wonderment and I threw caution to the wind. She wanted a show, I’d give her one.

  I released myself and spit on my hand as I watched her mouth. I gripped myself harder and stroked myself faster imagining it was her hand on me instead, her mouth on me. At this point I was at full mass and I had leaked some precum. She was so lost in what I was doing I saw her hand reach out and swipe the precum from the head of my cock. That was it, I fucking exploded all over my hand and stomach with a groan.

  Finally, her eyes snapped up and met mine and she blinked a few times. “Like what you see?” I asked tucking myself back into my pants.

  Her mouth opened and closed like a fish as she searched for something to say. I washed my hands while I waited for her to pull herself together. When I turned to face her, she was beet red and her hands were slightly shaking.

  I couldn’t understand her reaction at all. The way she watched me was so innocent, and curious. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking either because she was standing in the doorway with the door cracked open. Had one of her parents come upstairs they would’ve also witnessed me jerking off… in front of their daughter. Wasn’t one of my best ideas. She finally mumbled a ‘sorry’ before running off tripping over her own feet. I shook my head and went back into the room to reflect on what the fuck I just did.

  When I felt it was safe to leave the room again I headed towards the kitchen, I was starving. It didn’t take me long once I returned to the room to remember that I was thanksgiving. Cassie was in the kitchen chopping up vegetables while her mother was over a pot at the stove.

  Cassie spotted me first and her eyes ping-ponged for a second between my eyes and my crotch before she blushed and turned back to what she was doing. I moved further into the kitchen before speaking, “good morning.”

  “Good morning dear, we’re already preparing dinner but there’s some lunch meat in the refrigerator if you’re hungry.” She offered.

  I nodded. “That’s perfect thanks.”

  I made me a simple ham and cheese sandwich and kept glancing over to Cassie. She was avoiding me, I could tell. Whenever she needed something that was in my direction she would move her entire body so she wouldn’t have to face me. I snickered under my breath when she actually walked backwards to get a pepper that was right beside me. I decided to put her out of her misery and went back upstairs to shower and put some clothes on.

  When I made my way back downstairs I took a seat with Jordan and watched ESPN. The day flew by and it was time to eat before I knew it. The girls had holed themselves up in the kitchen while me and Jordan chatted about sports and hobbies. He was a really cool dude actually. He reminded me a lot of my dad when he wasn’t being an uptight asshole.

  “BOYS!” Mrs. Richards called out. She had insisted I called her Irene but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  Jordan threw me a smile. “Let’s get in there, we don’t want her to come out to get us.” He said with a wink as he pulled himself up.

  I hopped up and followed him out to the dining room table. There were bowls and plates throughout the center of the table. It could easily fit about six, but it was just the four of us and the two seats at the heads of the table were taken away.

  Her father placed a kiss to his wife’s temple and snatched the seat beside her. I sat across from him leaving Cassie to sit next to me. When she entered the kitchen holding some glasses and a pitcher of something she paled a bit realizing the same.

  She put down the bowl and slowly sat down. She looked at her mother, “do you want me to start?” she asked.

  When her mom nodded she took a deep breath. “I’m grateful for both of my amazing parents, being alive, and my insufferable boss.” She said peeking at me.

  Huh. She was grateful for me? “I’m thankful for my daughter being safe everyday while so far away in a huge City. I’m grateful that my husband is still here and doing well. Finally, I’m grateful for how proud I am of all the great things my daughter has accomplished on her own even though I wouldn’t mind her coming back home.”

  Jordan cleared his throat. “I’m grateful for both of my girls and for kicking cancers ass. I’m especially grateful for everything Cassie has been doing for us. If it wasn’t for your help honey, we would be swarming in an incredible amount of debt and I probably wouldn’t be doing as well as I am. I love you pumpkin.”

  My head swung to her. Now it all made sense. Her digs about money, her living where she does, not having a car, and lying to her parents. She was either spending her money paying their bills or she was sending it to them. Either way it’s a pretty fucking selfless thing to do and I couldn’t help but admire her for it. She looked up and caught my eye and jerked her head signaling something. I frowned at her in confusion and she kicked me under the table. I heard Jordan chuckle and I looked his way. All three pair of eyes were on me and I realized they were waiting for me to go. She really could’ve just said that instead of hitting me.

  “I’m thankful for my family no matter how annoying they are. Also for you amazing people letting me into your home and sharing thanksgiving with me. I
’m especially thankful for having Cassie working with us. She has been crucial in this latest issue and I don’t know what I would do without her help.” She looked down into her empty plate and blushed. I smirked at her before returning my gaze to her parents. Her mom was watching Cassie curiously before looking back at me. I didn’t recognize the look on her face, I didn’t know her well enough to read her expressions. If I had to guess though, I’d say it was thoughtful.

  Jordan broke the silence as he started grabbing bowls to load up his plate before passing them around. I didn’t need a special invitation to do the same, the food looked amazing. When I took my first bite of turkey I was in heaven.

  “This is all really good Mrs. Richards.” I commented after I had a thorough taste of everything.

  Her eyebrow arched. “Irene you mean, and thank you dear but I can’t take all the credit. Cassie made a good amount of the food as well.”

  I nodded. “This is good, what did you make?” I asked Cassie in a low voice.

  She turned to me and I saw the evil glint in her eyes. So much for a truce right? “I’m not going to tell you because then you won’t eat it.”

  I leaned in closer to her and made sure we were both at eye level. “you didn’t do anything to it since we’re all eating it.”

  She shrugged and turned back to her plate. “Maybe that’s a part of my plan. I mean it is the perfect alibi. Have you had your eyes on your plate the entire time?” she asked.

  My eyes narrowed and she gave me a triumphant smile. I know she was trying to get a reaction from me and we both know while she has proven capable to slipping things into stuff she believes I would ingest I no longer think she’d actually poison me. I made a show of finishing every last thing on my plate and gave her a wicked grin before clearing my space at the table.

  I washed my dish and retook my spot at the table while everyone else finished eating. Cassie’s leg rubbed against mine and every so often her arm would brush against mine. All the touching was driving me insane because I couldn’t touch her back. Not at all like I really want to anyway.


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