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Highlander's Revenge (Highlanders 0f The McCall Clan Book 3)

Page 10

by Barbara Bard

  “I know nothing else, only that he plans to strike at them swiftly.”

  Alastar tapped a finger against his lips as he thought.

  “I must warn them, but perhaps if I can kill him afair he leaves I can stop his army,” he said to himself. His eyes flicked up and looked at Rebecca. “Just a wee bit more help lass, and we can stop this war before it begins.”

  “With another death? That will not make it right.”

  “It will nae, but it hae been coming for a long time.”

  “It would be easier if you left.”

  “Aye, but life is rarely easy. I cannae leave without challenging him lass. He killed my father.”

  At these words, Rebecca stiffened and looked at him. He wondered if she saw the pain in his eyes.

  “He killed my father in front of my eyes, then dragged me back here and put me in chains. Hae ye ever heard of the Blue Thistle?”

  A hint of recognition passed across her face. It quickly vanished, and she flushed crimson.

  “Ye have,” Alastar gasped. “Tell me what ye hae heard.”

  Reluctantly, Rebecca told him. “It's a game the children play. One of them is the Blue Thistle and runs away from all the others, because the Blue Thistle is a coward and runs away from everything.”

  Anger coiled within him as he clenched his fists.

  “This is the work of that monster. Nae only hae he taken my father's life, he hae sullied the name. Dae ye see now why I must reclaim it? Why I must make him pay? Ye must help me lass. Ye are my only hope of getting close tae him.”

  Rebecca seemed to consider the proposition. Alastar wondered what was going through her mind. He hoped that she remembered all the years she had helped him. There was a kindness in her that Alastar hoped would not fail her.

  “I can see the honor in your quest, but I fear it is too dangerous. I already worry for my life for helping you before. To do so again would tempt God's wrath. I will not alert anyone to your presence, but that is all the help I can offer.”

  “And what of the war? Ye are worried about the loss of life. If we stop Lord Flynn now we can stop the slaughter. Rebecca, ye showed kindness tae me once. Ye kept me alive when everyone else had forgotten about me. Ye helped me and Declan and Catherine escape. Ye know that she left with him because she loved him. Lord Flynn is angry, and he will nae stop until all the Highlanders are dead. Ye know in ye heart what is right, please, I am asking, nay, begging from the bottom of my heart for ye charity once again.”

  As he said this, he sank to his knees and bowed his head in supplication. Rebecca shifted uneasily on her feet, but she did not leave.

  “What would you have me do?” she asked.

  “Find out what Lord Flynn is planning with his armies. We may need tae know if I cannae kill him. When the time is ready take me tae him and I shall flee.”

  “We shall flee,” she corrected him. “I cannot stay here after all of this. If I help you then you must help me in return. I seek only a simple life. I do not wish to be involved in these schemes any longer.”

  “Ye have my word I will see ye safely away. The Blue Thistle always protects the innocent,” he said proudly.

  He rose back to his feet. In doing so, he moved a little closer to Rebecca. He could feel the heat from her body and smell the sweetness of her hair. For a moment time seemed to stand still as he was transfixed by her glorious beauty, and his breath was taken from him.

  “You should not stay here. You will be found,” she said, breaking their gaze. A thoughtful look came upon her face as she considered the various options, and then her eyes lit up. “You should go back into the dungeon. People will never look for you there!” she said.

  Alastar did not like the idea and furrowed his brow.

  “Trust me, it is the safest place,” she said.

  Alastar was forced to concede that there was some wisdom in her words, and assented.

  “Then we must be quick,” she said, and walked towards the light. She moved her head this way and that to make sure the path was clear, then she led Alastar across the courtyard. Alastar walked as though he was meant to be there. His father had taught him many lessons in stealth, one of which was that as long as you acted naturally it was unlikely any suspicion would fall upon you.

  So, it was that they made their way across the courtyard without being disturbed, despite there being many people around. They passed the stables and Alastar noticed George. George froze for a moment, but then carried on as though nothing had happened. Alastar gave him a slight nod. It was pleasing for him to see that neither George nor Rebecca had suffered any ill consequences as a result of helping him escape, although it was clear that Rebecca was troubled in her soul.

  He and Rebecca did not exchange words as they made their way to the dungeon, but he found that walking alongside her was pleasing. She had a grace that was rare, and although the sky was blue and the gardens through which they walked were bright and vivid, nothing could compare to her visage.

  They left the fragrant aroma of the gardens behind and returned to the place from which Alastar had plotted his escape for so long. He felt his heart sink as he reached the entrance to the dungeon and said goodbye to the light, for this hadn't been what he hoped.

  “Dae me a wee favor lass and dinnae lock me in,” he said with a wry smile. His expression was returned by Rebecca.

  “I shall come back to you when it is safe,” Rebecca said.

  Alastar watched her leave and turned to face the darkness of the dungeon. He sighed and placed his hands on his hips. Revenge would have to wait another day.

  Chapter 16

  Rebecca scurried away from the dungeon as quickly as she could, hoping that nobody had seen her with Alastar. Seeing him again had been a strange experience. As soon as she saw him it was as though a lightning bolt had struck her, and she was unable to do anything but comply with him.

  She wished she had the fortitude to simply tell him to leave, but she could not. There was something about the man that held sway over her, and he certainly looked different than the last time she had seen him. He was tall and handsome, and her heart fluttered whenever he was near. She had also been touched by his admission of what Lord Flynn had done. Rebecca simply couldn't stand by and do nothing when war could be stopped. Her own safety was not of paramount importance, and she would do her duty to try and help those indeed.

  For the time being though she returned to her chambers to try and calm her mind and collect her thoughts. She sat on her bed and looked out to the sky, feeling envious of a bird she saw circling higher and higher. It had no worries and no cares, and she wished to share in that mood.

  After a short time Elayne came bursting in.

  “Who was that?” she asked, an excited gleam in her eyes. She sat beside Rebecca and clasped her hands excitedly.

  “Pardon?” was Rebecca's neutral reply.

  “The man I saw you walking with in the courtyard. He was very handsome. I am so envious that you get to serve Lord Flynn directly! I knew that serving in the house would be so much more exciting than serving out here. I do so wish I had been chosen in your place,” Elayne said.

  “He was just a visiting merchant. I was there to escort him to the gardens, because he had heard how beautiful they were and wanted to look at them himself. He was an interesting man.”

  “I'm sure he was,” Elayne said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “Your prospects have improved immeasurably. I am sure the flowers weren't the only thing the merchant found beautiful.”

  Rebecca blushed. “I do not know what you mean,” she said innocently.

  “Yes, you do, and if you don't, you should do well to learn the meaning quickly. We are not given many opportunities in this life, so when one presents itself to us we must grasp it with both hands. You are able to mingle with powerful men, men whose eyes will fall upon your beauty. You can nurture affection from one of them and tempt him into making you his wife, then you can escape this life of servitude.”
  Rebecca shifted uneasily. She wished that she could tell Elayne the truth.

  “Perhaps you are right, but I am not sure I will see this merchant again. I shall try and make more of an effort to use my new position to the best of my advantage,” she said.

  “That's the spirit. I know what I would be doing in your place,” Elayne said, a shadow creeping over her face. “I would be serving Lord Athelred in any way I could. Such a powerful man must be lonely now that he has been deprived of his family. Such a man would be looking for comfort, someone to whom he could bestow his affections.”

  She smiled. Rebecca didn't tell her about Lord Flynn's true nature, fearing that it would make no difference whatsoever.

  “I do not believe I am worthy of such attention from a man like Lord Flynn. I do not possess your beauty. Perhaps there is time for you yet Elayne,” Rebecca said diplomatically.

  “Oh, I am quite sure there is, but I shall be doing all I can to get into the household, so I can serve with you and catch Lord Flynn's eye.”

  “Speaking of which, I must return with haste so that Lord Flynn doesn't think I am neglecting my duties. I would not wish to bring his wrath upon me,” Rebecca said, rising from her bed. She bid Elayne farewell and made her way back to the house, trying to settle her nerves as much as she could.

  Rebecca wasn't certain how to fulfill Alastar's plans, but she supposed that when the opportunity presented itself, she would be aware. As she walked through the estate, she was sure that people were watching her every move, even though nobody had any reason to suspect her of any wrongdoing.

  Once in the house, Rebecca was told that Lord Flynn had retired to a private room and needed someone to tend to his needs. Rebecca swallowed to try and rid herself of the lump in her throat.

  She found him sitting in a chair watching the crackling fire. He had a plate of food and a mug of wine in his hand.

  “Ah, just in time,” he remarked as she entered, handing her the mug, which she saw was empty. Red drops flecked his pale lips, which he wiped away. He stared at the fire, transfixed by the dancing flames. Rebecca went to the table, poured wine into the mug, and then handed it to. As he took it, his fingers brushed against hers. Her eyes darted up and found that he was looking deeply at her, then he turned back to look at the fire. Rebecca moved away to stand at the rear of the room, just as a dutiful servant should.

  “I must speak with you girl. I know that there is news that travels through this estate of which I am unaware. You servants carry whispers around like rats carry disease. Have you heard anything of the man who escaped from the dungeon?”

  “No, my Lord,” Rebecca said.

  Lord Flynn visibly tensed at this. “I knew I should have killed him when I had the chance. But I wanted to punish him.”

  “If you don't mind my asking Lord, what did he do?” Rebecca asked, hoping that she wasn't overstepping her boundaries.

  Lord Flynn looked up from the fire. His eyes were cloudy and gray.

  “His father was my nemesis. Over and over again he was a thorn in my side, halting my plans, raiding my armies. I could not capture him in the war, but I found him afterwards. He was always a nuisance and I had him stamped out. But his son, ah, that was another matter. What was I to do?

  Of course, I had a son myself and would not have wanted him to suffer for my sins, so I took mercy on the boy. I brought him back here and imprisoned him for the crimes he committed against this land. Now he is out there, and he will surely hold a grudge against me. Not that it matters. I shall be marching to war soon, and if he chooses to fight he will die like the rest of them. They're a plague girl. Have you ever met one of them?”

  “Not to my knowledge, my Lord,” Rebecca replied dutifully.

  “And the better for it you are. They're monsters. They live like animals. They're a plague that needs to be wiped out, and I shall see an end to them. I should have continued the war years ago. I underestimated them then. I shall not make the same mistake. They have taken too much from me already. My son, my daughter, even my wife.”

  “Your wife sir?”

  “My wife,” Lord Flynn said, straightening his back. “I was at war when she fell ill and died. I missed the opportunity to say goodbye to her because I was busy dealing with their petty rebellion. I can never forgive them for that. You'll get to see them soon enough. You'll be joining me to attend to my needs as we make our way into enemy territory.”

  He seemed to notice Rebecca's face, which paled at the thought of being taken to war.

  “Do not worry girl, I will see that no harm comes to you. It will not be a long war. My commanders think we can simply march up to their territory and win by sheer force. My son thought the same. Sadly, he didn't inherit my tactical expertise. I shall ensure that his mistakes shall not be repeated.”

  “Do you believe you will rescue your daughter?” Rebecca asked, her voice trembling for she wasn't sure if it would make him fly into a rage. To her relief, Athelred remained calm.

  “She will have a choice presented to her. If she chooses to stay with them then she is truly lost, and she is no daughter of mine,” Athelred said cruelly.

  Lord Flynn rose from his seat and took a swig of wine. Some of the crimson liquid missed his mouth and trickled down his chin, looking like a trail of blood. Rebecca went rigid with tension and held her breath as he approached her.

  “I never realized how lonely it would be without them. I spent years raising my family, preparing them for the future, making sure that they knew their responsibilities to my legacy. I tried to arrange good positions for them, but both my children decided to turn their back on me. Harold I can understand, for he only wanted to prove himself in battle and didn't know when to stop. Catherine though...” he shook his head.

  “Despite her betrayal I do miss her. I wish that she was here now, so that I could have some family with me.”

  His tone was pitiful. For the first time, Rebecca saw Lord Flynn as an old man rather than the powerful Lord of the estate. She knew his words to be false as well. If Catherine did return Lord Flynn wouldn't waste any time with her here. He'd arrange a marriage for her and see the back of her as soon as he could.

  “How do you plan to beat the Highlanders this time my Lord? How will you ensure that you do not make the same mistakes as your son?” she said.

  The corners of Lord Flynn's mouth turned up into a wry smile.

  “Unlike my son I have years of expertise, and I have fought them before. They like open warfare. They are brutal and savage. They give into their rage easily, and it is usually enough to see them through to victory. I shall not give them the opportunity, however. I shall make precise strikes against them. I shall spread my forces out. I shall learn from what the Blue Thistle taught me,” he said, his face twisting into something cruel.

  Rebecca still hadn't relaxed, and it took until this moment for Lord Flynn to realize that she was tense. He stood before her, his broad shoulders dwarfing her, and placed the mug of wine on the table. She looked up at him with wide eyes and breathed in the scent of wine that was heavy on his breath.

  She had never been this close to a monster before.

  “It is lonely here, but it is made all the better by your presence. You remind me of my wife in some ways. You are pure,” he said, and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. Rebecca's stomach churned as a wave of revulsion swept over her. All she wanted was to flee, but she dared not flee from Lord Flynn. She knew well what he was capable of.

  He dipped his head so that she was drowning in his presence. He looked like a giant against her. Red rivers swam through his eyes and he swayed slightly. He hadn't taken his hand off her cheek. Her skin was so soft and his was leathery and calloused. Rebecca wondered if Elayne would truly be envious of her in this moment.

  “Yes, just like her, so pure,” he said, dipping his head towards hers. His lips opened for her and a warm breath wafted over her face. He closed his eyes and if she hadn't turned her face away, he
would have stolen a kiss from her.

  He opened his eyes, a dim fury growing in them. Lord Flynn was a man used to getting what he wanted.

  “My apologies Lord, but I would not wish my virtue to be taken in this manner, especially if it is what you so admire about me,” she said.

  For a moment she thought that Lord Flynn would simply take what he saw as his right, but then he pressed his lips together and moved to stand before the fire again.

  “Perhaps you are right. I would not wish to rob you of what makes you so appealing. But I will have your virtue, when the time is right,” he said. Rebecca saw this as more of a threat than a promise, and quickly begged to be excused. Lord Flynn was gracious enough to grant her request. He waved her away with the swift gesture of one hand, but as he looked at Rebecca, she knew that she would not be allowed too far from him. Lord Flynn had set his sights on her, and what Lord Flynn wanted, he usually got.


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