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Highlander's Revenge (Highlanders 0f The McCall Clan Book 3)

Page 15

by Barbara Bard

  Her mind swam with delight as the passion and intensity cascaded around her soul. Alastar was touching her in places that she hadn't even known existed. It was as though her spirit was being lifted from her body and she was ascending to become an angel. This delirious must have been what heaven was like, she thought, for she was certain nothing else could compare.

  Alastar held her tightly, praising, calling her all manner of sweet names, most of which were lost in whispers. She gripped him tightly, quickly learning how to pleasure him, using his grunts and moans to guide her. Alastar seemed like a master though, knowing exactly what to do already.

  She knew in that moment her body was his.

  Suddenly a spike of desire shot through her body and it seemed to hold all of her in its grasp. It struck her like a lightning bolt, and her entire body shuddered. She curled her arms around Alastar and clung to him desperately and closely. Her breath rushed out of her and she felt weak.

  Gazing up at him, she kissed him softly again. He smirked at her, then pressed her against the floor, slipping his arms from underneath her and shifting his body so that he was over her, dominating her. He leaned down to kiss him. His arms were tensed, biceps huge either side of her head. Rebecca felt so small underneath him, but she knew this was where the belonged; close to him, willing and ready to share desire and love.

  She felt Alastar close to her, and then suddenly she was filled with the most glorious sensation. Her body shifted to accommodate him, and her eyes widened as she took him inside her. Her eyes clamped shut as pain stabbed at her. Her virgin body was unused to these sensations and fear suddenly shot through her. It was all happening so fast, and while she enjoyed it the fact that this was a wholly new experience filled her with trepidation. Alastar didn’t seem to share her hesitation, and suddenly she wondered if he had done this before, and with whom.

  Then, he grunted, and all thoughts were driven from her mind. She wanted to be here with him, and gradually the pleasure she felt outweighed the pain and fear. She wrapped her arms around him and held on tightly as he thrust deeper. Their bodies soon moved to the same rhythm. Sweat dripped from his temples and sizzled on her skin. Their bodies melted into each other.

  She utterly lost herself in him.

  It felt as though their souls had merged, and a smile was etched upon her face as Alastar thrust into her. She was lost in his manly scent and his warmth. She lost awareness of everything else around here. There was only Alastar. Alastar was her world.

  She peppered him with kisses when she wasn't gasping. Her bosom heaved. Alastar used one hand to support himself while the other groped her body, causing small fires of pleasure to erupt over her body. Her hair splayed out, at least the parts that weren't matted to her head with sweat. The fire crackled beside them, making them even hotter. The fur rug was soft against her back, but her moans sharpened and grew louder as Alastar increased the rhythm.

  A fury came upon his face as he was gripped by his own lust. He pressed his head to hers as he used his body as a weapon of desire. She clung to him, almost screaming in his ear such was the intensity of the moment. She dragged her nails down his back and welcomed all of him inside her until the thunderous orgasm threatened to crack her mind in two.

  Warmth spread through her as her mighty Highlander released himself inside her. For a moment she was paralyzed with the overwhelming force of the storm, then she took one breath and her entire body collapsed. Her arms fell by her side and her head lolled. Her mouth hung open and the only thing she could do was breathe.

  Alastar kissed her tenderly after it was over, and he extricated himself from her. He slid by her side and pulled his cloak over the two of them to cover up their naked bodies. He took her hand and dragged it across her torso, holding her nice and close. She snuggled into his warmth and wondered if she would ever recover from this feeling that forced her into a delirious haze.

  She wasn't sure if she would be any good for anyone again, but as long as she was in Alastar's arms she didn't mind. While she was so close to him it didn't seem as though anything else mattered, not anything at all.

  Chapter 25

  As Alastar lay holding Rebecca's body, a million thoughts ran through his head. He tilted his head down to kiss the top of her head, and he felt her kiss his chest in return. Their chests heaved, and their bodies glistened with sweat. Alastar looked across at the fire and began to lose himself in it, for he knew it would burn him eventually. His life was one of war and death, and it wasn't something that Rebecca should be made vulnerable too.

  He'd enjoyed every moment of making love to her, and he wished that he could stay with her in this small hut forever, but duty called. He glanced to the table; the garb of the Blue Thistle was calling him. He remembered the strife that had existed between his parents because of his father's need to be the Blue Thistle, and he didn't want a repeat of that fractious relationship.

  He wished things could be different, and he hated the feeling of his heart breaking. Every moment that occurred meant that he was another moment from leaving her. Perhaps he should have been strong and resisted his manly urges, but she was the loveliest girl he had ever seen, and he knew that he wouldn't be with anyone else again.

  “Are you going to try it on?” Rebecca asked. She'd noticed him looking up at the table.

  “I dinnae know if I’m ready,” he said honestly.

  Rebecca pushed herself up on one elbow. Her breasts rested against his chest, and his arm relaxed against her waist. It was a comfortable position, and he was tempted to have her again, now, such was his manly vigor.

  Her eyes danced with delight. Something had changed inside her, been awoken, and he could see it upon her face. There was a newfound confidence, or courage, and it pleased him to see her embrace what they had shared.

  “You should. Come on,” she said, and pulled him up. She wrapped the cloak around herself to cover her exposed flesh and picked up the clothes that his father had worn, handing them to him. Alastar ran his hands along the cloth.

  “He always looked sae imposing in these,” he said. He unfolded them and examined them more closely, running his fingers along where the holes had been stitched. “This is where he hae been stabbed,” he said sadly. Rebecca squeezed his arm in comfort.

  “They did well to mend it. I'm sure your father would have wanted you to wear it. I know it will be strange, but this is perhaps the greatest honor you could pay him. It has been here waiting for you. This is your destiny Alastar, you must claim it.”

  She said it with such urgency and such determination that he was swayed. He took the clothes and carefully put them on, treating them with the reverence they deserved. All his life he had wanted to be like his father, and now it was finally happening. The only shame was that his father wasn't there to witness this moment.

  “You are the Blue Thistle now,” she said admiringly when he had finished getting dressed. Alastar knew the clothes had no magical properties, but he couldn't help but feel endowed with a sense of grandeur and strength by wearing them. His purpose in this world was clear, and he wondered if his father had felt the same when he had worn them.

  “No man shall stand against you,” Rebecca added, placing a hand on his heart.

  With a heavy sigh Alastar bowed his head.

  “Then I must gae and meet my destiny,” he said. He gathered his things and walked towards the door. Rebecca came to follow. This was going to be more difficult than he had ever imagined. He turned to Rebecca and took her hands in his.

  “My sweet English flower, it is time for us tae part,” he said.

  Disbelief ran across her face. Her lower lip quivered.

  “I don't understand,” she said.

  “Ye cannae come with me. It is tae dangerous for ye. I hae rescued ye, and if ye stay here ye will be safe. It is the only way I can make sure of it. As soon as ye here word that the war is over ye should return tae England. I swear tae ye that I will kill Lord Flynn, and then ye will be free tae return
and make whatever life ye want.”

  “You can't just say goodbye like this. Not after we...” she gasped, looking back towards the fire, towards the rug that was now bare.

  “I know it is hard for ye tae hear. I wish it could hae been another way. Maybe I should hae been stronger tae resist ye, but ye are sae beautiful,” he said, reaching out to caress her cheek. Her eyes glistened with tears. His heart broke again. “I hae shamed ye,” he said.

  “You would take my virtue and then just leave? I thought this was the beginning of something Alastar, not the end.”

  “Aye, I should hae been clearer with ye on that. In the moment I could nae think straight. I mean ye nae dishonor lass. I promise ye that I am daeing this for ye own good. I will always cherish this memory, and I shall never love another lass. I know what the path of my life hae tae be. I hae tae be alone.”

  “No, you don't,” Rebecca said after a few moment's pause. “You don't have to be alone at all, and I don't know why you'd ever think that.” Her words were tremulous, and he could tell that it was taking all her strength to hold herself together.

  Alastar gave her a small, resigned smile. “I hae seen what this life daes tae people. I remember my parents. My Da hae tae give up this life tae keep himself from danger, and he was never the same. There was something taken away from him, even though he loved me and Ma. I know I hae tae be the Blue Thistle, and it is nae fair tae ye tae force that life on ye.”

  “And what about if I volunteer for it?”

  “Are ye mad, lass? What kind of a life would that be?”

  “A life of happiness, a life of love?”

  Alastar looked at her for a moment, perplexed, then shook his head and turned away from her.

  “It cannae happen,” he said.

  “Yes, it can,” she said, tugging at his clothes to get him to look at her again. Then, a moment of realization came upon her face. “You're scared, aren't you?”

  Alastar scowled. “The Blue Thistle disnae get scared.”

  “Yes, you are,” she said, searching his eyes, “A rampaging army is no threat to the Blue Thistle, but a woman with her love is. I'm not content to stand here and let you walk away Alastar. We've been through too much for that. I see now that our destinies are entwined. We've rescued each other, and now we must take care of each other. We're not your parents, and we won't make the same mistakes. We have our own lives to live, not theirs.”

  “But ye could die,” Alastar said, his voice cracking with emotion, which surprised him.

  “I would rather die standing with a man I love than by myself. What we shared...I know I could not share with another man. It would be cruel of you to ask me. I am tied to you Alastar, now more than ever. This is our quest. You cannot leave me here.”

  Alastar studied her for a moment, and in her eyes, he saw steel as strong as his sword. Perhaps he had been wrong to ask her to leave this place, and he certainly didn't like the thought of her going.

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. She gasped with the suddenness and shock of his movement.

  “Then I guess ye are staying with me,” he said, and kissed her passionately.

  Rebecca smiled with delight as they left the hut hand in hand, ready to leave the small village. Their movements brought the attention of the village people. It would be a shame to say goodbye to them so soon.

  Jon came up to Alastar.

  “Are ye nae staying through the night?” he asked.

  Alastar shook his head. “We must get to the McCalls as soon as possible,” he said.

  “Wait!” a voice cried out. A woman with flushed cheeks ran up to them. Alastar furrowed his brow, wondering what she could possibly want. She breathed heavily, and they all had to wait a few moments for her to catch her breath.

  “Sir,” she began, “I would implore ye tae help before ye leave.”

  Alastar was a little perturbed, for he knew that every moment he wasted was another moment in favor of Lord Flynn.

  “For what dae ye seek help?” he asked.

  “It's my son, please, come with me,” she said, and led him and Rebecca to her home. “I remember when ye and ye father came here before. Ye father was always kind tae us. He would dae anything tae make sure that we were safe. We never hae tae worry about anything when we knew the Blue Thistle was out there, watching over us. It is good tae see the Blue Thistle riding again.”

  Alastar looked down at his clothing and realized that he looked exactly like his father had. It would be a long time before he got used to being thought of as the one true Blue Thistle. He took the woman's words in the kind manner they were meant though and followed her to her small home. She led them in and Alastar saw a small boy laid in a cot. He was young and looked the worse for wear.

  “He has a fever,” she said. The boy writhed around. His skin was flushed and beads of sweat rested on his head. “Ye father was always good at finding cures for ailments. I wondered if ye could dae the same for him now,” she asked.

  Alastar was torn, for he knew that if he delayed his journey many could die, but as he looked at the boy, and heard the pain in his mother's voice, he knew he had to help.

  “I can try,” he said. The mother's face lit up. He and Rebecca asked her a little more about his symptoms, and then left the village to go and walk through the woods around them.

  “It's a good thing you are doing,” Rebecca said. “I know how badly you want to carry on north.”

  “I know, but I would nae be a good Blue Thistle if I let the boy die. My father always said there are some quests an army cannae dae, this being one of them. But we cannae take long,” he said.

  Chapter 26

  Rebecca followed Alastar out of the small village into the forest. They were not on horseback this time, for Alastar said that it would only slow them down as they needed to find a specific herb. Rebecca was in awe of him. Compared to him she had lived a sheltered life, and she looked on with wide eyes as they made their way through the forest.

  Alastar peered at the scenery, looking for something specific, something that Rebecca just could not see. When she followed his gaze, she saw mere plants and weeds, trees and bushes and bramble. Alastar saw something completely different. This was his world, and she was beginning to see it through his eyes.

  It was wonderful.

  “Do you think he will be cured?” Rebecca asked.

  “If we get this back tae him in time,” Alastar said.

  “Can you tell me what we're looking for? Two sets of eyes may be able to find it more quickly than one.”

  “It's a plant that usually grows in clusters, with thick, spiky leaves. If you see it dinnae touch it, for it can give ye a nasty sting. There is much in this place that can hurt ye, but if ye know what ye are daeing there is much that can aid ye as well,” Alastar said without stopping.

  Rebecca walked alongside him, scouring the landscape for any sign of this plant.

  “How exactly are you going to use it to help the boy?”

  “It has liquid inside it. When mixed with some heated water it can be quite soothing. It will ease his fever. My Da used it on me when I was young,” he said.

  Now that she had spent a great deal of time with Alastar, Rebecca noticed how his voice grew heavy whenever he spoke about his father. She wished that she could do something to lighten the burden, but perhaps being beside him was enough. She certainly wasn't going to let him turn her away. He might think that he had to live in this world alone, but she was of the opposite opinion, and wasn't going to let him tell her otherwise.

  Alastar was starting to curse under his breath. At one point, Rebecca exclaimed for joy, thinking she had found the plant they were looking for, but it turned out to be something similar. Then, there was a rustling in the bushes and a black snout poked out.

  Alastar and Rebecca turned around, startled. Alastar immediately walked in front of Rebecca and stretched his arm out, protecting her. The animal emerged from the bushes, a lean, yo
ung wolf pup. Eyes gleamed yellow and white teeth glistened with saliva. It stopped when it saw the two of them, its lithe body turning rigid.

  Rebecca gasped at the sight of it.

  “Be careful lass, even though it's a pup it can still be deadly,” Alastar said.

  “It's just a puppy?” Rebecca asked.

  “Aye,” Alastar said, drawing his sword, ready to defend them. Rebecca seemed to have other ideas though. She moved past Alastar, who called her back as he saw that she was making her way towards the wolf. She crouched down and spoke in a low, cooing voice.

  “Hello little pup. Are you far from home? Don't worry, we won't hurt you,” she said, creeping ever closer, reaching out a hand. It was shaking, but she was trying to put on an air of bravery. It seemed wrong to her for Alastar to simply cut down this wolf when it had shown no hostile intent. It was just an animal, and she had to hope that there was goodness in its heart, especially since it was young.


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