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Call of Sunteri (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 2)

Page 14

by Missy Sheldrake

  “You’re not even changed yet?” Rian spies me with one eye. He looks like he’s resisting the urge to swat Flitt away. Apparently, she’s finally getting on his nerves. “Dinner’s soon.”

  “I need to talk to you,” I say. The others stop what they’re doing and look up curiously.

  “Don’t you want to take a bath first?” Rian asks. “You couldn’t stop talking about it all the way here.” His tone is tinged with annoyance. I guess I deserve it. I did complain a lot about the cold. Still, I don’t appreciate him talking to me this way in front of everyone.

  “Fine,” I say. “Later, then.” I shove the door open and stomp to my room. I’ll figure something out without him. Maybe I should have asked Jac for help after all. I shake my head to clear my dark mood. A bath will help me think.

  The water is lukewarm and does little to raise my spirits. Annoyed, I barely stay in long enough to wash myself. Etiquette says that as a knight, I should wear my armor to dine with a Baron, or at least a gown. I don’t care. It’s too cold. I dress in three warm layers with my teeth still chattering. I’ve just stepped into my slippers when Flitt appears out of nowhere, right in front of my face. Her light is so bright that I have to look away, but not before I glimpse the panic in her shimmering eyes.

  “Azi,” she says urgently, “you have to come quick! It’s Rian. Something’s happened.”

  My heart skips and then starts racing as Flitt darts straight through the thick wooden door out into the hallway. Rian. Something’s happened. If he’s hurt, I’ll never forgive myself. I’ve been so callous toward him these past two days, ever since the nightmare. I think of Jac, and it makes me feel even worse as I follow Flitt’s light along the hallway. Please, I pray, please, let him be okay.

  Flitt is quick and determined. I almost lose sight of her once or twice. I remember Rian’s globe of light which had me jumping into a ravine. This time, I’m a little more careful. There’s no need, though. She leads me straight to an open door.

  “In here,” she says, “hurry!”

  I race through the door, skid to a stop, and look around at the room. There’s a bed, a writing table, a chair near the fireplace. Rian’s there, sitting with a pile of parchment in his lap. He isn’t reading though, he’s looking at something in his hand instead. It looks like a ring. The metal glints in the firelight. He looks up at me with surprise as I rush in, and tucks the shining object away. There’s nothing wrong with him. He’s perfectly fine.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks as he sets the pages on the arm of the chair. “You all right?”

  “Well, that’s a cruel ruse,” I say, and cross my arms. “What are you playing at, Rian?”

  Rian’s eyes go innocently wide. His mouth hangs open as he looks from me to Flitt. “I don’t…what are you talking about?”

  “Forget it. I’m going to dinner.” I turn to leave, and I’m met with Flitt’s finger jabbing harshly at the tip of my nose.

  “You’re not going anywhere!” she says. “Not until you make up with Rian.” She grabs two handfuls of my bangs and uses them like a horse’s reins to steer me toward him. He stands up, watching with thinly veiled amusement.

  “Flitt, you said something had happened. You scared me.” I tug away from her grip, but for such a tiny little thing, she’s quite strong. When we’re close enough together, she keeps a firm hold on my hair with one hand and tugs at Rian’s side lock with the other until our noses are almost touching.

  “Well something has, and you need to fix it right now. Look at him. And Rian, you look at her! Don’t you love each other?”

  I’m reluctant at first, but then I glance up into his face. He doesn’t meet my eyes, but I don’t need him to. The pain I’ve caused him with my dark moods is written there like words on a page. I’ve been unkind to him, I know. I’ve been acting strangely. He’s tried to help me, and I’ve pushed him away. I’ve been cold. I’ve made things change between us. I’m not sure what’s gotten into me.

  “Rian,” I step closer until I’m leaning against him. It’s difficult to speak around the lump in my throat. I don’t need to, though. When he finally looks into my eyes, I know he understands. When he bends to kiss me, the gesture is filled with forgiveness that spreads through me slow and warm. It melts away the chill better than any hot bath ever could.

  “That’s better!” Flitt claps her hands beside us, and Rian swats at her without breaking our embrace.

  Chapter Twelve: The Lure


  Following Flitt’s little trick, Rian and I are inseparable again. We reluctantly detach ourselves from each other for long enough to show ourselves for dinner, but then as soon as we’re able to make our excuses, we do. Mya has called a guild meeting for the morning, but tonight is ours. We sneak away to a quiet corner of the keep and get back to making up for lost time.

  “All right, all right, you two,” Flitt pesters, “you’re starting to make me wish I never tried to help! We have things to discuss, don’t we Rian?”

  “I have something to tell you both,” I say, thinking of Eron. The last few hours with Rian have been blissful, but now it’s time to get back to reality.

  “Right,” Rian says. “Come on.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the room where Flitt had brought me earlier. Each of us has a room of our own here in the keep. It’s a nice luxury after having had to share with Mum and Mya the past few nights. As I settle onto a sofa, he crosses to the door and casts a ward of silence over it so no one will be able to listen in. He does the same at the window, even though the room is three stories up. I’m a little disappointed when he takes the chair across from me, but I suppose it’s probably best if we’re not close enough to touch each other and get distracted again.

  “Eron threatened me with treason if I don’t bring Ki to him,” I say, and at the same time, Rian says:

  “The fae have closed Kythshire’s border and temporarily suspended the use of all tethers.”

  “What?” We both reply in unison, each of us shocked by the others’ news.

  “He’s right,” Flitt says. “Nobody can get in or out.”

  “Because of what happened to Twig?” I ask. I vaguely remember the story from earlier when she was talking to Rian as we rode. I wish I had paid better attention.

  “Uh huh.” Flitt comes to perch on my knee. “Until they can figure out who’s behind the theft of the tethers.”

  “Do they have any ideas—?” I stop as Flitt raises her chin and one finger.

  “My turn,” she says. I didn’t realize we’d already started playing. “Why have you been in such a mood lately?”

  “I haven’t been…” I trail off at their looks of disbelief. “I guess after I had that dream. The nightmare about Viala and the undead army. Ever since then, every little thing seems to annoy me. It’s hard to brush off even the smallest slight.” Flitt nods. My turn. “Do they have any ideas about who’s trying to steal tethers?”

  “Sort of,” Flitt says, “but they need your help. The diamond. Dabble says that he might be able to figure out who tried to steal it if we can get it to him. He needs to do some magic to it. I don’t really understand it, so don’t waste a question asking me to explain. It’s Maker stuff, really advanced.” She pulls her knees to her chest and her wings sparkle brightly as they lazily dip down and up, down and up. “What did you say about His Royal Creep?" I shake my head at her. Rian laughs. “His Highness, Creepy creep?” I press my lips together. It isn’t right to mock him. “Oh! Prince Creepy. That’s good. Short and sweet.”

  “Flitt, you shouldn’t…” I try, but I can’t help but laugh.

  “I’m a fairy. I can do what I like. Anyway, what was that you said?”

  “He’s demanding that I bring Ki to him. He knew somehow that we were planning to bring her back to Cerion for His Majesty, but he wants her instead. He wants to make her pay for what she did to him.” I shiver. “He’s threatened me with treason if I refuse. Because of what I did in the cour
tyard yesterday.”

  Rian lets out a long sigh and tips his head back against the chair. He closes his eyes and I wait to ask my question in order to give him time to think. He’s brilliant. I know he can figure out what to do. Flitt huffs impatiently after a long pause, and so I take my turn.

  “How can we get back into Kythshire to give Dabble the diamond if the border is closed?” I ask.

  “Through the Half-Realm,” Flitt replies matter-of-factly. “Are you going to bring Ki to Eron, then? Even though she’s not Viala anymore?”

  “No,” I say firmly, glancing at Rian. His presence alone is enough to clear my mind and help me make the right decision. “Our loyalty is to His Majesty, not to Eron. We’ll bring her to the king. We’ll tell His Majesty the truth. When it comes down to it, what I did was treasonous. There’s no running from it. Perhaps he’ll show me mercy.” I think about my next question and ask, “Iren warned us against going into the Half-Realm. Isn’t there another way?”

  “Nope,” Flit answers simply. “Who is that new friend of yours?”

  “His name is Jac. He’s a Royal Guard. Couldn’t Iren let us in?”

  “Nope. Are you sure he’s who he says he is?”

  Her question brings me up short. My heart starts to race at the mention of Jac’s name. Across from us, Rian watches me. I look away, ashamed, and try to think. Why would I have any reason to doubt that he’s who he says? He wears the uniform, he keeps to his stations…But then a bit of doubt creeps in. Maybe Flitt has a point.

  “Are you saying he isn’t?” I ask.

  “You can’t answer a question with a question.” Flitt says.

  “But my question is my answer.”

  “You can’t answer a question with a question, even if your question is your answer. Answer the question first. Not with a question, with an answer.”

  “You hurt my head sometimes,” I say, pressing my temples with my fingertips. Rian laughs.

  “Tell me about it,” he says, “she never stopped talking today. All. Day. Long.”

  “I haven’t had any reason to think otherwise.” I say in regards to Jac. “Are you saying he isn’t?”

  “I’m just saying be careful. Mage magic and Sorcery isn’t always flashy. Sometimes it’s quiet. Sometimes it’s really sneaky. Like the impostor fox. So, do we have a plan, then?” She looks across at Rian, who rubs his eyes.

  “We’ll have to go like you say,” he shrugs at her and looks at me.

  He’s weary, I can tell. His eyes have dark circles under them. I wonder if he’s been sleeping well, and I feel bad that this is the first time I’ve noticed. I’ve been too wrapped up in my own emotions and troubles lately to care about him or anyone else, really.

  “Through the Half-Realm,” Rian goes on. “It’ll be quick, like the last time you brought us, Azi. Then we can give Dabble the Diamond and hopefully he can figure out from it exactly who’s behind all of this, and what to do next.” He closes his eyes again. “I don’t know what to ask. Azi, you can have my question.”

  “Why are you so concerned about Jac?” I ask her.

  “Something about him buzzes my wings,” Flitt shrugs. “Plus, I don’t think it’s very nice to Rian for you to be sneaking around with other boys.”

  “Aw, that’s kind of touching, actually,” Rian smiles.

  “I’m not sneaking!” I say defensively. “We just had a spar and I bumped into him a couple of times after that, that’s all.”

  “It’s all right, Azi. Really.” Rian waves a hand dismissively.

  “Well, aren’t you jealous?” Flitt says. “I’ve heard that people get really jealous. So much that sometimes it sends them into fits! That’d be fun to see.”

  “No, I’m not jealous. I trust Azi.” He looks across to me, meeting my eyes. I feel my cheeks grow warm, and I cross the room to sit in his lap. He pulls me close and we kiss slowly and deeply.

  “Not again, come on, you two! I don’t know what’s worse!” She places a tiny hand on my cheek and pushes me away from him. “Come on, we still don’t know what to do about Prince Creepy.”

  “She’s right,” Rian murmurs between kisses. “How could Eron threaten you with treason? It would be treason to ignore the King’s orders. He’s got to see that.”

  “He’s angry that I bested him during the spar at Mare’s Head.” I snuggle into him, and he tightens his arms around me.

  “What made you lose your head?” Rian asks me. “Bryse said you were half-wild.” I consider telling him what the prince said and what he did, but I know it will only make him angry. He’ll insist I tell the others, and I really just want to put the whole thing behind me. Tomorrow, we’ll part ways with the royal party. I won’t have to see Eron again for a while, hopefully.

  “Nothing.” I lie.

  “It wasn’t nothing,” Flitt says. “He was being his usual creepy self. And the other ones, the lords, they thought it was funny. Azi was just defending herself.”

  “Flitt…” I try to stop her, but Rian won’t let me. She tells him everything. I didn’t realize she’d seen so much. When she’s finished, Rian’s jaw is clenched so hard I fear he’ll crack his teeth.

  “You need to tell someone,” he says. “Your father.”

  “My father?” I scoff. “Can you imagine? No, it’s not that big of a deal.”

  “So, you’re going to just let everyone think you lost your head and attacked the prince for no good reason?” Rian asks angrily. “It wasn’t your fault, Azi. If I was there, I’d have…”

  “Stop,” I say. “You weren’t there. I’m glad you weren’t.” I push away from him and get up. “I can take care of myself, and now that Eron knows it he’s trying to find other ways to intimidate me. I won’t play into it. We’ll go get Ki, we’ll bring her to Cerion. Like I said before, if there are consequences for that, I’ll face them when the time comes.”

  Rian doesn’t say a word. He simply shakes his head and drums his fingers on the arm of his chair. Little sparks of magic pop and fizzle where his fingertips meet the fabric. He’s losing control, probably because he’s so tired. I lean down and kiss him softly.

  “Go to bed,” I say. “We have to be downstairs early tomorrow.”

  On the way back to my room, I pass by my parents’ quarters. The door is closed, and inside I can hear raised voices. Not just Mum and Da’s, but Mya’s and Bryse’s, too. Part of me wants to listen in, and another part already knows why they’re fighting. It’s about me, I’m sure, and my inappropriate behavior these past two days. Cursing in front of the prince, fighting with the prince, being short and disrespectful with more than one member of the Elite, slowing the procession with my absentmindedness… No, I don’t have to listen in. I already know the trouble I’m facing.

  I’m not wrong, either. In the morning Mum and Da meet me at my door. Mum takes my hand and we walk in silence. Da is just as quiet. When we arrive at the guild meeting, Mya is already there. Elliot sits beside her, and Rian beside him. The mood is somber, even after Bryse and Cort come in laughing together and start filling their plates with breakfast. At the end of the table, Donal and Dacva are bent together praying. I take a seat between Mum and Da. With everyone assembled, Rian places the wards on the doors.

  The table is set with an amazing breakfast spread, but my stomach feels like I’ve swallowed a lead ball. I put a few things on my plate but don’t touch them. When Mya rises to speak, I can’t seem to meet her eyes.

  “Firstly, congratulations to everyone on a successful journey. We’ve seen His Highness and Her Highness safely to Kordelya, which was our first mission. Well done.”

  “Well done,” everyone agrees in unison. Bryse and Cort, as always, are raucous in their reply, but the rest of us are more subdued.

  “And now, as was planned, we will return to Valleyside while Rian and Azaeli journey to Kythshire. We’ll await them there and ride back to Cerion together when their task is done. Are we agreed?”

  “Agreed,” we all say together.<
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  “First, though, there is a small matter.” I feel her eyes on me, but I still can’t look up. “Azi, stand please.”

  I do, but my knees are shaky with nerves. I put a hand on Da’s shoulder to steady myself, and a glance at both him and Mum shows them masking their frowns. Across the table, Rian’s jaw is clenched again. He catches my eye and his gaze gives me strength.

  “Azi,” Mya sighs. “Your actions lately have cast a shadow on us all. You’ve acted in a way that’s unbecoming of a guild of our station.” She lists the same transgressions I’m already aware of and she tells me what I already know, that my behavior was unacceptable for a knight, and for the standards of the Elite. I stare at the table in front of me. “If you aren’t able to check yourself, Azi, and if you continue to allow yourself to lose control, you’ll be stripped of blue and gold and cast from the guild. Do you understand?”

  I nod as I feel the blood drain from my face and my fingertips go numb on my father’s shoulder. On the other side of Da, Bryse is protesting loudly but I can’t make out what he’s saying. My ears are ringing. Never would I have imagined I’d be facing disbandment from the guild. Never in all of my life.

  “Tell them,” Rian pushes to me. “Tell them why. If you don’t, I will.” My eyes snap to his again and I shake my head slightly. He waits for a moment and then he gets to his feet. He tells them everything. Not just what happened in the courtyard, but before that, too. How Eron is always eyeing me with that hunger, and how he made advances at me in the palace just before the King’s Quest last Highsummer. By the time he’s finished, you could hear a cricket sneeze, as Flitt would say. Then the room erupts into chaos.

  Da is on his feet and halfway to the door before Mum can stop him. I feel her wave of peace strike me full on in an attempt to calm Bryse who reaches it first and nearly rips the door right off its hinge.


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