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Call of Sunteri (Keepers of the Wellsprings Book 2)

Page 43

by Missy Sheldrake

  Saesa clung to my arm, her eyes wide. Everyone around us seemed to be holding their breath. Even the fairy orbs were silent as they drifted and bobbed nearby. Azi grinned down at Rian. She nodded, but didn’t say anything as tears streamed down her face. Then he took her in his arms and when they kissed, everyone erupted into cheers and whoops. Even the fairies.

  In the midst of the celebration, the quiet pool of the Wellspring rippled. No one else noticed but me as tips of golden wings appeared in the center of it. A spear tip followed. I nudged Saesa and pointed as the familiar head of golden, waving hair emerged, followed by shoulders of leaf-like golden armor, a broad chest, and stout legs. I watched in disbelief as Mevyn floated over the surface of the Wellspring toward us.

  He stopped before Azaeli and Rian, who were still being hugged and congratulated by the others. They slowly fell into a hush as one by one they noticed him.

  “You have done us a great service,” Mevyn said gravely. “We are grateful to you, one and all.” He opened his arms to them. Behind him, the others of his kind hovered in a group to watch and listen. Mindspinner glanced at me and smiled. Weaver of Threads gave me a nod.

  “Our gratitude is such that we gladly name you as allies, as long as you act in the interest of the Wellsprings. If you should need us, then you will come to remember us, and we shall allow you passage. We hope that you understand the measures that must be taken at this time.”

  Valenor nodded beside me. His cloak caressed all of us. Made us move closer together in a bunch so that Mevyn could see us all properly.

  “It is essential,” said Mevyn, “for us to protect our restored Wellspring.” He looked from one of them to the next, his golden light glinting in their eyes. He didn’t look at me, though. He kept his promise. Never again would he meddle with my mind.

  The rest gazed into his eyes. Even Saesa. Even Ki. He never made such a promise to them. The blue stone of her engagement ring glinted and sparkled in the golden light as Azi stood hand in hand with Rian, agreeing to the spell that would make them forget.

  “And now,” Mevyn began, “for the preservation of my people and for your own protection…”

  “What are you thinking about?” Saesa asks, jarring me back to the present. I look at her. Meet her bright green eyes.

  “Old friends,” I say quietly. I’m not sure exactly what she remembers and what she doesn’t, so don’t go into details.

  “Well,” she says, “let’s go in.” She picks up my spyglass and tucks the invitations away. “We don’t want to be late for supper. Nessa’s invited My Lady Knight. I think she’s going to try and get her to talk about the accusations against Prince Eron. Oh, and my mum made a cake.”

  I let her take me by the hand and pull me through to the ladder. The roots, the trees, they’re only memories. The closed space doesn’t frighten me anymore. After everything I’ve been through, not much does.

  The End

  Call of Brindelier


  Coming in 2016


  Amei (Ay-mee) Princess Amei Plethore: Prince Eron's wife.

  Asio (Ah-zee-oh) King Asio Plethore: The first king in the Plethore Dynasty.

  Azi (A-zee, A-zay-lee (Not OZZY) Sir Azaeli Hammerfel: A Knight of His Majesty's Elite, and Ambassador to Kythshire. Daughter of Lisabella and Benen.

  Stenneler (STEN-nel-urh) Baron Marcel Stenneler: Custodian of Kordelya Keep.

  Benen (Ben-in) Sir Benen Hammerfel: Knight of His Majesty's Elite, Azi's father, and Lisabella's husband.

  Bette (Bet) Bette Hansley: A cook at the Ganvent Manse.

  Brother Donal (DON-ol) Brother Donal Vincend: Healer of His Majesty's Elite.

  Bryse (Brice) Bryse Daborr: Shieldmaster of His Majesty's Elite, partner to Cort.

  Cap (Cap)Captain Odell Ali: Captain of the Royal Sunteri Navy Scout Ship who hired Tib on.

  Celorin (Sell-OR-in) Celorin Treftora: Elf healer on the White Wall.

  Cly Zhrel (KLY zrell) Cly Zhrel III: Warlord leading the attacks against the White Wall.

  Corbin (Core-bin) Master Corbin Mordale: Sorcerer who fought at Kythshire, married to Dinaea.

  Cort (Court) Cort Finzael: Member of His Majesty's Elite. Swashbuckler and partner to Bryse.

  Crocus (Crow-cus) Chantelle Rejune Cordelia Unphasei Seren: A plant fairy. Leader of the Ring at Kythshire, partner to Scree.

  Dabble (DAH-bull) Dabble: A fairy. Overseer at the Maker's Tree, creator of Flitt's Diamond.

  Dacva (Dock-Vuh) Dacva Archomyn: Apprentice healer to Donal, Azi's former rival in training.

  Dinaea (Dine-AY) Mistress Dinaea Mordale: Sorceress who fought at Kythshire, married to Corbin.

  Diovicus (Dye-ah-vik-us) King Diovicus Srisvin: The Sorcerer King of legend, who nearly overtook Kythshire.

  Dorian (DOR-ee-un) Captain Dorian Evret: Captain of Cerion's Navy scout ship, messenger for Admiral Ganvent

  Dub (Dub) Wade Cordoven: A thug for hire.

  Dumfrey (DUM-free) Dumfrey Pilsen: A bumbling Mage in the employ of the Royal Family of Cerion.

  Edsin (ED-son) Edsin Merribane: The driver of Tib's carriage on his journey to Ceras'lain

  Elliot (El-ee-oht) Elliot Eldinae: Member of His Majesty's Elite. Husband to Mya, and Rian's Father.

  Elmsworth (ELMS-worth) Davin Elmsworth: Captain of Arms, in charge of the royal armory and arsenal.

  Ember (Ember) Ember: A Fire fairy, and high-ranking member of the Ring in Kythshire.

  Emmie (EM-mee) Emeliana: The only officially adopted child in the Ganvent house.

  Emris (EM-riss) Master Emris Boled: Sorcerer who fought at Kythshire and was destroyed by Iren.

  Eron (Err-ohn) Prince Eron Plethore: Son of Tirnon and Naelle. Prince and Heir of Cerion.

  Errie (AIR-ee) Eron Kreston: Child of Maisie, a resident at the Ganvent Manse.

  Fenston (FEN-stin) Captain Gabriel Fenston: Captain riding with the Elite to Kordelya

  Finn (Fin) Isaac Finnvale: A member of the Royal Guard, and Princess Margy's favorite.

  Flitt (Flit) Felicity Lumine Instacia Tenacity Teeming: A Light fairy who has befriended Azi and bonded to her.

  Freland (FREE-lund) Justin Freland: A member of the City Guard.

  Fresi (FREZ-ee) Fresintal Plethore: A cousin of Prince Eron.

  Gaethon (GAY-thon) Gaethon Ethari: Headmaster of the Academy, Member of HME, Azi's uncle, Rian's mentor.

  Ganvent (GAN-vent) Admiral Tristan Ganvent: Nessa Ganvent's husband, and Admiral of Cerion's Royal Navy.

  Garsi (Gar-SEE) Garsi: A toddler, the youngest girl at the Ganvent Manse.

  Gorgen (Gore-Genn) Master Kivin Gorgen: A Sorcerer who fought at the keep at Kythshire.

  Grenis (Gren-NISS) Grenis: King Tirnon's servant in the treaty room.

  Gruss (Gruss) Edwin Grusteven: Carriage guard for Tib, Saesa, and Raefe.

  Hub (Hub) Filip Hubvenchlis: A swordsman. Saesa's Trainer.

  Iren (EYE-ren) Iren: Guardian of the northern border of Kythshire, Spirit of the Shadow Crag.

  Jac (Jack) Jac: A member of the Royal Guard who befriends Azi.

  Jacek (JAY-sek) Jacek Mordale: A Dreamwalker.

  Julini (Joo-LEE-nee) Julini Aluvren: An elf archer, and member of the White Line.

  Ki (Ki like eye) Ki: Formerly Viala, an archer in the service of Iren, and Tib's sister.

  Kris (Kris) Kristoff Plethore: A cousin of Prince Eron.

  Lilen (LILL-in) Lilen: A Mage Apprentice, the eldest girl at the Ganvent Manse.

  Lisabella (Liz-uh-BELL-uh) Lisabella Hammerfel: Knight of His Majesty's Elite, a Paladin, Azi's mother, married to Benen.

  Luca (LOO-kah) Luca Savaneli: Groundskeeper for His Majesty's Elite.

  Maisie (MAY-zee) Maiseline Kreston: A former palace maid, mother to Errie. Lives in the Ganvent Manse.

  Margy (MAR-jee) Princess Margary Plethore: The youngest member of Cerion's Royal Family.

  Master Bental (Ah-NOD BEN-tul) Anod Bental: High Master
of the Academy, Mage-Advisor to the King of Cerion.

  Master Rendin (AY-brim REN-din) Master Abrim Rendin: A high-ranking Mage at the Academy.

  Mevyn (MEV-in) Mason Evret Valor Yester Numinous: The last of the Sunteri fae.

  Mouli (MOO-lee) Mouli Savaneli: Housekeeper and cook for His Majesty's Elite. Married to Luca.

  Muster (MUSS-ter) Muster: A half-giant thug for hire.

  Mya (MY-uh (not MEE-uh) Mya Eldinae: A bard. Leader of His Majesty's Elite. Rian's mother, and Elliot's wife.

  Myer (MY-er) Lars Myer: Captain of the King's Guard of Cerion.

  Naelle (Ny-ELLE) Queen Naelle Plethore: Queen of Cerion.

  Nan (Nan (like Ann) Ivenia Nullen: Tib's grandmother. A slave of the dye fields.

  Nate (Nate) Nathen Kreston: A royal page.

  Nessa (NESS-uh) Vanessa Ganvent: Wife of Admiral Ganvent. Foster mother to Saesa, Raefe, and many others.

  Oren (OH-rehn) Oren: Plant fairies. The Guardians of the Eastern border of Kythshire.

  Ornis (Or-niss) Master Ornis Vanet: A Sorcerer who fought at the keep at Kythshire.

  Patyr (PAY-ter) Patyr Ellings: A Royal Guard.

  Pearl (Pearl) Pearl: Azi's Horse.

  Prince Vorance (Vore-ANS) Prince Vorance Evresel: Prince of Sunteri, and Sarabel's suitor.

  Raefe (RAFE) Raefe Coltori: A swashbuckling apprentice, Saesa's brother, lives in the Ganvent Manse.

  Ragnor (RAG-nore) Master Halasan Ragnor: Azi's swordsmanship trainer.

  Resh Alanso (Rehsh Uh-LON-zo) Resh Drish Alanso: A Sunteri Knight, and Prince Vorance's personal detail.

  Resh Kanalal (Rehsh KON-o-lol) Resh Olian Kanalal: A Sunteri Knight, and Prince Vorance's personal detail.

  Rian (RI-an) Rian Eldinae: Mage of His Majesty's Elite, Azi's childhood friend and love. Son of Mya and Elliot.

  Ruben (ROO-bin )Ruben: An orphan living at the Ganvent Manse.

  Saesa (SAY-suh) Saesa Coltori: An aspiring swordswoman, a friend of Tib, lives in the Ganvent Manse.

  Sara (SAY-ra-belle) Princess Sarabel Plethore: Princess of Cerion. Middle child, betrothed to Prince Vorance.

  Scree (SCREE) Subter Crag Rever Enstil Evrest: Earth fairy. A rock, son of Iren, leader of the Ring.

  Shoel (SHOHL) Shoel Aluvren: White Line, section leader

  Shush (SHUSH like rush) Soren Hasten Udi Swiftish Haven: A Wind fairy, and high-ranking member of the Ring in Kythshire.

  Stone (Stone Cornesta) Stone: Leader of a band of thugs for hire.

  Stubs (Stubs) Just Stubs: An earth and plant elemental who lives in the Dreaming.

  Thurle (THURL) Garison Thurleft: Guard put in charge of Margy after Finn.

  Tib (TIB (like bib) Tibreseli Nullen: A slave to the dye fields who escaped to Cerion.

  Tirie (Tee-ree) Tirianne Costi: Margy's Nursemaid

  Tirnon (TEER-non) King Tirnon Plethore: His Majesty, King of Cerion.

  Twig (Twig) Tufar Woodlish Icsanthius Gent: A plant fairy who has a special bond with Princess Margary.

  Valenor (VAL-en-or) Valenor: A Dreamwalker.

  Viala (Vee-AH-lah) Viala Nullen: A Sorceress who conspired with Prince Eron. Sister of Tib.

  Zevlain (Zev-LANE) Zevlain Ivlindren: A Knight and Cygnet Rider of the White Line.

  Zhilee (ZI-lee) Zhilee Nullen: Tib's younger sister.


  When I began writing this series, I wanted to create a story that could be enjoyed by both the young and the young at heart. I’m so grateful to God for the inspiration that came to me while I was writing. I’m thankful to my friends and family, who are always so supportive of me.

  Call of Sunteri is dedicated to my mom, Bonnie Hatch, who is a constant source of support, inspiration, and encouragement for me. Thanks, Mom, for being my biggest fan and for keeping me writing by asking for more story every day.

  To my husband, James, thank you for letting me escape into Azi’s world as often as I want to, and for always being understanding and supportive when I get lost there.

  To my son Wesley, you are an inspiration to me, and I love you so much!

  To my bestie Emily, thank you for your general awesomeness and moral support.

  I’m also very grateful to the following readers who were kind enough to take the time to read Call of Sunteri before it was published, especially Debra White, Jennifer Hicks, and Stacy Marans. Also J.A., J.M., and M.F., your enthusiasm to read more is a real inspiration, thank you!

  Finally, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read this book and the rest in the Keepers of the Wellsprings series. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it!


  Missy Sheldrake lives in Northern Virginia with her amazingly supportive husband, brilliant son, and very energetic dog. Aside from filling the role of mom and wife, Missy is a mural painter, sculptor, and illustrator. She has always had a fascination with fairies and a great love of fairy tales and fantasy stories. Call of Sunteri is her second novel.

  You can see more of her work on her website:




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