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Mason's Revenge

Page 7

by Lorena Jackson

  Then a call from Rupert. He was down in reception waiting to be let in. Mason knew exactly what he was doing there – checking out his new girlfriend, that’s what. He greeted his old friend in reception.

  “I thought you were going to do the sights today?”

  “It took me less than half an hour to see the sights. Where is she? I want to meet this woman that’s melted the unmeltable Mason Archer.”

  “No way.”

  Rupert was an incurable flirt. He went after anything with a pulse and with his money and looks, pretty much every woman he set his sights on slept with him.

  “I don’t want you anywhere near my Polly. She’s too good for you.”

  Rupert promised to be on his best behaviour as Mason reminded him that Polly didn’t really know who Mason was.

  “Great start to a relationship,” joked Rupert as Mason led him up to his office.

  Mason knew it and promised himself to come clean when the time was right.

  Rupert checked out every woman who walked past. Mason warned him to behave. And there was Polly walking down the office with some files in her hand. With her smart suit and hair tied up in a bun, she looked neat and professional but you could tell from where he was standing how beautiful she was. She spotted Mason, smiled at him briefly before debriefing an employee at their desk. Rupert spotted her immediately and whistled.

  “Okay, I definitely see the attraction of this town. If she has a twin sister then I might hang around too.”

  Chapter 32


  * * *

  With a renewed love of work, she returned to the office bright and early. She couldn’t wait to go in. She still wore the same silly grin that her mum noticed immediately when she returned home the evening before – she tried to hide it but failed. She hadn’t been enjoying work recently because of the threat of liquidation and she’d been recovering from the trauma of the computer virus. But now, the sun was out, the birds were singing. Life was beautiful. And it was all due to one person.

  Determined to have boundaries, she wasn’t going to do anything silly like having sex in his office, but why not enjoy the fleeting looks when they passed each other? Why not enjoy and engage in some of the raunchy, suggestive emails he’d been sending her all morning? Such as asking her about her underwear and telling her that he thought about her in the shower that morning. It was good to have an added bonus of a beautiful man at work to flirt with.

  He called her into his office. She wondered if it was about work or he just wanted to see her as much as she wanted to see him. She sneakily undid a couple of buttons on her blouse once she passed Louisa. Maybe they’d get to enjoy a quick, frantic kissing session?

  But to her disappointment, there was another man in his office. A good-looking man with blonde hair and blue eyes, in complete contrast to the deep-dark brooding looks of her Mason. But tall like Mason in an equally expensive suit. Polly and Mason grinned at each other when she walked in.

  “Pols, this is Rupert.”

  Pols? So relaxed with her now, how things change in a matter of days.

  Aah, the best friend she’d heard so much about during their week in New York. The man who Mason told everything to.

  Rupert checked her out – so obvious. She offered her hand; he took it and kissed it instead of shaking it. Mason rolled his eyes and laughed. Was he really going to flirt with her, while her boyfriend stood there?

  “Hands off my woman,” he joked.

  She liked the play of possessiveness from this man she first thought of as a complete jerk.

  “Sorry, Polly. Mason told me you were beautiful but I had no idea.”

  So he had confided in his friend. She wondered how much he’d told him. Did they discuss his feelings towards her?

  “We should go out for a drink, the three of us. Get to know each other?”

  “Polly’s very busy, aren’t you?”

  She was and besides, she didn’t want to share Mason with anyone in their free time. Hopefully, Mason felt the same. Who knew how long he was going to hang around.

  Making her excuses, she told Rupert it was very nice to meet him and she backed out of his office.

  Louisa was fanning herself outside on her desk.

  “My god, I love my job. I could just stare into that office all day at those two hunks.”

  Polly took a last look at the two, handsome guys inside. Yes, the eye candy around here had certainly increased.

  “And what happened in New York?” asked Louisa.

  “Nothing...just work.”

  “You can’t fool me, Polly Taylor, I’ve known you since you were a child. Don’t think I haven’t noticed the looks between the two of you.”

  Damn, Polly thought she was being discreet.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything. You deserve it. Enjoy every moment.”

  She intended to.

  “Thanks, Louisa,” she said, about to walk back to her own office.

  “One last thing,” Louisa called after her.


  “Do your buttons up.”

  Oops, she forgot about that. No wonder Rupert kept staring at her chest.

  Chapter 33


  * * *

  “Very cool,” Mason teased his friend. “Polly is immune to any of your tricks. So what did you think of her?”

  “Great rack. She’s even more beautiful up close. I can definitely see why you’re hanging around here. I might stay here a bit longer myself.”

  “Stay away from her,” he warned.

  Rupert always made a play for the most beautiful women, married or single, he didn’t care. He once slept with a girl Mason was dating once. No feelings were involved but Mason was a bit annoyed with his friend at the time. He’d since forgiven him.

  “You’re going back to London today, right?” Mason reminded Rupert.

  “Maybe I want to hang around my best friend a bit longer – catch up?”

  “Uh uh,” he shook his head. That was impossible Any spare time he had, he only wanted to spend it with Polly.

  “You’re choosing a woman over your best mate?”

  Mason couldn’t deny it. Yes, could he blame him? Rupert agreed, probably not.

  “You’re a goner. It was nice playing the field with you. I’ll miss my wingman.”

  Mason wouldn’t miss it. He knew what he wanted right now – just Polly.

  The next couple of days consisted of work, nights at his hotel with Polly and thinking of Polly when she wasn’t around him. Polly, Polly Polly. He was so enraptured in his thoughts of her he’d almost forgotten about Charlie White. He even considered calling the whole thing off. But curiosity got the best of him. He’d toy with Charlie. Come clean about who he really was. Show off a bit but not offer the man a job. He was now too happy to hold a grudge. After the interview, he’d admit the truth to Polly and do some serious grovelling before making plans for their future.

  When Louisa confirmed the interview with Charlie White, Polly noticed he was on edge that day but he couldn’t tell her why. Sitting in his office, he couldn’t concentrate. Not even thoughts of Polly pulled him through. The interview was set at 11.30. It was 11.35. The waste of space couldn't even be bothered to be on time. The door opened. His heart raced. It was just Polly. He took a deep breath. For once, he didn’t want to see Polly right now.

  “Sweetie, I’m holding an interview. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Polly looked around.

  “Who with? The invisible man?”

  He was flustered but Polly could always make him laugh.

  “He’s due any minute.”

  “Get HR to do it. I need you to sign some contracts.”

  She placed the contracts on his desk. His phone rang; it was Louisa. Charlie was here and she was going to bring him up from reception now. He half expected the loser not to show up.

  “Polly,” he snapped. “Leave the contracts. I’ll talk to you later.”

nbsp; She looked hurt. Damn it. He took her hand and kissed it.

  “Sorry baby, I didn't mean to snap. I’ll explain later. I promise.”

  Okay, she accepted his apology and backed out of his office and shut his door.

  Chapter 34


  * * *

  What odd behaviour. And who the hell was he interviewing that made him so flustered? She decided to linger near Louisa’s desk to find out. She didn't have to wait long before she saw Louisa leading the interviewee towards Mason’s office. It was Charlie White. What the hell?

  Charlie spotted her straight away.

  “Hi, sexy. Looking good as always.”

  He eyed her up and down and licked his lips.

  She told the vile man to get lost.

  What the hell was Mason doing interviewing him? Louisa shrugged her shoulders as she disappeared into Mason’s office for a few moments with the thug.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” she asked Louisa when she emerged from Mason’s office closing the door behind her.

  “He’s here for an interview. I have no idea why. Apparently, Mason is doing someone a favour and for some reason, he wants to interview him in person.”

  Shit. That made Polly so uncomfortable. Charlie White was a huge mistake from her past. A mistake she wouldn’t want her new boyfriend to find out about. It would be embarrassing. He’d probably lose all respect for her. What the hell was Mason up to?

  Chapter 35


  * * *

  Louisa escorted the thug in. Mason wouldn’t have recognised him if he’d seen him on the street. As expected, he was covered in tattoos. He looked evil. He was evil. Mason could tell by the sneery look in his eye. Although they were the same age, Charlie looked much older. He obviously didn’t look after himself the way Mason did but he was muscular. Quite scary looking. What the hell was Mason doing?

  Mason lifted himself out of his seat, to his satisfaction he towered over Charlie. Who’s a short fatso now? He didn’t know what to expect when he saw this man for the first time in fifteen years but surprisingly he now felt calm.

  He shook the thug’s hand, firm and hard – just to let him know that he was strong now. Louisa left them to it as Charlie looked around the office and took a seat.

  “Nice place.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Great bit of ass out there,” he nodded in the direction of Louisa’s desk. Did he mean Louisa? Mason must have looked confused as Charlie said; “Polly.”

  Of course, Charlie knew Polly from school. Memories flashed before him. Memories of Charlie always chasing after Polly. This man had a major crush on Polly at school. This was good. As well as boasting about his wealth, he could also boast about his girlfriend.

  Charlie continued talking about Polly.

  “Yeah, good old Polly. Great piece of pussy. I should know, between you and me – I’ve banged it enough times.”

  He winked at Mason as he said it.

  What? This dirty, vulgar scumbag had been with his Polly?


  “Years back. We went to school together.”

  Yes, Mason obviously knew that but there was no way in hell Polly would have dated this thug ever. He relaxed as he realised Charlie was lying.

  “Actually,” Charlie continued, “you’ve just reminded me. I knew a Mason once. Nothing like you. He was the fattest, ugliest nerd you’ve ever seen. I gave the kid a good beating. I thought it would do him some good. The wimp never came back to school. But Polly saw it. She practically begged me to go out with her. So yeah, I started banging her at school – took her virginity. Now she’s all prim and proper. Doesn’t even acknowledge me. But I know the real her – a dirty bird who likes a bit of rough.”

  Mason was barely listening at this point. His heart was racing, he felt hot. He loosened his tie and the top button of his shirt and clenched his sweaty fist. Since moving to this town, this was the first time someone mentioned the old him. He’d half hoped that when he did come face to face with his nemesis he’d be repentant of his actions of a child. But no, there was no regret, no embarrassment of his behaviour. And god, please let him be lying about Polly going out with him.

  Something inside him snapped. With that he stood up, his chair flying out beneath him on the floor. Now Charlies looked confused as Mason walked around the desk, grabbed the scrote by his collar and dragged him up from his chair. He punched the scumbag in his face. It felt good. Before Charlie could retaliate, Mason continued punching the scum bag in the face over and over again, shouting and swearing at him. Charlie cried out for help as Louisa and Polly rushed in to grab Mason off Charlie. But the two women were no match for the brute strength of Mason. Somehow Charlie crawled away, his face all bleeding and messed up.

  “You’re going to pay for that. I’m suing the hell out of you!” he shouted as he ran out of the office.

  Mason flung his arms to get the two women off him, so he could get some distance. He picked up his chair and sat at his desk and sunk his head in his hands. The office was filled with silence before Polly broke it.

  “I take it he’s not getting the job,” she joked.

  It was funny but she wasn’t funny anymore. He just stared at her.

  “Shall I call the police? Did he attack you first Mason?” asked Louisa.

  He shook his head. “No, he was rude about Polly so I beat the shit out of him.”

  Now it was Polly’s turn to collapse on a chair and bury her head in her hands.

  “Could you leave us, Louisa?”

  As soon as she left, he had to know the truth.

  “Did you ever fuck him?”

  No answer. That was not a good sign.

  “Tell me?”

  She looked up at him with tears in her eyes and nodded.

  He shook his head, disgusted at that piece of information.


  “At school. I was just a kid.”

  “What age?”


  Fifteen was the age he left town. So she started going out with the animal after she had seen what he did to him.

  Her tears poured down now.

  “Please don’t judge me. I was a confused kid and it was the worst mistake of my life.”

  He didn’t want to hear anymore. “Get out.”

  “But why? Haven’t you made mistakes?”

  “Yes, you.”

  She held her hands out, a frown line appeared on her tear-stained face.

  “I don’t understand?”

  “Understand this. This morning you were on a pedestal.” He raised his hand far above his head. “Then I find out you fucked that disgusting specimen. Now, you’ve fallen off that pedestal and I can’t even look at you anymore.”

  Her face fell for a moment, about to sob some more. Before doing so, she managed to compose herself. She sat up straight.

  “Fuck you, Mason. What the hell business is it of yours who I went out with at school? And who the hell are you to judge me? Charlie White was the worst mistake of my life but now he’s the second.”

  He stood up, banged his fists on his desk and screamed; “GET OUT! YOU’RE FIRED!”

  He scared her, she ran out of the office, slamming the door behind her crying her eyes out. He paced his office. Stopped. Picked up his phone and called security.

  “Please escort Miss Taylor off the premises immediately.”

  “Yes, sir,” came the reply.

  He sat back down at his desk and cried for the first time since Charlie White beat him up.

  Chapter 36


  * * *

  She ran out of the bastard’s office, sobbing out loud. Louisa tried catching up with her to find out what the hell was going on. The staff were staring at all the commotion. She couldn’t go back to her office. The ladies would have to do for now as she made a quick dash for them. Before she could reach the door, two burly security guards intercepted her.

p; “Polly, you have to pack your personal items and leave the building immediately.”

  What? Was she really fired? She knew these two guys, they’d been here as long as she had.

  “Jim, Andrew? What do you mean?”

  They apologised and asked her not to make a fuss. She couldn’t go back to her desk to collect her items; she’d have to walk past the staff again. The humiliation would have been too much.

  Louisa hugged her.

  “Don’t worry. You go home. I’ll sort it out.”

  Thank god for Louisa. So Polly left the building. Standing out in the street, she realised she had no phone, no car keys, no house keys, no money. Nothing. Maybe, Louisa would realise and bring her items out now. She waited for about ten minutes in the cold before realising no one was coming to help. She hailed a taxi down and hoped her mum had some cash in the house.

  Chapter 37


  * * *

  Louisa stormed into the office.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she demanded to know.

  It was none of her business.

  “You can’t fire Polly. She’s done nothing wrong.”

  He stared at her from his desk. Since Polly had left his office, he’d managed to compose himself. He realised he was finally doing what he came here to do in the first place – make her fall in love with him and then ruin her. Inadvertently, it had gone to plan.

  “Louisa, I said it was none of your business. I want you to organise my car to collect my belongings at the hotel and then pick me up. I’m going back to London.”

  “For how long?”

  “Forever, there’s nothing left for me here.”


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