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Only His Touch: Part Two (The Untouched Series Book 5)

Page 9

by Lilly Wilde

  When I didn’t reply, he asked, “Are you hungry?”

  I was actually starved but I kept silent—too stubborn to give in to his attempt at making amends.

  “I love you madly, and I’ll go fucking insane if I can’t touch you. Please open the door.”

  I hopped out of the bed and stood there, unable to move any closer. Just knowing he was a few feet away from me was driving me crazy. I was silent for several moments longer, waiting on my indecision to level out, and he finally said, “I’ll leave your dinner near the door. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here.”

  He sounded defeated, and it broke my heart. I hated when he did this. He’d do something that deserved none of my compassion, but then he’d do something on the opposite end of the spectrum that pulled at my heartstrings—rendering me unable to refuse him anything. After a few seconds, I unlocked the door and opened it. The tray was sitting on a small table, and there were domes covering the food. Aiden was headed down the hall, but he turned when the door opened. His eyes rolled over me, but he didn’t move. He stood there as if awaiting my consent.

  “Have you eaten?” I asked.

  “No,” he replied. He looked as miserable as I felt.

  “Are you hungry?”


  “Maybe we can eat together.” I shrugged.

  “I’d like that.” He walked back toward me and picked up the tray, and I followed him downstairs.

  Once we were seated at the table, he poured a glass of wine for each of us. I looked up from the goblet to find him staring at me.

  There was suddenly a pained look on his face. “I fucking miss you.”

  “I’m sorry,” we said simultaneously and then he left his seat and came to me.

  He reached out and I damn near jumped into his arms. “I miss you, too.”

  His mouth was on mine seconds later. Lifting me in his arms, he carried me to the living room. He set me on my feet and pulled my shirt over my head, and I reached for his pants—hurrying to release his manhood.

  “No more fighting.”

  “No more,” I repeated. And then he was inside me.


  After the second extended encore of make-up sex, Aiden and I were lying naked on the sofa in the living room. I was nestled in his arms as he stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head every so often. “I want you to enjoy this time with Lyric…with me. You can’t do that looking over your shoulder or constantly waiting on the ax to fall. It’s my job to protect you.”

  Moving my lips over his chiseled pecs, I kissed his chest and then looked up at his tender green eyes. “Aiden, I love you so much, and I love that you want to protect me, and there will be times when you’ll need to, but this isn’t one of them. We’re a team. We worry together, we’re happy together, we’re sad together. Don’t you think I want you to enjoy this time, too? It’s not fair I get to walk around carefree when you have the burden of Nadia.”

  “You’re strong—I know that. But you’re not alone anymore—you have me,” he said.

  “I know. And that makes me feel like the strongest, most powerful woman in the world. I have you and we can take on anyone…anything…together.”

  He sighed and I could sense his internal struggle. “I’ll try,” he said.

  “Thank you. I know that’s pretty much all I’ll get at this point, so I’ll take it.”

  “Now that you know about Nadia, I’ll keep you informed as I obtain information—I’ll let you know everything that’s going on.”

  “Yes, you could, I suppose…but, I need to see for myself, Aiden. After what I witnessed of her at that institution, secondhand information won’t cut it for me. I don’t know how to make you understand that.”

  “Okay. Okay.” He sighed again. “It won’t be often that I visit. Her doctor says it will be as her therapy dictates a need for it. When I go, you come with me. You’ll not be in the room with her—ever. That’s non-negotiable, so don’t try that stubborn shit on this. But we can arrange it to where you can sit in the privacy room, and you’ll be able to see and hear everything.”

  “Okay. Thank you,” I said.

  “I don’t like this.”

  “I know. But this is so much better than lying or keeping secrets from each other. I will not have that type of relationship with you.”

  “I don’t want that, either.”

  I still didn’t think it was a good idea for him to be as involved as he’d planned but I wasn’t a psychiatrist, so I wasn’t an authority on the subject. As much as I hated it, I had to trust that Dr. Ellison and Aiden knew what they were doing.

  Aiden sat me up and went to the panel on the wall and pressed a button.

  “That’s one of my favorite songs,” I said, when the music started.

  “After the wedding, isn’t there something about a first dance?” he asked, as he pulled me back into his arms.

  “Yes. And I told you Sienna has this classical song stuck in her head, so I agreed to it.”

  “Since Dianna has graciously allowed my mother to plan everything, and since I’ve had little-to-no say-so, this is the one thing I want.”

  “But Sienna isn’t going to like it,” I said.

  “I’ll take care of Mother.”

  We were quiet—listening to the music and enjoying the peace of our compromise.

  “Would you like to dance?” he asked.

  “I’d love to.”

  We lifted ourselves from the loving comfort of the sofa and he restarted the song. “My lady,” he said and extended his hand.

  I took a bow and he grasped my palm and pulled me toward his naked body.

  He grabbed me and spun me so that my back was to his chest, enveloping me in his arms, and intoxicating me with his rich scent. He smelled of sex—our sex—and it was like the most potent of aphrodisiacs. I leaned back into him as he encircled my waist. Moments later, his hands slid over my body and his mouth was at my neck. We swayed to the music, naked and aroused, our heartbeats accelerating.

  His lips were at my ear. “I need to be inside you,” he whispered.

  “Yes,” I breathed.

  He pulled me down on the floor and moved his body over mine. In one swift move, he pushed inside me and connected us.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” he said and then sealed his mouth over mine as the song flipped into repeat.


  After the discord of the last several days, Aiden and I wanted quality time as a family, so I’d taken the day off to spend it with my two favorite guys. We’d just arrived home from Lyric’s checkup when my phone rang—it was Sienna. I considered sending it to voicemail because it was nearly time to feed Lyric.

  Dr. Chaisson, Lyric’s pediatrician, said it was time to introduce solid foods into the baby’s diet, so we’d picked up a variety of baby foods on the way home. And since it was almost time to feed Lyric, we decided to forgo milk and give one of them a try.

  Aiden suggested I take his mother’s call while he got Lyric settled. As I sat in on the video conference with Sienna, listening to Lia and Bianca going over bridesmaid details, I started missing my sisters—wishing they lived closer. It would have been great to have them around more, but for now, video chats and short visits were all we had. Once Sienna got the information she needed, we ended the call with plans to review any changes later in the afternoon.

  Anxious to see how Lyric would take to baby food, I hurried to the kitchen to check on him and his father and was shocked to see Aiden had started without me.

  “Aiden, you were to feed him the pumpkin,” I said.

  “Aria, he doesn’t like that shit.”

  “Wow, kind of passionate there aren’t you? I thought we agreed—no potty mouth in front of the baby.”

  “I know, but I needed to emphasize how much he hates it.”

  “How do you know?”


  “Because what?”

  “I tasted it. It’s disgusting.”

  I laughed. “Didn’t you eat it as a child?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Lyric won’t be eating anymore of it.”

  “Aiden, he needs—”

  “Wait. Let me finish,” he said. “I made a call.”

  Oh, no. What has he done?

  “Don’t look like that. I called Jason and he’s flying in tomorrow.”

  “Oh my God. Are you serious?”

  “It was actually Mother’s idea.”

  “I don’t think an eight-month-old needs a personal chef, Aiden.”

  “My son’s not eating this stuff. It’s loaded with toxins.” He picked up the barely touched container of baby food. “You know they’re damaging to brain cells. And a child’s growing brain and body are far more susceptible to toxins than an adult’s.”

  “Aiden, this food came from the whole food store, so calm down.”

  “Yes, pre-packaged. Jason can make everything fresh from one of our organic food centers. He’s already forwarded a list of ingredients to Brooklyn, so by this time tomorrow, Lyric will be able to appreciate a good meal.”

  “He’s a baby. He knows nothing about good or bad meals. And I’m fully aware of the benefits of organic foods, which is why I buy them, but since you have a plan in motion, have at it,” I said, and frowned at the two of them.

  “Why are you looking at us like that?” Aiden asked.

  “Because you’re both a mess. There’s food everywhere.”

  Aiden was shirtless—food was on his cheek, his chest and his shorts. The baby was sitting in his highchair kicking his feet and grinning at his daddy. Lyric’s four little bottom teeth were more visible than they’d been a couple of days ago. Food was in his hair, on the wall behind him, on the floor, and all over his precious little face.

  I shook my head, baffled as to how they could create such a mess. “How did you do this? How is it even possible?”

  “Hey, it wasn’t me. It was the kid. Told you, he doesn’t like this stuff.”

  “Oh, it was the kid?” I asked.

  “Yes. I told Lyric, ‘Your mom is going to go berserk if she sees us like this.’ And then he said, ‘Dad, Mom needs to chill out.’”

  “Oh. He said that, did he?” I bit back a laugh.

  “But don’t worry. I told him he shouldn’t say things like that about you.”

  “Gee. Thanks for sticking up for me.”

  “Of course, babe. I was listening when you gave me the team speech—we need to stick together. But you have to admit, he’s pretty funny, huh?”

  “Why don’t the two of you talk about how funny he is while you clean up?”

  “I want to clean you up,” Aiden said, stalking toward me with his hands covered in baby food.

  “Don’t you dare touch me with that, Aiden.” I started backing away. “I’m warning you.”

  Aiden had me pressed against the counter just as Lyric cried out.

  We looked over at him, and he was grinning. “Looks like he wants his parents’ attention,” Aiden said.

  We let go of our game and tried to persuade our little guy to finish his food. It didn’t go very well. By the time it was all over, I was as much of a mess as they were.

  Chapter Nine

  I’d just finished my call with Julie Schneider, the customized fantasy fulfillment assistant at Seducente. The final piece was in place. A jolt of nervous excitement tingled in my abdomen as I considered the challenge that lay ahead. I wanted this to play out per my needs, not Aiden’s. He and I volleyed for control in every aspect of our relationship and I suspected that tonight would be no different. He’d agreed to sitting back while I took the reins, but I knew this would be difficult for him.

  We’d abstained from sex for the last two weeks in preparation for tonight. Luckily, he’d been out of town with Nicholas and Sloan for Raine Industries for more than half that time, which made it easy to maintain our self-imposed challenge.

  I was at the condo, marking the last of the things I wanted moved to our house. Lia and Bianca had decided to transfer to Boston State and they would be living here, so I was clearing out the remainder of my belongings so they could make this place their own. I was thrilled they’d decided to come to Boston, and I’d already made a ton of plans for the three of us.

  Aiden would be coming directly to the condo from the airport, and from here we were going to Seducente. I missed him terribly and was on pins and needles waiting for him to arrive. The plan was to get him out of here pretty quickly. If I stayed at the condo for any significant amount of time, I would be on my back, spread eagle within seconds of looking at him.

  The doorman Silas was to buzz me when Aiden entered the building. Actually, I wasn’t planning to allow Aiden inside the condo. I’d previously insisted that he meet me in the lobby, but he refused, stating that he wanted to greet me privately. If I’d learned anything about Aiden by now, that meant he would be fucking me. Normally that would be more than okay, but I wanted the anticipation to increase to a point where we simply couldn’t refrain from grasping and clawing at each other like two hungry animals.

  The intercom buzzed, and I hurried toward the panel to answer it. “Yes?”

  “Ms. Cason, Mr. Raine just stepped into the elevator,” Silas said.

  “Thanks, Silas,” I replied and then released the button. I had the butterflies of a girl who was about to go on her first date. I was more than a little anxious to see him—like a kid awaiting a seat on Santa’s lap. Aiden was no jolly St. Nick, but he did have his own special way of spreading cheer, and I would be showered in his cheer in a couple of hours. Santa was an expert at squeezing down chimneys, while Aiden’s expertise lay in the amorous ability to squeeze into something a little more conforming—namely me.

  I rushed over to the coat rack for my cover-up and purse. I opened the door just before Aiden was about to knock. I took in a quick breath as I reveled in his beauty—he was glorious every time I took him in. And each time my first thought was always the same—sex. His aura screamed it. You couldn’t refute his appeal, even if you had the stupidity to try. I should know…I’d been stupid enough to try just that a few short months ago.

  “Well, hello, gorgeous,” he said.

  Before I could reply, his lips were on me, his mouth claiming mine, and easing me back into the condo. He spun me around and my back was flush to the door, his hard body pressed tightly against me. I was instantly weakened by his smell, by his touch, by his taste. He moved his lips urgently across mine as his tongue sought entrance into my mouth. His hand moved to my chest where he found my breasts anxiously awaiting the aggression of his touch. They were heavy and eager for his firm and painful gropes. I lost my bearings and forgot that I was not to allow him inside. Fuck, I missed him so much. I reluctantly severed the kiss and pushed him away.

  Breathing heavily, I asked, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m doing exactly what I told you I would—greeting you privately,” he replied, stalking toward me. I held my hand up, signaling him to not come any closer.

  “Are you objecting? My ego is fragile, princess. Don’t tell me you haven’t missed me,” he said, offering the feigned look of hurt.

  “Your ego is as healthy as any ego can ever be, so don’t even.” I smoothed my clothes and took a few more steps away from him. “Look. Tonight is mine. You promised, so I need you to stop.”

  “And if I don’t?” he challenged.

  “Oh, you will, unless you want me to stop,” I warned.

  “Are you threatening to put a lock on my precious Virginia? I don’t think she’s going to approve.”

  “I think she’ll understand,” I said.

  “In that case, I’ll gladly accept your mouth or that tight little ass of yours until you come to your senses.”

  “Oh, you will, will you?” I traced my finger
along my bottom lip. “This mouth?” I asked.

  “That’s the only one I want,” he replied, his voice smooth as silk.

  I turned away from him and bent over, lifting my dress. “And this ass?” I looked over my shoulder to see his hand on his crotch.

  When he stepped toward me, I stood and eased my dress down over my curves. Visions of him taking me right then on the floor ran through my mind. I was just as bad as he was, but I needed to get him out of the condo before tonight’s plans went up in smoke.

  “You’re playing with fire, princess,” he warned.

  I wanted to step directly into that fire and give him access to each and every orifice, right then and there. I slowly raked my eyes over the tall, dark, powerful man standing in front of me. Just as I was about to step toward him and give him what we both wanted, my phone pinged, severing the lustful spell he’d cast.

  I went to the door. “Out. Now,” I ordered.

  He laughed. “Are you serious?”

  “Very. I can’t be in here with you looking at me like that.”

  He slid his tongue over his bottom lip. “Like what?” he asked.

  “Like you want to fuck the shit out of me.”

  “But, baby, I do,” he purred.

  “Aiden. Stop it. You’re going to ruin everything,” I said, and stuck out my lower lip.

  “Okay, I don’t want to upset you. What do I need to do to make you stop with the pouty face?”

  “I thought you liked my pouty face.”

  “I do. I like everything about you, Ms. Cason. Let me prove it.”

  “You can prove it by dialing down your sexy meter a few hundred points,” I said and went to the kitchen to turn off the lights.

  “How many points are in this number system of yours?” he asked, when I returned.

  “For the average guy…about ten. For you, it’s about a thousand.”

  “Did you hear that?” he asked.


  “That ping. It was the sound of my ego checking back in,” he replied, flashing a lightning-quick grin, as he stepped to me.

  “Oh, you’re so freaking silly. I’ve missed you so much, baby.”


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