August 28, 1963
Back Cover for Reality Sandwiches
“Wake-up nightmares in Lower East Side, musings in public library, across the U.S. in dream auto, drunk in old Havana, brooding in Mayan ruins, sex daydreams on the West Coast, airplane vision of Kansas, lonely in a leafy cottage, lunch hour in Berkeley, beery notations on Skid Row, slinking to Mexico, wrote this last nite in Paris, back on Times Square dreaming of Times Square, bombed in NY again, loony tunes in the dentist chair, screaming at old poets in South America, aethereal zigzag Poesy in blue hotel rooms in Peru—a wind-up book of dream notes, psalms, journal enigmas & nude minutes from 1953 to 1960 poems scattered in fugitive magazines here collected now book.”
Back Cover for Planet News
Planet News collecting seven years’ Poesy scribed to 1967 begins with electronic politics disassociation & messianic rhapsody TV Baby in New York, continues picaresque around the world globe, élan perceptions notated at Mediterranean, Galilee & Ganges till next breakthrough, comedown Poem heart & soul last days in Asia The Change 1963; tenement doldrums & police-state paranoia in Manhattan then half year behind Socialist Curtain climaxed as Kral Majales May King Prague 1965, same year’s erotic gregariousness writ as Who Be Kind To for International Poetry Incarnation Albert Hall London; next trip West Coast U.S. & voyage back thru center America midwest Wichita Vortex Sutra which is mind-collage & keystone section of progressively longer poem on “These States”—here Self sitting in its own meat throne invokes Harekrishna as preserver of human planet & challenges all other Powers usurping State Consciousness to recognize same Identity, thus ‘I here declare the End of the War.’ Back dwelling on East Coast local psyche notes, elegy for O’Hara dead friend poet & worship for all Gods; at last across Atlantic Wales Visitation promethian text recollected in emotion revised in tranquillity continuing tradition of ancient Nature Language mediates between psychedelic inspiration and humane ecology & integrates acid classic Unitive Vision with democratic eyeball particulars— book closes on politics to exorcise Pentagon phantoms who cover Earth with dung-colored gas.
May 26, 1968
After Words for The Fall of America
Beginning with “long poem of these States,” The Fall of America continues Planet News chronicle taperecorded scribed by hand or sung condensed, the flux of car bus airplane dream consciousness Person during Automated Electronic War years, newspaper headline radio brain auto poesy & silent desk musings, headlights flashing on road through these States of consciousness. Texts here dedicated to Whitman Good Grey Poet complement otherwhere published Wichita Vortex Sutra and Iron Horse. The book enters Northwest border thence down California Coast Xmas 1965 and wanders East to include history epic in Kansas & Bayonne, mantra chanting in Cleveland smoke flats, Great Lake hotel room midnight soliloquies, defeatest prophetics Nebraskan, sociable kissass in Houston, sexist gay rhapsodies, elegy for love friend poet heroes threaded through American silver years, pacifist-voweled changes of self in robot city, wavecrash babbling & prayers airborne, reportage Presidentiad Chicago police-state teargas eye, car crash body consciousness, ecologue inventory over Atlantic seaboard’s iron Megalopolis & west desert’s smog-tinged Vast. Back home, Mannahatta’s garbaged loves survive, farm country without electricity falltime harvest’s the illegal Indochina bomb paranoia guilt. Guru Om meditation breaks through onto empty petrochemical wonderland, & so adieu to empty-lov’d America. Book returns to Pacific flowered seashore with antibomb call, then across ocean great suffering starvation’s visible, bony human September on Jessore Road ends as mantric lamentation rhymed for vocal chant to western chords F minor B flat E flat B flat.
October 7, 1972
Back Cover for Mind Breaths
Australian songsticks measure oldest known poetics, broken-leg meditations march thru Six Worlds singing Crazy Wisdom’s hopeless suffering, the First Noble Truth, inspiring quiet Sung sunlit greybeard soliloquies, English moonlit night-gleams, ambitious mid-life fantasies, Ah crossed-legged thoughts sitting straight-spine paying attention to empty breath flowing round the globe; then Dharma elegy & sharp eyed haiku, pederast rhapsody, exorcism of mid-East battlegods, workaday sad dust glories. American ego confession & mugging downfall Lower East Side, hospital sickness moan, hydrogen Jukebox Prophecy, Sex come-all-ye, mountain cabin flashes, Buddhist country western chord changes, Rolling Thunder snow balls, a Jersey shaman dream, Father Death in a graveyard near Newark, Poe bones, two hot hearted love poems: Here chronicled mid-Seventies’ half decade inward & outward Mindfulness in many Poetries: Aboriginal rhetoric, mouth-page free verse-forms, Whitmanic-miltonic periods, Chinese-american imagery, scholarly politics apostrophe, dirty blues & racy ballads rocknroll & airy numbers musicked with lead-sheets, 3 line sparks, objective tombstones, & in narrative high style Oratory a Blakean Punk Epic with nirvanic Rune music the Contest of Bards.
September 23, 1977
Back Cover for Plutonian Ode
Title poem combines scientific info on 24,000-year cycle of the Great Year compared with equal half-life of Plutonium waste, accounting Homeric formula for appeasing underground millionaire Pluto Lord of Death, jack in the gnostic box of Aeons, and Adamantine Truth of ordinary mind inspiration, unhexing Nuclear ministry of fear. Following poems chronologize Wyoming grass blues, a punk-rock sonnet, personal grave musing, Manhattan landscape hypertension, lovelorn heart thumps, mantric rhymes, Neruda’s tearful Lincoln ode retranslated to U.S. vernacular oratory, Nagasaki Bomb anniversary haikus, Zen Bluegrass raunch, free verse demystification of sacred fame, Reznikoffian filial epiphanies, hot pants Skeltonic doggerel, a Kerouackian New Year’s eve ditty, professorial homework, New Jersey quatrains, scarecrow haiku, improvised dice roll for high-school kids, English rock-and-roll sophistications, an old love glimpse, little German movies, old queen conclusions, a tender renaissance song, ode to hero-flop, Peace protest prophecies, Lower East Side snapshots, national flashes in the Buddhafields, Sapphic stanzas in quantitative idiom, look out the bedroom window, feverish birdbrain verses from Eastern Europe for chanting with electric bands, Beethovinean ear strophes drowned in rain, a glance at Cloud Castle, poems 1977–1980 end with International new wave hit lyric Capitol Air.
September 28, 1981
Index of Proper Names
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Abe (Ginsberg), 664
Abraham, 623
Abraham, Israel (Irwin Allen), see Ginsberg, Allen
Acheson, Dean, 492
Acis, 72
Adam, 335, 342, 361, 368, 559
Adam Longhair, see Adam
Adams, Sherman, 202, see n.
Adonaeus, 710
Adonais, 217, 615
Adonis, 136
Agnew, Spiro, 594, 614
Ahab, Captain, 563
Aiken, George D., 406, see n.
Alan, see White, J. Alan
Alexander the Great, 745
Alexander, Holmes, 406
Alice in Wonderland, 222
Allah, 402, 404, 415, 622, 623, 624, 697
Allen, see Ginsberg, Allen
Altgeld, John P., 222, see n.
Amitendranath Tagore, 607
Amter, Israel, 155, see n.
Anacreon, 369, 600
Anderson, Senator, 386
Andy (Warhol), 654
Angelico, Beato, 236
Ann, see Buchanan, Ann
Anna (Ginsberg), 664
Anne (Murphy), 341
Ansen, Alan, 106, 186
Antinoüs, 236
Antoinette, Marie, 556
Apollinaire, Guillaume (William), 188, 528
Apollinaire de Kostrowitsky, Guillaume, see Apollinaire, Guillaume
Apollo, 34, 190, 602
Arafat, Yasir, 623
Ardinarishvara, 602, see n.
Arhat, 98, see n.
Artaud, Antonin, 177, 189
Arthur, Gavin, 443, see n.
Ashbery, John, 725
Astapheus, 710
Avalokitesvara, 316, 321, 324, see n.
Avrum, Svul (Irwin Allen), see Ginsberg,
Ayatollah, 753
Babaji, 561
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 159, 360
Baez, Joan, 381, 507
Baghavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, 461
Baldwin, Hanson, 498, 499, 500
Balabanoff, Angelica, 288, see n.
Balzac, Honoré de, 185
Bara, Theda, 385
Barbara (Rubin), 537
Bartleby, 78
Baruch, Bernard, 285
Batman, 475, 481
Baudelaire, Charles, 74, 81, 276
Baudouin, King, 478
Beach Boys, The, 476, 527
Beatles, The, 379, 382, 387, 527, 552
Beaverbrook, Lord, 179
Beckett, Samuel, 353
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 745, 748, 749
Ben-Gurion, David, 623
Bhaktivedanta Swami, 518, 600, 610, see n.
Bill, see Burroughs, William S.
Bimbisara, 306
Black, Phil, 185
Blake, William, 14, 146, 172, 196, 212, 246, 305, 309, 355, 362, 415, 434, 474, 550, 561, 600, 603, 610, 631, 685
Blitzer, Sylvia, 725
Blok, Alexander, 177
Bloor, Mother (Ella Reeve), 155, see n.
Blow, Joe, see Ginsberg, Allen
Bly, Robert, 532
Bodhidharma, 475, see n.
Boehme, Jakob, 550
Boito, Arrigo, 236
Bond, Julian, 666
Borah, Senator, 224
Bozzo, Joe, 601, see n.
Bradley, 386
Brahma, 548, 602
Brakefield, Private, 546
Branaman, 396
Bremont, Famille, 190
Bremser, Ray, 269, 290, 552, see n.
Breton, André, 189
Breughel, Pieter, 276, 356, see n.
Bronte, Emily, 192
Browder, Earl, 298
Brownstein, Michael, 707
Bryan, William Jennings, 405, see n.
Buba, see Ginsberg, Rebecca (grandmother)
Buber, Martin, 297
Buchanan, Ann, 341, 396
Budd, Billy, 537
Budd, Dan, 164
Budda, see Buddha
Buddha, 132, 138, 171, 183, 189, 198, 250, 252, 290, 306, 314, 318, 320, 322, 324, 381, 438, 475, 530, 601, 604, 622, 623, 625, 653, 669, 671, 683, 697, 728, 747
Bunker, Ambassador, 581
Burchfield, Charles, 421, see n.
Burns, Stony, 637, 639, see n.
Burroughs, Joan, 132, 157, 185
Burroughs, William S., 122, 132, 142, 154, 157, 213, 262, 269, 285, 423, 424, 433, 605
Cal, see Lowell, Robert
Calloway, Cab, 100, see n.
Campion, 600
Cannastra, William, 65, 429, see n.
Canyon, Steve, 485
Carl, see Solomon, Carl
Carlos, 621
Carolyn (Cassady), 447
Carpenter, Don, 378, 443
Carpenter, Edward, 442, 443, 445, 446, see n.
Carroll, Paul, 281, see n.
Carter, Jimmy, 753
Cassady, Neal, 33, 136, 142, 164, 186, 187, 341, 375, 385, 447, 495, 496, 498, 499, 500, 505, 513, 518, 519, 537, 542, 546, 554, 560, 566, 597, 607
Castro, Fidel, 273, 283, 331, 699, 752
Catullo, see Catullus
Catullus, 131, 553
Caty, Major, 425
Ceasar, 362, 590
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 213
Cendrars, Blaise, 189
Cerberus, 296
Ceres, 371
Cézanne, Paul, 61, 361
Chaitanya, 415, see n.
Chaliapin, 218
Chaney, 555, see n.
Chango, 280, 362, 415, 475, see n.
Chaplin, Charlie, 218, 284, 385
Charles, Ray, 217, 382, 458
Charon, 144, 697
Chavez, Cesar E., 665
Cherry, Don, 577
Chessman, Caryl, 285, see n.
Chiang Kai Shek, 385, 411
Chopin, Frédéric, 358
Chou En Lai, 385
Christopher (MacLaine), 341
Chronos, 357
Churchill, Winston, 423
Citaram Onkar Das Thakur, 315, 414, see n.
Claire (Gaidemack), 193
Clark, Joseph S., 410, see n.
Cleaver, Eldridge, 507, 552
Cocteau, Jean, 189
Colbert, Claudette, 289
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 211
Colorado (pseud.), 189
Columbus, 101
Connie, 269
Connors, Bruce, 396
Cornifici, see Cornificus
Cornificus, 131
Corso, Gregory, 75, 157, 171, 203, 237, 253
Costello, Frank, 643
Cousteau, J., see Cousteau, Jacques
Cousteau, Jacques, 697
Cowan, Elise, 269, 279, 341
Coyote, 475, see n.
Crane, Hart, 175, 176, 177, 425, 433, 437, 441, 444, 460, 484, see n.
Crapp (pseud.), 224
Creeley, Robert, 322, 541, 600, 671
Crevel, René, 354, see n.
Cronkite, Walter, 535
Crosby, Bing, 697
Crown, Henry, 455, see n.
Cummings, E. E., 444, see n.
Curtis, Dal, 485
D., see Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
D—(anon.), 441
Dalai Lama, 385
Daley, Mayor Richard, 593
Dali, Salvador, 429
Dante, 605, 685
David, 341
David (anon.), 232
Davis, Sammy, 728
Dayan, Moshe, 623
Dean, James (Jimmy), 299, 605, 697
Debs, Eugene, 222, 224, see n.
De Gaulle, Charles, 492
Demeter, 710, see n.
Dehorahava Baba, 414, 561, see n.
de Kock, Paul, 81
Denby, Edwin, 466, see n.
de Sade, 285
Dickens, Charles, 211
Dickinson, Emily, 219
Diem, 319
Dietrich, Marlene, 62
Dillinger, John, 455, see n.
Dimwit, Denny, 277
Dirksen, Everett, 420
Disney, Walt, 315, 485, 697
Donald Duck, 665
Dostoievski, see Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 40
Dove, 410
Dracula, Count, 722
Dressler, Marie, 218
Drum H., see Hadley, Drummond
Duchamp, Marcel, 345
Dudjom, 717, see n.
Dulles, Allen, 283, 411
Dulles, John F., 273, 409, 411, 492, see n.
Duncan, Isadora, 697
du Peru, Peter, 282
Durante, Jimmy, 284, 433
Durga-Ma, 415, see n.
Durgin, Russell, 106
Dusty, see Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Dusty, see Moreland, Dusty
Dylan, Bob, 377, 380, 398, 417, 507, 550
Earl, 311, 312
Eberhart, Richard, 667
Ed (Sanders), 355, see n.
Eddy, Nelson, 318, 390
Edie, see Leegant, Edie
Eichmann, Adolf, 325
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 188, 194, 203, 285, 286, 319, 320, 406, 409, 462, 697
Einstein, Albert, 171, 175, 368, 574, 595, 697, 707, 710, 726, 750
Elanor, Aunt, see Frohman, Elanor
Eliot, T. S., 213, 276
Elise, see Cowan, Elise
Ella Mae, 421
Ellsberg, Daniel, 707, see n.
Englebert (Humperdinck), 728
Enkidu, 280, see n.
Ephraim, Uncle, 224
Eros, 602
Eugene, see Ginsberg, Eugene
Evans, Walker, 421, see n.
Eve, 342
Evers, Medgar, 387
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 341, 385
Fields, W. C., 211, 386
Fitzpatrick, Jim, 498, 499
Fitzgerald, F Scott, 545
Flynn, Errol, 562
Ford, Henry, 155
Forrestal, James V., 273, see n.
Franco, Francisco, 175, 229
Frank, see O’Hara, Frank
Frankenstein, 523, 697, 698
Frohman, Elanor, 218, 219, 222, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 234
Frohman, Max, 218, 219, 229, 230, 231
Fugs, The, 434
Fulbright, James William, 455, 457, 459, see n.
Fyodor, see Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Gaidemack, Aunt Rose, 192, 193, 224, 659, 664
Galatea, 72
Gallup, Dick, 707
Gandhi, 301
Ganga-Ma, 305, see n.
Ganipatti, 602, 666, see n.
Ganymede, 357, 611, 723
Garbo, Greta, 231
García Lorca, Federico, 144, 175, see n.
Garden, Mary, 478, 479
Garuda, 320, see n.
Garver, Bill, 196
Gary S., see Snyder, Gary
Gavin, General, 410
Gene, see Ginsberg, Eugene
Genet, Jean, 176, 188, 285
George, see Harrison, George
Gerard, 537
Gide, André, 189
Ginsberg, Allen, 33, 69, 116, 131, 142, 150, 157, 229, 231, 232, 236, 239, 253, 264, 313, 334, 346, 561, 566, 605, 667, 697, 707, 725
Ginsberg, Eugene, 219, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232
Ginsberg, Louis, 218, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 331, 600, 601, 699, 718
Ginsberg, Naomi, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 321, 429, 601, 697, 699
Ginsberg, Rebecca (Grandmother), 220, 221, 230, 232
Glen, 341
Godunov, Boris, 218
Gold, Theodore, 546, see n.
Collected Poems 1947-1997 Page 67