Collected Poems 1947-1997

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Collected Poems 1947-1997 Page 68

by Allen Ginsberg

  Goldfinger (anon.), 173

  Goliath, 475

  Goodman, 555, see n.

  Gordon, 537

  Gorgeous George, 126

  Gould, Joe, 433

  Grady, Madame (Panna), 432, see n.

  Gregory, see Corso, Gregory

  G. S., see Snyder, Gary

  Guevara, Che, 273, 491, 492

  Guillaume, see Apollinaire, Guillaume

  Gyalwa Karmapa, see Karmapa, Gyalwa

  Hadley, Drummond, 530, see n.

  Haines, Harry, 601, see n.

  Hal (Chase), 157, 540, see n.

  Hampton, Fred, 546, see n.

  Handel, Georg Fredrich, 384

  Hannah (pseud.), 229

  Hardy, Thomas, 31

  Harris, Dave, 507

  Harrison, George, 373

  Harry (Fainlight), 367, see n.

  Harry, Uncle, see Meltzer, Harry

  Harry T., see Truman, Harry

  Hart, Professor, 151

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 124, 224

  Hearst, William Randolph, 229, 280, 285, 298

  Heck, Mike, 543

  Helms, Richard, 699, see n.

  Hemingway, Ernest, 76

  Hereford, Lord, 490

  Hermit, Ed, 552

  Hermon, Dr., 534

  Herod, 754

  Hesiod, 553, 560

  Heykal, 623

  Hitler, Adolf, 192, 193, 221, 226, 229, 233, 234, 281, 289, 318, 623, 727, 749

  Ho Chi Minh, 385, 406, 451

  Hoffman, Abbie, 613

  Hoffman, John, 269

  Hohnsbean, John, 106

  Holiday, Billie, 467

  Holland, John P., 305, see n.

  Holmes, John Clellon, 541, 542, see n.

  Homer, 385

  Honey (Litzky), Aunt, 192

  Honig, Harry, 269

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 176, 287, 288, 422, 543, 559, 564, 643

  Hope, Bob, 284, 665

  Horace, 106

  Ho-Tei, 484

  Howard, John, 528

  Howard, Leslie, 393

  H. P. (pseud.), 149

  Hubert (Leslie, “Hube the Cube”), 341

  Humphrey, Hubert, 408, 593

  Huncke, Herbert E., 132, 142, 157, 184, 447, see n.

  Huntley, Chet, 392

  Iao, 710

  Ialdabaoth, 710

  Ike, see Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Indra, 602, see n.

  Iris (Brodey), 269

  Iroquois (pseud.), 185

  Isaac, Dr., see Louria, Dr. Leon

  Isaiah, 485

  Jack, 558

  Jack, see Kerouac, Jack

  Jack (pseud.), 657

  Jackson, George, 605

  Jackson, Jumping Joe, 382

  Jackson, Natalie, 269, 342

  Jacquet, Illinois, 496

  Jacob, Max, 189, 190

  Jaime, 341

  Jaweh, 415, 622, 623, 624

  J.C. (Jesus Christ), 528

  Jean-Paul, Pope, 717

  J. Edgar, see Hoover, J. Edgar

  J. E. Hoover, see Hoover, J. Edgar

  Jehova, see Jehovah

  Jehovah, 139, 710

  Jenny (pseud.), 540

  Jimmy (Gutierrez), 537

  Joan, see Burroughs, Joan

  Job, 475

  Joe, 161

  Joey, see Kerouac

  John, Pope, 324

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 385, 391, 406, 408, 422, 451, 452, 459, 471, 492, 498, 637

  Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 447

  Jones, Elvin, 577

  Jones, Leroi, 318, 341, 499, 507, see n.

  Jordan (Belson), 341

  Jordan, Louis, 496

  Jose (anon.), 342

  Joseph, Chief, 377, 797

  Joseph K., see Kafka, Franz Joseph

  Jove, 611

  J. P. (anon.), 543

  Jude, 78

  Judy, 341

  Julius, see Orlovsky, Julius

  Jupiter, 602, 611

  Justin, 341

  Kabir, 361, 528, 561, see n.

  Kafka, Franz Joseph, 361

  Kali, 298, 475, 527

  Kali Ma, 303, 354, see n.

  Kali Pada Guha Roy, 414, see n.

  Kalki, 357, see n.

  Kandinsky, Professor, 183

  Kangaroo, Captain, 411

  Karloff, Boris, 697

  Karmapa, Gyalwa, 478, 602, 631, see n.

  Keaton, Buster, 352, 353, 437

  Keats, John, 211, 261

  Keck, William, 106

  Kenji Myazawa, 627, see n.

  Kennedy, John F., 341, 347, 479, 492, 605, 643, 722, 728, 752

  Kennedy, Robert, 416, 451, see n.

  Kenney, 132, 423, see n.

  Kenyatta, Jomo, 326

  Kerouac, Jack, 13, 32, 33, 131, 132, 142, 146, 147, 157, 164, 182, 199, 251, 269, 275, 285, 305, 318, 322, 343, 353, 360, 433, 458, 459, 497, 499, 518, 539, 540, 541, 542, 545, 548, 553, 560, 573, 607, 625, 697, 699

  Kesey, Ken, 382, 420, 496

  Khaki Baba, 414, see n.

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 277, 299, 385, 754

  Kierkegaard, Soren, 402

  King, Bill, 157, 186

  King, Martin Luther, 436, 546, 605, 722

  King, M. L., see King, Martin Luther

  Kingsland, 106

  Kinks, The, 390

  Kissinger, Henry, 623, 638, 639, 644, 699, 736

  Kline, Franz, 465, see n.

  Koch, Edward, 665

  Koch, Kenneth, 739

  Kosygin, Alexi, 385, 492

  Krishna, 320, 362, 415, 475, 521, 522, 528, 536, 559, 600, 602

  Krishnamurti, 605

  Kuan Yin, 475, see n.

  Ky, General Nyugen, 451

  Lafcadio, see Orlovsky, Lafcadio

  Lama Anikgarika Govinda, 600

  Lamantia, Philip, 324

  Lance, 341

  Lansky, Meyer, 623, see n.

  Lao-Tze, 176, 475

  Larry, see Ferlinghetti, Lawrence

  LaSalle, Governor Melvin, 498

  Laurel and Hardy, 385

  LaVigne, Robert, 342

  Leary, Timothy, 275, 319, 507, 552, 553, 558, 559, 560, 562, 600, 613, 633, see n.

  Leegant, Edie, 228, 229, 230

  Lennon, John, 373, 422, 754

  Leroi, see Jones, Leroi

  Leroi (pseud.), 185

  Levinsky, 27, see n.

  Levy, D. A., 437

  Lewis, Fulton, 286

  Lewis, Sam, 447, see n.

  Lewis and Clark, 377

  Liang Kai, 10

  Liliuo Kalani, Queen, 697

  Lilly, Eli, 420

  Lincoln, Abraham, 192, 195, 704

  Lindbergh, Charles, 697

  Lindsay, Vachel, 176, 177, 191, 405

  Lippmann, Walter, 447, see n.

  Little, Frank H., 158, see n.

  Lizzie (anon.), 186

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 387

  Lombardo, Guy, 722

  Lorca, see García Lorca

  Lou, see Ginsberg, Louis

  Louis, see Ginsberg, Louis

  Louria, Dr. Leon, 226, 447, see n.

  Lowell, Robert, 275, 280

  Loy, Myrna, 280, 385

  Lubovitcher Rebbe, 385, 622

  Luciano, Lucky, 643, 747, see n.

  Lucien (Carr), 142

  Lucille, 341

  Lumumba, Patrice, 299

  MacArthur, Douglas, 697

  MacDonald, Jeanette, 280, 318, 445

  MacNamara, Robert S., 385, 406, see n.

  Maheu, Robert, 728, see n.

  Mahler, Dr., 669

  Maitreya, 357, 600, see n.

  Mansfield, Jayne, 605

  Mansfield, Mike, 384, 476

  Manson, Charles, 563

  Mao-Mao, see Mao Tze Tung

  Mao Tze Tung, 324, 385, 475, 484, 486, 528, 550

  Maretta (Greer), 537

  Marko, 341

  Marpa, 602, see n.

  Martinelli, Sheri, 458

  Marx, Chico
, 152

  Marx, Groucho, 697

  Marx, Harpo, 211, 385

  Marx, Karl, 154

  Mary, 297, 475, 539, 697

  Mary (pseud.), 69

  Max, see Frohman, Max

  Max (Levy), Uncle, 154, 228, 390

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 175, 176, 180, 190, 472, 745, see n.

  McCarthy, Eugene, 594

  McCarthy, Joe, 269

  McCartney, Paul, 373, 422

  McClure, Michael, 396, 414, see n.

  McFate, Judge Yale, 273, see n.

  McGovern, George, 590, 594

  McGuire, Barry, 398

  McLuhan, Marshall, 526

  McNeil, Don, 499

  Meany, George, 593

  Meeropol, Michael and Robert, 665

  Meir, Golda, 623

  Melville, Herman, 402

  Meltzer, Harry, 193, 664

  Meyer, Cord, 597, see n.

  Michaelson, Dr., 399

  Mickey Mouse, 199, 697

  Mila, see Mila-Repa

  Mila-Repa, 378, 602, see n.

  Miller, Henry, 285, 353

  Miller, Pat, 543

  Milton, John, 172, 610

  Minerva, 194, 475

  Mira Bai, 528

  Mohammed, 171, 623

  Moloch, 139, 140, 610, see n.

  Monet, Claude, 642, 745

  Monk, Thelonius, 298

  Mooney, Tom, 155, see n.

  Moore, Brian, 617

  Moore, Henry, 500

  Moreland, Dusty, 106, 429

  Morgan, J. P., 354

  Morgan, M.D., Rex, 485

  Morphy (pseud.), 157, 184, 423, see n.

  Morse, Wayne, 410, see n.

  Mosca, 224

  Moses, 622, 697

  Mossadegh, 753

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 280

  Murchison, Clint, 273, 397, see n.

  Mussolini, 223, 229, 698

  Myron, 605

  Naomi, see Ginsberg, Naomi

  Napoleon, 697, 748, 749

  Nasser, 623

  Natalie, see Jackson, Natalie

  Nation, Carry, 418, see n.

  Nazimova, Alla, 697

  N.C., see Cassady, Neal

  Neal, see Cassady, Neal

  Nearing, Scott, 155, see n.

  Nemmie (Frost), 341

  Neruda, Pablo, 704

  Nick, 564

  Nirmanakaya, 600

  Nityananda, 561, see n.

  Nixon, Richard M., 527, 537, 549, 550, 558, 559, 590, 594, 599, 614, 623, 637, 644

  Norman, Dorothy, 276

  Norris, Frank, 493

  O’Hara, Frank, 209, 465

  Olson, Charles, 323, 560

  Orlovsky, Lafcadio, 278, 280, 356, see n.

  Orlovsky, Julius, 345, 394, 458, 478, see n.

  Orlovsky, Peter, 142, 153, 188, 232, 253, 260, 282, 301, 305, 312, 342, 380, 383, 386, 399, 448, 457, 461, 464, 465, 466, 480, 495, 496, 518, 535, 537, 541, 559, 600, 611, 614, 665, 699, 718

  Orwell, George, 605

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 347, 479, 637

  Ouroboros, 475

  Padmasambhava, 600, 602, 605, 717, see n.

  Paley, William S., 723

  Pantonucci, Mr., 665

  Parcae, 65, 222, see n.

  Parker, Helen, 106

  Parvati, 475

  Patterson, Roy, 666

  Paul, 537

  Paul, see McCartney, Paul

  Paul R—, 330

  Péret, Benjamin, 354, see n.

  Persephone, 710

  Peter, see Orlovsky, Peter

  Peter O., see Orlovsky, Peter

  Peter, St., 297

  Phaëthon, 46

  Piaf, Edith, 160

  Picasso, Pablo, 189, 190

  Plotinus, 135

  Plato, 183, 353

  Plymell, Charlie, 396, 421, see n.

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 135, 176, 222, 228, 276, 298, 474, 522, 523, 672

  Pound, Ezra, 177, 325, 408, 494, 601, 632

  Presley, Elvis, 697

  Prospero, 745

  Purvis, Melvin, 455

  Pushkin, 309

  R—, 222

  Ra, 378

  Radha, 602, see n.

  Radiguet, Raymond, 189

  Rainey, Ma, 235

  Ram, 303, 362, 602

  Ramana Maharshi, 463

  Ramakrishna, 301, 475

  Raquel (Jodorofsky), 262

  Ranger, Lone, 237

  Rasputin, 423

  Read, Herbert, 466

  Reagan, Ronald, 446, 746, 753

  Rebecca, see Ginsberg, Rebecca

  Redford, Robert, 666

  Rembrandt, 224, 479

  Rexroth, Kenneth, 160

  Reznikoff, 740

  Rigaut, Jacques, 189

  Rilke, Rainer Maria, 309

  Rimbaud, Jean Arthur, 211, 423, 509, 518, 540, 625

  Ringo, see Starr, Ringo

  Rivers, Larry, 744

  Robbins, Jonathan, 673

  Robert, see LaVigne, Robert

  Robertson (pseud.), 657

  Robespierre, 556

  Rochester, John Wilmot, 285, see n.

  Rockefeller, David, 393, 491, 698, 700

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 347, 613, 637, 638, 644, 698, 699, 700

  Rogers, Buck, 194, 697

  Rolling Stones, 382, 604

  Romero, Bishop, 753

  Romney, George, 499

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 221, 226, 298, 562, 728, 746

  Roosevelt, Kermit, 753

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 177

  Rosario, 705

  Rose, Aunt, see Gaidemack, Aunt Rose

  Rose, Billy, 433

  Rose in Thrall, irving (Irving Rosenthal), 281, see n.

  Rose (Savage), 226

  Rosebud (Filieu), 537

  Roselle, see Cowan, Elise

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 286, 299, 605, 665

  Rousseau, Henri, 189, 509

  Rubin, Jerry, 507

  Ruby, Jack, 347, 478, 479

  Rusk, Dean, 385, 407, 492

  Russell, Bertrand, 175

  Ruth, 232

  Sabaot, 710

  Sacco, Nicola, 155, 176, 222, 605, see n.

  Sadat, Anwar, 623

  St. Germain, 190

  St. John of the Cross, 135

  St. John Perse, 289

  Sainte-Marie, Buffy, 398

  Sakajawea, 526

  Sakyamuni, 98, 600, see n.

  Sam, 161

  Sam, Uncle, 192, 225, 287, 299

  Samedi, Dr., 600, see n.

  Sampas, Sebastian, 360, see n.

  Sandburg, Carl, 222

  Santa Claus, 198

  Saraswati, 602

  Satan, 198

  Satyananda, 414, see n.

  Schacter, Zalmon, 622

  Scholem, Gershom, 297

  Schwerner, 555, see n.

  Scottsboro boys, 155, see n.

  Seaborg, Doctor, 710

  Seale, Bobby, 563, 602, see n.


  Shakespeare, William, 76, 309, 395, 605, 625, 697

  Shambu Bharti Baba, 414, see n.

  Shankar, 304, see n.

  Shapiro, David, 725

  Sheila, 269

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 172, 211, 369, 523, 625

  Shields, Karena, 105

  Siegel, Bugsy, 728, see n.

  Shiva, 316, 380, 475, 602, 618

  Shivaye, see Shiva

  Sigmund III, 358

  Sihanouk, Norodom, 319

  Silverman, Hersh, 285

  Sinatra, Frank, 203, 379, 476, 728

  Sinatra, Nancy, 476

  Sinclair, John, 552, 559, see n.

  Sirhan, Sirhan, 527, 528

  Smith, Al, 433

  Smith, Harry, 275, 565, see n.

  Smith, Mr., 68

  Snowflower, Princess, 485

  Snow White, 389

  Snyder, Gary, 158, 197, 199, 306, 322, 377, 530, 545, 617, 628, 742, see n.

rates, 605

  Solomon, 297

  Solomon, Carl, 76, 134, 138, 140, 142

  Sophia, 601, 710

  Sophocles, 697

  Spade, 161

  Spellman, Cardinal, 284

  Spengler, Oswald, 605

  Spinoza, 171

  Sri Chinmoi, 666

  Sri Ganeshaya, see Ganapatti

  Srimata Krishnaji, 415, see n.

  Sri Ramakrishna, 415

  Staggerflup, C. O., 485

  Stalin, Josef, 623, 752

  Starr, Ringo, 373

  Stein, Gertrude, 298, 355, 474

  Steinbeck, John, 451, 452

  Stennis, John C, 392, 406, 410, see n.

  Steven, 537

  Stevens, Wallace, 194

  Stevenson, Adlai, 299

  Stravinsky, Igor, 385

  Sukarno, 392

  Superman, 475

  Surabaya Johnnie, 325

  Surya, 602, see n.

  Su Tung-p’o, 607

  Swami Bhaktivedanta, see Bhaktivedanta Swami

  Swami Shivananda, 353, 414, see n.

  Symington, 410, see n.

  Tamburlane, 192

  Tara, 601, 611, see n.

  Tathagata, 415, see n.

  Taylor, Cecil, 631

  Taylor, Maxwell, 397, 407, 410

  Temple, Shirley, 385

  Tennessee (Williams), 654

  Thakur, Das, see Citaram Onkar Das Thakur

  Thakur, Dr., 666

  Thant, U, 476

  Thatcher, Margaret, 729

  Thespis, 371

  Thomas, Norman, 222, 727

  Thoreau, Henry David, 394, 448

  Tom (Pickard), 368

  Trafficante, Santos, 728

  Trotsky, Leon, 224, 234

  Trotskyites, 154

  Truman, Harry, 421, 492

  Trungpa, Chögyam, 591, 600, 602, 699, see n.

  Trungpaye, see Trungpa, Chögyam

  Tulku Tarthang, 530

  Turner, George E., 450

  Tzara, Tristan, 189

  Vaché, Jacques, 189

  Van Gogh, Vincent, 175, 177, 189, 229

  Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 155, 176, 222, 605, see n.

  Veitch, Tom, 601, see n.

  Veronica, 485

  Versilov, 72, see n.

  Vico, Giambattista, 605

  Vinal, Harold, 444, see n.

  Virgil, 553, 685

  Vishnu, 324

  Voznesensky, Andrei, 588, 589

  Wagner, 276, 281

  Waldman, Anne, 658

  Walker, Jimmy, 433

  Wallace, George, 594

  Walt, see Whitman, Walt

  Walter, see Whitman

  Walter (Curanosy), 262

  Washington, George, 194, 298, 421

  Watts, Alan, 620

  Wayne, John, 543

  W. C. Williams, see Williams, William Carlos

  Weizmann, 623

  West, Nathanael, 390

  Westmoreland, 491

  Whalen, Philip, 232, 257, 553, 600, see n.

  White, Ambassador, 753

  White, J. Alan, 341, 396

  Whitman, Walt, 118, 123, 144, 164, 172, 175, 189, 211, 402, 443, 460, 638, 710, 713, 740, 745


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