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Collected Poems 1947-1997

Page 70

by Allen Ginsberg

  Nor hearts to make old women smile day and night

  Nor arms to warm young girls to dream of love

  Nor thighs to satisfy thighs, nor breath men can approve—

  Yet think back to the time our epic world was new

  When Gilgamesh followed the shade of his friend Enkidu

  Into Limbo’s dust to talk love man to man

  So younger David enamored of young Jonathan

  Wrote songs that women and men still chant for calm

  Century after century under evergreen or palm

  A love writ so sacred on our Bible leaf

  That heart-fire warms cold millennial grief.

  Same time Akilleos won the war at Troy

  Grieving Patroklos’ body, his dead warrior boy

  (One nation won the world by reading Greek for this

  And fell when Wilde was gaoled for his Bellboy’s kiss)

  Marvelous Zeus himself took lightning eagle shape

  Down-cheeked Ganymede enjoyed God’s thick-winged rape

  And lived a youth forever, forever as can be,

  Serving his nectar to the bearded deity

  The whole world knew the story, the world laughed in awe

  That such Love could be the Thunder of immortal Law.

  When Socrates climbed his ladder of love’s degrees

  He put his foot in silence on rough Alcibiades

  Wise men still read Plato, whoever they are,

  Plato whose love-lad Aster was his morning star

  Plato whose love-lad was in death his star of Night

  Which Shelley once witnessed as Eternal Light.

  Catullus and tough Horace were slaves to glad young men

  Loved them cursed them, always fell in love again

  Caesar conquered the world, top Emperor Power

  Lay soft on the breast of his soldier of the hour

  Even Jesus Christ loved his young John most

  Later he showed him the whole Heavenly Host

  Old Rome approved a beautiful bodied youth

  Antinöus Hadrian worshipped with Imperial Truth

  Told in the calm gaze of his hundred stone

  Statues standing figleafed in the Vatican.

  Michelangelo lifted his young hand to smooth

  The belly of his Bacchus a sixteen-year youth

  Whose prick stands up he’s drunk, his eyes gaze side-

  Ways to his right hand held up shoulder high

  Waving a cup of grape, smart kid, his nose is sharp,

  His lips are new, slightly opened as if part-

  Ed to take a sip of purple nakedness,

  Taste Michelangelo’s mortal-bearded kiss,

  Or if a hair-hooved horny Satyr happens to pass

  Fall to the ground on his strong little marble ass.

  Michelangelo loved him! What young stud

  Stood without trousers or shirt, maybe even did

  What the creator wanted him to in bed

  Lay still with the sculptor’s hand cupped on his head

  Feeling up his muscles, feeling down his bones

  Palm down his back and thighs, touching his soft stones—

  What kind of men were the Slaves he tied to his bed?

  And who stood still for David naked foot to head?

  But men love the muscles of David’s abdomen

  And come with their women to see him again and again.

  Enough, I’ve stayed up all night with these boys

  And all my life enjoyed their handsome joys

  I came with many companions to this Dawn

  Now I’m tired and must set my pen down

  Reader, Hearer, this time Understand

  How kind it is for man to love a man,

  Old love and Present, future love the same

  Hear and Read what love is without shame.

  I want people to understand! They can! They can! They can!

  So open your ears and hear the voice of the classical Band.

  October 26, 1981


  Copyright © 1986 by May King Poetry Music Inc., Allen Ginsberg

  Airplane Blues

  I drove out to the airport

  on a blue sunny day

  Smog brown over Denver

  Horizon dung gray

  Look down on Missouri

  vast river bend south

  Dakota sky brilliant

  Cigarette in my mouth

  I’ve had many lovers

  over half century

  I have a new boyfriend

  Nineteen years, he loves me

  But I can’t get it up

  too timid and shy

  Growing old in my heaven

  Singing blues in the sky

  Nothing here to complain of

  White clouds in the sun

  Peace in my heart

  Empty sky Everyone

  But earth I look down on

  Turns round misery

  Green dollars fat

  with the war industry

  Mankind’s great delusions

  Scrape sky with red rage

  Build bombs out of Atoms

  to blast out the words on this page

  Majestical jailhouse

  our Joy’s in the Cage

  Hearts full of hatred

  will outlast my old age

  * * *

  My mother has perished

  my father’s long dead

  I have a sweet brother

  healed the pain in his head

  I’m going to the Apple

  to eat with my friends

  While the radio chatters

  what the President intends

  Down there Mississippi

  Minneapolis near

  Farms and green comforts

  of the Northern Hemisphere

  While Earth’s hundred millions

  Chew miserable clay

  Old African kingdoms

  Starve this century

  I’ll read in the papers

  more deaths in Iran

  Jahweh rules Israel

  Tanks in Afghanistan

  Martial Law rules Gdansk

  and the old Viet-Nam War

  Murders Indians in Guatemala

  and burns down El Salvador

  London and Belfast

  Los Angeles and Prague

  Tel Aviv & Moscow

  sit in their smog

  Phnom Penh’s red ruin

  was Washington’s pride

  Hanoi hates Peking

  where the God Mao has died

  I’m alone in the sky

  where there’s nothing to lose

  The Sun’s not eternal

  That’s why there’s the blues

  Majestical jailhouse

  our Joy’s in the Cage

  Hearts full of hatred

  will outlast my old age

  * * *

  Turn round in the sunset

  over Manhattan isle

  Newark was my birthplace

  under the wing for a while

  Green gastanks of Kearny

  Smog brown in the sky

  Seven million black men and white

  live here and die

  Come down over Harlem

  red buildings stand still

  Dusk light gleams their windows

  wheels bound on the landfill

  Sky streaked with jet streams

  black clouds in the west

  In the Lower East Side

  I’ll go take my rest.

  October 30, 1981


  Copyright © 1986 by May King Poetry Music Inc., Allen Ginsberg

  Do the Meditation Rock*

  Tune: I fought the Dharma, and the Dharma won

  If you want to learn

  I’ll tell you now

  I’ll tell you how

  it’s just that great

  If you are an old

  or a lama who lives

  The first thing you do

  is keep your spine

  Sit yourself down

  or sit in a chair

  how to meditate

  ’cause it’s never too late

  ’cause I can’t wait

  that it’s never too late

  fraud like me

  in Eternity

  when you meditate

  your backbone straight

  on a pillow on the ground

  if the ground isn’t there

  Do the meditation Do the meditation

  Learn a little Patience and Generosity

  Follow your breath out

  and sit there steady

  Follow your breath right

  follow it out

  Follow your breath

  to the thought of yr death

  Follow your breath

  whatever you think

  open your eyes

  & sit there wise

  outta your nose

  as far as it goes

  but don’t hang on

  in old Saigon

  when thought forms rise

  it’s a big surprise

  Do the meditation Do the meditation

  Learn a little Patience and Generosity

  Generosity Generosity Generosity & Generosity

  All you got to do

  you’re sitting meditating

  when thoughts catch up

  forget what you thought

  Laurel Hardy Uncle Don

  you don’t have to drop

  If you see a vision come

  play it dumb

  if you want a holocaust

  it just went past

  is to imitate

  and you’re never too late

  but your breath goes on

  about Uncle Don

  Charlie Chaplin Uncle Don

  your nuclear bomb

  say Hello Goodbye

  with an empty eye

  you can recall your mind

  with the Western wind

  Do the meditation Do the meditation

  Learn a little Patience & Generosity

  If you see Apocalypse

  or a flying saucer

  If you feel a little bliss

  give your wife a kiss

  If you can’t think straight

  it’s never too late

  Do the meditation

  so your body & mind

  in a long red car

  sit where you are

  don’t worry about that

  when your tire goes flat

  & you don’t know who to call

  to do nothing at all

  follow your breath

  get together for a rest

  Do the meditation Do the meditation

  Learn a little Patience and Generosity

  If you sit for an hour

  you can tell the Superpower

  you can tell the Superpower

  & to stop & meditate

  or a minute every day

  to sit the same way

  to watch and wait

  ’cause it’s never too late

  Do the meditation Do the meditation

  Get yourself together lots of Energy

  & Generosity Generosity Generosity & Generosity!

  St. Mark’s Place, Xmas 1981


  Copyright © 1986 by May King Poetry Music Inc., Allen Ginsberg

  The Little Fish Devours the Big Fish

  When the troops

  get their poop

  at Fort Bragg

  how to frag


  Leftist Nicas

  or go bomb



  Make a tomb

  for men & boys

  ending joys

  of villages

  and pillage

  or burn down

  to the ground

  little huts

  where pigs rut

  This costs much

  tax money as such

  for an error

  of red terror


  is the key

  to self defeating


  Genia Yevtushenko

  Ernesto Cardenal

  Allen Ginsberg



  & reliable

  & poetical

  & prophetical

  Therefore urge


  & Havana men

  to relax

  & reflect

  that the ax

  on the neck

  of Nicaragua’s

  a big error

  of war fever

  Double bind

  makes us blind

  to self fulfilling


  If you’re willing,

  lose your eye

  & your ear

  mad with fear


  is the key

  to self fulfilling


  You can bet

  Marxist threat

  starts with that

  self fulfilling


  if you’re willing

  to admit

  that the threat

  of invasion

  of a nation

  might cause them

  great alarm,

  Make them arm

  to resist,


  to insist

  they will fight

  back all right—

  Then to condemn

  their armed men

  and not molli

  fy their fears

  is sheer folly

  O my dears!


  is the key

  to self fulfilling


  United States

  you’re the greatest


  your big stick

  & big mouth

  North & South

  causes fear—

  Armies near

  and armies far

  or army talk

  wherever you are

  makes folks here

  think you’re queer

  Big gun boats

  that you float,

  big rumors

  that you dote

  on will be quoted

  in Managua


  Buenos Aires

  & Havana

  as more dread

  threat of war

  and Central

  America will



  and devise

  a defense,

  it’s common sense.

  Then to complain

  that their plan

  to fight back

  is a pain in the neck

  of the Pentagon—


  is crazy, Man.


  is the key

  to self fulfilling


  If you’re willing—

  costs an eye

  and an ear

  mad with fear.

  Intercontinental Hotel Bar, Managua

  January 25, 1982, 11 P.M.

  Happening Now?

  Happening now? End of Earth? Apocalypse days?

  President says “Armageddon!” $254 Billion Military Budget!

  The 5 A.M. subway train leaves Times Square

  Crowded with murderers & corpses sitting in dress suits,

  Earphones listening to mechanical disco, infinite

  Deaf universe of Walkman Happening now

  While I drink Perrier at parties in Bel Air

  Neutron bomb Nerve Bacteria gas, fruit fly recombinant

  Germ plasm, Stratospheric X-ray laser

  Anti-rocket beams, MX Cruise Stealth & Pershing missiles

  In dream ten years ago I stood on a South Texas crossroad

  Walked out alone from what City I couldn’t remember

  Half the sky was covered with ink-black cloud

  Tanks and bombers moved toward the distant horizon

  February 7, 1982

  A Public Poetry

  The fact is, the Russians are sissies

  And Chinese big yellow sissies too

  Americans by their nature sissies

  Ran away to the New World & beat up Indians,

  Now we’re gonna let Peabody Coal take their Four Corners away!

  So sissy we exploded Atom Bombs on Japs!

  I myself a famous sissy, it takes one to know one

  and know State Secretary XYZ a prissy sissy

  Gave his nickels to Indian killer Juntas in Guatemala

  Too freaked out to look El Salvador Deathsquads in the eye

  Yelling tiny Nicaragua’s a big threat to undernourished Mexico!

  President ABC’s the biggest sissy

  Hollywood sissy

  Bechtel Corporation sissy

  Such a sissy he gave 200 Billion Dollars to Pentagon Bullies

  frightened they’ll beat him up if he don’t let the Generals grab all his money

  And the American public’s sissy too

  Scared if they don’t give everything in their pockets to Defense Department

  the muscle men at the Pentagon and tough guys at CIA’ll

  beat up Congress and Supreme Court

  and take over the whole Western Block.

  April 6, 1982, 2:00 P.M.

  “What You Up To?”

  “Oh just hanging around

  picking my nose …”

  I replied, embarrassed

  in Naropa’s corridor,

  the Sanskrit professor’d saluted me

  as Americans are wont to do—

  What must he think my genius,

  a large red blob on my

  index finger tip—

  But I suffer from Bell’s palsy

  my lower eyelid slightly paralyzed

  no longer conducts tears thru

  my nostril

  thus my nose corridors dry up

  & crack, for five years

  whenever I lift the handkerchief

  from my face

  a spot of red stains the pure

  cotton & shames me.

  When I walk with bent spine & cane

  will my nose be caked with

  blood black & ulcerous? tears

  running down my cheeks

  a bony pinkie picking at the

  scarlet scab that got thick

  overnight, I forgot to grease my

  wrinkled snout the nite

  of my eightieth birthday

  and dreamed all the red

  mountain of mucus accumulated

  round me

  Himalaya of suffering gelatinous

  slop my lifetime since 1976


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