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Collected Poems 1947-1997

Page 74

by Allen Ginsberg

  At Joel the doctor’s wedding party the family’d gathered

  whoever was left alive. Yes of course they found her corpse,

  they knew she was crazy, but didn’t announce a murder,

  just whispered among themselves she was dead in the bathroom

  causes unknown, tho headless, hard for her to suicide herself,

  a further investigation would clarify this big mistake.

  In fact my cousin my publisher with troubled frown

  put the matter to rest, saying he’d call on the police

  after the wedding guests go home. I said—

  “I might be able to clear up the mystery. You saw

  her head?” He looked at me surprised, how did I know

  she was dead with her head cut off? I realized

  I’d given myself away, but risked it, why lie more,

  build up Karma nightmare another year & then get caught?

  Police find my fingerprints on Naomi’s dead neck? or my blade

  be found under my bed, in the dust behind the refrigerator

  on East 12th Street Lower East Side, I be arrested

  in newspaper scandal? “You saw the head?” I asked

  again, giving my knowledge away. “But are you sure?”

  he asked. Dressed in his Harvard suit and silken tie

  striped red and gold, “We have our legal staff, perhaps you should

  consult with them, no fee, fortunate contract,

  our clients we value, you for your Collected Works we do

  protect without question.” Helpful, alas, too late for me

  to undo the murder of my mother, I must confess, I had

  confessed, too late to undo confession and truth, I woke.

  December 21, 1984, 5:12 A.M.

  World Karma

  China be China, B.C. Clay armies underground the First Han Emperor’s improvement

  on burying his armies alive

  Later Ming tombs buried excavator architects

  & Mao officially buried 20,000,000 in Shit Freeze & Exile, much Suicide

  especially bilingual sophisticates in the molecular structure of surfaces, machine-tool engineers

  and Poetic intelligentsia questioned his Imperial vision of Pure Land

  future communist afterworld

  Russia had Czars & Stalin, all Yiddish Poets shot August 12, 1952 in Lubyanka basement, everybody got drunk afterward,

  everyone still whispers on streetcorners

  America forever democratic, lawless sheriffs shot Indians, bad men, good men, chinks kikes niggers and each other

  Spain always killed bulls & loved blood, matadors & crucifixion, reds & fascists assassinated anarchists—

  The Jews always complained, kvetching about false gods, and erected the biggest false God, Jehovah, in middle of western civilization—

  For creating the Judge the Jews are judged that’s their world Karma continuing, the Atom bomb

  British always had sense of superiority, class, stiff upperlip, the Queen and fuck you ducky up your bloody ’ole

  The French, advanced sense of superiority, stiff back, Algérie is always indissolubly a part of La France,

  We will not regret the necessity to kill you or anyone who disagrees

  They appreciate everything wine women song modern art

  O la la they’re so smart, introduced opium cultivation

  Indochina will always be an indissoluble addiction to France, the Bourse

  Germans had Kaisers Hitlers, orderly meticulous and rational a bunch of beasts

  now want Nuclear arms They’re also intelligent Pride themselves on Science

  romantic Poetry, their Black Forest mysterious full of Solitude acid rain

  hi tech civilization First the ovens of Auschwitz now goodbye ancient trees

  we have to keep up with the vulgar Americans

  Italy the trains never ran on time, they got good shoes & Pope & Mafia

  also good tomatoes and Angelico Beato, who’d want to complain in Naples or Uffizi?

  In 200 years America’ll have a billion people like neon China

  Computerized students’ll sleep six abed and hawk their mucus on the morning floor

  before fighting to get into the shower—much less a piece of soap

  and half stick of bacon with their petrochemical Wheaties & eggs— That’s because

  we had to Get Back to America, let’s Stand Up Tall

  so we can insult the rest of the world.

  More!—The Moslems expansionist monotheists will go Jihad whenever able

  Always their god best god only god only name Allah and

  die like a dog if you don’t believe me! From Morocco to Java

  heathen dogs and cats go barking and meow after terrific Nobodaddy

  in Paradise the Western lands Heaven Pure Land Garden of Sky,

  other side of Eternal Dreamtime I vote for Australian Aborigines!

  Let them run the world after Hi Tech’s annihilated all other species & genetic strains

  from whale to donkey sperm.

  Kunming, December 24, 1984, Midnight-12:49


  As I’m no longer young in life

  and there seem to me not

  so many pleasures to look forward to

  How fortunate to be free

  to write of cars and wars, truths of eras,

  throw away old useless

  ties and pants that don’t fit.

  January 9, 1985

  Memory Cousins

  After Long Absence, I returned from the land of the dead

  to visit my stepmother in her suburban apartment.

  I looked from a distance, was it a mental hospital

  standing on a grass plain far from Manhattan’s skyscrapers

  after crossing Washington Bridge, or Jersey’s tract houses

  risen gigantic during my exile in China? I’d

  been gone so long my relatives’d grown old at their doors—

  a neighbor widow come out to empty the black plastic

  garbagebag, I’d known her middle age, now with white hair

  she gazed at me nodding absently, I’d not been gone long

  while her husband’d died, children married with children now—

  How dear to see me, where’d I been? I looked down the long hall,

  door after door of Aunts and Uncles retired alive

  white haired, television bound seeing the doctor, eating

  delicatessen salad Sundays, reading best seller

  books, dusting furniture, cleaning kitchen floors, happily

  visiting Doctors for minor blood pressure, depression

  or hernias. Years ahead, they should live so long, they’d die,

  I’d never see them again, best settle down while childhood

  memory cousins and brothers were old, but still alive,

  enjoy each other’s tables and coffee, business gossip.

  Where else go off to, unhappy Russia warring Israel?

  Here in America, peace, a place to live together.

  They were bombing Nicaragua, factories exploding

  in India, Cities crowded with Animal muggers

  newspapers said, TV had pictures of them every nite—

  Peter in fact just came back from Nuclear Buddhaland,

  His belly exposed to Radiation a soft yellow

  spot near his navel, he smiled rueful pulling his shirt

  above his belt to show his mortal sore, what could cure him?

  If go away now I’ll be gone forever, Peter,

  Stepmother Edith, Aunt Honey & Leo, Aunt Clara

  and Uncle Abe, my brother Gene & Connie & the kids,

  I may never see them again. Here are their living eyes,

  here’s the end of the Immortal Dream.

  March 2, 1985, 7:56 A.M.

  Moral Majority

  Something evil about you Mr. Viguerie Mr. Falwell Robertson Swaggert.

  Not evil but ign
orance of the delights of the Boy

  The 1920s have passed, corsets chastity belts whips

  the stake, Lesbian cities aflame in your fiery eyes

  —Some old Demon the Satan in possession of your body

  a thousand years old, two thousand that burned the parchments of Black Sappho

  I’ve seen God as much as any, he doesn’t look like you alone

  He looks like me too, all the homosexuals on earth,

  in Congo, Cities of North America, Rio Barrios—

  He looks like a lavender fairy, Paris salons 1890 the birds & bees,

  Like an ambidextrous worm, male dogs coupling in the Alabama parking-lot.

  Nothing wrong with Family, Mother Father & Buba.

  Nothing wrong with the Babe.

  Nothing wrong with Mr. Falwell except a little mean streak

  that isn’t god, just a jerk, talks too big for his britches,

  inexperienced Bible Salesman

  interprets words & letters, not Holy Spirit

  ambitious politically, at the expense of the poor,

  the thwarted, & happy ruddy kids—

  Find out Buddha, enter the great silence

  & pass thru the needle’s eye,

  then come back happy, laughing, generous

  big mouth full of good cheer, not money,


  March 19, 1985

  The Guest

  I’ve a pain in my back

  Fifth lumbar & sacrum

  Kidneystones alas alack

  can’t drink milk calcium

  High blood pressure about

  salt I can’t eat

  at my age no red meat

  sometimes I get gout

  My age fifty eight

  My friend Peter’s away

  I should lose ten pounds weight

  Prostrate every day

  to my guru who’s Crazy

  Prepare for grim death

  Exercise for good health

  All my life I’ve been lazy

  Little gold, lots of fame

  Small flat in Manhattan

  tho I bank on my name

  my wallet won’t fatten

  But the thing I want most

  to embody my joy

  is the belly of a boy

  and there I get lost

  I met David he undressed

  Came naked on my bed

  He climbed on my chest

  “I love you Allen” he said

  He touched and caressed

  my stomach, heart and thigh

  appreciated my sigh

  I slept chaste & blessed.

  He visited New York

  to sleep a week in my room

  watch me at work,

  enlighten my gloom—

  Body young & strong

  shapely from Basketball

  Skin muscular stomach small

  “I can’t be your lover long.”

  Mind tender, he loves girls

  Sees me as poetry master

  His pubic hair’s soft curls

  press my breast to rapture

  His smooth cock grows thick

  my heart beats at his loin

  He presses with his groin

  His hands caress my neck

  I touch around his buttocks

  smooth, firm and warm.

  “I’ve never been fucked”

  he encourages, as my arm

  reaches up his spine

  passes down his back

  presses into his open crack

  He turns on his belly to try.

  I enter slow, he’s soft

  no pain, he raises his behind

  no hard on, hips aloft

  I push, he doesn’t mind.

  My trouble is, I’m old

  and tho this young kind boy

  gives me a chance for joy

  I’m not hard enough to be bold.

  Yet I’m in, “How does it feel now?”

  “It’s O.K., it’s kind of different.”

  Ruddy face, eyes open on the pillow,

  he lies before me prone, no effort—

  I’m afraid to move, what’ll he say?

  But he humps his rear up more

  to take what’s in store,

  I stick it in all the way.

  Something is missing my hard on

  But it’s what I have, it works

  I pump him slowly, then start on

  moving faster while he jerks

  his buttocks up to help me come,

  I ask permission, he says “yes,”

  I pull his hips up, hold his breast,

  spurt my loves deep in his bum

  Next night we hugged and slept

  Chaste again and affectionate

  I answered the phone all day but kept

  winding him in my mental net—

  He wasn’t excited by my body

  I couldn’t expect his sexual love

  After this week would I approve

  his visiting, if I had to sleep lonely?

  March 24, 1985

  After Antipater

  I’ve climbed the Great Wall’s stone steep out of breath

  sat on gray columns broken at Acropolis’ marble sill

  brushed past morbid scented insect eating plants in Petén Rainforest

  Eaten roastbeef with my mother’s cousins atop a World Trade Tower overhanging Hudson River

  Slept under the dome echoing lament for Mumtaz Mahal’s white skull

  Stood in Red Square snow across from the Kremlin wall-tomb of th’- assassin of millions

  Climbed Seville’s gypsy balconies, Sagrada Familia’s crannied spires, gazed through my father’s eyes from San Marco’s high porch

  tarried on Brooklyn bridge facing Manhattan dusk’s sparkling Towers, walked Golden Gate’s Pacific promenade

  But when you lay on my bed, white sheet covering your loins, your eyes on mine

  I forgot these marvels, my heart breathed open, I saw life’s glory look back at me naked.

  March 26, 1985

  Greek Anthology III, Book IX, Epigram 58, Loeb, p. 31.

  Jumping the Gun on the Sun


  is the key

  to living

  in Eternity

  If you love

  Heav’n above

  Hold your ground,

  Look around

  Hear the sound

  of television,

  No derision,

  Smell your blood

  taste your good

  bagels & lox

  Wash your sox

  & touch wood,

  It’s understood

  This is it

  wild wit

  Make your love

  on earth above,

  home of the brave,

  Save yr grave

  for future days

  Present here

  nothing to fear

  No need to sigh

  no need to die

  before your time

  mentally whine

  stupidly dine

  on your own meat

  That’s what’s neat

  Mortally great

  Immortally sweet

  Incredibly deep

  makes you weep

  Just this once

  Don’t be a dunce

  Take your cap

  off Hear my rap


  is the key

  to living in


  Makes you wise

  in your own eyes

  makes the body

  not seem shoddy

  Makes your soul

  completely whole

  empty, final


  Mobile, totally


  Affirmative action

  for no faction

  for all men

  women too,

  mother brother,

  even for you
/>   Dead soul’d, sick

  but really quick

  with breath & thick

  with blood in yr prick

  Walking alive

  on Riverside Drive

  up on Broadway

  shining gay

  in New York

  waving you dork

  waving your mind

  or living behind

  your meaty masque

  magnificent task

  all you could ask

  as if pure space

  gave you a place

  in Eternity—

  To see the City

  Stand all day

  Shine all night

  Bright starlight

  streaming the height

  Watery lawn

  misty at dawn

  warmed by the sun

  Bathed in the moon

  green grasses of June

  80 times only

  Don’t be lonely

  Roses are live

  Cockroaches thrive

  in plastic garbage

  maggots salvage

  your dead meat

  Horses eat

  golden Hay

  in golden day

  Young kids jump

  in the City dump

  Take the lump

  in your throat

  and sing out

  yr holy note

  of heart’s delight

  in living light

  Day & Night


  is the key

  to Bliss in this


  April 5, 1985

  Cadillac Squawk

  Sitting on the twelfth floor Gomden I heard a wild siren in the garment district

  Heard dog scream at dog on park avenue

  my head rumbled the Bronx 242’d street Lexington Avenue Express

  lonesome sparrows chirped weathered coppergreen cornice 1860

  Footstep crash, pocket change jangled the shrine room’s polished floor

  traffic waves rushed the shore 1985

  Adolf Hitler’s voice in the taxi horn

  squeak soprano steely cheep Chevrolet brakeshafts

  subway breath rising to Empire State Observation Roof

  iron doors slam refrigerators shut

  bones creak in my knees’ antechambers

  Heard the long Cadillac horn squawk up sidestreet brick buildingsides

  elevators ascended and descended a thousand skyscrapers

  wheels within wheels rubber and steel revolve on asphalt corridors

  Exhaust puffs out monoxide Broadway Manhattan

  Heard the sky shut up

  Heard conversation in the trees in leafy Bronx


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