Collected Poems 1947-1997

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Collected Poems 1947-1997 Page 83

by Allen Ginsberg



  This is Allen Ginsberg’s last book, particular to his determining intent, his last writings when in hospital aware of his impending death, his last reflections and resolutions—his last mind. When he was told by the doctors that he had at best only a short time to live, he called his old friends to tell them the hard news, comforting, reassuring, as particular to their lives as ever. Despite the intensely demanding fame he’d had to deal with for more than forty years, he’d kept the world both intimate and transcendent. It was a “here and now” that admitted all the literal things of each day’s substance and yet well knew that all such was finally “too heavy for this lightness lifts the brain into blue sky/at May dawn when birds start singing on East 12th street…” He was, and remains, the enduring friend, the one who goes with us wherever we are taken, who counsels and consoles, who gets the facts when it seems we will never be told them, who asks “Who’ll council who lives where in the rubble/who’ll sleep in what brokenwalled hut/in the moonlight…” He kept a witness of impeccable kind.

  The playful, reductive, teasing verses, which could sometime make this world seem just the bitter foolishness it finally has to, sound here clearly. What is the grandness of death, of a body finally worn out, at last the simple fact of stubbornly reluctant shit and a tediously malfunctioning heart, of “all the accumulations that wear us out,” as he put it, when still a young man? There is no irony, no despair, in delighting as one can in “No more right & wrong/yes it’s gone gone gone/ gone gone away…” No poet more heard, more respected, more knew the intricacies of melody’s patterns. He took such pleasure in the whimsical, insistent way the very rhythms could take hold of attention, bringing each word to its singular place. “Chopping apples into the fruit compote—suffer, suffer, suffer, suffer!” His company insisted upon music and he danced with a consummate grace.

  Now we must make our own music, albeit his stays with us forever. William Blake’s great call, “Hear the voice of the bard …,” now changes to “The authors are in eternity,” because ours is a passing world. Yet the heroic voices, the insistent intimacies of their tenacious humanity, hold us in a profound and securing bond. Where else would we think to live? Our friend gave his whole life to keep faith with Whitman’s heartfelt insistence, “Who touches this book touches a man.” So Allen Ginsberg will not leave us even now. “To see Void vast infinite look out the window into the blue sky.”


  JUNE 13, 1998

  New Democracy Wish List

  for President Clinton White House

  Retro Axioms:

  “Progress” ended in XX century.

  Hyper-rationalism reduces natural complexity of nature through narrow thought abstraction; Hyper-rationalization, hyper-industrialization & Hyper-technology create chaos.

  U.S. command economy subsidizes fossil fuel and nuclear Energy & Science, Agriculture, Air & Motor Transport, Banking, Communications, Military Industrial Complex, licit & illicit psychoactive Drugs, also rules Mass Media via FCC. American Free Market is hi-tech myth with national socialist centralized regulation implicit everywhere except small business & little magazines.

  Muscle Power connected to appropriate hi-tech might rehabilitate Earth.

  Lacks & Needs:

  Fossil Fuels retard the planet. Detoxify America: tainted Fire poisons Earth, fouls Air & pollutes Water.

  Emphasize prevention & alternative medicine with medical insurance rebates for not using Self-insured health credits: like mythic China, “Only pay Doctor when you are well.”

  Fund Ryan White Care Act, separate Church & State in Center for Disease Control, fund bleach kits, needle exchange & plainspoken AIDS education, build infrastructure of decentralized community based health care preventative medicine early intervention clinics for poverty class disease-prone high-risk teens women & men living with AIDS & TB inner city plagues.

  Coordinate National crash program to research inexpensive anti-AIDS medicines.

  Separate Church & State in arts, education & civil law. Restore National Endowment for the Arts & FCC freedom from Fundamentalist political intrusion.

  Sexuality’s loose not fixed. Legalize it.

  Decriminalize addictive drug problem, doctors can cure addiction or provide maintenance if no cure. Reduce mass-million expense on narcotics-addicted political prisoners overcrowding courts & jails, Medicalize drug trade.

  Decriminalize marijuana, its disadvantages are minor; reserve hemp grass as unadvertised private small cash crop for failing family farms, encourage hemp fabric industries.

  Privatize & entrust psychedelics to medical educational priestly professions. End Military monopoly on LSD research and development.

  End tobacco farming subsidies, cut use. Ex-Nicotine lobbyists working in Clinton’s new White House can stop smoking.

  Shift agricultural subsidies toward grain beans & vegetable diet. Tax meat as a nutritional agronomic & ecologic disaster.

  With massive scale reforestation rural & in wilderness, plant also universal urban tree rows.

  Establish Civilian Conservation Corps for Urban homesteading, thin out corrupt local bureaucracies obstructing populist housing reconstruction.

  Encourage international trade in Eco-technology in place of enabling codependency on weapons trade.

  Inaugurate National “Limits of Growth” Program for Population/Land Use/Pollution.

  Jump start national state & city human and industrial waste compost & recycling.

  Honor primary and secondary school teachers, elevate respect, reward educators as handsomely as Plumbers, reduce class crowding to human size, under 15 students; encourage national child-care projects.

  Take back money from SLA bankruptcy profiteer goniffs.

  Purge U.S. military death squad subsidies in Salvador, Guatemala, etc. We backed up dictators in Zaire, Somalia, Liberia, Sudan, Angola, Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Salvador, we’re responsible: admit it then figure ways out.

  Open CIA & FBI & NSA archives on Cointelpro raids, Government drug dealing, Kennedy/King assassinations, Iranian Contragate, Panama Deception, Vatican, Hand & Lavoro Bank thuggery, etc. including Bush-Noriega relations and other CIA client-agent scandals.

  Open all secret files on J. Edgar Hoover-Cardinal Spellman-Roy Cohn-Joe McCarthy alcoholic Closet-Queen Conspiracy with Organized Crime to sabotage the U.S. Labor Movement, Native African-American Hispanic & Gay minority leaderships; and blackmail U.S. Presidents Congress each other for half century.

  Get Government Secret Police (DEA CIA FBI NSA etc.) off our backs by the next millennium.

  January 17, 1993

  Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina

  General Mother Teresa

  Emperor Dalai Lama XIV

  Chief of Staff Thich Nhat Hanh

  Army Chaplain John Paul II

  followed by the shades of Gandhi

  Sakharov, Sartre & his uncle

  Albert Schweitzer

  went to the bombed out streets

  talked to Moslem Bosnians in

  the burnt out grocery stores

  parlayed with Croatian & Serbian Generals & Parliament

  asked them to quit shooting & firing

  artillery from the mountainside

  overlooking villages

  emptied of grandmothers—

  So now there was quiet—a few fires

  smoldered in back alleys

  a few corpses stank in wet fields

  —But who owns these houses? The

  cinema theaters with broken doors?

  Who owns that grocery store, that City Hall,

  that windowless school with broken


  Who owns these little apartments, now

  all worshippers of Allah

  pray in towns besieged 100 miles away

  overcrowded in tenements & tents, with

  U.N. portosans at the crossroads?

  Who owns these abandoned alleys &
/>   drugstores with shattered bottle shards over

  the sidewalk & inside the door?

  Who’ll be the judge, attorney, file

  legal briefs,

  bankruptcy papers, affidavits of ownership,

  deeds, old tax receipts?

  Who’ll council who lives where in the rubble,

  who’ll sleep in what brokenwalled hut

  in the full moonlight when spring clouds

  pass over the face

  of the man in the moon at the end of May?

  May 6, 1993, 3 A.M.

  After the Party

  amid glasses clinking, mineral water, schnapps

  among professors’ smiling beards,

  sneaker’d classicists, intelligent lady millionaire

  literary Patron fag hags

  earth mothers of Lambeth, Trocadero,

  Hyde Park, 5th Avenue

  blond haired journalists with bracelets, grand

  readers of Dostojevsky & Gogol—

  senior editor escorts from Trotskyite weeklies,

  lesbians sitting on glossy magazine covers—

  what have we here? a kid moving from

  foyer to bathroom, thin body,

  Pale cheeked with red cap, 18 year old window washer,

  came with Señora Murillo

  She admired his impudence, amused by his

  sincere legs

  as I admire his glance, he turns aside to

  gaze at me, I’m

  happy to guess he’ll show his

  naked body in bed

  where we talk the refined old doctrine,

  Coemergent Wisdom

  Lódz’, October 5, 1993

  9:15 P.M. at “Construction in Process”poetry reading

  After Olav H. Hauge


  Some live on islands, hills near Trondheim

  Some in St. Moritz, or the forest depths

  Some lonely have beautiful wives

  castles, fine carpets on Wall Street

  Buy & sell currencies, solitary on marble floors

  consumed by a passion for fossil fuel

  magnetized by cannons, lasers, bombsights, enriched uranium

  or together play the stock market

  They live & die at the throw of the dice

  They’re all businessmen

  who have found eachother.


  Fermented Jungle

  North wind blows

  Fish fly around the room

  wind dies down

  Fish fly under water.


  Sometimes the Godliness

  strikes me as heroic

  People mill about

  Bodø won the Norwegian soccer cup

  It’s so crowded, fans are drunk

  People’s feet get mixed up

  That big man wanders around

  lost, barefoot

  he can’t find his feet—

  Finally he goes out, late

  on his way home

  not sure if he’s on

  his own two feet

  Trondheim, October 25, 1993

  These knowing age

  These knowing age


  These knowing age

  walk slowly

  these knowing age

  remind themselves of their grandmothers

  these knowing age

  take waterpills, high blood pressure,

  watch their sugar and salt

  these knowing age eat less meat, some

  stopped smoking a decade ago

  Some quit coffee, some drink it strong

  These knowing age saw

  best friends’ funerals, telephoned

  daughters & granddaughters

  Some drive, some don’t, some cook, some

  do not

  These knowing age often

  keep quiet.

  Munich, November 5, 1993

  C’mon Pigs of Western Civilization Eat More Grease

  Eat Eat more marbled Sirloin more Pork’n


  Lard up the dressing, fry chicken in

  boiling oil

  Carry it dribbling to gray climes, snowed with


  Little lambs covered with mint roast in racks

  surrounded by roast potatoes wet with


  Buttered veal medallions in creamy saliva,

  buttered beef, by glistening mountains

  of french fries

  Stroganoffs in white hot sour cream, chops

  soaked in olive oil,

  surrounded by olives, salty feta cheese, followed

  by Roquefort & Bleu & Stilton


  for wine, beer Cocacola Fanta Champagne

  Pepsi retsina arak whiskey vodka

  Agh! Watch out heart attack, pop more

  angina pills

  order a plate of Bratwurst, fried frankfurters,

  couple billion Wimpys’, McDonald’s burgers

  to the moon & burp!

  Salt on those fries! Hot dogs! Milkshakes!

  Forget greenbeans, everyday a few carrots,

  a mini big spoonful of salty rice’ll

  do, make the plate pretty;

  throw in some vinegar pickles, briny sauerkraut

  check yr. cholesterol, swallow a pill

  and order a sugar Cream donut, pack 2 under

  the size 44 belt

  Pass out in the vomitorium come back cough

  up strands of sandwich still chewing

  pastrami at Katz’s delicatessen

  Back to central Europe & gobble Kielbasa

  in Lódz

  swallow salami in Munich with beer, Liverwurst

  on pumpernickel in Berlin, greasy cheese in

  a 3 star Hotel near Syntagma, on white

  bread thick-buttered

  Set an example for developing nations, salt,

  sugar, animal fat, coffee tobacco Schnapps

  Drop dead faster! make room for

  Chinese guestworkers with alien soybean

  curds green cabbage & rice!

  Africans Latins with rice beans & calabash can

  stay thin & crowd in apartments for working

  class foodfreaks—

  Not like Western cuisine rich in protein

  cancer heart attack hypertension sweat

  bloated liver & spleen megaly

  Diabetes & stroke—monuments to carnivorous


  presently murdering Belfast

  Bosnia Cypress Ngorno Karabach Georgia

  mailing love letter bombs in

  Vienna or setting houses afire

  in East Germany—have another coffee,

  here’s a cigar.

  And this is a plate of black forest chocolate cake,

  you deserve it.

  Athens, December 19, 1993

  Here We Go ’Round the Mulberry Bush

  I got old & shit in my pants

  shit in my pants

  shit in my pants

  I got old & shit in my pants

  shit in my pants again

  We got old & shit in our pants

  shit in our pants

  shit in our pants

  We got old & shit in our pants

  shit in our pants again

  You’ll be lucky if you get old

  & shit in your pants

  & shit in your pants

  You’ll be lucky if you get old

  & shit in your pants again

  January 1, 1994

  Tuesday Morn

  Waking with aching back at base of spine, walked stiffly to kitchen toilet to pee,

  more limber returned to unmade bed, sat to write, dreamlike yesterdays recorded—

  From pill dispenser 60 mg Lasix, water pills brings blood to kidney to relieve heart stressed by lung liquid

  one white Lanoxin something further steadies the heart, one brown Vasotec for hig
h blood pressure

  a round blue potassium pill set aside for breakfast

  Next another quaff of water for sleep-dried tongue

  & check stove water boiling Tibetan medical powders

  Quarter tsp. directly in mouth with hot water, morn & night

  Next make the bed—pull out mattress, lift up sheets ballooning in air to settle all four corners,

  lay on the orange-diamonded Mexican wool blanket & 3 pillows—push mattress back in place

  brush teeth—then prick my finger

  a drop, Exac-Tech blood sugar teststrip results noted morn & eve

  98 today, a little low, swab pinkie with alcohol pad, another sip medicinal tea—

  replace reading glasses with bifocals, brush teeth at front-room sink & looking out window, church door passers-by four floors below

  while noon bells ring, clock ticking on the kitchen wall above the toilet cabinet—pull chain

  worked this morning, flushed a wobbly porcelain throne—needa get Mike the Super fix pipes—

  Back to front room, brush teeth, bowels begin to stir relief, electric shave,

  brush out gray dust from razor head, wash face, clear throat’s pale yellow phlegm, blow nose

  in paper towel, stick pinkie end with white cream Borofax drop in each nostril, wipe mustache, put on teashirt

  Vitalis on short hair around bald head, brush back small beard—& ready for breakfast

  in boxer shorts alone at home, pee again, gray sky out window

  Sparrows on courtyard dirt, bare Heaven Trees—yesterday’s Times half read on the table where

  red tulip blossoms dry in a glass jar—Time to crap & finish Exquisite Corpse—not much came down—

  flush, climb ladder and fix the water ball, wash ass change shorts and choose fresh sox—

  At last it’s time to eat, clear & safe in the morning—1 P.M.

  Salt-free cornflakes from the icebox, brown rice, shredded wheat in a Chinese bowl

  filled thereafter with Rice Dream milk—banana that!

  Chew and wonder what to read, answer phone, yes, “Peter’s flown to Colorado, Huncke’s rent is due” to patron Hiro—

  Finish cereal reading yesterday’s Times “How Mental Patients Sleep Out of Doors”


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