Collected Poems 1947-1997

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Collected Poems 1947-1997 Page 84

by Allen Ginsberg

  “ ‘Last time, I was just walking in the rain,’ he said, his hands and lips quivering slightly from the medication he takes.”

  Slip a multivitamin pill in my mouth, grab a dish, fruit stewed two nites ago—

  Ring Ring the telephone—the office, Bob Rosenthal, Debbie for Jewel Heart Benefit,

  Ysrael Lubavitcher fairy returned from his Paris year

  Edith not home, Aunt Honey leaving for Australia next week,

  she had stroke & splenectomy 1942, long story—

  David Rome preparing arts program Halifax during Sawang’s Shambhala confirmation

  —Finally 3 P.M. I get dressed go to office couple hours—

  Phone Robert Frank? Yup, he’s out, call early evening. I’m free.

  January 23, 1994


  The 18 year old marine “had made his Peace with God.”

  A word. A capitol G. Who is God? I thought I saw him once

  and heard his voice, which now sounds like my own,

  and I’m not God, so who’s God? Jesus Bible God?

  Whose Bible? Old JHVH? The 4 letter one without vowels or the 3 letter word God? G-O-D?

  Allah? Some say Allah’s great, tho’ mock his name you’re dead!

  Zoroaster’s Wise One used to be great, & Mormons’ version got absolute pedigrees & Genealogies.

  Is Pope’s God same as Southern Baptist Inerrancy televangelists?

  How’s that square with the Ayatollah’s Allah, Billy Graham Nixon’s on his knees, Ronald Reagan’s Armageddon deity?

  What of Lubavitcher Rabbi’s God refusing land for peace exchange?

  Is Yassir Arafat’s God same as Shamir’s? What about Magna Mater?

  What happened to Aphrodite, Hecate, Diana many breasted at Ephesus,

  round bottom’d Willendorf Venus older than Jahweh & Allah & Zoroaster’s dream!

  older than Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha & the 39 patriarchs.

  Is any God real? Is there one God? How come so many Gods—

  Fighting eachother, poor Mayans, Aztecs, Peruvian sun worshippers? Hopi peyote dreamers round the half moon fire.

  Am I God after all, made the universe, we dreamed it up together

  or got tumbled out of the Chute onto the Planet, looking for progenitors?

  I know I’m not God, are you? Don’t be silly.

  God? God? Everybody’s God? Don’t be silly.

  February 25, 1994

  Ah War

  Ah War bigness addiction

  Alchemized thru meta-industrial

  Labor-Intensive permanent tree

  Crop protein energy system

  recycling Urban Wastes

  in Meditative Egoless non

  Theistic Space

  Lisner Auditorium

  Monday, March 21, 1994, 8:00 P.M.


  Everybody excretes different loads

  To think of it—

  Marilyn Monroe’s pretty buttocks,

  Eleanor Roosevelt’s bloomers dropt

  Rudolf Valentino on the seat, taut

  muscles relaxing

  Presidents looking down the bowl

  to see their state of health

  Our White House rosy-cheeked dieter,

  One last, gaunt sourpuss

  striped pants ankle’d

  in the Water Chamber

  Name it? byproduct of

  vegetables, steak, sausages, rice

  reduced to a brown loaf in the watery tureen,

  splatter of dark mud on highway

  side cornfields

  studded with peanuts & grape seeds—

  Who doesn’t attend to her business

  No matter nobility, Hollywood starshine, media

  Blitz-heroics, everyone at

  table follows watercloset

  regulation & relief

  An empty feeling going back to banquet,

  returned to bed, sitting for Breakfast,

  a pile of dirt unloaded from gut level

  mid-belly, down thru the butthole

  relaxed & released from the ton

  of old earth, poured back

  on Earth

  It never appears in public

  ’cept cartoons, filthy canards,

  political commix left & right

  The Eminent Cardinal his robes pushed aside,

  Empress of Japan her 60 pound kimono,

  layered silks pushed aside,

  The noble German Statesman giving his heart ease

  The pretty student boy in Heidelberg

  between chemic processor abstractions,

  Keypunch operators in vast newsrooms

  Editors their wives and children

  drop feces of various colors

  iron supplement black

  to pale green-white sausage

  delicacies the same

  in tiny bathroom

  distant suburbs,

  even dogs on green front lawns

  produce their simulacra of

  human garbage

  we all drop

  Myself the poet aging on the stool

  Polyhymnia the Muse herself, lowered to this throne—

  what a relief!

  March 24, 1994

  New Stanzas for Amazing Grace

  I dreamed I dwelled in a homeless place

  Where I was lost alone

  Folk looked right through me into space

  And passed with eyes of stone

  O homeless hand on many a street

  Accept this change from me

  A friendly smile or word is sweet

  As fearless charity

  Woe workingman who hears the cry

  And cannot spare a dime

  Nor look into a homeless eye

  Afraid to give the time

  So rich or poor no gold to talk

  A smile on your face

  The homeless ones where you may walk

  Receive amazing grace

  I dreamed I dwelled in a homeless place

  Where I was lost alone

  Folk looked right through me into space

  And passed with eyes of stone

  April 2, 1994

  Composed at the request of Ed Sanders for his production of The New Amaz

  ing Grace, performed November 20, 1994, at the Poetry Project in St. Mark’s

  Church in-the-Bouwerie.

  City Lights City

  On Via Ferlinghetti & Kerouac Alley young heroes muse melancholy 2025 A.D.

  Musicians brood & pace Bob Kaufman Street and practice future jazz on Rexroth place

  Spiritual novelists sit rapt in contemplation under the street sign at Saroyan Place before they cross to Aram Alley

  Loves’ eyes gaze sparkling on Bay waters from McClure Plaza at the foot of Market

  Old Market itself as Robert Duncan Boulevard teems with theosophic shops & Hermetic Department Stores

  & crossing Duncan Blvd.: First DiPrima Second Henry Miller Third Corso Street

  Fourth Jeffers Street & Fifth on John Wieners Street the Greyhound Terminal stands

  surrounded by Bookstore Galleries, Publishers Rows, and Artists lofts

  Sightseers in tourist buses breathe fresh foggy air on Harold Norse & Hirschman Peaks—oldies but goldies

  Ken Kesey’s name makes Bayshore famous as you barrel up past Brother Everson Memorial Stadium

  Whalen Bridge sits meditating all the way to Oakland

  Snyder Bridge connects the East-West Gate between S.F & Marin

  Commuters crowd exhausted into the Neal Cassady R.R. Station on Corso

  Czeslaw Milosz Street signs shine bright on Van Ness

  Poet Jack Micheline gets Tenderloin, Philip Lamantia Tower crowns Telegraph Hill

  where international surrealist tourists climb to see the view—

  & I’ll take Alcatraz (to return to Native Americans along with Treasure Island)

  April 21, 1994

  Newt Gingrich Declares War on “McGo
vernik Counterculture”

  Does that mean war on every boy with more than one earring on the same ear?

  against every girl with a belly button ring? What about nose piercing? a diamond in right nostril?

  Does that mean more plainclothesmen high on LSD at Dead concerts?

  What about MTV—no more Michael Jackson, no Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues? Yoko & John no more Give Peace a Chance

  Will there be laws against Punk, Generation X, the Voidoids, Slackers, Grunge?

  Blues, Jazz, Bebop, Rocknroll? Where did it get countercultural?

  What about Elvis’ Pelvis? Sonic Youth dumbed, Cobain’s screams banished from Nirvana?

  No more grass on college campuses, Mushrooms stomped to death by the Elephant Party?

  What about African-Americans? That’s a terrific Counterculture, & what about the Yellow Peril, Chinese restaurants? New Age Cooking? is Japanese Sushi too much Zen?

  Sitting meditation, that be frowned satanic in Congress? Tai Chi, Tai Kwando, Karate, Martial Arts? Ballet? Opera, La Bohème?

  Don’t mention us cocksuckers?! Is eating pussy countercultural?

  Sappho, Socrates, Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Proust in or out the canon?

  J. E. Hoover’s name wiped off FBI granite in the Capital?

  Poetry slams, is poetry countercultural, like a Third Party?

  Is ecology pro or counter culture? Astronomy determining the Universe’s age & size?

  Long hair, relativity, is Einstein countercultural?

  January 1995

  Pastel Sentences (Selections)

  Mice ate at the big red heart in her breast, she was distracted in love.

  Bowed down by the weight of nebulae he crouches underneath the hill.

  A bat that’s bigger than your ear watches you sleep while you dream him there.

  A round blue eye woke red lipped ’neath this century’s gigantic lightbulb.

  Lantern-jawed Bismarck dreams a rich red rose blossoms thorn-stemmed through his skull.

  In an oval blue womb a full-grown girl curled up eyes closed dreams her birth.

  Big little people do yab yum in their ten petal’d yellow daisy.

  Long hand over left eye Mother Sudan sees big bellied kids’ thin ribs.

  In midst of coition a blood-red worm spurts out his heaving rib-cage.

  The one eyed moon-whale watches you weep, drifting brown seas in a pale boat.

  Thirty Kingdoms’ keys chainmailed down his chest, the Pope dreams he’s St. Peter.

  Jeannie Duval’s cheek tickled by a Paris fly, 1852.

  Puff a cigarette between skullfleshed lips, smoke gets in your empty eyes.

  Sphincter-wound in his chest, he kneels and lifts both hands in surprise to pray.

  All mixed up breasts feet genitals nipples & hands, both fall into sleep.

  Adam contemplates his navel covered with a bush of jealous hearts.

  Body spread open, black legs held down, she eats his ice cream—white sex-tongue.

  One centaur palm raised thru earth-crust lifts a red live dog barking at stars.

  Her dog licks the live red heart of th’ African lady curled up in bed.

  Naked in solitary prison cell he looks down at a hard-on.

  Hands hold her ass tight with joy to lick & eat the blue star ’twixt her thighs.

  Small pink-winged Lady-Heart hovers, rose-cunt legs spread nigh his stiff black dick.

  Chic shoes rest in a black rose vortex of sociable fashion money.

  She poses self-confident, blue sky & clouds borne in her oval womb.

  Lady Buddha sleeps on blue air in a green leaf, knees raised spread naked.

  Repose open-eyed on starry blue pillows under a star-roofed sky.

  The black guy steps in the shade, glancing back at the sunlit boy he screwed.

  Legs behind neck, arms hung down, Yogi’s solar anal navel burns red.

  Blowing bubbles in blue sky he squats on his own blue bubble planet.

  Star, bird, cane & big thigh bones, the ghost baby dreams life beyond the womb.

  Regarding their long thick tails, blue demons wrestle with golden scissors.

  He steps on his own breast lying in bed with red half hard-on.

  Lady snails delicately climb naked thighs to stir his genitals.

  Left forefinger probed into his own left hand proves a Doubting Thomas.

  They exchange glances, a bee shadows her tail, a rose grows on his hip.

  William Burroughs’ skeleton twists a towel, he’s got the bloody rag on.

  The rose-girl kneels weighed down, iron tanks on shoulder, coccyx, calves & footsoles.

  Horse stands on horse upon horse, lie back on top & take your forty winks.

  He dives from naked sky past the sun’s nimbus into space-blue ocean.

  Curtains part on a nail and its shadow, Samsara’s drama Act I.

  The red lip’d fat billionaire appeals you try out his wee twat or dick.

  Arms to neck, his tit, her belly, prong-twat, the President and his wife.

  Pale green headless phantoms upside-down dipsy-doodle with thin hard-ons.

  Lady Day bows her neck under a pyramid of oily black rocks.

  Beneath breast-eyed wasp-beaks the pink rose opens, better get in there quick!

  Inside her red womb the hermaphrodite fetus closes a third eye.

  Wiping blood-black tears from hard labor, try holding up your big sad head.

  Jealousy! Jealousy! Chin in hand he ponders the Unfaithful Muse.

  Young Don Juan bravely displays his girlish red-sexed lips and eyeshadow.

  Caught in the burning house of my brown body I fainted openeyed.

  Big phallus, black womb lined with reddish flesh, look at the monkey we birthed.

  One bird pecks her double’s breast on a ghost-white lingam’s unblinking head.

  She flies down thousands of stone steps for years, aged climbs them all back up.

  for Francesco Clemente

  Château Chenonceau, June 24, 1995

  Naropa Institute, July 5, 1995

  Lawrence, Kansas, July 22, 1995

  Nazi Capish

  Catholicism capish

  Catholicism capish

  Catholicism abortion capish

  Capish capish capish

  Christian capish

  Christian capish

  Christian sin capish

  Islamic capish

  Islamic capish

  Islamic Jihad capish

  Zionist capish

  Zionist capish

  Zionist nationalist capish

  Fundamentalism capish

  Fundamentalism capish

  Fundamentalism absolutism

  Fundamentalism capish

  Hunkie Honkie Aryan Frog

  Jap & Gook & Limey Wog

  Afric Chink capish

  Nazi capish

  Nazi capish

  Nazi capish capish

  Commie capish

  Commie capish

  Commie capish capish

  Capitalist capish

  Capitalist capish

  Capitalist capish capish

  Fascisti capish

  Fascisti capish

  Fascisti shit capish

  September 21, 1995

  Is About

  Dylan is about the Individual against the whole of creation

  Beethoven is about one man’s fist in the lightning clouds

  The Pope is about abortion & the spirits of the dead …

  Television is about people sitting in their living room looking at their things

  America is about being a big Country full of Cowboys Indians Jews Negroes & Americans

  Orientals Chicanos Factories skyscrapers Niagara Falls Steel Mills radios homeless Conservatives, don’t forget

  Russia is about Tzars Stalin Poetry Secret Police Communism barefoot in the snow

  But that’s not really Russia it’s a concept

  A concept is about how to loo
k at the earth from the moon

  without ever getting there. The moon is about love & Werewolves, also Poe.

  Poe is about looking at the moon from the sun

  or else the graveyard

  Everything is about something if you’re a thin movie producer chainsmoking muggles

  The world is about overpopulation, Imperial invasions, Biocide, Genocide, Fratricidal Wars, Starvation, Holocaust, mass injury & murder, high technology

  Super science, atom Nuclear Neutron Hydrogen detritus, Radiation Compassion Buddha, Alchemy

  Communication is about monopoly television radio movie newspaper spin on Earth, i.e. planetary censorship.

  Universe is about Universe.

  Allen Ginsberg is about confused mind writing down newspaper headlines from Mars—

  The audience is about salvation, the listeners are about sex, Spiritual gymnastics, nostalgia for the Steam Engine & Pony Express

  Hitler Stalin Roosevelt & Churchill are about arithmetic & Quadrilateral equations, above all chemistry physics & chaos theory—

  Who cares what it’s all about?

  I do! Edgar Allan Poe cares! Shelley cares! Beethoven & Dylan care.

  Do you care? What are you about

  or are you a human being with 10 fingers & two eyes?

  New York City,

  October 24, 1995

  The Ballad of the Skeletons

  Said the Presidential Skeleton

  I won’t sign the bill

  Said the Speaker skeleton

  Yes you will

  Said the Representative Skeleton

  I object

  Said the Supreme Court skeleton

  Whaddya expect

  Said the Military skeleton

  Buy Star Bombs

  Said the Upperclass Skeleton

  Starve unmarried moms

  Said the Yahoo Skeleton

  Stop dirty art

  Said the Right Wing skeleton

  Forget about yr heart

  Said the Gnostic Skeleton

  The Human Form’s divine

  Said the Moral Majority skeleton

  No it’s not it’s mine

  Said the Buddha Skeleton

  Compassion is wealth

  Said the Corporate skeleton

  It’s bad for your health

  Said the Old Christ skeleton


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