Lickety Split

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Lickety Split Page 7

by Amarinda Jones

“Someone will see us.”

  “Only the cows in the next paddock.” Tor unclasped her bra. Her breasts bobbed out of the cups. “Besides, I’m only kissing you.” His mouth descended onto her nipple.

  “Oh—that’s sucking,” Waverley moaned as she held his head to her breasts.

  Tor chuckled against her skin. “Okay I may also lick you.”

  Licking was good.

  Waverley shivered and felt the surge of wetness between her legs as his hand slid up under her skirt.

  “Tor, this is not the place.” What was the reason against that again?

  “Yeah, you’re right. There’s no room. Let’s move to the backseat.” Tor removed his hands from her body and started work on taking off his shirt.

  “I don’t mean that.” Oh no, he was undoing his pants…

  He kicked off his shoes and lifted his backside to slide his trousers off. “Come on, precious, take your clothes off and let’s shock the cows.”

  Tor was naked. Waverley could not look anywhere else but at him. “What if they won’t give milk. That could affect ice cream sales.”

  “Or maybe they’ll get excited and produce more.” Tor moved out of his seat and climbed in between the two front seats and into the back.

  Waverley watched as his ass passed by and she knew there was no way she could say no to that. She shimmied out of her skirt and panties and joined him, sitting on his lap. His mouth once more fastened on her breasts, sucking the nipples as his hand massaged her ass.

  “Does ice cream making always turn you on like this?” Waverley fisted his cock and felt the power beneath the hot, smooth flesh.

  “You were so hot and sexy with on that cap on.”

  Waverley gave him a playful slap. “I am assuming you have a condom here somewhere?” She knew that neither of them, once naked, would last very long. Their endurance was shot around the other.

  “In my trousers.”

  She reached back into the front seat and found them. “Uh-oh.” Her hands rechecked the pockets. No condom. Damn. Just when she was ready to shock the cows.


  “No rubber.” Oh why now?

  “Seriously?” Tor grabbed the pants and turned out the pockets. “Fuck.”

  “Or not in this case.” Waverley made a move to get off his lap because there was way too much temptation going on there.

  “I need you, precious.”

  “The feeling is most definitely mutual.” However, Waverley wasn’t about to have unprotected sex. She loved Tor and wanted him but she was also smart enough to know the risks. But she did have an idea that might be kind of fun. Waverley climbed off his lap and reached back into the front seat and retrieved her plain red cotton panties.

  “Bad move having that luscious ass on display like that.”

  She turned and swatted the hand that caressed her butt. “Down, boy.” Not that the erection was going anywhere any time soon without some help.

  “What are you doing?” Tor helped her back on to his thighs.

  Waverley fisted his cock between her hands.

  “Are you trying to kill me?” Tor’s voice was tight with suppressed need.

  She covered the head of his penis with the red cotton in one hand and with the other she stroked his shaft up and down in a slow milking action. “Just sit back and relax.”

  Tor’s head fell back against the headrest. “Oh Waverley. Oh God, that’s so good.”

  Waverley found it exciting to be holding this man’s nerve center in her hands and have it totally under her control. She increased the friction of her hand, wanting to see him come. It was different from having him inside her. It was for him but also for her. Waverley wanted to give him pleasure.

  “What about your panties? I’ll ruin them.”

  “It’ll give me more reason not to wear them, then.” She felt his cock jerk in reaction to her words so Waverley squeezed the base of his shaft a couple of times and the man shook as he started to come. They both grasped the cotton pants as liquid heat seared the fabric. She was quite intrigued about the volume of semen that shot forth. One day she’d like to see that without the covering. “That was fun. I could do that again.”

  “Oh Waverley, I adore you—now get on your back.” Tor threw the stained panties to the floor of the car.

  “I don’t need—”

  “But I do.” He pushed her back against the upholstery and lifted her legs.

  When his mouth fastened on her clit, Waverley screamed. She was so on edge from everything that had happened in the backseat that if a feather had touched her clit she would have exploded.

  “Oh Tor,” she whimpered as he kept sucking until she was shaking beneath him as the powerful orgasm hit.

  Tor gathered her into his arms and smiled. “Now that was fun, precious.”

  * * * * *

  Waverley was feeling pretty damn good by the time they got back to Lickety Split. But as they pushed open the door, the somber atmosphere sobered her right up.

  “We’ve been robbed,” an employee blurted out as she rushed up to Tor.

  Waverley did a double take.

  “Really? More ice cream?” Who the hell was this bandit? Mr. Frostee?

  “Yeah, but also this time they cleared out the cash register.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I don’t like the look of him,” Waverley murmured, her eyes glued on the employee talking to the police.

  Tor looked at his staff member. His nickname was Roo and he hadn’t been his first choice in an employee but the store manager had employed him before Tor had a chance to say anything. Even though the man’s arms were heavily tattooed and his uniform did little to hide that, or the baseball cap to hide his earrings, Tor did not want to judge him on his looks. But it had been hard because he wanted a certain fun look to his stores and Roo wasn’t part of it. He had a smart-ass malevolence that was off-putting. Tor had decided to give him a chance but time was running out for Roo at Lickety Split. He found it interesting that Waverley had zeroed in on him.

  “Because of the tattoo and the earrings?” Even thought he had known Waverley for such a short time, she had never struck him as someone who would judge another by the way they looked. Her hang-up about her thighs was evidence of that.

  “No, I think on some men they can be sexy.”

  Tor pulled her close to his side. “Damn, I have none but I will pierce or ink anything you desire.”

  She reached up and stroked his face. “You have other things I like.” Her fingers trailed over his lips. “No, it’s his eyes—they’re sly-looking and the way he stands is too defensive.”

  “Seriously?” And yet even as he asked, Tor knew women often picked up things men did not. However, he needed something more to go on than just body language.

  Waverley tilted her head this way and that as she assessed the man.

  “There is something about him that’s just not right and a woman always knows.”

  “So what? I confront him because of his eyes?” Tor knew at this point in his life he would do anything Waverley asked but that was too irrational for him. While he liked that side of her, Tor knew he needed more than just “sly eyes” to go on.

  “Search the place,” she whispered out the corner of her mouth so others could not hear. “I bet the money is still here.”

  If it wasn’t so serious Tor knew he would be laughing.

  “Really, Nancy Drew?” How I love this woman.

  “Yes, because people who rob registers aren’t smart.”

  Tor nodded. He knew this was only too true. He had been burned in the past by staff theft and, yes, while the money or product may be negligible, it was never going to be something he tolerated.

  “It’s a snatch-and-grab thing and no one leaves an unattended sales register in a busy store.” Waverley’s tone sounded like that was only logical. “Customers are always coming and going. It makes no sense to walk away from where they are paying their bill.”

  Smart a
nd beautiful. “The problem I have is I can’t just go searching the place without proof. Employees have rights.”

  Waverley turned to face him. “Absolutely, but it’s your money and you also have rights.”

  “It won’t break me.”

  “Really?” Waverley had never contemplated the fact that it was highly likely that Tor was wealthy. Yes, she had learnt a lot about his non-silver-spoon origins today. And while he was clearly successful with his own ice cream parlors spread across the country, the funny thing was she had not been focusing on that aspect. Tor, the man, not the mogul had taken up her complete attention. “I mean no—but if you find the money, I bet you find the ice cream thief.” While it wasn’t her business, Waverley didn’t want to see anyone take advantage of Tor. Sure, he was a foot taller than her and all solid muscle but that didn’t mean he didn’t need support.

  “How do you figure that?”

  “Ice cream theft would have to be an inside job.” Waverley looked certain of this. “No one is going to deliberately break into an ice cream store in the hope of stealing gallons of ice cream.”

  “I bet if you were a thief you’d be an ice cream thief.”

  “Yes, but we’re not talking about me.” Added to that she would get caught because she would be stopping to sample the merchandise before it even got out of the store. “The thing is, I reckon that the money was taken to get your mind off thinking it was all about the ice cream.” The man had a marketable product that no doubt had a million-dollar turnover. Others would seek to capitalize on that, be it on selling or trying work out why Lickety Split ice cream was better than their product. “Don’t you watch any who-dun-it movies? The answer is always the simplest reason.”

  Tor leaned in and whispered in here ear. “You are either incredibly imaginative or amazingly correct.” He winked at her and headed off to talk further with the police.

  Waverley watched the tattoo guy who in turn stared at her.

  “What are you looking at?” he snapped.

  “No idea. That’s why I keep looking.” Waverley stared at him until he looked away. Ha! No one could outstare her since she was six years old.

  * * * * *

  A search was initiated after Tor spoke to his employees to ask if they would permit it to happen. Like anyone not guilty, they readily agreed. All that is but the man called Roo.

  “I knew he would get upset. He had carried on about his right to privacy and Waverley knew if she had hesitated to think him guilty before, his words now proved it. Unfortunately for him he was outvoted by his fellow staff members. As expected, a search of Roo’s locker turned up the missing money. “How dumb could you be to put it in your locker?” Apparently the door had swung open and there it had been for anyone to see. “Problem solved.”

  “No, not quite. Remember there were two of them,” Tor pointed out. “We only have one.”

  “Oh yeah.” Waverley remembered that night in the shop. There had been two sets of running footsteps as they got away.

  Tor pulled her into his arms and kissed her lightly on the lips.

  “But I owe you a reward for being so smart, precious.”

  “Yay! Ice cream.”

  “I was thinking of something a little hotter.” His hips ground against hers.

  Okay, ice cream was good but it was rapidly becoming her second favorite thing.

  “Like hot caramel fudge on ice cream?” She teased.

  Tor sighed dramatically and looked at her with mock despondence.

  “A man could get a complex with you around.”

  Waverley slapped her head as if she only just understood what he meant.

  “Oh you mean knee-wobbling sex?” She had indulged in more sex in the last two days than she could remember in her whole adult life and yet it still did not seem enough. The thought of being skin to skin with Tor once more was an addiction she would find hard to break.


  “With you?” Like there was any other man on the planet for her.

  “Who else?” He gave her butt a playful slap.

  Waverley pushed herself against him, leaving no part of their bodies not touching.

  “Do that again.”

  Tor chuckled and spanked her ass again.

  “I’m going to close the store and let everyone go home.”

  “You’ll miss out on business.” Like I care at this moment. There was only one type of business she wanted to indulge in.

  “The staff’s well-being is more important.”

  “I have never heard any employer ever say that before.” Waverley was impressed. “And this is why I love you.” Tor cared like no other person she knew.

  He slapped his head in mock surprise. “If I knew that was all it took I would have shown my nice employer side earlier.”

  * * * * *

  It didn’t take long for the staff to leave. The police had long gone and there were no patrons to shoo away.

  “Give me ten minutes to tally up the banking, precious, and we’ll go.” He pulled out some paper receipts from under the cash register. “Will you put the lids on the ice cream for me please so I can close the cabinet and lock up when I get back.”

  Waverley nodded and wandered over to the large display counter where all the ice creams were showcased.

  “This is like what heaven would look like.” Every flavor she could think of was on display. She picked up a lid that said chocolate crunch and looked for the corresponding tub. “Oh yum, that looks good.” She dropped the lid on the counter and picked up a nearby scoop and found a bowl. “Not to try this would be wasteful and wrong.” How, Waverley wasn’t sure but that wasn’t the point. She spooned a small amount into her mouth. She staggered. “Oh my God! That’s almost as good as an orgasm.” If she did not have Tor she would seriously consider investing in a great big tub of chocolate crunch. The flavor beside that was passion fruit cheesecake ripple. “Damn, it would be wrong not to try that too.” Waverley reached for a clean spoon, dipped in to the gooey confection and closed her eyes as the smooth cream slid down her throat. “Oh…nice.” She was just about to take another mouthful when she heard a noise behind her. “Tor, I swear I’m only tasting to make sure they have not gone off.”

  Waverley turned around. It wasn’t Tor who stood looking at her. “Who are you?”

  “You cost me, lady.”

  “Ah, you would be thief number two.” He was almost as feral-looking as number one and the thick nose ring reminded her of a pig.

  “Back off and no one gets hurt,” the man snarled.

  “No.” Waverley wished she sounded more confident than she felt. But the thing was, she was not about to let someone rip off the man she loved. And where the hell were the security guards? Having a donut break?

  “You think you can stop me taking what stock I want?” His harsh laughter indicated his thoughts to the contrary.

  Well, no. Waverly assessed the man. That he was a petty, sneak thief was obvious. Only one of them would try a snatch and grab on the front-of-house stock when there was gallons of it out back. But he was a big man who appeared to be all aggression and anger combined with muscle and ignorance. That was a deadly mix. Her plan was to keep him talking long enough for Tor to return and do something heroic.

  “Yes, I will.” How, I am not sure. Her only weapon was an ice cream scoop. The man advanced toward her. Waverley did the only thing she could. She scooped up a ball of ice cream and flung in his face.

  The man stopped dead in his tracks as the cream oozed down his face.

  “Hey, I’m allergic to strawberries.” He pulled his shirtfront up and madly started wiping the mess from his face.

  Waverley used that moment to send another strawberry ice cream missile at the bare flesh of his stomach. The man howled angrily. That did not stop Waverley. She set off a barrage of ice cream bombs at his head, her hand cold in the gooey ice cream.

  The man recovered enough to dig his bare hand into a tub of ice cream and he flu
ng a hard fistful at Waverley. It hit her straight in the boobs. She looked down at the black goo. Licorice ice cream was wrong in so many ways. She dropped the scoop and used her hands to dig up a wad of pink ice. Before she had a chance to throw it, two ice cream missiles slammed into her head. Waverley swore in anger and started pelting the man as fast as she could with handfuls of ice cream.

  At first, Tor did a double take when he saw the ice cream fight that was happening at the front counter of his store. Waverley was drenched in the icy confectionary and fighting some man like a woman possessed. Tor gathered his wits and immediately ran to her assistance, grabbing the man and pinning his hands behind his back.

  “You okay, precious?” If this man had hurt her in any way Tor was going to rip his arms off.

  “I hate licorice ice cream.”

  “You threw strawberry at me.” The man struggled in Tor’s hold. “If I get an allergic reaction from this you are in trouble.”

  “So scared of that,” she mocked, finishing by sticking her tongue out at him.

  Tor had no idea what that was about but he did know one thing. The man he held had to be the accomplice of the employee Roo. There was no other way he could have gotten into his store.

  “Well done, precious.” The beautiful woman had fought the bad guy with ice cream and won.

  “Thank you,” Waverley murmured as she tried to smooth down her ice cream-matted hair.

  * * * * *

  The reporter swung around to face the network camera, a big cheesy grin on her face.

  “You’ve heard of the shoot-out at the OK Corral but what about an ice cream fight where the bad guy gets his just desserts? Well, that’s what happened at Lickety Split today. One of Australia’s most eligible bachelors Tor Arnett fought off the bad guy with his most powerful weapon—Lickety Split brand ice cream. But then it’s been slaying people since it first came on the market.”

  Waverley did an eye roll as she heard the newswoman gush on. Did these people get trained to be that cutesy or was it natural?

  “I fought the battle with ice cream and Tor is no longer eligible as he is mine.” She looked around. Where was he anyway? After the police returned, he had gone off with them. Hmm, do I go home or stay? Waverley was longing to shower off the sticky mess of the ice cream but she really wanted to see Tor.


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