Lickety Split

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Lickety Split Page 8

by Amarinda Jones

  Waverley wasn’t the only one with the desire. Just as Tor appeared and cameras started to click and turn on this quirky, feel-good news story, a skinny, dark-haired woman ran up and threw her arms around him?

  “What the?” Waverley murmured in disbelief. She squinted at the woman in question. “She had better be his sister.”

  “Oh Tor, I heard in the taxi on the way over here what had happened. Are you hurt, darling?” She kissed him full on the lips.

  Chapter Eight

  Waverley was shocked. It seemed like a million voices were whispering around her as cameras flashed.

  Melissa and her lover Tor.

  I read they’re inseparable.

  Is that an engagement ring?

  I heard the wedding will be on his private island.

  “This can’t be right.” Waverley wanted to scream as she watched the woman hugging and kissing Tor. He was her man. Who was this bimbo? The people around her jostled to get closer to the couple. From what little she had read about Melissa, she was a big drawcard in the celebrity stakes due to her waiflike figure and flamboyant lifestyle. When coupled with a rich eligible bachelor it was not like anyone was going to be respectful of her in her ice cream-splattered clothes. There was so much pushing and shoving to gawk at the pretty people. “Hey!” Waverley kicked one man in the shin as he shoved her. “Back off, ugly.”

  She moved back from the pack and looked at the couple. They looked right together, like they belonged in each other’s world. While in some cases it was true that opposites attract, beauty also attracted its own kind as a reflection of itself. Waverley watched Tor. He wasn’t even looking around for her. She snorted at her own stupidity.

  “Well, what did you expect? You knew it would end like this.” Tor was rich. Melissa was famous and adored. Waverley Astor was a nobody who he took up with for a couple of days. “What the hell was I thinking?” It was great sex and nothing else. She slapped her forehead. “How pathetic am I? I told him I loved him.” How many women had he heard that from? “Why would he want me if she is there?” While Waverley had a solid self-esteem, she wasn’t delusional. Reality was smacking her in the face too hard not to know there was no way she could compete with the other woman. “Two days does not make a lifetime.” Waverley turned and walked away.

  * * * * *

  “I’m telling you he loves you.” Martha’s tone was adamant. She had rushed right over as soon as Waverley had called her. “She’s just some tart who needs to get a life and she thinks he’s it.”

  “She has Tor.” Waverley held up the newspaper with the photo of “the happy couple reunited once more”. It had hit the newsstands that afternoon, three hours after it all happened. Romance sold and when it was hot, it hit the streets as soon as the presses could shoot copy out.

  “That Melissa chick is holding on to him as if she’s scared to let go. That’s not healthy.”

  “Neither is thinking you’re in love with a man after freezer sex.” Jeez, what would Freud say about that?

  Martha ripped the paper from her friend’s hands and threw it aside.

  “Did you ask what was going on?”

  Waverley shook her head. How pathetic would that have been, tapping Tor on the shoulder and asking where she fitted into the scheme of things after their stolen moments together. The thing that she definitely did not want to hear from Tor was that she was a stopgap for the glamorous Melissa.

  “I have some pride.” Besides, Tor was hardly running to her side to explain anything to her. Three bloody hours and no word. Waverley knew she did not have to be a rocket scientist to realize what that meant. Still, she had thought maybe Tor would have at least called to say, “So long, it was nice knowing you, er, what’s your name again?”

  “Hell’s bells, if that was my man I would have kicked her ass out of the way.”

  “He’s not my man, Martha. We had sex for a couple of days.” Waverley knew there was no ownership implied in a one-night, or in this case, two-days’ stand.

  “You love him.”

  Waverley barked out a harsh laugh.

  “No, I’m an idiot who fell in love with the idea of love.” That had to be it. Damn, it hurt.

  “Tor loves you,” Martha insisted. “I could see it in his eyes.”

  “No, Tor loves sex and it’s not the same thing.” It may have felt like it but that was why people did dumb things in the name of what they thought was love.

  Martha blew out a sigh. “Want me to kick his ass? I have my pointy-toed shoes on today.”

  Waverley smiled at her friend. Men could come and go but friendship like this was forever.

  “Nah, just kick my ass next time I think I’m in love.”

  “What can I say?” Martha looked helpless.

  “Nothing.” And that was the truth. It was better to forget it and move on.

  “Do you want ice cream?”

  For the first time in her life, the thought of ice cream made Waverley feel ill.

  “I will never eat ice cream again.”

  Martha staggered as if in shock.

  “Frig! Do you want to rethink those words? They’re pretty drastic.” Her voice indicated her dismay. “Sure, cut Tor out of your life but ice cream? That’s just wrong. What about if you cut it out for, say, a month?”

  Waverley thought about that. Could she forget Tor in a month? Nope. But then why deny herself something that gave her pleasure? Besides it was a symbolic thing like cutting your hair in defiance. You knew it would grow back and the beauty of ice cream was that it was always there waiting when you needed it.

  “Okay. A month. You’re right why should I suffer because that man likes stick insect girlfriends. He was damn lucky to see my thighs.”

  “Frigging A he was.” Martha nodded in agreement. “Besides he’s just a man.”

  “Yeah.” Damn right. I will get over him if it kills me.

  “A man who you love.”

  Waverley stiffened. “Yeah, but I’ll get over that.” I have to. I have no choice.

  * * * * *

  A week later, Tor turned up on her doorstep.

  “Where have you been?” Damn. That was wrong. Waverley hadn’t meant to say that. She had meant to be cool and in control. The man was a bastard. I hate him for not contacting me. He is a pig. Yet for all that, one look at him made her all hot and wobbly.

  “I wanted to give you time to think about us, precious.”

  Waverley snorted at his words.

  “I have done nothing but.” What was the point of denial? It would only come out fake. Besides Tor needed to know he was a creep for making her feel the way he had.

  Tor leaned against the doorjamb as if he did not have a care in the world.


  That he acted so casually annoyed Waverley to the point that she wanted to grab Tor and shake him. She wanted him to feel as rattled as she did.

  “You turn up on my doorstep now and ask me that?”

  “I need to know.” Tor’s words were soft and to the point.

  Waverley threw her hands up in the air. “What do you think?”

  “That maybe you missed me.”

  Only every second half-hour.

  “I gave up ice cream because of you.” The words were out of her mouth before she thought about what she’d said. Waverley did not want him to think she had been pining for him.

  Tor’s face lit up in happiness. “Really?

  “The vow was only for a month. I figured I’d be over you by then.” Bluff it out, girl.

  “Hmm, a month to get over me.” Tor assessed her thoughtfully. “And are you?”

  “It’s only been a week.” Waverley sighed. She had pictured coming across Tor again. In her mind she had thought up all these clever things to say. In reality none of them came to her lips. “Why are you here?”

  “You wouldn’t come to me.”

  She stopped and thought about that. Okay, maybe he had a point. Maybe she should have confronted him. But,
damn it, this is his fault not mine.

  “What about that emaciated, make-up enhanced woman who was draped all over you? Isn’t she available at the moment? Have you come for another round with second best?”

  “Melissa?” He arched his eyebrows in interest.

  “Yeah, the unnaturally skinny one.”

  Tor smiled. “Jealous?”

  Waverley brushed an imaginary piece of fluff off her sleeve.

  “No, I was just wondering if she has had a good meal. You know you should look after your women better.”

  “I plan to.”

  “Good.” I hate her and I hope her stick insect legs break. Waverley knew it was okay to be bitchy at times like this. It was part of female psychology.

  “There is only one woman.”

  Frigging rub it in why don’t you?

  “I hope you’ll be very happy.” Not. Times one hundred.

  Tor moved toward Waverley forcing her backward as he came inside.

  “You don’t sound like you mean it.”

  Was the man dense? “I don’t. Frankly, I think it’s in poor taste for you to come and tell me you’re in love with the half-starved bimbo.”

  “She’s not a bimbo or half-starved either.”

  Waverley looked at him in mock amazement.

  “Did skinny Minnie put on weight in a week? I bet she is the type that loses it just as quickly. Those women are so annoying.”

  Tor nodded in agreement. “This woman can be.”

  “Well, thanks for coming and telling me your happy news but now if you don’t mind, piss off.” Her hospitality only went so far.

  “My news concerns you.”

  Waverley held up her hand. “Okay. I know where this going. No thanks, I was a flower girl at my aunt’s wedding when I was five and all I can recall is throwing up over the ring bearer.” Waverley backed farther inside her house. She wanted to push him out but to do that she would have to touch him and that would be a problem. Touching could lead to others things as Tor was very touchable.

  “That won’t happen again.” He turned round and pushed the door shut.

  “Damn straight it won’t, I’m not going to any wedding.”

  “Not even your own?”

  As if. Marriage was not in her future and discussing it with Tor was torment. Tor the tormenter.

  “I’m not marrying anyone.” She looked in his eyes and saw the amusement within. What? Was this funny for him?

  “Aren’t you?”

  “I’m not…” A wild thrill of sensation ran through her body. Why was he looking at her like that? When Tor reached out and caught her hands in his, she started to shake. Oh he could not mean— That would be crazy. Me? He did propose that once but surely that wasn’t serious?

  “Yeah, you are.”

  Waverley tried to pull away from him but he pulled her closer.

  “You’re crazy.” I’m crazy even to think what I think he’s thinking.

  Tor shook his head and smiled.

  “No, I’m not. I’m in love—with you.” His body met hers and he sighed in contentment.

  “What about skinny Minnie?” Not that I give a rat’s ass but I need to put all the pieces into place so I know I’m not losing my mind.

  “I don’t love her, precious.”

  Wow, wow and triple wow. Talk about life turning on its head.

  “You’d hurt her feelings like that?”

  Tor pulled back from her in query.

  “Do you want me to be with her?”

  “Oh hell no, she’s completely wrong for you.” What sort of advertisement was that woman for ice cream? She’d make customers feel guilty just looking at her bony body.

  “So marry me.” Tor said the words so simply as if there was no reason why not to.

  “Marriage?” Seriously? Waverley had never really contemplated such a thing happening to her. She always attended other people’s weddings and never imagined that would be her. “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know you.” I barely know myself at this moment.

  “Precious, the minute I saw you I wanted you—not just sexually but forever. When you opened your mouth and spoke, in my heart I knew.”

  “That I was an irritating smart-ass?”

  “That, and I fell in love with the irritating, sweet, sexy and shy woman and her ass.”

  Waverley snorted at his words. Sweet, crazy man.

  “I jumped your bones in the freezer. I’m hardly shy and that’s not a great reason to marry a man. For Pete’s sake, what would we tell our grandkids?” She stopped as she realized what she said. Now I’m planning grandkids with the man I have been trying to hate all week?

  Tor chuckled at her discomposure. “We’ll worry about that when it happens.” His eyes searched hers. “Tell me you don’t feel the same?”

  “Now I’m the crazy one.” Waverley wanted anything and everything with this man.

  Tor tapped her nose playfully. “Nah, you’re beautiful and smart with exceptional thighs.”

  “Now you’re just trying to butter me up.” And I like it a lot. The man she loved, loved her thighs. It was like Cinderella sliding her foot into the glass slipper. Waverley had found her prince.

  “Tell me, if I left right now, what would you do?”

  “Eat a carton or twelve of ice cream.” That was the obvious answer to all life’s problems.


  “Because I love you.” There it was. The truth. Even if it couldn’t compete with ice cream.

  Tor hugged her close as if not wanting to let go.

  “You have no idea how much I needed to hear that.”

  Waverley pulled back from him. “You really want to marry me? I’ll expand as I get older and get crankier and moodier. It’s a genetic thing.”

  “And I may go bald.” Tor smiled. “Actually, I probably won’t. The men in my family don’t. I just wanted to make you feel better.”

  Waverley did not care about hair or lack of it. This was more than just the superficial stuff. She knew she would love him even if he went bald because he was Tor.

  “The thing is, precious, I love you because of who you are. You can’t scare me away.”

  This was almost too good to be true and that worried her.

  “What if we rush into marriage like we’ve rushed into everything else and—”

  “And that’s turned out very nicely.”

  Yeah okay it had. “But what if it doesn’t?” A week without him was hard. What if they separated because they really knew nothing about the other? Was that the basis of a strong marriage?

  Tor placed a gentle finger on her lips.

  “I know me and I know you. I know us—we are good together. Yeah, we rushed things but my grandfather married my grandmother after one quick meeting.”

  “The ice cream maker did that?” He was the foundation of what Tor was.

  “Yes, and she was the local school teacher and people just assumed they married because it was the thing that happened at that time for single people. But he told me he knew in one look she was for him as you are for me.”

  I cannot believe I am going to do this. A huge leap of faith was about to be taken.

  “We’ll need a pre-nup.”

  Tor shrugged his shoulder as if the thought did not worry him.

  “Okay, but why?”

  “I want a pre-nup that says if we ever get sick of each other, then we walk away with dignity.” Waverley didn’t want a screaming match about who was wrong or right. Things happened in relationships. She wanted to be realistic and go into this without blinders on.

  “That will never happen but okay,” Tor agreed as his hands slid down to cup her ass. “Scared of this lickety-split love we have?”

  “No, I just want no secrets or false realities between us.” Yes, their love had happened fast. Some people would consider that unusual. Not that I care what some people say. There was only one man she cared for.

  Tor sl
apped her butt. “You don’t want my money?”

  “No, but I’ll add a clause.” She smiled at the puzzled look in his eyes. “Whatever happens to us, I am guaranteed a lifetime supply of ice cream.”

  Tor threw back his head and laughed.

  “Done. So that’s a yes, precious?”

  Waverley took the leap. “Yes, I will marry you.” The landing felt pretty damn good.

  “Thank you.” Tor picked up her hand and kissed the palm. “Let’s practice married stuff now.”

  Waverley jumped up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She liked how his cock instantly jumped to attention.

  “Bloody hell,” Tor groaned.

  She looked at him. “What? Am I too heavy for a big, strong boy like you?” She teased, placing a light kiss on his chin.

  “No, I was actually thinking I don’t think I can make it to the bedroom.” Tor propelled them over to a wall. “I haven’t tasted you for a week. I’m not sure how long I am going to last.”

  Waverley’s back hit the wall. She pulled out of his arms and immediately set to removing her clothes.

  “Last one to strip has to clean my house for a week.” There was no way Waverley planned on losing that bet. She hated house cleaning. She threw off her clothes quickly. To her exasperation, Tor was quicker.

  “Finished,” Tor called out. He stood before her totally naked. He pulled a condom out of his trouser pocket before throwing the material aside. “Don’t feel bad. I have been dreaming of how quickly I could get naked with you.”

  Waverley threw her panties across the room with her bra following. She held out her arms to him. She had been wet the minute he walked in the door. She almost came when he proposed. There was no further need for foreplay.

  “Take me, big boy, and I do mean big.” She watched as he made short work of the rubber. His stiff, upright penis seemed enormous to her. “Have you been surgically enhanced in a week?”

  Tor lifted her into his arms and pressed her back against the wall.

  “I feel like I have been storing myself up for you all week.”

  When his shaft plunged inside her, Waverley sighed in deep contentment and kissed his lips hungrily. His hips ploughed back and forward against hers, the penetrating force of his cock making her shiver at the intensity of his thrust. Her mouth never left his as they kissed like they could not get enough of each other. It was fast and furious but that was exactly what they both needed. It was like an unbreakable deal was being signed between them. As they came together, her eyes locked with Tor’s and her mouth left his.


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