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Reckless: A Prowl Novel

Page 27

by AJ Merlin

  Except, not this day.

  And apparently, neither could he.

  Hades surged forward, connecting our mouths together and shoving me back onto the bed before pressing my thighs open to kneel between them.

  “Maybe I should tease you,” he purred against my mouth, one hand sliding along my inner thigh until he could run it up my slit.

  I gasped, hips arching into his hand.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t, and say you did,” I breathed, eyes opening to find his locked on mine.

  His smile was cocky, and three fingers slid easily into me. “How about I do…and say I did.” He curled them into me, dipping them in and out in a frustratingly slow rhythm.

  “Hades,” I protested, gripping his hair and delivering a quick, gentle tug.

  “Princess,” he growled huskily, his face in mine again.

  My stomach curled, and the word nearly left me breathless. I loved when he spoke to me like this, and my body responded viscerally at his growl.

  “I really need you,” I told him, drawing him down to me and kissing him again deeply. “Please please, Hades.”

  “You know…” He didn’t change what he was doing. Only continued to finger me at a languid, unhurried pace. “I love your begging. But there’s something I love more than that.”

  “What?” I couldn’t help but ask.

  “Your frustration.” He added a fourth finger and I whined back my reply.

  But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough because it wasn’t his cock buried in my body.

  “Well consider me frustrated,” I panted. “I need you. Not your fingers-“

  “What do you need?” he hummed lightly. “Be more specific.”

  “You know what-“

  “I’m sure I don’t.” He smiled sweetly at me, as if we had all day. As if he wasn’t just as ready as I was. It wasn’t like he could really hide it. Not with the way his lips parted to reveal sharpened fangs, and certainly not with the way his scent had sharpened to permeate the room.

  But here he was, trying to make me suffer as many ways as he knew how.

  “What do you need?” Hades asked again.

  “I need your cock. Inside me. Please-“

  “Do you? How badly do you need it?”

  “I don’t think you can imagine how badly I need it right now.” I bared my teeth at him as if a threat would work. As if he might relent and give me what I needed so long as I showed a little teeth.

  “I think she’s going to go for the throat soon, Hades,” a familiar, yet unexpected voice said from the doorway.

  Momentarily, I found myself distracted from the perfect man on top of me. Just long enough for my gaze to land on Wilder, who leaned against the doorframe of Hades’ bedroom.

  “Wilder,” I gasped as Hades drove his fingers in deeper. “What are you-“

  “Dear Hades texted both Roman and me, love,” the dire wolf replied, coming over to the bed and sitting down near the mountains of pillows. “Or did you think he’d be selfish about your heat?”

  I hadn’t been thinking much of anything, in all actuality.

  I gasped, my hips arching once more and caught the grin on Hades’ face out of the corner of my eye. “I-I thought you said you didn’t like Hades like that,” I managed to breathe at last.

  “Oh I don’t,” Wilder assured me, reaching out to run a hand through my hair. “But I can ignore him for the view. Perhaps I can even lend you a hand.” He tipped my face up to his, lips parted.

  “What is it that you want again? I think he was a little quick to write off your begging. Especially when I’m sure you do it so prettily.”

  “How is begging you going to get Hades to fuck me?” I asked plaintively, barely able to stifle a moan when Hades twisted his fingers inside me and thrust deeper than he had.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Why don’t you try, hmm?” Wilder leaned over me, prompting Hades to snort.

  “You can see if she wants you after I’ve given her what she needs, Wilder,” my panther alpha warned.

  “From where I’m sitting, you’re taking a very long time-“

  “Well from where I’m laying, you both suck,” I growled, and both of them shot me looks of surprise.

  “Oh…?” Hades drew his fingers free and gripped my thigh to lift my knee up over his shoulder. “Do we?”

  Before I could answer, the panther alpha sheathed himself in my pussy with one smooth thrust, and I couldn’t believe how amazing it felt.

  “Holy fuck!” I cried, twisting my fingers in the sheets until Wilder pried my hands free so I could claw up his wrists instead. “Hades-oh fuck-“ How was it that all he’d done was enter me and I was already so, so far gone.

  “Welcome to a heat with your alphas, love,” Wilder purred against my ear. He still gripped one of my hands, but let go of the other in favor of trailing long fingers down my throat, just as Hades pulled back and slammed into me again.

  “Hades!” I twisted, the sensation so much and yet not enough. My body felt like it was on fire, and I wasn’t sure whether I wanted more or a moment to breathe.

  The two alphas decided for me. While Wilder held my hand in his iron grip, his other hand palmed my breast. His thumb flicked over my nipple, and the dire wolf alpha leaned down to nip none too gently at my collarbone.

  Hades held my leg in his ironlike grip and grinned, just as he moved to set a deep, intense pace.

  It was official. I was going to die. Between Hades and Wilder, I wouldn’t make it out of here alive. My thighs trembled, and I was sure I’d never been so aroused in my entire life.

  Yet still I found pleas and promises falling from my lips, and my body begged for more.

  I needed more. I needed both of them and Roman to fuck me, mark me and never let me leave this damn bed.

  Fuck, I hoped Roman would show up soon. If Hades had thought to message Wilder, I had to assume he’d do the same for my other alpha. Considerate panther that he was, and all.

  “No,” Hades voice cut through my cloud of thoughts. I opened my eyes, unaware I’d closed them, to meet his gaze with a needy whine.

  Had I said that out loud?

  I’d definitely said all of that out loud.

  “Not this time, princess,” he said, his measured tone a direct imbalance to the way he fucked me. “We aren’t going to mark you during your heat just because you ask.”

  “Even when you ask like that,” Wilder agreed. “It’s very tempting, but it’s something that warrants discussion at another time. Not a hasty moment’s decision.”

  But I wanted it. I was so, so sure that I wanted their teeth on my throat, biting down and leaving a mate mark that wouldn’t go away.

  I wanted them to make me theirs, and it stung a little that they said no.

  “We want to,” Wilder assured me, gripping my chin to pull my attention to his. “Don’t look so sad, love. Don’t make those little noises, either. You’re a beautiful, perfect omega. Both of us want our mark on you, I promise.”

  Unthinkingly, I looked at Hades.

  "More than anything,” the panther promised.

  Their words were a comfort, sure, but more than that they succeeded in pushing me so much closer to my own limit. I couldn't take much more-I needed so badly to cum with Hades inside me.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged, fingers curling around Wilder. “Don’t stop, Hades-“

  “Not gonna stop, princess. Not until you cum. Is that what you’re trying to tell me? That you’re close for me?”

  Without speaking, Wilder shifted on the bed beside me, drawing a hand down my body until he could press a finger against my clit.

  My hips bucked off the bed, and I was sure that only Wilder’s grip on my chin kept me from levitating.

  “Oh you are, aren’t you? So pretty when you’re so desperate, sweet omega. Come on. I know you want to. You’re so close, and I want to see it.” Hades growled, thrusting into me hard and causing me to cry out.

  “Show me,” Wilder a
greed. “Show me how much you want his cock, love.”

  Like it had been at the club, having both of their attentions on me at once was mind-blowing. Their words were just as potent as their actions, and only seconds after Wilder’s words, I felt my thighs tense, heat suddenly rushing to my lower half.

  “Hades-“ I choked out, and he slid home once more, just as I came around him.

  He did the same. I felt the way his body tensed, and felt him hold himself against me while he rode out his own orgasm with my body spasming around his.

  “Good girl,” Wilder praised, an eye on Hades while I panted and counted the stars in my vision.

  “I need you too,” I demanded, coming back to myself-or rather, the heat addled version of myself-much faster than normal. “Now, Wilder.”

  His answering grin was approving. “Of course you do. Just as much as I need you.” Unbuttoning his jeans, he waited until Hades had moved off of the bed before settling at the foot of the bed. “Get on your knees for me, Alek,” he ordered, voice full of authority and rough with want.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I rolled over almost without thinking, drawing my shaking legs under me. My body throbbed with need for my dire wolf, and under normal circumstances I was sure I wouldn’t be so eager so quickly for another round.

  Wilder didn’t tease. He didn’t finger me, or taunt me about how much I wanted him.

  One moment I felt him settling behind me, and the next he had entered me smoothly, his cock causing me to gasp and twist my hands in the sheets over my head..

  I started to rise, but Wilder’s hand was at the base of my neck, just above my spine, to hold me down. “Right there, Alek. Just like that,” my alpha purred, setting a hard pace very quickly.

  I loved it. From the get go, my body welcomed him and the bruising rhythm of his fucking. Again I found myself spitting nonsense, even with my face nearly pressed into the pillow.

  “I love that you’re so bloody eager, Alek,” Wilder growled, body a hot line against my back as he leaned over me. I shuddered, unable to think well enough for any kind of intelligent comeback.

  A sound barely caught my attention, so lost as I was in Wilder’s actions and his whispered words in my ear. But this time I caught the familiar scent just as Roman rounded the corner, his pupils wide and mouth parted to reveal his sharpened fangs.

  “Oh hello, enforcer,” Wilder greeted, not slowing down. He did let me move just a little bit, just so I could look at Roman.

  “Alek-“ He looked between us, breathing growing heavy as he scented the air.

  He didn’t see Hades, so fixated as he was on me. The panther alpha prowled along behind him, wrapping a hand around his waist and drawing him back against him.

  “You get her next,” Hades purred in his ear, eyes on mine. “But I bet she’d like to see me tease you. Wouldn’t you, princess?”

  “Y-yes,” I gasped. “Yes-oh god please-“

  “Hear that?” The panther alpha tore the button off of Roman’s jeans, and leaned in against his throat to press a hard kiss there.

  My dire wolf growled, hand on the base of my neck again, though he didn’t urge me to look away.

  No, he kept me where I was, head turned, to make sure I could watch.

  When I came, it was to the sound of Roman’s moans, Hades palm wrapped around the enforcer’s heavy length as both of them watched Wilder fuck me.

  Then, once Wilder had stepped away from the bed, Roman lunged forward, pushing me onto my back once more.

  “God, Alek,” he growled, only briefly pausing in his hungry kisses to speak.

  “Yeah?” I asked, pulling him against me as he leaned over my body, one of my legs thrown over his hips to draw him down.

  “You wouldn’t believe how good you smell right now.”

  “Not nearly as good as you do,” I assured him, and gasped when my coyote alpha slid home to give me exactly what my body craved.

  Six hours later, ‘lunch’ finally arrived. Hades answered the door, now fully clothed, and paid the delivery guy with what looked like a few hundreds before closing the door with our food in hand.

  I stared at him as he returned, silently wondering if I could will him to take his clothes off again.

  But lunch first, right? That’s what he’d said. Eat first. More sex later.

  Definitely more sex later. I could barely keep my hands off my alphas as it was.

  Beside me on the sofa, Roman leaned against my side, channel surfing through the multitude of Hades’ cable services.

  Sprawled across both of our laps, Wilder had shifted to his dire wolf form and lay contentedly on our legs like a furry, living blanket.

  “If you’re eating, you’re shifting back,” Hades warned, sitting down on my other side and doling out takeout containers.

  I took mine, still rubbing Wilder’s humongous muzzle. “I could feed it to you,” I whispered, only a few inches from his ear. “It’d be cute. I’d feel really dangerous.”

  “You already are dangerous,” Roman amended. “First letting you out of jail with only a warning, and now you have all three of us here using the dire wolf as a blanket? What’s next, Alek? World domination?”

  I snorted, but didn’t answer.

  “Next, for me at least, is a nap,” Hades replied. “And Alek…?” he trailed off, pausing until I met his eyes. “I hope you know I haven’t forgotten that your room was an absolute disaster. Lucky for you, we’re going to put it off until another day.”

  I groaned, rolled my eyes, and made the brattiest expression I could muster. “Not if you forget first.”

  Chapter Thirty

  “Do you think Noah’s home?” Roman whispered conspiratorially in my ear, kissing my jaw as he rounded my side of the SUV and pressed his lips to mine. After another date full of my coyote alpha making me laugh and generally being the sweetest man alive, I would be loathe to say goodbye to him at my door.

  I laughed and turned, capturing his lips with my own.

  Maybe it was too fast. Maybe, one day, I’d regret not taking it slower.

  But wasn’t this cautiously enough? I hadn’t let any of them mark me, after all, even if I’d spent my heat with all three of my alphas.

  I’d been mentally referring to them as mine for a few days, sure, but now I found that I meant it. Even in my own thoughts, I was convinced it was true.

  That Roman, Wilder, and Hades were mine.

  “He’s not home,” I replied, kissing him chastely again. “He texted me earlier that he’d be with Hayley for the night.”

  “Then uh, do you want to hang out for a bit?” Roman’s blue eyes were wide, sweet, and not at all as innocent as he was trying to make that gaze seem. “We could watch a movie.”

  “You really want to watch a movie with me?”

  “I want to do anything with you.”

  The words made me pause and I looked at him over my shoulder, having pulled ahead of him in parking lot that led to my side of the apartment building. “Really?”

  His answering smile was sure. “Really.”

  Facing forward again, I didn’t try to hide the wide, stupid grin on my face. “I’m sure we could think of…” I trailed off, eyes falling on a conspicuous white sedan.

  The same car I’d seen outside the print shop.

  Now that I could see the license plate-a shiny white affair a large silver frame in the shape of barbed wire-i realized why it had seemed familiar to me before.

  I’d seen this car all the time at Uptown Grounds.

  It was Jack Thomas’s car.

  “Roman stop.” I put my hand on his arm, heart thumping a warning in my throat.

  The coyote alpha paused, giving me a look of confusion. “Why? What’s wrong, Alek?”

  I pointed at the car, and he followed my gaze with an expression of bafflement.

  “Remember I thought I was being followed?” I had to lick suddenly dry lips to speak, and glanced at Noah again.


bsp; “That car was there. And it belongs to someone I used to know.”

  Was he here? In my apartment?

  This was too much of a coincidence to overlook, and anger curled in my gut as I made for the stairs before Roman could stop me.

  The enforcer followed me, reaching out to touch my arm moments before I stepped onto the second floor landing and I could look across the hall to my door.

  It was open.

  I slowed, allowing Roman to catch up, and the coyote alpha followed my gaze with some confusion.

  “Do you think Noah left it open?” he asked, echoing my own thoughts.

  “No,” I said sharply, clenching my hands into fists at my sides as my muscles tensed in anticipation. “He wouldn’t have done that.”

  From inside I could hear Miss Murple yowling, so at least I knew she hadn’t escaped.

  “Maybe you should wait out here,” Roman suggested. “I can go inside and see what’s going on..”

  Turning, I narrowed my eyes in a stubborn glare. “Are you joking?” I snapped. “I’m not letting you go into my apartment alone.”

  “But Jack, or whoever it is, might still be there, Alek.”


  We stared at each other, neither of us willing to back down, until finally Roman sighed and lifted his hands in surrender.

  “Just stay behind me,” he growled, and his eyes flashed in warning at the order.

  “Fine.” I didn’t like it, but I couldn’t exactly disobey his growl. And this was a compromise I could live with.

  Pushing open the door, Roman walked in first, looking around the apartment with eyes that seemed to glow.

  I followed, lips parted as my own fangs lengthened in my mouth at the possibility of a threat.

  The living room was a mess. Which was saying something, compared to how we normally left it.

  A sofa was overturned, and the television had been broken. Pillows were strewn everywhere, and even a broken kitchen chair had joined the display.

  The kitchen hadn’t faired much better. My hands shook, and I traded another look with Roman.


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