Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 8

by Doris Miller

It is a very dark and cloudy day. Outside of Margarita and Tomas’ mini-mansion, Nicolas is standing outside the front gate. A commercial van pulls up to the curb. Nicolas goes to the van as a white male driver around his mid 30’s with dark hair and a mustache steps out the driver’s door. Nicolas approaches the man and says, “Hey, how you doing?”

  “I’m okay,” the man says.

  “Good. I came to tell you not to go into the house right now.”

  “Don’t go into the house now?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because my sister is meditating right now.”

  “Your sister? You mean Diane?”

  “Yes. She’s meditating upstairs in the bedroom right now.”

  “She is?”


  “I hear that she meditates from time to time.”

  “She does.”

  “That’s nice. But what does her meditating have to do with me? I’m only here to fix the broken window in the kitchen.”

  “I know, but Diane is in a state of trance right now!”

  “A state of trance?”

  “Yeah! If her physical body suddenly senses a stranger or a non-family member anywhere inside the house, her physical body might go off and try to attack that stranger or non-family member without her even knowing it or being aware it!”

  “What? Her physical body might go off and try to attack that stranger or non-family member without her knowing it or being aware of it?”


  “How is that possible? I heard about what happened with your sister while she was on stage in Germany. I heard about her kung fu kicking the security guards while she was on stage in Germany and wind up not knowing about it nor was aware of it. I heard about her meditation performance on stage too. Did she really meditated while she was on stage?”

  “I think so.”

  “Wow. I also heard about her levitation performance. Did she really levitated over the stage?”

  “I don’t know, I didn’t see it.”

  “You didn‘t see it?”


  “How did you not see it? I heard all the spectators in the park saw and witnessed it.”

  “I know, but I didn’t see it, neither did the rest of my family, so therefore, I’m not able to tell you what happened on stage in Germany.”

  “Wow. I also heard about what happened at the hospital where your sister was working. I heard that she kung fu kicked the storage room door then did damage inside the storage room, is that true?”

  “I don’t know, I wasn’t there. She said she didn’t do it.”

  “Do you believe her?”

  “Right now, I don’t know what to believe.”

  “I also heard about the little kid your sister beat up inside the school hallway.”

  “Yeah yeah yeah everyone’s heard about that story. She claims she didn’t do that either.”

  “Wow. I heard several months ago while your sister was meditating and in a state of trance, your family had a contractor in the house. I heard that your sister tried to attack the contractor! I heard she tried to give the guy a kung fu kick to the head! I heard your family had to hurry and get that contractor out of the house before your sister attacked him, is that true?”

  “Yes she did try to give that contractor a kung fu kick to the head and she would have succeeded in kicking him in the head if he hadn‘t ran out the house!”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “But I thought that was just a rumor!”

  “It’s not a rumor it’s the truth!”

  “But why would your sister want to harm the contractor? Did the contractor do something wrong to her?”

  “It’s not Diane that tried to harm the contractor! It’s whatever took over her that tried to harm the contractor!”

  “It‘s whatever took over her? What do you mean?”

  “When she came back to later on that day and we told her about what she did, she looked right at us like if we were crazy!”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah, she had no recollection of it!”

  “No recollection?! You mean she didn’t remember what she tried to do?”

  “No she didn‘t! She didn‘t remember it at all! And this time if she tries to attack you and kung fu kick you in the head, she’s not going to remember that either!”

  “She‘s not?!”

  “No! She doesn’t remember kung fu kicking all the other people and objects she’s accused of kung fu kicking in the past! What would make you any different?!”

  “My God.”

  “That’s why I’m telling you not to go into the house right now until her meditation is over because we don‘t want history to repeat itself!”

  “Well when will her meditation be over?”

  “We don’t know, we have no idea. She’s already been into it for a while.”

  “Oh yeah? Can’t you and your family just hold your sister back from harming anybody?”

  “Don’t you think we tried that? We tried holding Diane back plenty of times before in the past whenever she gets out of control, but when she gets into a state of trance and becomes out of control, she becomes so strong and so powerful that we are incapable of stopping her!”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “No wonder why people nickname her ‘The She-Hulk‘!”

  “That’s why my family told me to come out here to make sure I don’t let you inside the house right now.”

  “But why did your sister have to meditate now? You know I’m scheduled to fix the broken window now!”

  “We know! We didn’t know that Diane was gonna wind up meditating now!”

  “You didn’t know?”

  “No we didn‘t! She usually meditates late at night during the wee hours of the morning!”

  “During the wee hours of the morning?”

  “Yes when it‘s completely dark outside! We didn’t know that she was going to wind up meditating during the day time! We just happen to pass by her bedroom door and saw her on the floor meditating! I guess since the sky is so cloudy and dark, she decided to take advantage of the dark sky and meditate now.”

  “Oh yeah? She needs darkness for that?”

  “It seems that way.”

  “But I have to fix the broken window now. If I don’t fix it now, I might not be able to come back soon because my schedule is full! You might have to reschedule, and that might take a while!”

  Nicolas worriedly looks at the man. He then says, “Okay, let me go inside and see what my family says.”


  Nicolas turns and walks back around the van to the gate. He goes inside the gate and walks through the front lawn as he goes to the front door. He opens the front door and goes into the house as the front door closes behind him.

  The man waits as he looks at the house.

  Five minutes later, Nicolas comes back out the house. He approaches the man and says, “So far, Diane is still meditating.”

  “She is,” the man asks.

  “Yeah. But, my family say you can come inside the house and fix the window. They’re gonna guard Diane’s physical body until you leave.”

  “Guard her physical body until I leave?”

  “Yeah, to make sure her physical body don’t go off, just in case her physical body senses a stranger in the house.”

  “Just in case her physical body senses a stranger in the house? Her physical body can sense a stranger in the house?”

  “Yeah, when she’s in a state of trance!”

  “Oh yeah? How is her physical body able to do that?”

  “We don’t know, it just does! Like I said, her physical body becomes strong and powerful whenever she‘s in a state of trance!”

  “My God. And her physical body has to be guarded by your other family members to protect me?”

  “That’s right, for yo
ur safety!”

  “Wow. I’m not so sure if I want to even go inside your family’s house right now after hearing this.”

  “My family is guarding Diane’s physical body right now, you can come inside the house.”

  “But you said whenever your sister gets into a state of trance and becomes out of control, she becomes so strong and so powerful that you all are incapable of stopping her!”

  “That’s right, we are incapable of stopping her. That’s why I hope you have your running shoes on, just in case.”

  The man worriedly looks at Nicolas. He then worriedly looks towards the house.

  Nicolas eases through the front door with the man easing in right behind him. The light inside the house is very dim. Tomas is standing near the door looking at Nicolas and the man. Nicolas looks at Tomas and says, “Abuelo. Aun tienen cuerpo de Diane custodiado?”

  “Si,” Tomas says. He then looks at the man and worriedly asks, “How long is it going to take you to fix the window?”

  “I’m not sure,” the man says. “I don’t want to tell you the wrong thing, but I’ll hurry as soon as possible.”

  “Okay. Come. Let’s go.” Tomas turns and quickly leads the man down the hallway as Nicolas quickly follows.

  The light is very dim inside the upstairs bedroom. The bedroom door is shut. Diane D’s physical body is sitting on the floor in a meditated position completely in a state of trance with her eyes eerily puffy, eerily swollen, eerily blank and half-closed with her eyeballs eerily looking up almost hidden behind her half-closed eyelids. She is dressed in a black long sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled to her elbows and black pants. There are a few lit candles on the floor in front of her physical body as Mary, Marilyn, Mickey and Charlotte sit on the floor completely surrounding her physical body worriedly looking at her. Margarita and Michael are standing over them worriedly watching Diane D’s physical body while Barry and Tonio stand right at the bedroom door guarding the door as they worriedly look towards Diane D. Mary turns to Barry and Tonio and whispers, “Did the window guy come in the house yet?”

  “Yeah,” Barry whispers. “He’s downstairs.”

  Mary turns back towards Diane D and worriedly looks at her again. She gently strokes Diane D‘s long black hair. Charlotte looks right in Diane D’s face. She then waves her hand back and forth in Diane D’s face to get Diane D‘s attention. Diane D does not respond. She remains in a state of trance. Charlotte then turns to her family and whispers, “She’s still not coming out of it.”

  “Well put two of those candles out Charlotte,” Margarita says. “I don’t really like those candles being lighted up in here. Just keep one candle burning for her.”

  “Okay Grandma.” Charlotte takes two of the candles off the floor and carefully lifts them. She nervously looks at Diane D as Diane D remains in a state of trance. Charlotte gently blows out the two candles. There is only one lit candle now. Everyone worriedly looks at Diane D again.

  Margarita then says, “We need her soul or spirit to come back now. Mary, Barry, I need you two to tug Diane on the shoulder. See if you two can call out to her soul or spirit and tell her soul or spirit it’s time to come back from where ever her soul or spirit is. It worked before when you two tugged on her shoulder and called her name when you all were in the van with her that time after she had that encounter with that little boy Marcus in the school hallway See if it will work again.”

  “Okay Mom,” Barry whispers. “We’ll give it a try.” Barry starts to head towards Diane D.

  Suddenly Diane D’s physical body jerks and leans back as she quickly places her palms on the floor behind herself! Everyone becomes startled and stare at Diane D as she remains in a state of trance! Tonio then whispers, “Is she coming out of it?”

  “I don’t know,” Barry says. Suddenly, Diane D’s physical body is about to quickly get up off the floor! Barry, Tonio, Margarita and Michael rush to Diane’s physical body as they and the rest of the family quickly grab her shoulders and bring her physical body back down as she remains in a state of trance! They lean her body back up. Diane D’s physical body sits in a meditated position again. “I don’t think she’s coming out of it.”

  “I don’t think so either,” Michael whispers.

  “I think her physical body senses a stranger in the house just like her physical body sensed a stranger in the house before when the contractor was here!”

  “That’s why you need to call out to her soul and spirit and tell her soul and spirit to get back here,” Margarita whispers.


  Suddenly Diane D’s physical body jerks and leans back again as she quickly places her palms on the floor behind herself! Everyone becomes startled again and stare at Diane D as she remains in a state of trance! Suddenly her physical body is about to quickly get up off the floor again! Her family quickly grabs her shoulders again and try to hold her body down again. Suddenly, Diane D’s physical body quickly stands then jumps to her feet practically knocking Barry, Tonio, Margarita and Michael right out the way as everyone screams! Barry, Tonio, Margarita and Michael quickly catch their balance as they quickly grab Diane D’s physical body and wrap their arms around her torso while Mary, Marilyn, Mickey and Charlotte quickly get up off the floor! Suddenly Diane D tries to head towards the bedroom door as Mary, Marilyn, Mickey and Charlotte quickly grab her and wrap their arms around her torso too! They all try to hold Diane D’s physical body back as her physical body still tries to head towards the bedroom door! Suddenly Diane D bends her knees and starts to drag her family right towards the bedroom door! Barry quickly turns to Charlotte and shouts, “Charlotte! Go downstairs and tell Grandpa and Nicolas to get the window guy out of the house now!”

  “Okay Uncle Barry!” Charlotte shouts as she turns and runs to the bedroom door! She opens the bedroom and runs out of it!

  Charlotte runs down the hallway. She then runs down the stairs and shouts, “Abuelo! Nicolas! Conseguir que la ventana hombre fuera de la casa ahora!”

  Tomas and Nicolas hear Charlotte’s cries. They quickly turn to the window guy as Tomas says to him, “Let’s go. It’s time to get out of here now!”

  “Why?” the window man asks. “What happened?!”

  “She’s getting ready to go off!”

  “Who, Diane?!”


  “Oh no! How did she even know I was in the house?!”

  “She senses it!”

  “Oh yeah?! How is she even able to do that?!”

  “We don’t know, she just does it!”

  Suddenly, there is a loud BANG and screaming coming from upstairs as the rest of the family is heard shouting, “Diane!”

  The man becomes startled as Nicolas shouts to him, “You have to go now!”

  “Okay,” the man says. “I’m out a here!” The man quickly grabs his belongings as Tomas and Nicolas quickly lead him out the kitchen!

  Tomas and Nicolas quickly lead the window man down the hallway as they suddenly hear another loud BANG and screaming coming from upstairs! They all stop right in their tracks as the man becomes startled again! Tomas and Nicolas continue to lead the window man towards the front door!

  Tomas and Nicolas approach the front door! They open the front door and lead the guy right out of the house!

  Tomas and Nicolas quickly lead the man all the way to the street back to his truck! They quickly go around the truck! The man quickly opens the truck door and throws his belongings inside! He quickly gets into the driver’s door, shuts the door and starts up the engine as Tomas shouts, “Go Now! I’ll call you later!”

  “Okay!” the man shouts as he quickly pulls off! Tomas and Nicolas anxiously look at the truck as it speeds down the street. They then look at the house and quickly head back towards the house!



  Chapter 34

  Diane D Drops A Bombshell On Two Reporters


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