Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 9

by Doris Miller

A few days later at the Diaz-Davidson Organization, two male white reporters Chris Parker and James Kern around their mid forties walk through the corridor behind Evette as she leads them down the hall. Evette turns to Chris Parker and James Kern and says, “Diane is right this way.”

  “Okay,” Chris Parker says. “She won’t try to kung fu kick us or knock us out, will she?” Evette annoyingly looks at Chris Parker. Chris Parker then says, “I was only kidding. It‘s just that I heard a window guy had to hurry and leave out of her family‘s house while she was meditating and in a state of trance.”

  “Yeah, it‘s true,” Evette says.


  Evette stops walking and turns to Chris Parker and James Kern as they stop. She speaks to them and whispers, “Now guys, remember what Diane's parents and grandparents warned you. When you speak to Diane, no questions about her meditation or levitation performance, because if you question her about her meditation or levitation performance, she's gonna throw you right out of her office like she did the other two reporters, then you're gonna have to deal with her family and the courts.”

  “We remember what her parents and grandparents told us,” Chris Parker says “We're not gonna question Diane D about her meditation or levitation performance. We won't mention a word about it.”

  “That's right, we don't want any problems,” James Kern says.

  “Good,” Evette says. “Let's go.” Evette turns and continues to walk down the hallway as Chris Parker and James Kern continue to follow her. She then turns a corner as Chris Parker and James Kern follow her around the corner.

  Diane D is sitting inside one of the organization offices on a big office chair behind a desk with one leg crossed over the other as she speaks into a telephone receiver saying, “I don't know yet.... Okay I will.... I'll talk to you later.” Diane D takes the phone receiver from her ear and hangs up the telephone. She looks at the computer monitor and leans back in the chair as she starts to type on the computer firmly looking into monitor. She hears a knock on the door. She stops typing and looks at the door. The door opens. Evette enters the room as Diane D looks at her.

  “Hi Diane,” Evette says. “The reporters are here to see you now.” Evette comes into the office. Chris Parker and James Kern come into the office behind Evette as Diane D looks at them. Evette turns and leave the room as she slightly closes the door behind herself leaving it slightly open.

  Chris Parker and James Kern smile at Diane D. “Hello Diane D,” Chris Parker says. “I'm Chris Parker. Nice to meet you. And this is my partner James Kern.”

  “Nice to meet you Diane D,” James Kern says.

  “Have a seat gentlemen,” Diane D says. She firmly looks back at the computer monitor and types again.

  Chris Parker and James Kern both sit down on an office sofa. They both look at Diane D. Chris Parker then says, “So Diane D, how are you?”

  “I'm holding up.”

  “Holding up? That's a good one. How's everything?”

  “Everything is holding up.”

  “That's another good one. How are the Dianettes?”

  “They're doing fine.”

  “That's good. How about your cousin Dana? How's she doing?”

  “She's holding up too.”

  “That's good. Thanks for allowing us to speak to you Diane D. I just want to say that James Kern and I heard that you, your family and the Dianettes are working on the Dianettes’ clothing lines.” Diane D stops typing and firmly looks at Chris Parker. Chris Parker and James Kern puzzled look at Diane D. Then they puzzled look at each other. They then look back at Diane D. Chris Parker then says, “We just want to say that it's good that you, your family and the Dianettes are working on clothing lines. We hear that you all are planning to do some clothing line work in the Dominican Republic next week and have a Fashion Show down there. Is that true?”

  “Yeah it‘s true.”

  “That's nice. The Dominican Republic is where you’re originally from, right?”

  “Yes that’s correct.”

  “That’s nice. Where are the Dianettes by the way?”

  “Three of them went out shopping for more fabrics.”

  “They went out shopping for fabrics?”

  “Yeah.” Diane D suddenly hear women's voices talking and laughing near the door. She turns her head and looks through the doorway. The door opens more.

  Bernice enters the room smiling, laughing and holding different pastel colored fabrics and corset outfits as Miranda and Nancy follow in behind her laughing and holding fabrics and corset outfits also. “We're back Diane,” Bernice says. Bernice, Miranda and Nancy smile at Diane D as they hold up the outfits to her. They turn their heads and see Chris Parker and James Kern.

  “Hello ladies,” Chris Parker says.

  “Hi ladies,” James Kern says.

  “We hear you all are gonna work on your clothing line in the Dominican Republic and going to have a Fashion Show down there.”

  “Yeah we are,” Nancy says.

  “That's good.”

  Bernice, Miranda and Nancy turn their heads back towards Diane D as Miranda says, “Hey Diane. Check out the fabrics and outfits we bought.” Miranda, Bernice and Nancy hold up the fabrics, corset outfits, short skirt outfits with white collars and white cuffed short sleeves wrapped up in plastic bags. Diane D looks at the outfits as Miranda says, “This is what we got for everybody.”

  “Wow, these are nice,” Diane D says as she touches the outfits. “Y'all tried them on, right?”

  “Yeah, they fit us real well,” Bernice says.

  “That's good. Which colors are each of you gonna pick?”

  “Well we're gonna wait until we're all together so we all can choose together,” Nancy says.

  “That's a good idea.” Diane D lets go of the outfits.

  “Well we're gonna bring the outfits in the back,” Miranda says.

  “Okay go ahead.”

  “We'll see you when you come back there,” Bernice says.

  “I'll be there.”

  “Okay.” Bernice, Miranda and Nancy turn their heads and look back at Chris Parker and James Kern.

  “By ladies,“ Chris Parker says.

  “Nice to see you,” James Kern says.

  “By,” Bernice, Miranda and Nancy say. Bernice, Miranda and Nancy turn back to Diane D. “We'll see you when you come in the other room Diane,” Bernice says.

  “Okay girls,” Diane D says.

  Bernice, Miranda and Nancy turn around and leave the room. They walk down the hall as Diane D looks on at them. Diane D then turns her head and looks back at Chris Parker and James Kern.

  “Wow, those were beautiful fabrics and outfits Diane D,” Chris Parker says. “Where are the other three Dianettes by the way?”

  “Lonna and Kelly are spending time with their boyfriends right now and Charlotte is with her husband Kenny,” Diane D says.

  “I see. Diane D, the incident that happened between the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz, has the Dianettes ever mentioned anything to you again about The Punky Gurlz?”

  “No they haven't.”

  “No? Why not?”

  “They don't like to talk about the Punky Gurlz.”

  “No? Well what about your cousin Dana?. Has she ever mentioned anything to you again about the Punky Gurlz?”


  “Why not?”

  “She doesn't like to talk about the Punky Gurlz either.”

  “I see. Where is your cousin Dana by the way? Is she around? Is she here in the building?”

  “No she isn't.”

  “Well where is she?”

  “She's home at my Grandma Gracy and Grandpa Mike's house.”

  “I see. So Diane D, when is your next show or concert? My wife and I and our children want to come see it.”

  “So does my wife and kids,” James Kern says.

  “Oh really?” Diane D says.

sp; “Yeah.”

  “Well you can't come see our next concert again because there isn't going to be a next concert.”

  Chris Parker and James Kern become puzzled and stunned. They look at each other, then back at Diane D as James Kern asks, “There isn't going to be a next concert? What are you talking about Diane D?”

  “What do you mean there isn't going to be a next concert?” Chris Parker asks.

  “We're not gonna perform concerts anymore,” Diane D says.

  “Who's not gonna perform concerts anymore?”

  “Me and the girls.”

  “You and the girls? What girls?”

  “What girls are we talking about?”

  “The Dianettes?”

  “That's right. The same girls that just walked in here.”

  “All the Dianettes?”


  “Well why not? Why aren't you all gonna perform concerts anymore?”

  “Because my name kept appearing in the papers, accusing me of doing this, accusing me of doing that. I mean every time I look, my name, my family's name, the girls' name and Dana’s name kept appearing in the papers. I was getting so sick and tired of my name appearing in the papers it was causing a lot of stress for me, the girls and my family. We didn't have a private life anymore! So we had a discussion and decided the best way for us to have a private life is to hang up our hats on the concerts and just do our charity works in the organization, churches, hospitals and overseas and work on the girls‘ clothing line and do Fashion Shows.”

  “Oh yeah? All of you decided to give up doing concerts?”


  “When did you all decide that?” James Kern asks.

  “We had decided a couple of weeks ago that we all were gonna quit and give up doing concerts.”

  “So that means you and the Dianettes are going to stop singing and dancing?”


  “Oh no Diane D!” Chris Parker says. “You and the Dianettes can't stop singing and dancing, the people want to see you sing and dance!”

  “We're still going to sing and dance, but only inside our church. We're not gonna sing and dance at the theaters or arenas around the country anymore.”

  “You mean you and the Dianettes aren't gonna sing and dance at the theaters or arenas ever again?”

  “That's right.”

  “So that means anybody who wants to continue to see you and the Dianettes sing and dance would have to come to your church and watch you all perform?”

  “Yeah, if they want to see us sing and dance.”

  “But Diane D, not everybody can come to your church,” James Kern says. “What about the thousands and thousands of people around the country who can't make it to your church? Not only that. Most churches can only hold but so many people.”

  “We might allow people to shoot videos of our singing and dance performances then share it.”

  “Share it? You mean online?”

  “Yeah. That should be good enough. It‘ll help promote the church.”

  “Promote the church?” Chris Parker says. “But Diane D.…”

  “I'm sorry gentleman, my mind and the girls' minds have already been made up. The girls and I sat down and had a long meeting with each other. We had a long discussion about this whole thing. We all voted on it and the vote had to be unanimous. The vote came out unanimous, so we decided to quit singing and dancing in theaters and arenas.”

  “For good?”

  “For good.”

  “My God Diane D. How does your family feel about this?”

  “They weren't happy about it at all, but they said if the pressure was making me and the girls unhappy, then they'll be behind us one-hundred percent. They said our happiness is more important.”

  “I understand that Diane D, but what about your brothers, your husband and his band? Are they gonna give up doing shows too?”

  “No not yet. They're gonna hold on for another year or so. After that, they're gonna give up doing shows in theaters and arenas too and just perform at the church.”

  “Well what are you, the Dianettes and the rest of your family gonna do to raise money?”

  “We'll still have the organization. We're all planning to move back to our old town in the Dominican Republic next year to build and open up a new organization, a new hospital, a new clinic, a new church and open the girls‘ clothing line and have Fashion Shows there.”

  “Oh really? All of you together?”

  “Yeah, all of us. And we also plan to open up a charity organization and a wildlife organization in Africa.”

  “A charity organization and a wildlife organization in Africa?”


  “Wow that's good Diane D! That's good you and your family and the Dianettes plan to do all that! You all plan to open a big hospital, clinic and church or small ones?”

  “Around medium sizes for each. That's why we're all going down to the Dominican Republic next month to do work in one of the churches down there and to look around for empty lots and sites to build our hospital, clinic and church on. We're gonna be down in the Dominican Republic for three weeks, then we're gonna come back here to New York. After we be in New York for a while, we're all gonna fly to Africa to start our charity organization and wildlife organization and stay their for a few months.”

  “Oh really? That's good! So what are you all planning to call this new hospital, clinic, church, charity organization and wildlife organization?”

  “We're going to keep the Diaz-Davidson name and give them all the Diaz-Davidson name.”

  “That's good. So are you and the Dianettes really gonna give up doing singing and dancing at theaters and arenas?”

  “We already have.”

  “I'm so sorry to see you and the Dianettes quit doing concerts in theaters and arenas Diane D,” James Kern says. “I can't believe you all are doing this!”

  “Me neither!” Chris Parker says. “All this because of the papers?! Y'all should at least think about this for a little while longer!”

  “We've thought about it long enough,” Diane D says. “If you want to see our shows, you're just gonna have to come to the church when we open it in the Dominican Republic.”

  “Come to the church when you open it in the Dominican Republic? Diane D everyone around the country is not gonna make it to your church in the Dominican Republic when you build and open it.”

  “I know, but the important thing is, hopefully no reporters are gonna show up down there.”

  “No reporters?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Wow. You know Diane D, it’s so nice that you, your family and the Dianettes are opening up a hospital, clinic, church, another charity organization, a wildlife organization and a clothing line in the Dominican Republic.”

  “Yeah. Why not? Listen guys, I have to get ready to go into the other room to meet up with the girls there.” Diane D looks towards the doorway and shouts, “Evette!”

  Footsteps are heard approaching the door. The door opens more. Evette comes back in the doorway and says, “Yes Diane?”

  “Could you see these gentlemen out please.”

  “Sure, no problem,” Evette says. Evette turns to Chris Parker and James Kern and says, “Right this way gentlemen.”

  Chris Parker and James Kern puzzled look at Diane D. They then get up from their seats. They worriedly look at Diane D as she firmly looks into the computer monitor and starts typing again. Chris Parker then says, “At least think about it again Diane D. Don't quit doing concerts in theaters or arenas. My wife and kids really wanted to come see your next concert to see you all perform.”

  Diane D stops typing and firmly looks at Chris Parker again and says, “I said they're more than welcome to come to our church in the Dominican Republic if they want to see a show.” Diane D firmly looks back at the computer monitor and starts typing again as Chris Parker and James Kern worriedly stare
at her. Chris Parker and James Kern then turn and walk to the door. They sadly follow Evette and walk out the room.

  The following day, several people inside an office are reading different articles in different newspapers with different headlines that reads: DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES HAVE QUIT DOING CONCERTS! DIANE D UNEXPECTLY ANNOUNCES TO TWO REPORTERS THE END OF HER AND THE DIANETTES‘ SINGING AND DANCING! One of the women Tammy, a black woman around her early 30’s turns to the others and says, “Oh no! This article says that Diane D and The Dianettes aren't gonna be doing concerts anymore!”

  “What!” everybody says.

  “They're not?!” one of the men says.

  “No!” Tammy says.

  “Why not?!”

  “They're not breaking up, are they?” a second man asks.

  “Not that I know of!” Tammy says.

  “So why aren't they doing concerts anymore? Because Diane D's family banned them from doing that ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity’ performance again?”

  “I don't know if that's the reason. It says that Diane D told two reporters who came into her office yesterday that she and the Dianettes are quitting doing concerts and shows and are just gonna do charity work in the hospitals and the churches and work on the Dianettes‘ clothing line. They're planning to move back to the Dominican Republic and build their own hospital and church by next year or two.”

  “Oh yeah?” the first man says. “That doesn't mean they can't do concerts or shows anymore.”

  “I know. I was hoping to see their next performance.”

  “Me too! I want to see Diane D levitate, and I want to see the Dianettes disappear, climb walls, crawl across the ceiling and lift heavy objects and vehicles!”

  “Yeah me too,” the second man says. “My whole family was planning to see the Diaz-Davidson organization's next performance!”

  “Diane D and the Dianettes are not aloud to do that ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity’ performance anymore,” Jennifer, a second black woman, says. “Remember Diane D's family banned her and the Dianettes from ever performing that ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity’ again because that performance scared a lot of spectators in Germany.”

  “I know,” the first man says. “I was hoping that Diane D’s family would change their minds and allow Diane D and the Dianettes to perform that ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ again. I heard a lot of people here want to see those stunts Diane D and the Dianettes did!”

  “Yeah my family want to see those stunts too,” the second man says.

  “I read that Diane D and the Dianettes are only gonna perform shows inside their church when they open it,” Ronda, a black woman says.

  “Yeah, but that would be down in the Dominican Republic where Diane D and her mom‘s side of the family are originally from,” the first man says. “I might not ever get to their church in the Dominican Republic when they open it. Everybody's not gonna make it to their church in the Dominican Republic.”

  “I guess majority of the people will never get to see Diane D and the Dianettes sing and dance again,” the second man says.

  “Well Diane D did tell the reporters that people are allowed to video tape her and the Dianettes’ singing and dance performances,” Tammy says.

  “Yeah, but it’s nothing like seeing Diane D and the Dianettes singing and dancing in person! They are some fantastic dancers!”

  “They sure are. I guess if we ever want to see Diane D and the Dianettes perform in person again, we’re going to have to sacrifice.”

  “Sacrifice? What do you mean Tammy?”

  “We’re going to have to make a trip to the Dominican Republic to see them!”

  “Make a trip to the Dominican Republic?! Are you serious?!”

  “Of course I’m serious! A lot of people travel to the Dominican Republic just like a lot of people travel to Jamaica and the Bahamas. I’ve been to Jamaica and the Bahamas before, but I’ve never traveled to the Dominican Republic. This year, I think my family and I should take a different trip. We should take a trip to the Dominican Republic.”

  “Why, to see Diane D?”

  “That’s part of it.”

  “But you said their organization won’t move back down their for a year or two.”

  “But I’ve always wanted to travel to the Dominican Republic anyway. I just never got the chance to. My neighbor and his wife travel to the Dominican Republic every year. They love it down there. Being that Diane D and her family are planning to relocate back down there, it should be a good enough reason for me and my family to travel down there a few times so we can get to see Diane D and the Dianettes’ perform. Who knows? Maybe I can even catch a glimpse of their Fashion Show.”

  “I think you have a point there Tammy,” the first guy says. “I should travel to the Dominican Republic too. I always wanted to go there myself.”

  “Yeah me too,” Jennifer says.

  “What!” a third guy says. “You mean you’re all planning to travel to the Dominican Republic just because Diane D and her family are relocating back down there?”

  “Well why not? I have to admit it, I am a big fan of Diane D’s. I do have sort of a girl-crush on her.”

  “You do?!” Tammy asks.

  “Yeah I do.”

  “Me too!”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah! Even though she has the habit of getting out of control at times then winds up not remembering it. But I still want to see her and the Dianettes perform live and hopefully get a chance to meet them.”

  “Meet them?” the third guy says. “You want to meet Diane D?!”

  “I sure do.”

  “That deranged woman?! You know she‘s been in a Mental Institution before, right? Right after what she did to that little kid inside the school hallway! She and her cousin Dana both been in jail and in Mental Institutions. They both have mental issues!”

  “I know. I’ll just make sure I don’t annoy Diane D or get her upset if I ever get a chance to meet her, that’s all.”

  “You better not get her upset Tammy! You don’t need that other personality of hers to come out and attack you like it did to that little boy. I heard that other personality tried to kill that little boy!”

  “Oh no, I would never want to meet or encounter that other personality of hers like that little boy did! I hear he still suffers from nightmares by that encounter.”

  “He is!”

  “But I still would like to meet Diane D‘s normal personality.”

  “I understand. I have to admit, I’m a big fan of hers too.” The other people start to laugh as the third guy says, “I mean I secretly do have the hots for Diane D myself because she is gorgeous!”

  “She sure is,” the second guy says. The people continue to look at the article as they smile.

  A man is sitting in a half full subway car as he reads an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: THE SUPER SEVEN HAS QUIT DOING CONCERTS! DIANE D ANNOUNCES TO REPORTERS THE END OF HER AND THE DIANETTES‘ SINGING AND DANCING!

  A man is sitting on a city bus as he reads an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: WILL WE NO LONGER SEE THE SUPER SEVEN PERFORM?!

  A few days later, Tammy, Jennifer and Ronda are sitting inside a coffee shop as they look at an article in the newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D (THE QUEEN OF LEVITATION) BREAKS HER SILENCE ABOUT HER LEVITATION EXPERIENCE! SHE PLANS TO SPEAK ABOUT HER LEVITATION EXPERIENCE AND OTHER CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES SURROUNDING HER AT THE BLIXON HOTEL THIS SATURDAY AND ANSWER QUESTIONS! “Oh wow!” Jennifer shouts. “It says that Diane D is going to be at the Blixon Hotel this Saturday afternoon! It says she’s going to break her silence and speak about her levitation experience and other controversial issues surrounding her and answer some questions!”

  “Oh yeah?” Tammy asks.


  “Oh wow!”

  “What other controversial issues?” Ronda asks. “You mean like her kung f
u kicking that storage room door inside the hospital?”

  “Yeah,” Jennifer says. “She’s going to speak inside one of the hotel conference rooms. It says the hotel is only going to allow around two hundred people inside the room.”

  “Two hundred people?”

  “Yeah, first come first serve. That means the first two hundred people are only going to be allowed inside the room. I wanna go!”

  “Me too!”

  “Wow,” Tammy says. “Too bad I won’t make it there, I‘ll be out of town. My family and I are heading to Boston for the weekend and we’re leaving Saturday morning!”

  “Yeah that’s right Tammy, you won‘t be here. But I’m planning to go see Diane D. I should go to the Blixon Hotel Friday night so I can be one of the first people on line!”

  “Be one of the first people on line? So you’re going to hang out at the hotel all night?”

  “I sure am! I want to see Diane D! Hey, I should bring my sister Nicole with me.”

  “Your sister Nicole?”

  “Yeah. She likes Diane D too.”

  “Well I can’t be at the hotel Friday night,” Jennifer says. “Who’s going to watch my kids? I can’t bring them with me and have them hang out with me at the hotel all night.”

  “So why don’t you just rent a room at the hotel Jennifer?”

  “Yeah but if I do rent a room in the hotel, who’s going to watch my kids if I get the chance to make it inside the conference room to see Diane D? I can’t bring my kids inside the conference room with me, only 18 and over are allowed inside the conference room.”

  “18 and over?”

  “Yeah, my kids are too young.”

  “Wow, that might be some real heavy stuff Diane D is going to talk about in there.”

  “I think so. They say the stuff she is going to talk about, might not be suitable for children.”


  “Uh uh.”

  “Well if you can’t make it inside the conference room Jennifer, I’ll tell you all about it.”

  “Well have a good time if you two make it in the hotel conference room to see Diane D,” Tammy says. “Tell me all about it.”

  “We will.”

  “But while you’re inside the conference room, make sure Diane D’s feet stay on the floor.”

  “Make sure Diane D’s feet stay on the floor? What do you mean?”

  “Make sure she doesn’t levitate, wooooh.”

  “Oh stop it Tammy, you’re scaring me! That levitation performance those spectators in Germany witnessed is serious! A lot of them got sickened and horrified by it. I would love to see Diane D, but I don‘t want to see any of that levitation stuff. Seeing something like that would really freak me out.”

  “It will freak me out too,” Jennifer says. “I would love to see Diane D also, but I don’t want to see that levitation stuff either. I wanted to see it at first, then I got scared and changed my mind.”

  “Me too.”

  “Come on. Our lunch break is over.” Jennifer, Ronda and Tammy get up from their seats and head to the exit door. They open the door and leave the coffee shop.



  Chapter 35

  Diane D Gives A Controversial Speech Inside Hotel


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