Book Read Free

Curvy Conquest

Page 9

by Scarlett Avery

  “Eventually I’ll accept the gruesome fact—my former boss was the lover of the monster who slaughtered my parents to keep my dad from revealing the truth behind those deadly pills.”

  “At least you were able to confront her during the trial about her part in this tragedy. She had a vendetta against you because you were standing in between her and a lot of money.”

  “I know. It’s just when I think of it all, I’m still so angry and I’m still in pain.”

  “No one can blame you for being angry and you are entitled to release the pain when you’re ready, baby, but Gabe’s team have done a superb job at catching the bad guys and stripping them of all their money, including the multimillions they made selling poison. You’re safe now,” Max says, leaning towards me before dropping a kiss on my forehead.

  Jennifer was arrested within a few hours of my arrival at Gabe’s office and since she could only have one phone call, she ended up calling the only person she could think of—Seth Weingarten, her husband. The police interrogated Jennifer until she coughed up Quintin’s exact location in Malaysia. The authorities there apprehended Quintin in the middle of the night and the FBI snatched him to bring him back to America to stand trial.

  Jennifer’s carelessness played in our favor. She never expected to be caught, which explains why she didn’t think twice about calling her murderous lover from the phone in the boardroom.

  Within three weeks, the soul-shattering truth came out. Once the authorities had worked with the Malaysian government to safely apprehend Quintin Grayson and all the paperwork had been secured to ensure he couldn’t get away on a technicality, the press went wild. It was impossible for Max and I to hide our involvement and I’m so grateful we made the decision long before this frenzy broke to let people around us know we were together—including the execs at Sassy magazine. My boyfriend had a meeting with some of the VPs to let them know we had been dating for a while. As much as we dreaded the public’s attention, the media were kind to me. They did report about my relationship with Max and they did follow me around for a while, but at least they weren’t trying to dig up dirt on us. I guess the sensationalism of my case was enough to keep them busy.

  As you can imagine, it didn’t take long for news to leak that Jennifer Lau had married Seth under false pretenses and she’d passed off Quintin’s son as his. She’d been involved with Quintin for years, but she’d distanced herself when he went into hiding after he had ordered a hit against my parent’s life. Obviously they were still able to see each other since it’s now official Malcolm isn’t Seth’s son. The Weingarten clan were devastated by the scandal. Seth immediately pushed for a divorce, wanting to get Jennifer out of his life and save his reputation from the woman who’d had a hand in ruining my life.

  I’m completely lost in my thoughts until Max’s voice brings me back to reality.

  “Are you going to be okay tonight? If you don’t feel you’re up to it, we can turn the car around and go back home.” Max is caressing my arm and looking at me with such loving eyes. I don’t think I could have managed the last six months of my life without him by my side.

  “I’ll be fine. You’ve gathered all my friends at the Bymark hotel and besides, it’s a big day of celebration.”

  “I know it’s still difficult to make peace with it all despite the settlement. Those millions will never bring back your parents or your beloved cat, but at least it’s a major vindication and it proves your grandmother Barbara was right all along.”

  “It’s far more than I ever expected. I’m still not quite sure what to do with all this money.”

  “I can’t say I’ve ever dated a multimillionaire before.” He smiles tenderly.

  “You’re too funny. I’m still the same girl, but my bank account is bulging in a way I never thought possible.” I smile back.

  It’s funny because during the first few months when we were dating, I was always so worried Max and I would get busted for having sex in the Fashion Archive room and risk getting fired, but in the end, I quit my job at Sassy magazine a few months into the trial because everything was too much to handle and I couldn’t deal with the curious stares at the office. My life was exposed enough, I didn’t need to witness people talking about my melodrama at the water cooler.

  Gabe had been confident all along I’d be able to get a generous settlement given the irrefutable proof we had against Quintin and the fact authorities acted quickly to freeze his international accounts. The judge awarded me seventeen point three million dollars and he also ordered Quintin to pay for my astronomical legal fees. Gabe had gone all-out on this one and hired the best investigators and experts in the business to make sure Quintin didn’t get away with murder twice. Max was more than happy to pay his bill, but I’m grateful the judge properly punished my parents’ killer. I never imagined I’d have so much money in my life, but as Max has said, the money will never bring back my mom, my dad or Leo.

  Max leans down and brushes my lips. “We’re here, baby. I’m sure your friends will cheer you up in no time.”

  “You’re right. I haven’t seen them in six weeks and I’m dying to reconnect with them. Not to mention I’d love to thank Gabe, Francis and Sheena again,” I say, responding to his passionate kiss. “Let’s get up there. I can wait to hug everyone.”

  * * *

  As we ride to the VIP members’ den of the Bymark hotel, I can’t help but flash back to the first time I made this journey to the forty-first floor with a man I’d had a bad crush on since he caught my eye over brunch. Never in a million years could I have ever imagined nine months later my life would look like this. I can’t help but smile at myself, remembering some of the hot scenes of our first kinky interlude, and Max notices my mischievous grin.

  “What’s going on inside your head?” he says, narrowing his hazel eyes.

  “Nothing,” I respond, lifting my eyes to the ceiling.

  “Your smile suggests otherwise, Candy. Your mood has dramatically changed.”

  “I was thinking of the first time you brought me up here.”

  “I see. You mean the first time you took my breath away?”


  “You should be used to me gushing all over you by now, baby.” Max takes a step closer and embraces me in his strong arms before taking my lips in a hungry kiss.

  “I’ll never get used to it. Don’t ever forget to keep reminding me.”

  When we reach the top floor of the hotel, I reluctantly extract myself from him.

  “Let’s go enjoy the party and then I’ll whisk you back to my place and spend the rest of the weekend in bed with you.”

  “I like the way you think.” I beam up at him as we walk hand in hand to meet our friends to celebrate the end of a nightmare.

  When Max opens the door, I’m greeted by some of my favorite people in the world. We step in ready to start the celebrations when I recognize Andrew, the same manager who took such good care of us the first time I came to the Bymark hotel to meet my cousin Trish. He’s standing at the door as if he’s been waiting for our arrival all day long.

  “Mr. Keller, it’s good to see you again. Ms. Westerman, I’m delighted to be working on this floor tonight so I can partake in the celebrations. Like the rest of New York, I’ve been riveted by your story and I prayed they’d put those monsters in jail forever.”

  “Thank you, Andrew. I’m so glad it’s over.”

  “It is, and tonight is about new beginnings. Isn’t that right, Mr. Keller?”

  “Andrew, I’ve been badgering my sexy girlfriend for weeks now, but I don’t think she’s quite convinced yet. I hope your words appease her.”

  We all laugh.

  “Let me go back to the kitchen and make sure everything is ready for tonight and I’ll let the two of you enjoy your guests.” Andrew nods to the right before turning on his heel. As he makes his way to the back of the room, he’s already ordering staff to circulate the room with trays of champagne and tempting hors d’oeuvres

  “Let’s go greet everyone.” Max grabs two glasses and we cheer before joining our friends.

  I kiss and hug Devin, Lia, Lexi and Deidra before turning to Gabe. I nearly choke up when I meet his eyes. I haven’t seen him in six weeks since he stood in Max’s penthouse to announce the judge had ruled in my favor, and there are no words to express the depth of my gratitude. I drop my head against his chest and I hug the man who’s helped me close the most horrific chapter in my life.

  I quickly run to Sheena and Francis and grab both of them by the waist for a communal hug. When I see Max’s mom Jasmina waving at me, I run to her as well and I embrace her so tightly, it’s as if I never want to let her go. She’s been such an incredible uplifting spirit during these last six months and we’ve grown so close.

  The vibe in the room is so high and I didn’t expect to miss all these people so much. After kissing and hugging everyone in the room, I turn my attention to Lia and Lexi. Things have been understandably crazy and the recent trip to Rio has forced my friends and I to keep in touch via text messages and Skype video chats, but nothing compares to seeing them tonight.

  “Look at you. You’re so tanned.” Lexi marvels at my golden skin and her eyes sparkle as she takes me in.

  “I know. It’s so sunny all the time in Brazil and even with big hats and sunscreen, it’s impossible not to come back with a tan.”

  “Can you believe we’re celebrating such a monumental moment?” Lia grabs my face and plants a big kiss on each cheek before wiping off her lipstick. “I mean, you won. You finally brought Goliath to his knees,” she says with a tear in her eyes.

  “Stop with the crying or else I won’t be able to hold it together tonight,” I say, running my index fingers under my eyes. “I wore waterproof mascara, but if you continue, it won’t do me any good.”

  “Okay, I’ll stop, but honey, I’m so happy for you.”

  “The vindication, the colossal settlement and getting those monsters behind bars is great, but you living with the man of your dreams is pretty damn phenomenal.” Lexi is grinning from ear to ear as her eyes shift from my face to Max’s.

  “Look at my girls.” Devin joins us and all four of us are so emotional from not seeing each other for so long, we embrace each other in a warm bear hug. “Candy, it’s over, hun. I told you this before you left New York to spend time with your rich boyfriend in the land of the gods and I’m reminding you now, Jennifer and Quintin will never leave prison alive.”

  “I know. I feel for their son, though. He’s going to be the one paying the price for his parents’ sins.”

  “Oh, yeah. What happened to little Malcolm?”

  “Lia, Jennifer’s dad may be extremely rich, but his fortune couldn’t prevent his daughter from paying for her evil ways. Not only will she rot in jail forever, the authorities appointed her parents Malcolm’s guardians. He’s now living with them in Hong Kong.”

  “Jennifer must be devastated, but she brought this on herself.”

  “Lexi, I feel badly for her in some ways because her son is so young, but you’re right. It’s her doing and she can’t blame anyone else.”

  “In any case, it’s been a royal mess, but it’s over, fini, finito, done, no more.”

  “Yeah, Devin, it brings me some level of joy, but it’s never going to bring my parents back.”

  “No, it won’t, but you have closure, which you didn’t have five years ago.” Devin strokes my cheek and I cup his hand in mine. My God, I love my friends.

  “Max keeps repeating this all the time.”

  “Did I hear my name?” Max, standing an earshot away, turns around with a huge smile on his face. He was caught up in an animated chat with his brothers, but the second he hears his name he veers his attention to us, dragging Gabe and Lucas to join in on our conversation.

  “Devin and you are on the same page, baby.”

  “You’re right. My sexy girlfriend is finally free. Listen, guys, I think it’s time for this party to really get started. This hot chick has a bright future in front of her and without the support of amazing people like yourselves, tonight wouldn’t be the same.” Max wraps his arm around me and kisses me tenderly, earning him a few whistles from our friends.

  * * *

  The last four hours have been blissful. I can’t believe how happy I am right now. I’m sitting next to the man I love with all my heart with New York at my feet and I’m celebrating a joyous day surrounded by my friends. What more can a girl ask for?

  Our five-course meal was to die for. Deidra and Max selected a menu fit for royalty. The two appetizers were out of this world and the rest of the meal didn’t disappoint one bit. We started with a salad of forest mushrooms served on a bed of Belgian endives, followed by a butter-poached lobster served on melted King Richard leeks. I can’t believe they flew these crustaceous delights all the way from Nova Scotia, Canada. It must have cost a fortune.

  The parade of dishes for the main course was divine. We first started with a canard à l’orange glazed with clementine oranges served with wild rice followed by charcoal Kobe grilled steak flown straight from Japan. The duck was amazingly succulent, but nothing prepared me for how the Japanese steak melted in my mouth.

  Dessert is a decadent and sinful display of the most tempting sweets I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve only seen dessert tables at weddings, but this spread is honestly heavenly. The champagne is flowing and the atmosphere in the room is mellow. I look around me in awe and I can’t help but fight off a pang of emotion. I might have lost my parents at a young age, but I’ve been blessed enough to have the most incredibly loving people in my life. I don’t think I could be happier than I am right now.

  Max locks eyes with me and I read something so intense, I have to look away. I brush off the fire I see in his hazel gaze, blaming the endless flow of amber nectar filling our glasses, but he leans in and whispers something in my ear that catches me by surprise.

  “We should thank everyone for coming out tonight. What do you think?”

  “It’s a great idea, honey, but everyone still seems to be having so much fun. Are you tired? Do you want to go home?”

  “Not at all. I’m so happy right now for you, for us, and I want these people to know how I feel.”

  “If you get up now, everyone will think you’re putting an end to the festivities,” I tease.

  “You’re right. Maybe it’s too early,” he says.

  “Are you okay? You look very pensive and serious all of a sudden.”

  “I’m good. I’m excited because it’s such a big day,” he says, kissing my forehead.

  “Of course.” His words reassure me and I poke my fork into my plate and bring a piece of decadent chocolate cake to my mouth.

  “Why don’t I go to the dessert table for a second round? Do you want anything else?”

  “No, thank you, baby. This whole meal has been insane. It’s so up there in my food-porn world.”

  “I’m pleased you enjoyed the evening. Tonight was all about you, love.”

  “This night is perfect, Max,” I say leaning into him to kiss him.

  “I can make it even better.”

  “You can’t coerce me into following you in the bathroom for a quickie, mister,” I whisper in his ear.

  “Nah. I had something more long term in mind.” Max’s gaze is so heavy I hold my breath when he kisses me again.

  “What do you mean?”

  Instead of answering, he looks in Deidra’s direction and nods. His right-hand person clasps her hands together and she instantly lights up like a Christmas tree. I’m still confused by what’s happening, but all of a sudden Max rises to his feet and lifts his champagne glass.

  “May I have your attention, please?”

  I thought he wasn’t going to thank everyone for coming yet. What’s going on with him?

  “As you all know, tonight is a big event for the beautiful woman sitting next to me. There’s a reason why I selected this room for the celebra
tion—this is the location where I first fell head over heels for this incredible woman. As she was admiring New York at her feet,” he says, pointing to the large window behind me, “I was admiring her in awe.”


  Max’s words cause my cheeks to flame up and I bring my hands up to hide my face.

  “It’s true I had been stalking her column online well before meeting her in person”—he chuckles—“but the day I looked into her eyes on a Sunday during brunch, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I had planned on going back to brunch at the same place the following week, but as luck would have it, I bumped into her on the fourteenth floor of this hotel.”

  What is he doing? Why does he sound so formal?

  “After a few hours of flirting, I decided to bring her up here hoping to seduce her, but I was the one who succumbed to her charms.”

  “Max…” I bring my hand to his arm, hoping he’ll look at me and explain what’s going on, but he simply winks at me from the side and continues talking.

  “I can’t remember when I fell in love with her, but I know one day I woke up next to her divine body and I knew I wanted to wake up like this every single morning.”

  Oh my God, did he say such intimate things in front of all of our friends?

  I look at Deidra hoping she’ll shed some light on Max’s strange behavior, but she simply smiles at me. I look around the room and everyone seems to be captivated by my boyfriend’s speech and I’m unable to make eye contact with anyone.


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