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Love Struck Bad Boys - 3 Novel Box Set

Page 53

by Amber Burns

  Yes, because she’s going to break up with you, dumbass. Relax.

  And give me a break, we’ve been, what, officially dating for a whopping eight hours. I think my paranoia is justified, if a little excessive.

  That’s why I’m pretty damn proud when I keep my voice even, asking, “What’s the matter, babe?”

  She sucks in a deep breath and breathes deeply, the air in front of her clouding up with the blow. “Promise you won’t laugh?”

  It’s not what I expect, but I solemnly promise nevertheless. I also kiss her cheek to comfort us both, really. The contact with her puts me at peace.

  At this rate I might not be able to wait all of March, April, May and June for the school year to close for her to consider resigning and moving to L.A., at least until the band pulls out its latest CD and we officially announce our hiatus after the tour later this year.

  “I think I’m not me,” and then she shakes her head and the frown deepens. “What I mean is, there have been some things I’ve noticed that have changed. Little changes.”

  “Like?” I ask, trying to keep my questions succinct as to not interrupt her word flow. It’s something else I’m learning about us. I gotta process all my questions. Think before I talk, or whatever. At least around Astra – I love her too much to fuck this up, fuck us up again.

  “Like I’m not hungry, but I am. Yesterday I couldn’t eat the rest of the omelet I made for breakfast and I had this craving for the steak, you know the juicy one from that Italian restaurant in Newark.” She sighs when I press my lips to her cheek again, dropping down a fraction to touch her jawline.

  “I’ll get you all the steak you want, I promise,” I graze my teeth over her upper jaw, giving her another peck and absorbing her shiver.

  “It’s not only that though. Certain smells are bothering me. And then I’ve been feeling super dizzy.”

  “Dan had some bad vertigo before he worked with his physiotherapist. It got pretty bad especially during and after shows, the lights and sound don’t exactly help. But don’t tell him I told you; he has this stupid idea that it makes him look weak.” I chuckle.

  “Maybe it’s that, I don’t know,” she sounds sure one second, but just as uncertain the next. And her worry has me freaked out.

  Just when I planned to ride off into the sunset with her…

  “Oh, and one more thing,” her voice has dropped and I have to lean in closer when her gaze shifts to her boots. I swear her cheeks are redder. “I missed my period.”

  I’m quiet, processing what she says, and then I blurt, “You’re pregnant.”

  “Shh, Ryker,” she whispers, the volume increasing when she says, “Don’t say it so loud.” Astra shifts and I let her turn around in my hold; there are some things that are better said face-to-face.

  “Sorry.” I mutter and then I bring our faces so close, my cold nose brushes the tip of hers. “Are you, though?”

  “I don’t know,” her exclamation shuts me up for like a second, and then I’m asking, “Did you get tested? I mean, they have early response things – I’ve seen those commercials.”

  “I thought about it. But even if I was, am…” she cuts off and sticks her lower lip between her teeth. I reach up and press down on her jaw, forcing her lip free and then swooping down, holding her jaw still for my plundering mouth.

  I scour her tongue and taste more of the teen-appropriate fruit punch, and the distinct Astra flavor that’s purely her. Her tongue isn’t sitting still either. She comes alive under me and before I know it I break our lips and whisper, “The car, now.”

  My key fob out, I unlock the van before us, my arm keeping Astra tight to my side.

  I lead her in ahead of me, slapping her ass and getting a delightful ‘oh’ for my action.

  “Back seat,” I declare, and she slides through the small alley between the middle seats, taking one corner of the van while I drop down beside her and then haul her onto my lap.

  Our mouths move hot and fast, and we keep the suction save for taking breaths and when she has to stretch back on a semi-stand to slide her dress down her shapely legs and I have to draw my long-sleeved shirt over my head.

  She drags her nails over my chest, her fingers pausing in their painfully pleasurable combo to circle my areolas and pinch and lightly tug my nipples. “Fuck, babe,” I groan out of the kiss. “Is that what it feels like when I touch these beautiful tits?”

  I squeeze her breasts through the lacey pale orange bra, my fingers following the arch of ribbon design to the cute little bow front and center covering the front clip.

  One pop and she’s falling out into my itching grasp.

  “Oh, Ryker,” she arches into my palms, filling my palms, the hard nubs of her nipple indenting a pattern, a memory I’d relive over and over again. Definitely in the shower once I left for the City of Angels tomorrow.

  “Let’s stop playing. I want you now.” Astra searches out my shaft, stroking me over my jeans. “Out of these, now.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I drop the jeans around my legs and pull the boxers down, gritting my teeth when my pre-cum soaked tip hits the air...and then hissing when Astra sweeps down and takes me into her mouth, deep-throating me before I fully form her name.

  “Y-Yes, baby. A-aah, y-y-yeah.”

  She takes me down and then comes back up to suck just my head, and then down again, and up. It goes on until my balls tighten and signal nearing release.

  As much as I’d love to fill her with my jizz, I wrench my hands from her now pin-free, falling red waves, to her shapely, pale shoulders.

  “Babe,” I replace my cock with my mouth, tasting myself, the fruit punch and Astra on her lips and tongue. “I want to come inside of you. And I can’t do that with this talented mouth all over me, ready to make me blow.” I thumb her lower lip and kiss her quickly, ready to get her around me.

  Together we pull down her matching light orange panties and then I settle her over me, angling my throbbing, red head against her cunt. “Ready when you are?” I groan up to her, waiting for her mark.

  She hooks her hands around my neck and kisses me from atop, and I have to force my head back to get more of her. Astra sinks down and I’m shooting out of the car, heading to heaven.

  Her pussy is squelching and our thighs are slapping and we’re moaning and panting and groaning. I grip her ass and massage her cheeks, spreading her apart and then pushing her ass together.

  “C-Come with me?” I ask and she nods. I reach between us and find her clit after a couple of tries – she gives me a big hint when she tenses for a second and groans.

  I work her and it’s only intensifying the pleasure of being buried in that pretty glove of a body of hers, tight and oh so right.

  “I’m c-coming,” I warn her seconds before I blast her, my seed jerking out of me, filling her womb. I keep flapping her clit until she wails her release, my name caught in the longest two syllables.

  She falls into my arms, and I’m right there to catch her, fastening her to my chest, never wanting to let go. “Now we can scratch off the car-sex.” I kiss her temple and rouse her with a chuckle, basking in the glow that is everything Astra.

  Her hair tickles my whole face as I rub my face in the down-like, citrus-scented waves. “New shampoo?”

  She murmurs what I presume is a ‘yes’.

  Then there’s the rest of her. Her soft, warm body, her trim waist but wider hips, her breasts flat against my chest and her cute little puffs of air. I love that I have that effect on her: The ability to make her breathless.

  Ditto, babe. Ditto.

  Eventually her breathing evens along with mine, and it’s a perfect time to pick up where we left Although I’m starting to harden just knowing she’s in my arms, ready for the taking.

  “What if you are pregnant?”

  She shifts and then in that same soft, but even tone she says, “Then I’m going to have a baby.”

  Is it me or did she just stiffen at that?<
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  No. She definitely tensed, and now she’s struggling to sit up, using my chest as leverage. I help her out, keeping a steady hold on her arms.

  Her eyes are bright in the dark, fired up the way her voice is, and the determination behind her words. “I’ll be a mother.”

  “And I’ll be a father,” I say, jaw tight in response to her. “Did you think I’d let you go in it alone?”

  She’s quiet and then she says, “I don’t know.”

  This is the fork in the road, one of those moments where I have to think before I talk. Putting myself in her shoes, um, heels help; we’ve known each other for almost two weeks, and we’ve fucked like rabbits in most of that time, and spending less than a day admitting our other feelings.

  Naturally she shouldn’t expect I’ll help.

  Not preening my feathers here or anything, but, hello, celebrity rock star. Reliability doesn’t exactly come along with the job title. So I’m not hurt when she hesitantly asks, “You’d help? That is if I am…”

  “I would.” I say firmly, adding, “And just to let you know, I’d love if we were...that is, pregnant. Oh, and I call dibs on the girl names.”

  Her laugh is better than any music I could create – but I’ve created it too, because that smile spreading across her face faster than the break of dawn is my doing.

  That, and the chemistry…the love zapping between us.

  “Ryker,” she wraps her arms around me and brings her head to rest over my shoulder, her lips touching my jumping pulse. “I love you.”

  Somehow we’d figure it all out: The long distance thing, her job, my career, marriage and our maybe-baby.

  Odd angle or not, my hand finds her womb and I picture the days and nights melding and the swelling flesh, the light foot kicking and the growing heart deep inside of her.

  Another kind of love all together.

  I tilt my head to the side and no words are needed to get at what I want, her lips.

  Our minds and hearts are in synch, and nothing, I realize, not even Tense Finger and my almost rags-to-riches past can compare. But I have to say it anyways, because I want to hear it more than Astra, to know it’s real.

  It’s soft against her lips, from my breath to hers: “I love you, too, babe.”

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  Visit my Website to view my complete catalog.

  Excerpt from

  Bad Boy Confessions – The Waitress

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  Allie stared up at me, her eyes showing excitement and fear with a touch of desire mixed in. I bit my lip, moving down to kiss her deeply. The hand that wasn’t resting on my stomach went to my hair, pulling at it and playing with the strands. I kissed the beautiful woman below me as if the only oxygen left in the universe was in her lungs.

  After several minutes of gentle moaning and lack of oxygen, I forced myself to pull away. Allie panted for breath staring up at me with wide eyes. Her fingers reached down towards my belt, obviously unsure of herself. I frowned shaking my head.

  “If you’re not ready, you’re not ready. All I want is for you to feel good.”

  Allie seemed to be considering it so I made the decision for her. I moved down her body, kissing every inch of skin I could reach. At her panties, I diverged, kissing her left thigh gently. I then moved to the right, anything but what I could see she wanted.

  “Chase, please, please. I-I want it so bad,” my lover whimpered, “Please don’t make me beg.”

  I grinned and moved inwards, moving her panties aside and slowly breathing onto her already aroused pussy.

  “Ah,” Allie gasped quickly, “Please don’t torture me.”

  I leaned closer, watching her face as she waited in anticipation. I grinned wickedly, loving her desperate need for me. I pressed my tongue against her clit and wiggled it.

  Allie surprised us both my cumming fiercely after only a few licks from my tongue. Her hips bucking and her head thrown back in a moan. I watched my love ride through the pleasure, allowing her to come down from the high before kissing her passionately. Our tongues tangled this time, allowing her to taste her juices on my mouth. I could tell Allie was still concerned about not reciprocating, little did she know I would abstain forever if I could just watch her as she climaxed with those adorable moans.

  Excerpt from

  Bad Boy Confessions – The Ballerina and the Biker

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  “Is that why you are here?” She looked into his eyes. The green of her irises was even brighter wetted with her tears.

  “I’m here because that’s where I need to be. For whatever you need me – I’m by your side,” he vowed. He meant every single word he said and hoped she believed him. He was a fool to stay away for so long.

  Adel regarded him for long moments. Her eyes had gotten sharper – more determined, more desperate. Rage feared of what he would find there if he delved into the very depths of her endless gaze.

  “What if I need you to fuck me senseless? So hard, that I forget everything else around me. Can you do that, Rage?”

  It was the first time he had heard her use his nickname. She was the only one who had stubbornly refused to call him anything but his real name. He got it now – she did not need Dave to hold her, to make love to her. He needed Rage – the biker in his leather cut – the wild beast to devour her, to fuck her pain away.

  If that was what she needed, Dave was going to give it to her. More than anything in the world he would want to be caring and tender to her, but he had promised to give her everything she needed, to let her use him to heal her wounds. He could be the bad boy she desired.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he spoke in his commanding voice, which he knew was turning her on so much. He lifted her tiny body in his arms and walked toward her bedroom.

  Wild and rough, he reminded himself.




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