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Mated by the Dragon (Loved by the Dragon, #2)

Page 9

by Vivienne Savage

  “Right,” Annette agreed. She inhaled a deep breath. “Are you sure about what you’re doing, Chloe? With a dragon?” The dog shifter’s brows rose, allowing Chloe a brief instant when she saw past the human facade and into the loyal soul beneath. Instead of irritating Chloe, Annette’s concern touched her in a display of genuine compassion. The love her mother never showed her.

  “I love Saul, Annette. He doesn’t scare me and I feel safe with him. Cherished.”

  “He does appear to be nice,” came the woman’s reluctant agreement. “But do you know him well?” Annette wrung her hands together and severed their eye contact. “Do you know dragons and their rules? I do, and they’re not friendly. They’re never friendly without something to gain from it.”

  This is none of her business, and I want to be mad, but she looks so damned worried about me. “I’m learning about them,” Chloe replied, opting for full disclosure. “He’s not trying to keep me in the dark, if that’s what worries you. It’s just a lot to learn, but I have Saul, Leiv, and Mahasti to help me. No one has kept any secrets from me. Not a single one.”

  “Okay.” Annette forced a smile. The uncertainty clashed with her failed attempt to appear cheerful. “I don’t mean to pry.”

  “It isn’t prying. I would have been upset if I later found out you knew about him but didn’t try to warn me.”

  “If you ever need to talk...” Annette offered.

  Chloe followed her gut instinct and pulled Annette into a tight hug. Her father’s new girlfriend wasn’t the mom she’d needed growing up, but in as few as two meetings, Annette’s compassion surpassed the memories of the cold, selfish woman in Chloe’s childhood memories. “Thanks. I mean it.”

  They headed back to the dining room arm in arm. True to his gentlemanly nature, Saul stood to greet her when she returned to the room. The sight of him sped her pulse, making her breath catch.

  I hope I never stop feeling this way about him.

  “I believe it is time to retire and, if my memory serves me well, it is a tradition to carry the bride.” Saul scooped her into his arms, much to the delight of their guests. Even her father clapped and laughed.

  Diners all around the room joined in, tapping silverware on their wine glasses or clapping as Saul carried her out. Red-cheeked, Chloe turned her face into his shoulder and giggled. In his arms, she was a princess, fancy wedding dress or not. A bellhop held the elevator for them and the moment the doors closed, leaving them in seclusion, Saul’s lips came down over hers. Neither of them came up for air until the elevator dinged its arrival on the top floor.

  She remained in his hold down the hall and into the room, only released when Saul lowered her with gentle care to the bed. Not that she allowed him to move far. Her fingers fisted in his shirt, keeping her dragon close.

  “I love you, Saul, more than anything, and I’m so happy to be your wife.”

  Chapter 9

  Despite Chloe’s great love for her family, the return to the estate came as a welcomed treat. She collapsed on the sofa shortly after their arrival and napped long into the afternoon, until Mahasti awakened her.

  “Mmm... How long was I asleep?” Chloe asked. A kittenish stretch accompanied her twist amidst the cushions.

  “Several hours. We all thought you could use the rest. Come, join us on the veranda for a while. The fresh air will do you some good. Are you thirsty?”

  Chloe readily accepted the glass of lemon-infused water that materialized in Mahasti’s hand and drained it within seconds. To her parched mouth, it may as well have been ambrosia.

  Outside, they chatted over drinks with their friends, shared a bottle of freshly pressed apple cider, and caught each other up to date on recent developments.

  While Mahasti normally handled business matters concerning Drakenstone Studios, several conflicts among the crew of a potential blockbuster led to a prized actor walking off the set.

  “Actors,” Saul snorted as disdain twisted his features into a grimace. “Does nothing please them?”

  “Cocaine,” Chloe suggested. She then ducked her head a few seconds later. “Sorry, that was in bad taste.”

  “I, for one, am relieved you thought to clarify, Miss Ellis. Otherwise, he may have sent me to the darker parts of Los Angeles to collect drugs,” Leiv muttered.

  Chloe twisted in her seat to face her husband. He shrugged.

  “Anyway, didn’t I tell you to call me Chloe, Leiv? We’re all friends, and I plan to be here a long time.”

  “Yes, you did. I am having trouble remembering. It is habit,” the bear shifter replied, thoroughly abashed. Hints of red color spread over his darkly bearded cheeks.

  “Besides, she is a Drakenstone now,” Mahasti reminded him.

  They toasted again, and after Chloe drained her glass she snuggled against Saul’s side. As the others talked, her eyelids grew heavier.


  “Mm? I’m okay, just tired is all,” she mumbled in reply to Saul’s concerned voice.

  “But you woke only a short while ago.” Saul’s brow crinkled in confusion.

  “Hey, I’ve got a bun in the oven. I’m allowed to nap whenever.”

  “Ah.” Saul nodded. The mere mention of pregnancy-related issues shut him up without a fight. He hadn’t yet seen her at her worst when susceptible to the hormonal imbalances of PMS. The idea made her grin and shake off the drowse.

  “Okay, so prepare me for what I need to know about Drakenstone Studios. What should I expect?”

  “Plenty of bowing and scraping,” Mahasti quipped. She refilled Chloe’s glass.

  “Come on. What’s it really like at the studio.”

  Leiv grimaced. “Very much like what you witnessed the day you first arrived in Los Angeles. It is very busy, very loud, and there are rude people everywhere who will not listen to reason unless you are him.” He gestured toward Saul. “As you are to be the assistant executive, you will not face such troubles again.”

  “I hope not. That was sort of horrifying until you showed up to drive me here. I had never been so embarrassed in all of my life. The man carried me out of there kicking and screaming.”

  Saul chuckled. “I reviewed the security footage the next day. You put up quite the scene.”

  “Damn straight. I didn’t come all that way to be turned around.”

  Even if her childish tantrum didn’t land her a visit with the head executive of the studio, she’d met up with him later when Mahasti answered their mutual wishes. Chloe’s despair and Saul’s loneliness culminated in an irresistible wish the genie couldn’t – and hasn’t wanted to – deny.

  “I can’t thank you enough, Mahasti.”

  “I did what was right. I saw Saul’s suffering and I saw your heart. It may be beyond my power to make two souls fall in love against their will, but the two of you had already fallen for each other. I only had to nudge you back together.” Mahasti waved off her praise. “So I sent Leiv in the car to retrieve you.”

  Once all jokes were set aside, the trio gave Chloe the rundown on the senior staff and the peons directly beneath them. Saul treated all of his employees with dignity and respect, but he’d somehow gained a terrifying reputation after traumatizing a former employee.

  “Okay, okay. So you scared this guy so badly that he didn’t return to work for a few days. What the hell did he do?” Chloe asked.

  “He paid a lesser wage to my female employees,” Saul answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

  Chloe continued to wait for the rest of the reason. When none came, she prodded him with a finger. “Well?”

  “Well?” he echoed. The confusion drew his brows close.

  “Saul, my friend. You must explain to her why this is a criminal act,” Leiv spoke up.

  “Ah, I see. It is theft. They were not paid adequately for work they had performed. A dragon does not steal from the hoard of another being, dragon or otherwise.”

  “So after Saul adjusted their salaries, he had his accountants pull employ
ee records and issued checks for the difference accumulated over their months of employment at the studio. He even issued checks to women who were long gone.”

  His motivation had nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with draconic honor. Despite that, Chloe laughed good and hard until her belly ached and tears stung her eyes.

  By the next morning, she’d come to dread their arrival. After she dressed in an impeccable suit with a mid-thigh length skirt and sassy heels, Mahasti braided her hair into a business casual updo. When it came to hairstyles, Chloe was all thumbs. A ponytail and a bun were her limit, but she and the genie had bonded over the weeks and acquired a familiar level of comfort. Enough comfort that she received the entire lowdown on Mahasti’s budding relationship with Leiv.

  “He’s a good man, Mahasti. I’m happy for you.”

  “You’re not upset that Saul no longer owns my lamp?”

  “Pffft, no.” She admired her reflection in the vanity then held up a hand mirror for a better look at the back. Small, black pearl pins secured her braided bun. They stood out, a stark contrast against her white-blonde hair. “Maybe some other women would be mad, but I’m just glad to see you’re both happy. I don’t need a genie at my beck and call.”

  “Now that Leiv holds the lamp, I’m limited in what I can do for you and Saul, but I will continue to do whatever I can to ease your days. Calling my name three times will be sufficient.” Mahasti smiled. “It’s an honor to serve you both.”

  The drive to Los Angeles gave Chloe the time to rehearse her introductions. Saul laughed at her again along the way then assured her that she fretted for nothing. He urged her from the vehicle and escorted her up the building steps.

  “Why is everyone staring?” Chloe whispered. Did they remember her tearful pleas to see Saul a month ago?

  They didn’t. As implied the previous night, Drakenstone Studios had its fair supply of drama to overshadow the miserable five minutes Chloe spent at the receptionist desk before a security guard dragged her out of the building. The same man smiled and courteously greeted her today without an ounce of recognition in his eyes.

  “I rarely come to the building, my love. As the company executive, I leave the business matters to friendlier individuals unless absolutely necessary. My company is an extension of my horde, as I mentioned last eve.”

  Something told Chloe that dragons didn’t mess around when it came to their possessions and wealth. She didn’t want to see Saul’s bad side.

  “They’re all scurrying around.” She resisted the urge to twist and watch the hurried movements she caught from the corner of her eye. Saul’s amused chuckle gave her something better to focus on.

  “They did not expect me.”

  They’re probably alerting the other big wigs upstairs. Hell, I’m surprised someone hasn’t run up to offer him coffee yet.

  As if summoned by Chloe’s thoughts, a well-dressed young man veered over and presented a snifter of cognac to Saul. Electric blue framed eyeglasses perched on his nose and lent color to his otherwise pale face. He reminded Chloe of an albino mouse, an amusing likeness that made her giggle inappropriately and receive a curious stare from her husband.

  I hope he isn’t another shifter, too.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Drakenstone.”

  “Harris.” Saul accepted the snifter, then seemed to reconsider after a glance at Chloe.

  “We didn’t expect you today, or your guest.”

  “My wife, Chloe,” Saul introduced. “Today seemed as good a day as any to acquaint her with the office. My apologies for failing to provide forewarning.”

  “It’s no trouble, sir.”

  It seemed as if every set of eyes on the office floor had turned to ogle her sexy dragon in his suit. Her most paranoid thoughts convinced her that the dozen or so female employees were mentally appraising her every aspect like a snake measuring prey.

  “Pleasure to meet you, Harris,” Chloe spoke up despite her shyness.

  As she offered her hand for a shake, Harris’ eyes dropped to the precious jewels decorating her ring finger. Confirming Chloe’s suspicions, some of the hustle and bustle near them quieted as curious employees strained their hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation. ‘Wife’ must have been the magic word.

  “Congratulations, sir. I had no idea.” Harris recovered from his surprise swiftly and gave Chloe a courteous smile followed by a firm handshake. “Can I get you anything, Mrs. Drakenstone? Coffee? Tea?”

  “Water for her.”

  Chloe nudged him sharply in the ribs with her elbow. Saul’s soft grunt indicated she hit the right spot. “Don’t speak for me.”

  Saul held up both hands. “My apologies. Order as you will, my love.”

  After a pause, Chloe sighed. He was right about the water and until she knew the upper limits of what his personal assistant could acquire, she didn’t want to ask for something more exotic like a pomegranate and mango smoothie, no matter how great that sounded. “Water will do.” She whirled to face Saul before he opened his mouth. “Don’t start,” she warned.

  “I have started nothing,” Saul said in his defense. The smug expression remained. “I plan to tour Chloe around the studio.”

  “No troubles. I’ll catch up to you, sir.”

  Harris left their company to retrieve her drink then Saul guided her further into the ostentatious building. Friendly employees and clerks uttered respectful greetings in passing that Chloe returned with a shy smile. Of the many people present, none approached Saul directly, and when he exuded such an intimidating aura, Chloe couldn’t blame them.

  God, he looks fantastic in a suit. Mahasti really knows how to get him dressed properly. Despite a hundred years of walking among humans, Saul couldn’t pair colors to save his life. And while he did understand the fine art of self-grooming, his golden hair hung loose around his shoulders, courtesy of Chloe’s fondness for brushing it each morning.

  “At the moment, we are filming the indoor scenes for Malignant. Would you like to walk onto the set?”

  “Hell yeah!” Chloe exclaimed. A few heads turned her direction. Heat rushed to her cheeks and she dipped her head to avoid meeting any curious stares. While speculative eyes burned holes through her, Chloe clung closer to Saul’s immaculately dressed torso and tried to walk with grace.

  The power suit lent him a strong resemblance to an Armani model, but Chloe fretted over the tight buttons around her own midriff. She had tried to suck it in a few times in front of the mirror while Saul laughed and taunted her with Leiv’s homemade bear claws. She wolfed down two of the gooey treats before they left for the office.

  “We must be quiet during the filming, but we will stand to the rear near the director,” Saul instructed her.

  The director of the film, a petite, pixie-sized young woman with red hair, flashed them both a cheerful thumbs up when they approached to stand beside her. Saul placed his arm around Chloe’s shoulders and watched the action.

  Chloe’s favorite actress, a sassy brunette named Mia Patrick, ducked for cover as the ceiling fan groaned in protest and shook. Green screens dominated the back wall with a partial set built on the stage. Mia and her male counterpart hurried through the apartment setting, fleeing an unseen assailant. Carefully timed pyrotechnic blasts destroyed small knickknacks on shelves and a motorized construct flipped over the living room table.

  Pissy ghost I’m guessing. Or a demon. I forget what the premise was on this one.

  Mia rushed to the apartment door and tugged on the knob to no avail. They were trapped inside.

  “Cut!” the director cried. “That was perfect! Take a break, we’ll pick up from there in five.” As people began to disperse for water breaks and snacks, the young woman immediately whirled on her stool to face Chloe and Saul. She hopped down and put out her hand. “Hi. You must be Mrs. Drakenstone.”

  “Uh... Yeah. But how did you know?”

  “Word came in when you arrived at the studio. A pair of good eyes spotted that.
” She pointed to Chloe’s left hand where her fire opal gleamed.

  “Oh!” Chloe’s eye-catching engagement ring rarely left her fingers, but she adored their matching bands the most. A single circle of titanium revealed he was off the market. “We heard there were troubles on one of the movie sets, and Saul wanted me to see how it works behind the scenes. I’m excited to be here.”

  “Excellent. You picked a friendly one this time, Saul. I like her.”

  Saul grinned. “Chloe, meet Abigail Parker. My favorite director.”

  “Thanks for letting me watch,” Chloe said as she offered her hand. Abigail had a firm grip and a friendly smile.

  “What did you think of it?”

  “It wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be,” Chloe confessed. Between the green screens and the animatronics, it was almost lackluster.

  “You married Saul. Of course it wasn’t as scary.”

  Saul twisted his face into a grimace. “Abigail, you make me out as if I am a monster. My reputation holds no weight compared to your movies. As for the film, special effects will be added later of course, Chloe. But I think the set holds a rather despairing air, don’t you?”

  “It’s a little creepy, yeah. Mia’s a good actress, too. Really compelling performance.”

  “She is,” Abigail agreed. “We’ll have her new co-star up to snuff soon. This was his first scene on set and I think he’ll rise to the occasion. Jordan’s walk-off was a blessing in disguise, Saul. We’ll only have to reshoot two scenes.”

  “Let us hope so. I agreed to accept a video conference call between Jordan and his agent this afternoon. My expectations are minimal at best, and experience has prepared me for excuses that lay blame at the feet of all parties involved but his client. If he believes—”

  “Does it take so many words to say he’s a dick?” Chloe asked. She didn’t know what came over her. She blurted it out and stopped Saul mid-rant. “Sorry.”

  “No, please. Chastise him again,” Abigail immediately said. “Please keep her around. Pretty please, Saul. I like her.”

  He grumbled something under his breath.


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